Relationships Unit TSWBAT to Values: What does it mean? Where do we get our values? VALUES Values = moral standards personal code of conduct Ways They are Passed On… Lecture teaching, impressions by frequent repetitions (people) 2. Acting (modeling) 3. Experiences 4. Environment **You may/may not agree with your parents 1. values – but you gather and use information to make your own judgments Your Turn… On a blank piece of paper (you will not be handing this in): First – list 5 values that are important to you. Next – rank them one being the most important and five being the least Lastly – pick the most important value to you Ms. McCracken’s Values Love 2. Integrity 3. Honesty 4. Hard work 5. Optimism 1. Individual Activity Create a banner / “Coat of Arms” I will provide all necessary arts & crafts to be able to create your banner The project must include: • Two things that you value • People that you value (at least two) • 5 Personal characteristics / values (highlight your #1 value in a creative way) Activity is worth 10 classwork points – • WRITE YOUR NAME & CLASS ON THE BACK!