Plate Tectonics Earth Science Geology 007 What phenomena result from the peculiar structure of the Earth? Plate Tectonics • Movement of plates of the Earth’s lithosphere on the underlying asthenosphere. • Driven by heat flow in the Earth’s mantle (pushes up) and gravity (pulls down). • Interaction of plates at plate boundaries responsible for most of Earth’s large-scale geological features. • Continents are produced by plate tectonics. Oceanic crust ρ = 3.0 g/cc Lithosphere Continent ρ = 2.7 g/cc Rigid mantle ρ = 3.3 g/cc ρ = 3.3 g/cc Asthenosphere mantle ρ = 3.25 g/cc Continental crust is less dense and thicker than oceanic crust. DEM - Earth DEM - Venus DEM - Mars Venus and Mars do not have continents - their entire crust is composed of the same rock found on the Earth’s ocean basins. Rock in the Earth’s mantle flows via convection, driven by the interior heat. Ocean floor crust is derived from magma from the asthenosphere. Where does continental crust come from? The asthenosphere is melting above the subducting ocean plate due to the release of water from the plate. Origin of Continental Crust Melting Melting of of dry rock mixed mantle with water rock Silica Temperature 3.01 Seafloor 2.77 2.65 Density Continents Galapagos Islands Andes Mountains Galapagos Islands Andes Mountains Shield Volcano and Aa basalt lava flow Fernandina, Galápagos Physical Geology - Rock Cycle and Isostasy Pumice (silica) ashfall Otavalo, Ecuador Physical Geology - Rock Cycle and Isostasy What causes oceanic lithosphere to subduct? Graph of Age vs. Depth of Ocean Floor Mid-Ocean Ridge Trench Why might the ocean floor sink as it gets older? Oceanic crust ρ = 3.0 g/cc Rigid mantle ρ = 3.3 g/cc Lithosphere Continent ρ = 2.7 g/cc Asthenosphere mantle ρ = 3.25 g/cc Mid-ocean ridge time Trench Oceanic crust ρ = 3.0 g/cc lithosphere Rigid mantle ρ = 3.3 g/cc Asthenosphere mantle ρ = 3.25 g/cc Mid-ocean ridge time Trench Oceanic crust ρ = 3.0 g/cc Rigid mantle ρ = 3.3 g/cc Asthenosphere mantle ρ = 3.25 g/cc age = 0 my ρlithosphere = 3.0 g/cc x 1.0 + 3.3 g/cc x 0 = 3.0 ρlithosphere < ρasthenosphere Mid-ocean ridge time Trench Oceanic crust ρ = 3.0 g/cc Rigid mantle ρ = 3.3 g/cc Asthenosphere mantle ρ = 3.25 g/cc age = 10 my ρlithosphere = 3.0 g/cc x .4 + 3.3 g/cc x .6 = 3.18 ρlithosphere = ρasthenosphere Mid-ocean ridge time Trench Oceanic crust ρ = 3.0 g/cc Rigid mantle ρ = 3.3 g/cc Asthenosphere mantle ρ = 3.25 g/cc subduction age = 100 my ρlithosphere = 3.0 g/cc x .06 + 3.3 g/cc x .94 = 3.28 ρlithosphere > ρasthenosphere