Dear Parent, If your child chooses to send Valentine cards to classmates, I have attached a list of the first names of the children in our class. This is a great time for your child to practice cursive writing!! Try to encourage your child to do so! You and your child can decide if this task would be overwhelming or way too time consuming. I’ll let that be yours and your child’s decision. If your child chooses to send cards, I am requesting that it is on an “all or nothing” basis where cards for the children are concerned. In other words, your child has the choice of either sending cards to all children in the class, or not sending cards at all. I request this to avoid the nightmare of some children getting a lot of cards and others getting one or two. Hopefully, this will keep it balanced; in addition, it reinforces being considerate of the feelings of others. We will not have a Valentine’s Day Party, per se. However, we will have a time to exchange cards with a small activity. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to jot me a note. Sincerely, Mrs. Kett