MARCH 18, 2013
Present: Dean Connie Foster, Deana Groves, Timothy Mullin, Amy Hardin,
Haiwang Yuan, Eric Fisher, Kristie Lowry, Jennifer Wilson and Jan Renusch.
Also attending was John Gottfried for Brian Coutts.
Minutes: The March 4, 2013, minutes were approved as submitted on a motion by
Deana Groves and a second by Haiwang Yuan.
Dean’s Report/Announcements: Connie asked the council if anyone had a need
for a folding machine. It was decided that Daniel Peach can surplus this
Development: Amy reported that she and Connie are setting up individual
visits with members of the Library Advisory Council in an effort to get their
feedback and ideas on the future of the council and WKU Libraries in general.
-Amy forwarded an email to Jack Montgomery regarding a book gift to the WKU
Libraries. Jack is coordinating acquisition of this gift.
-Names of LAC members are awaiting approval from the President’s Office by
the end of this week. The Development office has already granted its
-Amy has been asked to serve on the marketplace awards conference committee
for the ALADN Conference in May 2013.
-Dollar General Literacy Foundation end-of-year review for 2012 Book Fest is
due April 4. Amy and Kristie are working on this and will have it completed
by next Friday, March 29.
Library Systems Office: Eric reported that the Helm 2 Computer Lab and the
VPAL lab are not heavily used. Connie said that the future of VPAL lab will
be looked at once Kath Pennavaria comes in July. It was also suggested that
Eric give training sessions on the new equipment in Helm 2 if that is
deterring instruction classes scheduled there.
-New faculty computers are being installed.
-Eric requested that updated info on part-time staff and students being hired
or leaving be provided to LSO so that the Active Directory can be kept
-Eric gave highlights from the LSO: Assisted with setups for an ERC
presentation, Department Head candidates’ presentations and the KY Live!
event at Barnes and Noble; assisted an off-campus user with an issue logging
in to the EbscoHost databases; updated the Voyager tag tables for one user in
Bib. Access to assist with workflow issues; corrected a problem with a
malfunctioning mouse for one faculty member; corrected a cable connection
issue with one staff PC; reinstalled a printer that lost its connection for
one user; checked with appropriate staff to clean up and remove 45 Active
Directory users that are no longer employed for the library; corrected a
Symantec issue on one Faculty Laptop; reinstalled Voyager and other needed
programs for a reimaged Faculty PC that was giving a hard drive failure
message; picked up an extra monitor from surplus for a faculty member to use
for a second monitor at the KY building; unfroze and installed all the needed
updates for the Circulation desks on the Cravens’ 4th floor, VPAL, the ERC and
at the Research Assistance and Writing Center desk; corrected the Reserves PC
that was knocked off of AD due to a network surge with running updates;
corrected an inkjet printer problem related to a bad ink cartridge; used
laptops to test StackMap for the proper results based on the map location
results; assisted Desktop support with the Faculty pool installations for
four PCs, installed other library software programs that aren’t included on
the image and corrected minor issues that didn’t transfer correctly; logged
into all of the PCs in the Helm 2 classroom to complete re-adding them back
to Active Directory; assisted a user with a PrintKey issue that wouldn’t
properly capture the proper area of the screen; reconfigured Library Hours
layout on the Hours webpage.
Literary Outreach: Kristie reported that Book Fest is a month away. The
tickets for the Mary McDonough breakfast are available at the libraries and
Barnes & Noble. Heavy marketing of that event will start this week. Tickets
are $15.
-Kristie is still looking for moderators for both Book Fest and the Kentucky
Writers Conference. Both events have more presentations, panels, and sessions
than last year.
-The Staybridge Suites has sold out of the room block for Book Fest. They
have added five more rooms at $20 more per night that can be reserved through
-Kristie sent the PSA scripts to WKYU-FM for them to produce.
-Susan Broady will coordinate the volunteers for this year’s Book Fest, and
the volunteer request e-mail will go out soon.
-Work continues on the 2014 Book Fest. Approximately 20 authors have already
indicated they would like to attend.
Marketing: Jennifer reported that a mailing of Writers Conference for Kids,
the Body Image breakfast, and general youth authors are being mailed to all
the schools and appropriate personnel.
-SOKY Happenings information is due so she will be sending them all the
upcoming April dates for Speaker Series, Book Fest and Music Series events.
-Jennifer is still waiting for final information for the America’s Music
series. A digital flier for Rock ‘n Roll and a general poster have been
created but can’t be distributed until she receives approved locations and
-Jennifer played the WKU Libraries Harlem Shake video that is posted on
-Membership mailings are going out to solicit new members from a previous
supporters list for Friends of WKU Libraries.
Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang reported that before the Spring Break,
he convened two meetings: The Library New Acquisitions Study Group discussed
workflow with regard to the maintenance of Libraries’ social media. They
decided that Crystal Bowling will be responsible for the Twitter, Amanda
Hardin and Shaden Melky for Pinterest, and Amanda and her student assistants
for Facebook, making posting to all of them more frequent and personalized.
The Dean pointed out the need for focusing on new acquisitions. Per the LLC
discussion, Haiwang suggested that Pinterest be reorganized so that there
will be fewer top-categories and many of the categories on the first page be
placed as sub-categories. Haiwang requested that a permanent committee or
work group be established for the maintenance and development of the
Libraries’ social media, and, per the suggestion that more faculty be
involved, the group will work closely with the Web & Emerging Technologies
Advisory Committee for input. At the Web Advisory Committee meeting, members
reviewed Pinterest and made quite a few suggestions. One of them was that the
current interface doesn’t feature new academic books. The leisure books it
features are visible on the Helm and Cravens’ premises. Other suggestions
included linking the book covers to TOPCAT instead of book vendors.
-Haiwang thanked Eric for taking over and updating the Library Hours page and
Jennifer for working with the Study Group and Daniel Peach for the Harlem
Shake video. Jennifer presented the video to LLC.
-Haiwang brought up for discussion a request to access our databases from a
former WKU student, now a Fulbright scholar studying overseas. John Gottfried
said he would work with Bryan Carson to avoid legal complications while
making efforts to satisfy the needs of alumni and Friends of Libraries.
Department Reports: Connie brought up for discussion older imprints being
moved to DLSC. She requested that periodic searching of TOPCAT continue and
that DLSC personnel be more responsible for identifying titles that need to
go to Special Collections from the main library.
-Connie requested information on the status of Gordon Wilson storage area.
John Gottfried said he will speak with Brian and Alan Logsdon regarding the
DLTS: Deana reported that Crystal Bowling and Laura Bohuski will be
conducting library tours for 5th graders from Auburn. They will begin in the
Confucius Institute, then travel to the Commons at Cravens, DLTS, and end the
tour in the VPAL computer lab.
-Jack Montgomery will represent University Libraries on the Academic Program
Review Committee.
-27 books, 3 VHS videotapes, and 1 calendar have been received from The City
of Kawanishi, our sister city.
-Approval to conduct interviews for the Electronic Resources Librarian
position has been received.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 am.
For the Council,
Jan Renusch