APRIL 1, 2013
Present: Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Brian Coutts, Timothy Mullin, Amy
Hardin, Haiwang Yuan, Jennifer Wilson, Eric Fisher, Bryan Carson and Jan
Minutes: The March 18, 2013, minutes were approved on a motion by Deana
Groves and a second by Timothy Mullin. Connie announced that Haiwang has
added a search box for the minutes.
Dean’s Report: Connie opened a discussion regarding borrowing limits for
Friends of WKU Libraries. Many suggestions were made. It was determined that
no changes be made in the membership brochure but circulation policies and
limits should be reviewed further. More increased promotion of the online
renewal process was also suggested.
-Reception for graduating student assistants – It has been suggested that a
reception be given for library-wide graduating student assistants.
Supervisors will be polled for the number of students; Connie will then
appoint a committee to plan a reception.
-Connie gave a synopsis of the Harvard conference she attended last week
“Library Leadership in a Digital Age.”
-The Libraries QEP paper was presented at the CAD meeting Wednesday, March
27. Doug McElroy will combine the 2 QEP proposals.
-A new events person for Academic Affairs is Candice Tope-Phillips.
-For the Libraries annual kick-off in August, just 3-5 door prizes will be
Development: Amy and Connie have had good meetings with three members of the
LAC- Nancy Priest, Christine Sowders, and Pam Kielty. Christine suggested
that the LAC draft a Resolution to be shared with the President and the
Provost to show support of a “10% ask” on all phone-a-thon calls to benefit
the library, as well as a portion of all scholarships privately funded to
support the Libraries. Amy is drafting this resolution and will present at
the April 8 LAC meeting.
Grants/Assessment: Bryan reported that computers in the Helm and VPAL Labs do
not have print capability. Eric will explore connecting computers to the
print stations in the Commons.
-Bryan said that two of the America’s Music events have taken place. The
third event, History of Bluegrass Music with Erica Brady, will take place
Tuesday, April 2 at 7:00 pm in the Music Hall Choir Rehearsal Room.
-Bryan distributed draft copies of the Library Survey. Connie said that we
should now move forward. The survey will launch April 22. Four 25-dollar gift
cards will be given away as incentive to take the survey.
Library Systems Office: Eric demonstrated the Stack Map software. Testing has
been done and issues are being worked on.
-Eric gave highlights from the LSO: The staff assisted with setups for
library sessions in VPAL for 3 groups of visiting students; three
presentations for the candidates for the Owensboro faculty position; a
copyright presentation in Helm 100 and the Far Away Places event at Barnes
and Noble. Corrected a problem with the settings on a monitor for one of the
public TOPCAT machines in VPAL; corrected an audio issue with one staff PC in
DLTS; resolved a problem where OCLC records were not showing for one faculty
member; installed updates and corrected a Symantec issue on the six public
circulating laptops; changed the view setting in Explorer that was causing
the system to freeze; unfroze and installed all the needed updates for the
Helm 201 PC and the Circulation labeling PC; resolved an email problem where
text from new emails was not visible until the receiver hit reply; provided a
projector for use at KLA conference; corrected login issues for student
workers at the ERC; resolved Outlook problem where Outlook wouldn’t open and
was giving errors; adjusted print driver settings for one staff member to
remove header and footer from prints; installed a new scanner for a faculty
member at the KY Building; ran scans on a PC that a user clicked a link in an
email and thought it may have been infected; removed Google toolbar due to it
blocking printable PDFs from opening from the Able bindery program; added a
new user for the Reference area; corrected a label printer issue; had a
faculty laptop reimaged due to it being removed from AD; modified the
default printer settings for one user; reattached local folders for one
faculty member.
Marketing: Jennifer reported that the Book Fest tabloid is almost complete;
the ad campaign is to begin in the Daily News; marketing to different groups
such as Youth, Writers Workshop for Kids, and Body Image workshop; mailing is
ready to go for Meet the Authors reception; coordinating television
interviews on WBKO and WNKY to promote Book Fest. Mary McDonough is willing
to do interviews so she’s trying to coordinate interviews for additional
promotion. Jennifer is working on scheduling live interviews to aid in
promoting the next day’s Book Fest event.
-Jennifer is working with relevant departments, faculty, staff, and
administration to circulate information for America’s Music events. She is
planning to hit the digital screens; Wayne Pope is on Tony Rose’s radio show
promoting; ad in the Daily News; posters are up on campus – will be
circulating in more buildings. Brian Coutts suggested contacting Richard
Miller, African American Studies, Josh Hayes, and other relevant groups for
the gospel music program with John Edmonds. Jennifer took note and said she
would be in contact with these folks.
-A large mailing has gone out to the former Friends list of about 550. A
coupon also went out to all members for a discount at WKU Store for National
Library Week and National Poetry Month.
-Speaker Series ad went out on Sunday; in discussion with Eric to put up
sponsor recognition on the slide before speaker begins.
-80 Logan County students toured the libraries March 19. Crystal Bowling and
Laura Bohuski did a great job with the students. Betty Yu is more than
willing to work on doing more tours. Jennifer met with Enrollment Services
and the Commons area and first floor Helm will most likely be a part of the
regular tour schedule. A bullet sheet of helpful tips for the student tour
guides would be good to make sure they hit the high points.
-A food drive will begin next Monday, April 8 and go until the end of the
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang reported that per the Dean’s request, he
has contacted Epsilon to discontinue the iPhone/iPad app for the Libraries’
newsletter Collections & Connections due to high cost and low usage.
-Haiwang demonstrated the revised Pinterest social media, thanking Amanda
Hardin and Shaden Melky for their hard work. He also thanked Nelda Sims and
Eric Fisher for helping to make the link to specific items on TOPCAT
available from Pinterest’s book covers. LLC gave suggestions as to further
tweak the design so that New Stuff (new acquisitions) and other libraryrelated boards are featured on top of the page. Per Connie and other LCC
members’ suggestion that new materials pinned be immediately available to
users, Haiwang agreed to make the changes. Haiwang said he would convene a
social media meeting to work out a WKU Libraries’ Social Media Policies and
Guidelines document based on the piecemeal documents we have.
-Haiwang reported that the entire Libraries’ website has been republished so
that the responsive web function (automatic fitting to different sizes of
viewing screens) would kick into effect. He said he would see to it that the
homepage be redesigned to fit smart phone screens better.
Other progress on the web include the addition of a search box on the LLC
Minutes page, replacement of floor plans with ones updated by Doug Wiles, and
continuance of training LSO staff so that his responsibilities will be
covered during his sabbatical.
Department Reports: Connie reported that she is working on creating an
“umbrella” P&T document for University Libraries that captures broad
expectations and processes.
-Connie asked the Department Heads to identify what needs to be kept in the
Gordon Wilson storage area. Brian will investigate.
-Connie discussed some dates to be remembered.
DLSC: Timothy reported that Nancy Richey and Sue Lynn McDaniel presented at
KLA and that Allison Day worked on arrangements committee.
-Suellyn Lathrop is working on the Business University exhibit they are
having at their reunion this coming weekend.
-Kasey Chappell is working on architectural drawings which are being sorted,
identified, and stored properly.
-Jonathan Jeffrey is working with the Kentucky Oral History Project.
-On April 19 Jonathan is hosting RPW family members along with grad students
to enjoy the RPW collection.
-The Special Collections Library will maintain regular hours 9-4 over the
summer, closing at noon on Friday and closed on Saturdays starting May 11 –
August 23.
-Renovations for the Reading Room – Victoria Coots has resigned and the
project of getting estimates for the possibility of renovations to the
Reading Room has been given to Tiffany Hayes.
-Taryn Rice part-time Manuscripts assistant has resigned.
-Nancy Richey was elected University Senator from DLSC; Allison Day is the
DLTS: Deana reported that Bibliographic Access received 608 books on China
from the Chinese Institute.
-Crystal Bowling reports an increase in Library Twitter followers: February
5th we had 519 followers and currently there are 558. In addition to posting
library events/news/special hours, she is posting at least one hash-tag a day
to earn more views and followers. The current schedule is:
#MusicMonday (Addresses “this day in music” and relating music history of
Library owned materials)
#TuesdayTitles (new or interesting books)
#WednesdayLibraryLaugh (library/book jokes)
#ThursdayTexts (book quotes)
#FabulousFriday (links to various ‘pins’ on our Pinterest page to generate
views and follows there)
-Tammera Race was elected as the new DLTS University Senator; Jack Montgomery
is the alternate.
-Lynn Pawley has been appointed to the Audio Leisure Reading Committee.
-Space is once again vacant to house materials slated for withdrawal.
DLPS: Brian reported that Erika Brady will talk about “High Lonesome: The
Story of Bluegrass Music” on Tuesday, April 2nd at 7 pm in the new Music
Hall’s Choir Recital Hall. Her talk will be followed by a film and discussion
for this America’s Music event.
-As part of the Kentucky Live! Series Historian/lawyer James Nicholson from
Lexington will talk about How the Run for the Roses Became America’s Premier
Sporting Event this Thursday, April 4th at 7 pm at Barnes & Noble Bookstore. A
book signing will follow.
John Gottfried was reelected DLPS Senator for a second two-year term. Brian
will find out who the alternate is.
-Lisa Miller will be teaching research skills to 4 sections of Honor’s
English at Bowling Green High School on April 17th and a teacher-training
session at Barren County High School.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 1:16 pm.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch