Instructions on How to Request a Report

How to Request a Report from the Banner System
Revision 1.0, 1/10/2006, For Internal Use Only
DRAFT Process for Academic Affairs and Student Services
The Enterprise Reporting and Data Exchange Committee has been working for some time
to provide a formal process for the request, development and delivery of new reports
from Banner. Until that process is fully approved, we are providing this interim process
to you. Please begin using this interim process immediately for all new report requests.
We have attached a copy of the committee’s draft request form for your use.
The attached form must be used to request a report from Banner. The information
you provide on this form will help us to determine whether a report already exists that
can meet your needs, or how long it might take to program a modified or new report. It’s
important that you provide as much detail as possible. If you have questions about the
meaning of the fields, contact Shad Sorenson or Laura Busby. We are here to sponsor
your request through the process, and can help you fill out the form.
Once completed, please submit the form to your sponsor. If you are employed through
Academic Affairs, you will submit the form to Laura Busby. If you are employed
through Student Services, you will submit the form to Shad Sorenson. Our contact
information is listed below. It is important that you submit your request to the right
person, so that we can review and prioritize it, and assist you in getting the information
you need.
Academic Affairs
Laura Busby
Manager, Academic Info Systems
Mailstop 112
Fax: 863-8918
Office: BA-201B
Phone: 863-8456
Student Services
Shad Sorenson
Sr. Director, Student Services & Banner
Mailstop 101
Fax: 863-8176
Office: WB-147K
Phone: 863-7072
We hope that this interim solution will help to streamline the reporting requests that we
receive, and better prioritize them until the reporting committee (of which we are
members) completes its work and gains approval for the “official” process. If, after
reading the frequently asked questions listed below, you have further questions or
concerns, please contact us.
Thanks for your support!
How to Request a Report from the Banner System – page 2 of 2
Utah Valley State College – For internal use only!
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens to my report request after I submit it?
Basically, your request will go through the following steps:
1) Your sponsor will review the request to insure that all the necessary data is included, and
determine whether a report already exists that can meet your needs.
2) Your request will be prioritized based on consistent factors across the institution.
Initially, it will be prioritized within your reporting group (i.e., Academic Affairs or
Students Services). If the report requires additional resources or special consideration
such as access to data outside of the Student module of Banner, it will be prioritized by
the Enterprise Reporting Committee which meets weekly.
3) A report will be developed to meet your request based on priority, and on available
Your sponsor is responsible to notify you of the status of your request each step along the way. If
you have questions about the status of your report, please contact them.
Can my request be rejected, and what do I do if it is?
Yes, there are certain conditions when a report request might be rejected. This is rare. However,
here are some of the reasons that might be given:
1) You do not have proper authority to access the data you are requesting.
2) Your request does not contain enough information to determine its priority, or whether a
similar report exists.
3) A similar report DOES exist and you receive the information you need.
Why do we need a formal process to request reports?
By using a formal process, we can eliminate duplicate effort, and insure that reports are
developed in such a way that they serve the maximum number of users. This will reduce the
costs associated with reporting at UVSC.
What if I have additional questions not covered in this document or the draft form?
You should contact your sponsor with any additional questions.
When will the reporting process be finalized and approved?
The reporting committee has completed its draft of the required documents that outline the
process for reporting. These documents are under review by that committee at this time, and will
be submitted to the Enterprise Application Committee when that is complete. You will be
notified of any change in the report request process, through the Academic Communicator, the
Academic Advisement Forum, and other means of communication.
What if I need a report I used to get from the SIS system?
We have a list of reports that existed with the SIS system, and have prioritized them, and are
working to replace those that are still needed. (The need for some reports went away with the
implementation of Banner). However, if you need such a report, please submit a request anyway.
You may need the report sooner than we are currently planning to complete it.
What if I used to receive my information from Information Technology or the Institutional
Research Department?
You will still need to submit a request. We may not be the persons to fulfill your request, but we
need to sponsor it, and help to move it along in the process. We will also work directly with both
of these departments, as well as the data stewards for other Banner modules to insure that your
request is appropriately filled and the results are accurate.