Changes in Global Climate and Potential Impacts on Wildlife and Habitat David Karowe Department of Biological Sciences Western Michigan University (citations provided at end of talk) Overview of this morning’s talk 1. Observed changes since 1900 a. b. c. d. Temperature Moisture Phenology (seasonal timing) Geographic ranges 2. Predicted future changes a. Temperature b. Moisture c. The fate of species 3. Solutions What’s been happening to Earth’s temperature? Temperature Change (oC) Since 1900, Earth has warmed ~ 0.8o C 10 warmest years in history: 2010, 2005, 2007, 2009, 1998*, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2004, and 2008 1 Temperature difference relative to 1950-1980 Can climate change be due to “natural variation”? Since 1900, energy increase from greenhouse gasses is about 20 times energy increase from the sun1 Solar Irradiance For the last 30 years, solar irradiance has been decreasing2 Since 1900, natural factors would have caused a slight cooling3 2 Since 1950, Ohio has warmed by ~0.8 oC This summer, Ohio was much warmer than normal Overview of this morning’s talk 1. Observed changes since 1900 a. Temperature b. Moisture c. Phenology (seasonal timing) d. Geographic ranges 2. Predicted future changes a. Temperature b. Moisture c. The fate of species 3. Solutions 3 Since 1900, no consistent trend in global precipitation4 Droughts have increased worldwide since 19505 In late September, 43% of U.S. was in drought Sept 27, 2011 South central states experienced “Exceptional Drought” 4 Right now, 41% of U.S. is in drought Sept Dec 6, 27,2011 2011 Severe rainstorms have also become more common6 43% increase in Ohio since 1948 71% increase in Columbus Severe storms cause flooding, erosion, disease 5 In 2011, Ohio had its wettest spring on record Spring As a result, Ohio experienced flooding this spring And there was extensive flooding along Mississippi Tunica, Mississippi 6 Ohio also had its wettest fall on record Overview of this morning’s talk 1. Observed changes since 1900 a. Temperature b. Moisture c. Phenology (seasonal timing) d. Geographic ranges 2. Predicted future changes a. Temperature b. Moisture c. The fate of species 3. Solutions Many plant species now leaf out and flower significantly earlier7 - e.g. of 385 British species, 16% now flower significantly earlier than in 1954-1990 - only 3% flowered significantly later Earlier Later 7 In Ohio, budburst for white oak is now 23 days earlier than around 1900 May 3 → April 10 (data provided by Kellen Callinger, OSU) In Trumbull County, wild pansy has been tracking climate change since 1900 (7 days earlier per 1o C warming) - but toothwort has not Viola rafinesquii Cardamine diphylla - overall, 34 of 56 species show significant flowering advancement (data provided by Kellen Callinger, OSU) Plant species that have been tracking climate change have fared better than species that have not - in Thoreau Woods over the last 150 years, major declines for species without phenological advancement8 Ericaceae Rosaceae Cornaceae 8 Among birds, short-distance migrants have responded more to climate change than long-distance migrants - among 32 passerines in Massachusetts, species wintering in the U.S., Central America, and the Caribbean tend to arrive earlier in warmer years9 C. A. and Carib. S.A. U.S. - but species that winter in South America are not arriving earlier And bird species that have been tracking climate change have fared better than species that have not - e.g. 100 European species since 199010 Stock Dove Black-throated Loon This is also true among populations of a single species - Dutch Pied Flycatchers with little phenological advance in egg laying date have declined by up to 90%11 - but populations with much phenological advance have declined by <10% - probably due to mismatch with timing of major food resource (caterpillars) 9 Days per decade In general, animals are speeding up more than plants12 Increased ecological asynchrony is likely to cause problems for some wildlife Birds: 3.7 days/decade Butterflies: 3.7 days/decade Herbs, grasses, and shrubs: 1.1 days/decade Overview of this morning’s talk 1. Observed changes since 1900 a. Temperature b. Moisture c. Phenology (seasonal timing) d. Geographic ranges 2. Predicted future changes a. Temperature b. Moisture c. The fate of species 3. Solutions Few changes in geographic ranges have been documented for plants, other than altitudinal shifts e.g. the hardwood-conifer transition zone on Vermont mountains moved upslope ~100 meters from 1962-200513 10 More range changes have been documented for animals - in Britain, many taxonomic groups are expanding polewards14 What does the future hold? Overview of this morning’s talk 1. Observed changes since 1900 a. Temperature b. Moisture c. Phenology (seasonal timing) d. Geographic ranges 2. Predicted future changes a. Temperature b. Moisture c. The fate of species 3. Solutions 11 Earth is expected to warm by at least 2-4o C by 210015 “Business as usual” Alternate energy sources 4o 2o 0.6o Zero emissions CO2 has an atmospheric residence time of >100 years When Earth was 5o cooler, much of Ohio was covered with ice16 Temperature rise is likely to persist for >1,000 years after we stop emitting greenhouse gasses17 12 Predicted warming in Ohio of 3.5-4.0o C by 210018 What will happen to extreme temperature events? Future summers are very likely to be hotter than any experienced thus far19 By 2100, 70-100% of Ohio summers are likely to be hotter than any experienced thus far19 13 Ohio is likely to experience many more days over 90o F20 Cincinnati could experience ~85 days over 90o F21 - and about 29 days over 100o F And at least one heat wave per summer like the one that killed ~700 people in Chicago in 199521 14 Overview of this morning’s talk 1. Observed changes since 1900 a. Temperature b. Moisture c. Phenology (seasonal timing) d. Geographic ranges 2. Predicted future changes a. Temperature b. Moisture c. The fate of species 3. Solutions More severe rainstorms22 But also more and stronger droughts22 - global land area in “Extreme Drought” is predicted to increase from 1% to 30% 23 15 Summer rainfall predicted to decrease throughout U.S.20 - decrease of 5-10% in Ohio By the end of the century, Ohio summers may feel like those of current-day Arkansas Overview of this morning’s talk 1. Observed changes since 1900 a. Temperature b. Moisture c. Phenology (seasonal timing) d. Geographic ranges 2. Predicted future changes a. Temperature b. Moisture c. The fate of species 3. Solutions 16 What is the likely future fate of species? Climate Envelope Modeling is used to predict future changes in geographic range and population size 1. Determine the levels of important climate variables (usually temperature and precipitation) that occur within the species’ current geographic range 2. Use climate model(s) to predict where those levels will exist in the future (= future suitable habitat) 3. Make an assumption about dispersal (usually “full” or “none”) 4. Compare current and future ranges to infer population increase or decrease Woodland horsetail is predicted to decline due to decreased geographic range24 current future Wild peony is predicted to increase24 current future 17 Fate of European cohosh is unclear, since it must migrate to reach its future habitat24 ? On average, forest herbs will have to move ~6 mi/year - but most show current rate of ~ 5 feet/year - and dispersal routes are limited by lack of European forests Required range shifts Forest cover ≥ 35% of these species face a moderate/high extinction risk24 Even if suitable future habitat exists, species may not be able to get there in time to avoid extinction ? 18 This is probably the worst time in Earth’s history for wildlife to experience rapid climate change - because humans have fragmented landscapes Humans have impacted ~75% of Earth’s land surface (red = impacted) - most of remaining 25% is desert or Arctic Land use change has transformed Ohio’s landscape ? - especially in western Ohio (images courtesy of Bill Stanley and August Froehlich) 19 Many types of habitat fragmentation have occurred (images courtesy of Bill Stanley and August Froehlich) Dispersal obstacles will differ for different wildlife species In Ohio, sugar maple is predicted to almost disappear25 Future Low Current Future High 20 10 of the 20 most abundant Ohio tree species are predicted to decline by at least 50%25 -100% White pine -100% Bigtooth aspen -91% Sugar maple -89% Black cherry -79% -78% White ash American beech Three of the 20 most abundant Ohio tree species are predicted to increase25 Black gum +14% Black oak +112% Post oak +150-fold Several rare tree species are predicted to increase dramatically in Ohio25 Winged elm +6-fold Sweetgum +43-fold Shortleaf pine +104-fold - and many southern species are predicted to arrive 21 Ohio forests are predicted to change fairly dramatically26 Current Future Low Future High - wildlife that prefer oak/hickory forests may benefit The U.S. Forest Service has also made predictions about the fate of 129 Ohio bird species by 210027 Current Future A rea-weighted Inciden ce 300.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 Species 80 species (62%) are predicted to decrease 49 species (38%) are predicted to increase 36 Ohio bird species are predicted to decline by >90%27 -100% Savannah Sparrow -99% Bank Swallow -99% House Wren -98% Tree Swallow -99% -99% Veery Bobolink -98% Willow Flycatcher -96% Cedar Waxwing 22 Another 19 species are predicted to decline by 50-90%27 -89% -88% song sparrow Yellow Warbler -74% -82% Blue-winged Warbler -69% American Redstart -56% Rose-breasted Grosbeak Cerulean Warbler -81% Ovenbird -53% American Goldfinch 32 species are predicted to increase by >50%27 +660-fold +113-fold +104-fold Chuck-will’s Widow* Black Vulture* Loggerhead Shrike* +5-fold Summer Tanager +103% Northern Bobwhite +77% Yellow-billed Cuckoo +7-fold Pine Warbler* +58% Carolina Wren 10 new species are predicted to occur in Ohio27 Brown-headed Nuthatch Mississippi Kite Little Blue Heron Snowy Egret Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Painted Bunting Cattle Egret Bachman’s Sparrow 23 Globally, climate change is likely to adversely affect many types of wildlife African mammals are likely to be adversely affected28 Of 227 species, 20% are predicted to be extinct by 2080 even with full dispersal - 40% extinction with no dispersal European boreal bats are likely to be adversely affected29 - 100% of boreal and temperate species show range loss 24 Most Western Hemisphere amphibian species are predicted to be adversely affected by climate change30 of 413 species: ⅔ lose >50% of range ⅜ lose >90% of range area of greatest vulnerability Globally, lizard species are predicted to experience up to 20% local extinction by 208031 - tropical species are more vulnerable Local Birds in high northern latitudes are particularly vulnerable to habitat loss due to climate change32 27 northern species lose, on average, 74-84% of suitable habitat by 2080 White-winged Crossbill Eurasian Dotterel 25 Montane bird species are also highly vulnerable - globally, 18% of 1,009 species are predicted to lose at least half of their geographic range by 210033 In Peru, altitudinal migration among 55 bird species appears to be lagging behind climate change34 - probably constrained by rate of vegetation shifts Globally, if we allow Earth to warm by 3o C, 20-50% of species may be committed to extinction35 26 Overview of this morning’s talk 1. Observed changes since 1900 a. Temperature b. Moisture c. Phenology (seasonal timing) d. Geographic ranges 2. Predicted future changes a. Temperature b. Moisture c. The fate of species 3. Solutions Are there any solutions? Yes! Unfortunately, energy conservation alone is not a solution 50 mpg - really just delays the inevitable 27 Emissions reductions need to be rapid and large - 80% reduction by 2050 to avoid worst scenarios36 Urgent need for alternate energy sources solar wind Wind power could supply 16 times current U.S. electricity demand using only onshore turbines37 - Ohio can supply 5.4 times its current use Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) is very promising Central tower Parabolic trough 28 A CSP solar array 100 x 100 miles could provide all of U.S. electricity needs today38 - excess energy captured during the day could be stored as heat and used to produce electricity at night A small portion of the Sahara desert could supply all of Europe’s electricity (and the world’s)39 Globally, can wind and solar supply enough energy?40 ≈ 10,000 8,000 4,000 2,000 2100 6,000 Today Energy (EJ/yr) 12,000 0 Global Demand Wind Potential Solar Potential 29 Sources of information cited in this talk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 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