al St. Valentine Journ THANKSGIVING Principal’s

St. Valenti
Volume 2, Issue 1
October 2012
Inside this issue:
School Re-organization—Terry Fox
We thank you for this earth, our home;
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of
For the salt sea and the running water,
We often take many of our blessings for
Anaphylaxis—School Safety
Fire / Lockdown Drills
Absences—Kiss N Ride
Snuggle Up & Read
Health Alert / Pediculosis
For the wide sky and the blessed sun,
our families a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!
For the everlasting hills
granted and I feel truly grateful for the opportu-
Food Drive—Head Injuries
And the never-resting winds,
nity to be part of the St. Valentine community.
Balanced Literacy
We thank you for our senses
staff, students and parents—that make this such
For trees and the common grass underfoot.
By which we hear the songs of birds,
And see the splendor of the summer fields,
And taste of the autumn fruits,
And rejoice in the feel of the snow,
And smell the breath of the spring.
Grant us a heart wide open to all this beauty;
And save our souls from being so blind
That we pass unseeing
When even the common thornbush
It is the combined efforts of everyone—parish,
a vibrant and caring learning community. By
working together we move forward as lifelong
learners striving for excellence in our personal,
social, spiritual and academic growth.
During this time, let us thank God for the many
blessings He has bestowed upon us and ask
Him to continue to guide us on our journey. Let
us also be mindful of those less fortunate and
share to ease their plight. In previous years, our
Is aflame with your glory,
community has been extremely generous during
O God our creator,
food and Christmas basket drives. Once again
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
this year, we are asking families to bring in nonperishable food items that our Youth Ambassadors will collect and ensure are distributed to
our local food bank.
As the term continues, our student activities will
St. Valentine Catholic School
5610 Heatherleigh Avenue
Mississauga, Ontario
L5V 2V7
905 890 0909
Brenda LeClair,
Franca Dodgson,
Cathy Saytar,
Superintendent of Schools
905 890 0708
Peter Ferreira,
Trustee - Ward 6
416 805 7110
Judy Borges,
School Council Chair
swing into full gear as staff work with your children on cross country, volleyball and various
other clubs and activities. We look forward to
an exciting year!
Msgr. Edgardo Pan,
St. Francis Xavier Church
905 890 5290
Page 2
Volume 2, Issue 1
Staffing—School Re-Organization
As referenced in a communication from our Associate Director Ralph Borelli, our Board has been in the process of meeting compliance with the Ministry initiative of capping classes in the primary grades at 20 students, with only 10 percent of classes across the
board eligible to exceed the cap.
At St. Valentine School, we experienced a reorganization as a result of shifts in our population. This resulted in changes in our primary classes to ensure compliance with the cap and to ensure balanced classes. During the September 14th PA Day, teachers
worked to create new classes that ensured a mixture of abilities and personalities. We also, where possible, maintained classes and
student-teacher relationships.
Below is the current organization at St. Valentine:
JK/SK —S. Diana, L. Lang, C. Fernandes;
Grade 1—3: M. Zejmo, L. Kulik-Oliveira, L. Almeida-Mejia,
T. Markovic, S. DiBiase
Grade 4-6: A. Duffy, K. Boone, J. Ruske, J. Dutra, C. Marino
Grade 7-8: D. Fendley, C. Mercer, P. Frackowiak
FSL: L. Rundsztuk, R. Ali
Resource Teachers: J. Webster, K. Morris, E. Kogut
ESL:D. Chiola-Nakai,, L. Rundsztuk
Planning Time: A. Mercieca, E. Kogut
Library: D. Chiola-Nakai
ERW—R. Beadle, G. Glsuszczyk, K. Hudec, M. Istaifan
DECE—V. Correia, C. MacIntosh, C. Caputi
We thank you for your patience during this reorganization and look forward to working with you through this school year.
Terry Fox Walk—2012
St Valentine Bravehearts! On Friday September
28th, we held our
annual Terry Fox Walk. Students regaled
the neighbourhood with signs, spirit and
good cheer!
Our community also far surpassed our chal-
the Terry Fox Run by raising $4 000.06!!!
We surpassed our goal of $3000. Great
who raised $332.50
The following classes led their divisions in
Intermediate classes - Mrs. Mercer's
class who raised $444.00
on a date chosen by their teacher:
Congratulations and thank you to everyone
JK/SK classes - Mrs. Lang's class
who contributed to cancer research. Many
who raised $282.00
lenge of matching last year's total raised in
Junior classes - Ms. Ruske's class who
raised $354.25
raising money and will receive a pizza party
Primary classes - Mrs. Markovic’s class
of the classes were separated by mere dollars!
Anaphylactic Shock—Classroom Snacks
We felt that all parents would like to be
aware that there are several students in
day, if you would like to send something,
Law”, we are no
is a medical condition that can result in
longer permitted to
death within minutes of exposure. Al-
with your child’s lunch that
tion. To acknowledge your child’s birth-
part of “Sabrina’s
food allergy to peanuts and nuts. This
child’s class directly, please send foods
they can bring for their own consump-
Further to this, as
our school with a severe life-threatening
though this may or may not affect your
teachers will advise students what foods
are free from nuts /nut products.
allow treats for
cial occasions (Halloween, Christmas)
treasures” that are not edible would be
appropriate. Thank you for your con-
sharing with other students. On spe-
items such as pencils or “dollar store
sideration and co-operation in making
our classrooms safer for students.
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 3
School Safety—Reminder
Parents are welcomed to the school
student programming. Since the hall-
throughout the year, however, for the
ways are busy during pick up times,
safety of all children, parents and visi-
siblings and parents are asked to ar-
tors must use only the front door for
range with your child, a meeting place
entry and must sign in at the office
outside of the school. Messages and
and receive a visitor’s sticker each and
deliveries (keys, lunches, etc.) are han-
every time you visit the building. Visi-
dled through the office. Please re-
tors are not entitled to go to the
member: to most students in the
classrooms as this is a disruption to
school, you are a stranger.
We are on the web:
Fire Drills and Lockdown Drills
As a precautionary measure, we will prac-
students are reminded to use their alternate
to St. Francis Xavier Church. Safety
tice fire drills and lock down procedures
exit. We will have three of the fire drills in
regulations require us to have this contin-
throughout the year. We are required to
the fall and the remaining three in the spring.
gency plan in place. In such an event,
hold 6 fire drills each year as well as 2 lock
down drills.
In a lock down, students are alerted over the
P.A. that we are “initiating lock down”. Stu-
During fire drills, students are asked to
dents are directed to move away from all
move safely and swiftly to the nearest exit
windows and doors and to lie on the floor, if
and to report to their designated area out-
possible under desks. Classroom doors and
side of the building. If an exit is blocked,
windows are secured. Students remain this
your child will remain with school staff
until we contact you.
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools.
Student safe arrival at school is
Student Absences
your child is late for school, they
paramount. If your child is absent,
must check into to office before
please call the school attendance
proceeding to class.
line at 905 890 0909, Press 1.
Children must be signed out at
This procedure helps to ensure
the office by an adult.
the safe arrival of all students. If
Page 4
October 2012
7:00pm—Parent Meet-
ing: First Communion
@ Church
Rosary Apostolates
Photo Retakes
Earth Rangers
7:00pm—Gr 7 & 8
Parent Meeting:
Quebec Trip
“Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river
slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be
Winnie the Pooh
Page 5
From S
On behalf of the School Council we would like to welcome everyone back and extend a heartfelt welcome to our new families and
faculty. Our main function as a council is to enhance your child’s educational experience by supporting activities and initiatives
that unfortunately are no longer supported by government and school board funding. We do this through various fundraising
initiatives. We thank you for your support as we launched our QSP magazines sales as well as later throughout the year.
Last year, your support of our fundraising initiatives supported the school in the following ways:
 Purchase of student agendas for grades 1 to 8
 Mementos to commemorate sacraments and graduation
 Pancake Tuesday - proceeds for Share Life
 Purchase VHS/DVD License yearly
 Limo/Mandarin Lunch
 Purchase of Virtues t-shirts for all students JK-Grade 8
 Funding for Aussie X
 Organization and funding of year end community barbeque
That is just the beginning. We are hoping to have another successful school year, and we cannot do that without the help of all
our volunteers.
At St. Valentine School, the parents are our partners in education. Effective home-school communication can be a critical component in the ultimate success of a student. In fact, the purpose of this very newsletter is to keep parents informed about the
events and happenings at our school.
Even if you are not interested in being a council member, you are welcome to attend our monthly meetings and listen to some of
the initiatives we are pursuing and/or provide your ideas as to areas we should be pursing. We are always open to fresh ideas.
Our first meeting is on Wednesday October 3rd at 6:30 pm in the library.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated support.
St. Valentine Catholic School Council
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 6
Kiss N’ Ride
The success of this program is dependent
supervision begins at this time.
If you need to park to escort kindergarten
upon parents, guardians, members of our
Parents should NOT be using the front
children to their area, please park either in
community, staff and students becoming
the spots at the front of the school or in
knowledgeable about the program and
the side parking lot.
committed to following the basic princi-
For greater success of our Kiss N’ Ride
program, we are asking for your help. If
Please drive to the end of the Kiss’n Ride
you are able to volunteer your time before
and drop off your child. They will then
the school day begins, please contact the
walk on the sidewalk and walk across the
school building and into the school yard.
Drop off time begins at 8:15 a.m. as yard
Thank you for your support and co-
of the school to drop off students—this
operation in this safety matter.
area is for school bus use only.
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest board news and information, follow us @DPCDSBSchools.
Snuggle Up and Read
Health Alert
St. Valentine primary students have received their Snuggle Up
and Read program materials. Students will have pouches and
leveled books that they can take home to read and track. Please
watch for the pouches and books in their backpacks.
We have noticed a number of students coming to school with
Red Bull and other “energy drinks”. Red Bull is banned in
several countries because of its adverse health effects. One
can contains 80 mg of caffeine and 8 oz. of sugar and will
increase hyperactivity.
We ask that parents spend time reading the materials with their
children, either taking turns or having the child read the book in it’s entirety. This
program is meant to support literacy instruction in the classroom and is not assigned homework but rather an additional support.
St. Valentine School is working hard to promote healthy
eating. Energy/caffeine
drinks defeat that purpose.
Please buy your child water,
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
juice, or milk to drink to promote
healthy habits!!
From time to time, there may be cases of pediculosis or head
child in a class or family, it is likely that other children
lice in our school. This should not be a cause for alarm. Lice
also have head lice.
are a nuisance, but are not hazardous to your child’s health,
If a child has pediculosis, we will ask the parent to
as they do not carry disease. One of the most important
come to school and pick up the child. We will recom-
steps to both their prevention and treatment is knowledge.
mend specific shampoos to get rid of the live lice, and
Head lice do not fly or jump. They can only hitch rides from
for appearances sake you may want to remove the nits
one head to another, and they prefer clean scalp and hair. By the time
that the nits or empty egg sacs are noticed on the head of one
with a fine toothed comb. An alert letter is sent home to parents
of the infected class.
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 7
Parish Parent Meetings and Sacrament Dates
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion:
Parent Meeting at St. Francis Xavier
Tuesday October 22 - 7:00 p.m.
Celebration of Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday January 22—9:30 a.m.
Inscription Masses
Saturday November 3 and
The following summarizes parent meetings
and sacrament celebrations that have
been planned for St. Valentine students.
All events take place at St. Francis
Xavier Church.
Sunday November 4
Celebration of Sacrament of First Holy
Parent Meeting at St. Francis Xavier Church:
Tuesday November 6—7:00 p.m.
Inscription Masses
Saturday December 8 and
Sunday December 9
Confirmation Preparation Mass:
Thursday January 31—7:00 p.m.
Celebration of Sacrament:
Thursday April 4 —7:00 p.m.
Grade 8 Graduation Mass:
Monday June 24—9:30 am
Saturday April 27—10:00 a.m.
Virtue for October—Empathy
This month we will focus on the virtue of empathy. God has given us the ability to form connections with each
other - to live together. Empathy helps us to connect and live together in safe, caring, inclusive communities. We
understand empathy to mean the ability to identify with and feel other people’s concerns. We believe that in a
faith community we are nothing without relationships. Relationships that grow in a spirit of communion- an understanding that we share an identity based on being created in the image and likeness of God and being imbued
with one Spirit. We are many parts of one body. An empathetic person believes that we all share one Spirit;
that we are many parts of one body because we are all created in the image and likeness of God.
REFLECTION… How will I know that someone needs me to show empathy today?
OUR DAILY PRAYER FOR OCTOBER—Let us now pray… for the grace and strength to be people
of empathy – people who can really identify with and feel the concerns of those around us. AMEN
Thanksgiving Day Food Drive
But when you give to the poor,
do not let your left hand know
what your right hand is doing, so
that your giving will be in secret;
and your Father who sees what is
done in secret will reward you.
~ Matthew 6:3-4
The St. Valentine Youth Faith
bassadors will be coming around
to classes collecting food dona-
tions. St. Mary’s Food Bank is
in particular need of canned tuna.
Please be generous during this
time of thanksgiving. Thank you
for your continued support in our
efforts to give back to our community.
Even when it may appear
to be insignificant, we inform parents of all reported head injuries that
happen at school. We do
this in recognition of the
potential danger of any
injury involving the head area. Our intent is not to
alarm you, but to keep you in-formed.
Ambassadors will be collecting
Please remind your child to let a staff member know if
non-perishable food items for the
they bump their head or if they get hurt at school.
St. Mary’s Food Bank during
Your child’s safety is our number one priority.
the week of October 1-5. Am-
Head Injuries
Volume 2, Issue 1
Page 8
The Last Word
Wo r d S t u d y B l o c k :T o d e v e l o p p h o n e m i c a w a r e n e s s a n d s p e l l i n g p r o f i c i e n c y I n c l u d e s t h e f o l l o w i n g a c t i v i t i e s :
• Introduction of the 43+ phonemic sounds used in the English language
• The Word Wall—high frequency vocabulary is introduced using a variety of activities and then prominently displayed in the classroom
• Spelling activities and word games related to the words on the wall
• Use of charts, rhymes, songs and sound play.
Sh a r e d/Gu i d e d R e a d i n g B l o c k :
Includes the following types of activities:
• Choral reading and chiming in
• Large group instruction about reading strategies and print conventions
Gu i d e d R e a d i n g — t o w o r k w i t h t h e t e a c h e r i n a sm a l l g r o u p s e t t i n g i n o r d e r t o d e v e l o p a f u l l r a n g e o f
Includes the following types of activities:
• Direct reading instruction in a small group
• Reading material that has been especially selected for the children in the group
• Within this block the students will also be engaged in a variety of additional reading activities designed to strengthen their literacy skills.
S e l f - S e l e c t e d R e a d i n g B l o c k :To p r o d u c e i n d e p e n d e n t r e a d e r s w h o a r e e x c i t e d b y r e a d i n g a n d s e e i t a s
Includes the following types of activities:
• Teacher reads to the students daily
• A wide variety of materials at various levels for the children to read
• Opportunities to re-read favourite stories
• Book talks given by children to the class, a group or a friend
• Teacher conferencing with individual students about the books they have read; Running record assessment.
Wr i t i n g B l o c k - T o e n a b l e s t u d e n t s t o v i e w w r i t i n g a s a r e a l a n d p u r p o s e f u l m e a n s o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n
Includes the following types of activities:
• Teacher modeling of writing and Shared writing experiences
• Time for daily writing
• Language experience charts
• Teacher and/or peer conferencing.
Bal a n c e d L i t e r a c y—The H o m e -Sc h o o l Co n n e c t i o n
Some Helpful Suggestions
• Read to your child as often as you can; encourage your child to join in and “read”. Point to the words as you read.
• Draw attention to print that is in the environment. (labels, signs, etc.)
• Read and write birthday cards, messages, grocery lists and letters together.
• Encourage your child to find words that begin with the same letters as his/her name.
• Ask questions before, during and after reading. (eg. “What do you think will happen next?”) Occasionally ask some “why” questions about the
• When reading aloud, if your child makes a mistake, allow time for self-correction. If the mistake makes sense, ignore it.
• Ask your child what word would make sense when she/he becomes “stuck” on a word. Encourage your child to “have-a-go”, to use the pictures, to
re-read, or to sound it out. More fluent readers can “read-on”, to get the overall meaning.
Above all, be positive and have fun!
We are on the web: