ART II – RENDERINGS NAME:_______________________ LESSON FOCUS:


ART II – RENDERINGS NAME:_______________________


This lesson focuses on value, shading techniques and observational drawing.


Blending: Technique of shading through smooth, gradual application of dark value.

Chiaroscuro: Method of arranging light and shadow in two-dimensional art to create the illusion of three-dimensional form. This technique was introduced by Italian artists during the Renaissance and used widely by Baroque artists.

Crosshatching: Technique of shading using two or more sets of parallel lines.

Hatching: The use of parallel lines to create shading.

Rendering: The careful and complete drawing or painting of an object, place or person to make it appear realistic.

Shading: Graduated variations in value, often used in painting to give a feeling of volume, form and depth.

Value: An element of design that relates to the lightness and darkness of a color or tone.


Choose a small mechanical (preferably metal) object to draw.

Do at least six (6) thumbnail sketches, different views. You may zoom in and take edges off the page.

Choose your best three compositions (teacher approved) to enlarge onto good paper.

Render each one using a different shading technique. (blending, crosshatching, hatching).

Go slowly, build up your values gradually and carefully. Do not outline your objects. Dark outlines will make your object appear flat and cartoon like.

Your drawings should be accurate and have a full range of values. They should look three dimensional, almost like black and white photographs (or as close as you can get to that).


Sketchbook or sketch paper

Mechanical/metal object

 Three 8”x 8” white drawing paper

Assorted drawing pencils

