S T . T E R E S...

L5N 4E8
PHONE: (905)858-3462 FAX: (905) 858-1673
Website: http://www.dpcdsb.org/AVILA
September 2015 Newsletter
M. Sturge
Vice Principal
P. Basran
J. Sequeira
Mississauga North
Family of Schools
T. Cruz
(905) 890-1221
St. John of the Cross
Fr. J. Kalluvila
Trustee Ward 9
E. O’Toole
(905) 812-5163
6890 Glen Erin Drive
Miss., ON L5N 2E1
Tel: (905) 821-1331
Fax: (905) 858-8486
Sat.: 5:00 p.m.
Sun.: 8:00 a.m., 10:00
a.m., 12:00 p.m., 4:00
Weekdays: 9:00a.m.
Fr. Joseph Kalluvila, O.Carm
Fr. Abraham Kulanjiyil, O. Carm
Assoc. Pastor
John Cannon, Deacon
Kate Watkiss, Pastoral Associate
Prayer of Return
O Lord, we return from a time of rest, vacation, visiting.
We return from camps, travels, cottages.
Thank you, Lord for the summer.
It eases the mind, relaxes the body and soothes the soul.
We return to school, to routines and to lessons.
Thank you, Lord for our students, teachers and parents.
Strengthen all who instruct; guide all who learn.
Lord, keep us from getting so organized that there is no time for you.
Let us seek and serve you in everyone we meet;
Everywhere we go, and in everything we do.
As we return to our routines, let us not forget,
Who has sent us on this journey.
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As the new school year begins, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all
staff and students. I would also like to welcome our new Vice Principal, Paul Basran
who will be with half time this year and look forward to having him as part of our St.
Teresa of Avila staff. A special welcome to our new families and to our Early
Learning children some of who are beginning school for the very first time. This will
be our first year for the French Immersion program as well and we look forward to
having this program in our school. In addition, we have several teachers who are
joining us on Long Term Occasional assignments replacing teachers who are on leave.
At this time, I would like to wish Madame Cosentino the very best as she has also
taken a leave of absence and will not be here this year. We will miss her many gifts
and talents that she willingly shared with our school community.
I trust that staff and students have had the opportunity to enjoy a summer
of relaxation and that everyone feels ready and eager to get back to school. . Please
note that your child’s classroom assignment is tentative until new enrolments or
withdrawals are completed during the first two weeks of September. We will
continue to encourage a cooperative partnership between home, school and parish to
promote positive learning experiences for our students. We are truly blessed to have
a very devoted School Council and parish team. Our staff is committed to working
with their partners to support our children in their quest for knowledge, happiness
and spiritual development.
M. Sturge
Our first school feast day mass will be Thursday,
October 8th at 1:00 a.m. at St. Teresa of Avila school.
Our opening mass is a reminder of the importance of
partnership between the church, home and school as
we all move along our faith journey. All are welcome!
FIRST COMMUNION- For All Parents/Guardians
of Baptized Children- Children do not need to
attend. Grade 2 & above: Sunday September 20th –
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. or Tuesday September 22 nd7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. at St. John of the Cross Church
CONFIRMATION- Grade 7, 8 & above: Meetings
for Parents/Guardians and Candidates and
Sponsors: Thursday September 24th - 7:00 p.m-8:30
p.m. at St. John of the Cross Church
Grade 2 & above: Baptism, First Reconciliation, First
Communion, and Confirmation: Call Kate at the Parish
office by Oct. 1st (905-821-1331 ext. 226)
School Hours
8:30- Entry Bell
10:30-10:45- Morning Recess
11:30-12:10 Grades 1-8 Lunch recess outside
12:10-12:30 Grades 1-8 Eat Lunch inside
11:30-12:30- FDK Lunch time
2:00-2:15- Afternoon recess
3:00- Dismissal
Yard Supervision
Please do not send your child/children to school
before 8:15 a.m. Staff supervision of students in the
playground begins at 8:15 a.m. To ensure your child’s
safety, we appreciate your cooperation and
understanding in this matter.
Our school is committed to standards of neatness,
cleanliness, and modesty and respectful of human
dignity and inclusive. Students are expected to dress
in attire suitable for the occasion and appropriate to
the school environment. Your assistance and support
is greatly appreciated.
Clothing guidelines
• Clothing should be neat, clean and without tears
and/or holes;
• Halter tops, tank tops, spaghetti strap tops, low cut
tops, mesh shirts, muscle shirts, cut-off shorts,
midriff tops which do not cover the abdomen and
bandanas are inappropriate attire for school (walking
shorts are permitted);
• Patches, symbols or sayings on clothing shall not
contain or portray any offensive content including
but not limited to the following: sexual content,
substance abuse/alcohol, tobacco or drugs; violence,
profanity, inappropriate references to nationality,
race, gender or religion.
• Sunglasses and headwear such as hats/caps/visors
are inappropriate in the school building and
• Flip Flops are not recommended as they pose a safety
hazard. Running shoes are best for outdoors.
Student Information
It is important that we have up to date records of your
address, phone numbers, and emergency contacts in
the event that the school must contact you regarding
your child. Please inform the office or your child’s
teacher if any information changes throughout the
Student Absence and Arrival Time
We ask that parents continue to call to notify the
school if their child will be absent and/or late. Your
phone call to the school saves us time trying to
ensure your child is safe. Remember that you can call
the school twenty-four hours a day to report your
child’s absence at 905-858-3462- press 1. Upon
reaching the school answering service please leave
the following information: a) Date of absence
b)Student’s full name c) Grade level and teacher d)
Reason for absence e) Date of return.
Students who are late must report to the office
and sign in. School staff is on duty at 8:15 a.m.
in the morning. There is no supervision for
students before 8:15 a.m. and students should not
be dropped off prior for safety reasons. Students
should arrive at 8:25 a.m. to line up and enter the
school with the rest of the class and avoid being
late. Please continue to call on each day that your
child is absent.
September 2015 school organization is based on
projected enrolment established through the School
Board. Again this year the government is capping
primary (JK-3) at 20 students. It is understood that
this Ministry initiative has resulted in more combined
grade classes, with a reduced student-teacher ratio.
Based on enrolments within our boundaries during the
first two weeks of September, we may need to
reorganize the classes. Please note that your child’s
classroom assignment is tentative until new
enrolments or withdrawals are completed during
this time frame. If your child’s placement or
classroom teacher changes, you will be notified. Only
those students affected by reorganization will be
moved. We ask for your continued support and
Storage and Administration of Medication
Parents are responsible for ensuring that all
medication and forms are updated annually for any
student who requires medication to be administered
at school. If your child requires medication please
have the necessary forms completed and return
them, along with any medication, to the office as soon
as possible. Forms are available at the school office.
Medical Alert-Anaphylactic shock- Nut
Please be aware that there are students in our school
with a severe life-threatening food allergy
(anaphylaxis) to NUTs and PEANUTs. This is a
medical condition that causes a severe reaction to
certain allergens and can result in death within
minutes. Although this may or may not affect your
child’s class directly, please send lunches and snacks
to school with your children that are free from
peanuts or nut products. We ask that you do not send
in food products for the whole class to celebrate
birthdays or social occasions. A donation of a book or
game to the classroom is a safe alternative to food
products and will be enjoyed so much longer by the
children. Please feel free to contact your child’s
teacher if you have any concerns or questions. We
thank you for your co-operation and attention to this
health watch.
Picture Taking
Picture taking is not permitted by the public or media
without signed parental consent. Please be aware that
no pictures of students are to be posted on the internet. Parents are reminded that due to confidentiality
and privacy laws, pictures should NOT be taken at
school events such as concerts, sports games, or
liturgical celebrations. Your cooperation and support
is greatly appreciated.
Professional Activity Day
Friday, September 18, 2015 is a Professional
Activity Day. Students do not attend school on this
day. Teachers will be involved in professional
development and reorganization of classes if
Visitors to our School
All visitors and parents are asked to enter the building
through the front door and report the office. Please
sign in and obtain a visitor’s sticker if you plan to
remain in the building, for any reason, during school
Criminal Reference Checks
Anyone working in our school as a new employee or
volunteer must have a Criminal Reference Check
completed by the Peel Police. CRC are free of
charge for volunteers. If you are considering
volunteering for a school trip during the school year,
please get a form in the school office.
School Council
Elections of the new School Council will take place on
Thursday Oct. 1, 2015. A nomination form was sent
home but you are invited to pick up application forms
in the main office until nominations close on Monday,
September 28th at 3:00 p.m. Results of the new
School Council Executive members will be published in
the October newsletter.
School Bus Courtesy Seat Policy
At this time, transportation is available to students
who are deemed eligible only. Please access the
following website to determine if your child is eligible
for transportation businfo.stopr.ca.
Those wishing to access the Courtesy Bus Seat policy
are asked to put their request in writing and return it
to the office. Depending on availability, seats will be
allocated mid to late October. The Courtesy Bus
Seat policy requires parents/guardians to apply every
year for a seat on the bus if they live beyond the
eligibility requirements.
JK - Grade 1
Grades 2 - 4
Grades 5 - 8
1.0 Km
1.6 Km
2.0 Km
Toonie for Terry/Terry Fox Walk
Again, this year we are proud to participate in the
Annual Terry Fox Walk/Run for Cancer research.
Please send in your toonies for this worthy cause to
support cancer research. The event will take place on
Thursday October 1, 2015 with a rain date on
Friday, October 2nd. More information to follow.
Open House/Curriculum night
Our annual Open House will be held on Thursday,
September 24, 2015. Mark this date on your
calendars and plan to attend to meet your child’s
teacher. More information will follow.
The Peel After School Program will run again this year.
If you would like more information please call 905890-1711
School Agendas
School agendas have been ordered for children in
Grades 1-8 to assist your child in organizing his/her
time. The teachers will be reviewing the importance
of the agenda with their students. Your child is
responsible to record their homework, upcoming
projects/assignments, important dates, and teacher
notices in their agenda. We are asking that you check
your child’s agenda on a daily basis to keep informed.
Hepatitis B and HPV Inoculation
Peel Health will continue to offer free immunization
against Hepatitis B for students in grade 7. It is
given as a series of two injections over a period of six
months. Grade 8 girls are also given the opportunity
to receive the HPV inoculation. If you have any
questions, please call the Peel Health Department at
(905) -799-7700. The first date that has been
assigned to St. Teresa of Avila School is October
Dose #1 Hepatitis B-Grade 7, HPV- Grade 8 girls.
Custody of Children
On rare occasions, we are faced with difficult
situations in which non-custodial parents arrive at
school asking to visit their child or to take their child
home after school. We are best able to serve and
protect students when we are made aware of legal
custody arrangements, visitation rights and other
special instructions. If legal custody matters affect
your family, please ensure that our office and
classroom teachers are aware of any custodial
arrangements that may affect your child during
school hours.
Fire Drills/Lock Down Procedures
We are required to conduct three fire drills in the
fall and three in the spring. We are also required to
practice two lock down drills during the year and one
Shelter in Place. Lock down drills involves students
moving away from the classroom door to a location
within the classroom away from windows. Lights are
turned off and the doors are locked. These practices
are to ensure that students and staff are prepared in
case we should need to go into lock down. Lock down
would be initiated by police and Board security
Textbook Policy
Textbooks are the property of the school and are
loaned out to students with the expectation that
they will be returned at the end of the school year in
good condition. The teachers keep a record of each
textbook that students are given. Please help to
keep our costs down by encouraging your child to take
proper care of them. There will be a replacement
cost to the student if the textbook is damaged, lost
or not returned at the end of the school year.
Pizza Days
Information will be coming home shortly.
Breakfast Club
We hope to have breakfast club up and running by
Monday October 5th if we have volunteers in place.
All students who are interested in participating in
Breakfast Club must complete a form to be signed by
parents and returned to the office. Students who
wish to enroll are asked to ring the bell once between
8:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m. and wait for a response. Thank you
to Mr. Abraham for sharing his time and assuming the
role of Breakfast Club Coordinator.
Student Insurance
“The Board takes every precaution to provide a safe
learning environment for students, but accidents can
and do happen. Some families have private accident
insurance which is able to respond to costs arising
from injuries. However, many families do not.
Under the Education Act, Ontario School boards are
empowered to: “provide, by contract with an insurer
under the Insurance Act, accident and life insurance
for pupils, the cost of which is to be paid on a
voluntary basis by the parents or guardians.” R.S.O.
1990, c.E.2, s. 176, par. 4.
Coverage may be purchased at any time during the
school year. As the cost is very competitive, it will
remain the same regardless of when it was purchased.
The best value for parents exists in purchasing the
insurance in September. Coverage becomes effective
at the date of purchase”.
You may purchase coverage for your child at
www.insuremykids.com or by calling toll free at 1800-463-KIDS (5437).” Please direct your question
to a Reliable Life Insurance Representative.
Student Accident Insurance Brochures are sent home
with students at the beginning of each year. If you
do not receive one please contact the school. “
Participation in all extra-curricular activities or
excursions will require acknowledgement of receipt
and awareness of Student Accident Insurance
available for purchase.
September 18
P.A. Day/Reorganization
No class for students
September 24
Open House/Curriculum night
September 21
Picture Day
September 28
School Council Nominations
close at 4:00 p.m.
September 29
Picture Day
October 1
Terry Fox Walk
October 2
Terry Fox Rain date
October 2
Virtue Assembly at 2:15 p.m.
October 8
Opening Feast Day Mass- 1:00
p.m. at school
October 8
Michael Eisen- Parent Evening
Workshop- more details to
Upcoming Dates
This information is also posted on the Board’s
website under the “Student & Parents”,
Front Door Monitor System
For visitors and parents to our school, in order to
assist you better:
please stand facing the camera and ring the bell
please wait for a response….remember, schools
are busy places!
for the safety of our students, we ask that you
always state the reason for your visit
We also ask for your patience and understanding if
there is a wait at the doors. Often our school
secretary is away from her desk for photocopying
etc. Thank you for your cooperation and support!
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board
news and information, follow us
Please visit our St. Teresa Avila
website at: