Carlisle County High School SBDM Council Student Assignment Policy

Carlisle County High School
SBDM Council
Student Assignment Policy
Student assignment shall be defined as appropriate placement of individual
students based on specific needs. In April each student will request eight
courses and two alternates. During the summer the principal and guidance
counselor will assign each student to classes based on the student requests
and the following criteria: Academic performance of the student, learning
style of the student, student behavior, instructional needs of the student,
course prerequisites, class size, and school schedule. By the August SBDM
meeting the principal will present the assignment plan for consideration,
amendment, and approval. Any parent or student who would like to make a
change in assignment shall confer with the principal or guidance counselor
who shall have the authority to make the switch. The school council shall
not have the authority to make a switch in student assignment once it gives
its initial approval to assignments.
Adopted: February 20, 2003