Carlisle County High School SBDM Council Committees Policy

Carlisle County High School
SBDM Council
Committees Policy
The school council shall establish the following standing committees: Academic
Performance, Learning Environment, and Efficiency.
All interested persons shall be assigned to a committee based on their choice and
• At the spring parent-teacher conference there will be a sign up sheet for all
interested parents/community members to sign up for a committee for the
following year. A message will also be sent out via the One Call Now parent
notification system asking for parent volunteers for committees.
• Teachers will be assigned to serve on committees on two-year rotation.
• Notice of the sign up sheets will be sent out via One Call Now parent notification
• The council secretary will notify the parents/community members and teachers of
their approved committee assignment within one week following the April SBDM
The committee will be composed of the following: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and
• Each standing committee will have at least two teachers and one
parent/community member.
• The size limit for the standing committees shall be eight.
• SBDM members shall not be a member of standing committees.
Committees will meet for the first time prior to the September SBDM meeting to select
officers and to determine a meeting schedule (Monthly? Day? Time?) The three
committee chairmen will meet with the SBDM council at the August SBDM meeting to
discuss the following committee expectations:
• Each committee shall create and distribute a meeting agenda.
• Each committee shall adhere to the Open Meetings Law.
• Each committee shall take minutes.
• Each committee shall set annual goals and use timelines.
• Each committee shall use various forms of research to arrive at
• Each committee shall report within three days of their meeting or before a SBDM
council meeting (whichever is shortest) on a committee report form provided by
the principal and approved by the council. These forms will be copied and
included in each council member’s packet of information for the following
council meeting.
• Each committee shall adhere to its charge, which is focused on improving student
The council may appoint ad hoc committees on an as needed basis.
Charge to the Committees:
Academic Performance Committee:
Assure that the curriculum is aligned with Kentucky standards documents.
Meet at least annually with elementary and middle school councils.
Provide a process to ensure that core content is being taught.
Assure that the student handbook and the high school website are vital
information tools for students and parents.
Suggest professional development topics that meet priority needs as specified in
the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP).
Carry out other duties as assigned by the council.
Learning Environment
• Develop and provide opportunities for family and community support.
• Review Crisis Management Plan and student handbook to make certain that
policies and procedures ensure a safe, positive environment.
• Review needs assessment to ensure that professional development is focused on
identified needs.
• Develop and implement a process of evaluation for professional develop making
certain that professional development impacts instruction.
• Develop a plan for professional growth that is tied to individual needs and the
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan.
• Carry out other duties as assigned by the council.
• Develop and monitor implementation of the Comprehensive School Improvement
• Establish guidelines for component managers or designees to report progress of
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan to SBDM Council.
• Review yearly efficiency of school programs and resources (i.e. time, budget,
instructional materials, ESS, GT, etc.).
• Develop and implement an administrative evaluation process.
• Write/review/revise vision, mission, and belief statements yearly.
• Carry out other duties as assigned by the council.
Adopted: May 15, 2003
Amended: April 23, 2007
Abolished: November 12, 2007