Hydraulics/Pneumatics Compare/Contrast Phase 1: Description Instructions: For each of the following, list the most terms as you can think of for each (some might be used collectively). Hydraulics Pneumatics Hydraulics/Pneumatics Compare/Contrast Phase 2: Comparison Instructions: List the MAJOR differences in each of the boxes representing hydraulics and pneumatics. At the bottom, list the MAJOR similarities that they share. Major Differences Hydraulics Similarities: Pneumatics Hydraulics/Pneumatics Compare/Contrast Phase 3: Conclusion Instructions: Answer each question carefully. 1. Are hydraulics and pneumatics more alike or different? Explain. 2. List and describe the operating components of both a hydraulics and a pneumatics system. Phase 4: Application Instructions: Answer the prompt. Explain Pascal’s Law and provide an example of how it is applied to hydraulics. (You may use illustrations.) Can Pascal’s law be applied to pneumatics as well? Explain your answer.