SEPTEMBER 28, 2015
Present: Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Brian Coutts, Jonathan Jeffrey,
Eric Fisher, Bryan Carson, Sara Volpi, Haiwang Yuan, Jennifer Wilson and Jan
Minutes: The September 14, 2015, minutes were approved as submitted on a
motion by Deana Groves and a second by Haiwang Yuan.
Dean’s Report/Announcements: Copies of a revision to the Collection
Development policy under the Audiovisual Media section were distributed. A
motion to support the revision as corrected was made by Brian Coutts and a
second by Deana Groves. The revised policy will be posted on the Dean’s
Office page under Policies & Procedures.
-Super Saturdays - Connie asked for suggestions as to how the library could
participate and who could teach the classes.
-A booklet, Welcome to WKU, for incoming students that Connie picked up in
the Academic Affairs office was circulated.
-Connie reported that Katie Gamble is the Library student rep on the Campus
Library Advisory Council.
-The newest student-at-the library campaign poster ad featuring Marcus Ward
will be included in the next 3 issues of the football program.
-Faculty searches starting now will be done in Interview Exchange. Glenda
White and Jan Renusch attended an Interview Exchange training session last
Thursday. Connie encouraged using the Hyatt Place for lodging candidates.
There is a special WKU rate.
-In a response to a request from Addie Cheney, Connie asked that library
faculty consider participating in the “International Year of” trips.
-Copies of the list of Library Committees were distributed for review. They
will be posted on the web site on the Dean’s Office page.
-Connie gave highlights of the Designing Library Spaces for the 21st Century
conference she attended September 21-22.
-Connie reminded everyone that the Provost will be attending the next LLC
meeting October 5.
Instruction/Grants/Assessments: Bryan reported on Research and Creative
Activity. The guidelines for the RCAP and Quick Turn-Around Grants (QTAGs)
are being finalized. The FUSE grant deadline is October 2.
-Bryan also discussed the information fairs that he attended for prospective
students and for students at South Campus. There were comments from students,
faculty, and the director of the Alice Rowe Learning Assistance Center that
they wished it were possible for the libraries to provide more services to
South Campus. Brian, Bryan, and John Gottfried are going to investigate this
need and ways in which we can fill it.
Library Systems Office: Eric gave highlights from the LSO:
-The issue with the “My Account” section in Primo has been corrected and
items checked out are being displayed under “Loans” and can be renewed; the
duplicate fine listings have been removed and fine balances are viewable.
Along with correcting the issue, Ex Libris notified us that we need to
correct the current search string that is used on the search box on
the homepage.
-The computer holders located under the desks in the VPAL lab have been
-Two newer iMacs will be installed this week to replace the two original
iMacs in the listening rooms in the VPAL.
-The coin copy machine and PC in the ERC were switched to allow room for the
Silhouette CAMEO electronic cutting machine to be installed on the counter.
-An order for new presentation clickers may be needed as the current ones are
showing wear and are not reliable at times.
Literary Outreach: Sara reported on the coverage in Daily News for 212
Academy (Sept. 19); and potential article for SOKY Happenings.
-Sena Jeter Naslund is a possibility for a reading at Cherry Hall in April.
-Author submissions keep pouring in from Nashville and Lexington.
-SOKY Reads: Success at Farmer's Market book give away; still considering
this initiative for next year. Gave out 148 total thanks to a contribution
from Graves Gilbert Clinic.
-First meeting for Kentucky Literary Award Sept. 28 2pm; trying to organize a
poetry slam with English Dept. (poet wants us to pay for travel +$100) Nov.
10, so a decision needs to be made soon; considering bringing in a musician
for the Folk Cabin Concert series this year; sent out the September
newsletter announcing Evelyn Thurman winner and book giveaway; met with
catering to discuss options for this year; will put in order for Evelyn
Thurman Luncheon soon.
-Sara spoke with Kelly Scott about potential partnership/possibility of cosponsoring events; she had great ideas for contacts, etc.; meeting with Dr.
Jones Oct. 6 regarding an intern for Spring; met with Mary Grey brainstorming
recruitment of sponsors, talked about more authors to bring in (Ann Patchett
will have a new book in 2017.)
Marketing: Jennifer mentioned development of materials for the Homecoming
reception. She has received several emails from individuals willing to assist
at the reception for at least an hour or more.
-Several print jobs are underway, including the Glasgow reception invitation,
Glasgow rack card, in addition to the Homecoming invitations.
-Jennifer and Amanda Drost met with the iamWKU committee; there have been
adjustments to the initial planning due to the appointment of the new VP for
Development. “Give me five” campaign delayed but will move forward on thankyou sessions for various colleges and cities.
-Jennifer went to assist the Kentucky Museum with a photo shoot for the
website of the Bowling Green Convention and Visitors Bureau. She is assisting
with a grant due this week that is funded by the CVB for promotional
materials for the Kentucky Museum.
-The Communication Committee met for a webinar that was led by two marketing
professionals working at institutions in Texas. They offered some good case
study scenarios that would be applicable to our library settings. Jennifer
acquired additional information from both professionals for the Communication
Plan committee to review as they create a strategic plan. They meet again in
a couple of weeks.
-There is a committee meeting for the library grant recipient tomorrow. She
pointed out that many of these libraries have such small budgets that our
$1,000 grant actually doubles some budgets. They should know the winner by
the end of tomorrow.
-She hasn’t firmed up the next student to be featured in the library poster
campaign series; however, she plans to take action soon.
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang updated Libraries’ literary event pages
with podcasts, as well as the organization charts and staff pages by adding
profile portraits to the latter. He has asked DLPS faculty who manage their
unit web pages to review them for broken links.
Department Reports:
Department of Library Special Collections: Jonathan reported that Special
Collections had two photographs published in Robert Dickey’s new book:
Goliath of Panama: The Life of Soldier on Canal Builder William Luther
-University Archives is providing approximately 35 scans of university
photographs to be used in decorating Provost Lee’s office.
-Nancy Richey spoke on researching Civil War soldiers to the Little Muddy
Rural Development Center in Butler County, Kentucky, on September 19.
-The Kentucky Library Research Collections has scanned 27 photos for the new
building at Village Manor.
-Jonathan moderated a panel for a Founders Day program at Riverview at Hobson
Grove on 9/27.
-The Kentucky Library Research Collections had nine photos published in
Rosemary Legge’s new book: Remembering Smiths Grove Country.
-Kristina Arnold’s Art 496/FLK 470G class has selected over 100 items from
Special Collections to be used in their exhibits that will be placed in the
Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center in mid-October. The exhibits will remain up for
one month. This has been an excellent training exercise for the students and
has boosted our online statistics.
Department of Library Technical Services: Deana reported that Jack Montgomery
will be the DLTS contact while she is away.
-Two phone interviews for the Discovery and Integrated Systems Librarian
position were conducted on September 21st and Form 2 has been submitted to
request both come to campus for in-person interviews.
-Unit Coordinators have begun Alma training sessions; Bib Access begins today
at 2:00 pm.
-TopSCHOLAR updates from Todd Seguin:
Added the History Dept. student journal, “The Student Researcher”; will be
uploading visual images of the final projects for Kristina Arnold’s curating
class; will be collecting and uploading KY Convergence Conference
presentations; David Lenoir is collecting Jim Wayne Dyer contest winners from
the previous 5 years to be included in TopSCHOLAR (will be under English
Student Publications)
-Laura Bohuski is investigating moving the eBUG conference to TopSCHOLAR
-International Open Access Week activities:
Glasgow Library TopSCHOLAR/SelectedWorks open-house Wednesday, October 21st,
11:00 – 1:00; WKU Libraries Open Access Hall of Fame inducting Scott Lyons as
founder of International Journal of Exercise Science and Ann Epperson for
most thesis downloads(15,000). Reception October 22nd in Helm 100, 2:003:00 pm.
Department of Library Public Services: Brian reported that International
Literacy Day @ the ERC had 74 student IDs swiped, with 10 additional students
participating via Adobe Connect. WKU Libraries’ IT Systems provided the setup for featured short videos and the Adobe Connect session. Stories by WKU
faculty and students included pieces from Mongolia (Gantulga Bayarmaa,
student), Bolivia (Andrea Ayoroa, student), France (Dr. Eddy Cuisinier,
Modern Languages faculty), and China (our own Haiwang Yuan). The keynote,
introducing WKU’s International Year of South Africa, was delivered by Dr.
Margaret Gichuru, who was a member of the faculty team that went to South
Africa last year. Light refreshments were provided by the Western Kentucky
Reading Council, in a collaborative arrangement with WKU Libraries and CEBS’
School of Teacher Education.
Faraway Flix, 2015-16 series and dates:
Tsosti (South Africa): September 18, 2015
Suspiria (Italy): October 16, 2015
The Way He Looks (Brazil): November 20, 2015
Autumn Spring (Czech Republic): February 19, 2016
Once (Ireland): March 18, 2016
That Thing Called Tadhana (Philippines): April 15, 2016
The films are screened at the Faculty House with ethnic foods being served at
6:30 pm and the film shown at 7:00 pm. At the first film special
commemorative Year of South Africa/Faraway Flix t-shirts were given away.
-Tyler Fleming, an assistant professor of History at the University of
Louisville, spoke about “King Kong: The First South African Musical” in our
Far Away Places series and as part of the International Year of South Africa
celebration on Thursday, September 24 at 7 pm at Barnes & Noble. Based on the
life of an African boxer, King Kong featured an African composer and allBlack cast, including many local musicians and singers who would later become
internationally famous like Miriam Makeba and Hugh Masakela along with
Manhattan Brothers’ Nathan “Dambuzza” Mdedle who played the role of Ezekiel
“King Kong” Diemani. Fleming showed stills from the musical and played clips
of original songs. He noted that the musical was set in Sofiatown, which was
later torn down when residents were forcibly relocated to townships.
-Rosemary Meszaros reports that Government Documents has cataloged for TOPCAT
202 items in August, 2015. Their totals since the beginning of the project
in February 2006 to current show that they have cataloged 136,962 items.
Special thanks to Debbie Lamastus and Dewayne Stovall for their dedication to
this and the Cataloging Distribution project. Work continues in:
Department of Commerce [SuDoc: C] [Note: Demographic Census from 1790-2010 is
complete]; Department of Energy [SuDoc: E] – paper & microfiche;
Department of Interior [SuDoc: I]; Bureau of Mines [SuDoc I 28]
-Doug Wiles and Daniel Peach have been meeting with Environmental Health &
Safety and Facilities to discuss the mold issue in the sub-basement of Helm.
A plan is still being formulated but the first step is to empty these areas
of unnecessary items so Facilities has better access to solve the issues
causing the mold (leaking walls, humidity, lack of air movement, etc.). In
the next couple of weeks there will be dumpsters placed in the Helm lot as we
begin to clean these areas out. We will keep everyone updated so we can make
parking arrangements if necessary. A mold/asbestos abatement crew will be
working in the sub-basement of Helm on September 28th and 29th, during which
time the sub-basement will be closed to all faculty and staff. The Helm lot
will not be affected.
-It was brought to our attention by the Staff Council that garbage cans were
overflowing in certain areas over the weekend when we don’t have our normal
BSAs. I spoke with Candy Walker, the Helm/Cravens BSA team leader, about this
issue and they will be placing larger trash cans in the Commons and on
Cravens 8th and 9th floors.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 12:49 pm.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch