Barren County Middle School April 19, 2016
The Barren County Middle School SBDM Council met at Barren County Middle School at 3:30 o’clock
p.m. on the 19th day of April, 2016, with the following members present:
(1) Lori Downs (2) Susan Hammer (3) Olivia Dooley
(4) Heather Meredith (5) Lorie Crowe (6) Angie Frazier
Regular Meeting
The Barren County Middle School’s School-Based Decision-Making Council met in regular
session on April 19, 2016, at 3:30 p.m. with SBDM council members Lori Downs, Susan
Hammer, Olivia Dooley, Heather Meredith, Lorie Crowe and Angie Frazier present. Members
Olivia Dooley and Heather Meredith attended the meeting via phone conference. After
Chairperson, Lori Downs, called the meeting to order, the following business was conducted:
Recognition of Guests: None
98. Approval of Minutes: Upon the recommendation of the Chairperson, a motion was made
by Lorie Crowe, seconded by Susan Hammer, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
There was a consensus and all pertinent information is on file in the Principal’s office.
99. CSIP Review: Ms. Downs shared with council members that we have no changes in the
CSIP. She explained that we are still in the process of implementing the amendments and
changes in the CSIP that were made in December. There was discussion.
100. 2016-2017 Professional Learners Plan: Ms. Downs passed out copies of the proposed
2016-2017 Professional Learners Plan. A copy is included in the minutes. Ms. Hammer shared
we are required to have 24 hours of professional development and that we are required to
document how that time is used. She shared that on June 1st and July 28th we will come together
as a school for professional development and that each content area chose additional days for
professional development. Ms. Hammer explained the plan. There was discussion. Upon the
recommendation of the Chairperson, a motion was made by Angie Frazier, seconded by Olivia
Dooley, to approve the 2016-2017 Professional Learners Plan. There was a consensus and all
pertinent information is on file in the Principal’s office.
101. Committee Reports – KYCID: Ms. Downs told council members that the KYCID
committee is continuing to meet and that they are still looking at the discipline code, cell phone
policy and the dress code. Ms. Downs shared that the committee is still reviewing a few items
and would like to come back with their recommendations at the May meeting. This item will be
tabled until the May SBDM meeting.
Barren County Middle School April 19, 2016
The Barren County Middle School SBDM Council met at Barren County Middle School at 3:30 o’clock
p.m. on the 19th day of April, 2016, with the following members present:
(1) Lori Downs (2) Susan Hammer (3) Olivia Dooley
(4) Heather Meredith (5) Lorie Crowe (6) Angie Frazier
102. SBDM By-Laws Amendment – SBDM Elections: Ms. Downs shared that they had a
meeting at the district level about SBDM policies. She explained that in that meeting, they
discussed reminders from the state level about items that should and should not be included in
SBDM by-laws. Ms. Downs told the council that we need to remove the section regarding
selection of SBDM members: Article IV – Selection of Members, which states: Selection
procedure for council members shall be the same as Barren County Board of Education policy
02.421. Provisions for absentee ballots will be made in the principal’s office. Results of
elections will be announced at school, newspaper, radio, media, etc. Ms. Downs passed out
copies of the amended SBDM By-Laws which has Article IV - Selection of Members removed.
A copy is included in the minutes. There was discussion. Upon the recommendation of the
Chairperson, a motion was made by Lorie Crowe, seconded by Susan Hammer, to approve first
reading of the amended SBDM By-Laws. There was a consensus and all pertinent information is
on file in the Principal’s office.
103. KPREP Information: Ms. Downs told the council that we will be doing our KPREP
testing on May 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th and May 10th. She shared that we will be doing make-up testing
for the remainder of that week and hoped to have all tests completed, boxed and taken to the
Central Office by Friday, May 13th. There was discussion.
104. Financial Reports: Ms. Downs passed out copies of the SBDM Project Budget Report and
the School Activity Funds Monthly Financial Report. Copies of each are included in the
minutes. Council members reviewed the financial reports.
105. SBDM Elections: Ms. Pace reported that our 2016-2017 SBDM parent representatives will
be Cherie Kerney and Michelle Murphy. She shared that we are still in the process of holding
our 2016-2017 teacher election and do not have those results at this time.
106. End of Year Activities: Ms. Downs shared many end of the year activities with council
members. Ms. Downs shared that the BCMS Band and Choir concerts will be on May 16th and
the Orchestra concert is on May 18th. Ms. Downs shared that the Related Arts showcase was
recently held with the high school and she congratulated the Advanced Art class for a fantastic
show. Ms. Downs also shared that over the last month the band, orchestra and chorus have had
their KMEA festivals and all did a great job. Ms. Downs told council members that we would be
Barren County Middle School April 19, 2016
The Barren County Middle School SBDM Council met at Barren County Middle School at 3:30 o’clock
p.m. on the 19th day of April, 2016, with the following members present:
(1) Lori Downs (2) Susan Hammer (3) Olivia Dooley
(4) Heather Meredith (5) Lorie Crowe (6) Angie Frazier
giving finals on May 18th during 4th, 5th, and 6th periods and May 19th during 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
periods. Our field day will be held on May 19th from 11:00 until dismissal; 8th grade breakfast
will be May 18th during 1st period. Ms. Downs shared that we are looking at having our Awards
program on May 16th and having a cook out for students receiving awards and their parents
which would be held from approximately 11:30 until 12:30. Our 6th grade visit will be May 12th.
107. May Meeting Date: It was the consensus of the council to change the May meeting date
to Wednesday, 5/18/16, due to being out of school on 5/17/16 for Election Day.
108. Student/Staff Recognition: Ms. Downs recognized the BCMS Band, Orchestra and Choir
members for their outstanding performances at each of their KMEA festivals. She congratulated
Dr. and Ms. Crowder, Ms. Powell and Mr. Lucas for the great job with each group. Ms. Downs
shared that the Advanced Art class held their Showcase with the high school and did an
outstanding job. Also, she shared that we have some art award winners and will have the names
of the students at the next meeting. Ms. Downs recognized our Leaders of the Future graduates.
They are Olivia Crowe, Riley Essex, Easton Frazier, Grace Lowe, Kaitlyn Martin, Macy
Matthews, Bethany Schalk, Lilly Shiply, Sarah Sneed, Aubree Turner and Madeline Williams.
Ms. Downs recognized the following Science Fair winners: Madison High, 8th grade individual
1st place; Natalie Barrett and Olivia Crowe, 8th grade group 1st place; Brenna Cleveland and
Bethany Schalk, 8th grade group 2nd place; Bayley Hammer, 7th grade individual 1st place; Mattie
Anderson, 7th grade individual 2nd place; and Zack Wasson, 7th grade individual 3rd place. Ms.
Downs congratulated all of these for their accomplishments.
109. Other Items of Business: Angie Frazier asked if the middle school has an Ag position
posted. Ms. Downs shared that we do currently have a position posted for an Ag teacher. She
shared that the position would also include other duties. Ms. Downs shared that, along with the
Ag position, we currently have two science positions and one math position posted for next year.
She shared that they are in the process of doing interviews. She told council members that they
are still looking at the schedule and the teaming option. There was discussion.
110. Adjournment: Upon the recommendation of the Chairperson, a motion was made by
Susan Hammer, seconded by Angie Frazier, to adjourn. There was a consensus and all pertinent
information is on file in the Principal’s office.
Barren County Middle School April 19, 2016
The Barren County Middle School SBDM Council met at Barren County Middle School at 3:30 o’clock
p.m. on the 19th day of April, 2016, with the following members present:
(1) Lori Downs (2) Susan Hammer (3) Olivia Dooley
(4) Heather Meredith (5) Lorie Crowe (6) Angie Frazier
The next regular SBDM meeting will be held on Wednesday, 5/18/16, at 3:30 p.m.
Recording Secretary