Oracle/SUN Hardware Purchase for UVLink Portal and Banner Administrative Systems ISSUE Board of Trustee approval is required for all requisitions of $150,000 or above. BACKGROUND Utah Valley University’s growth over the past two years has again increased the needs of the hardware that runs the administrative IT systems. In addition, the age of some hardware is now to end of life. This necessitates the purchase of new server hardware to replace and upgrade current systems. The request for approval is to purchase SUN enterprise class servers from Oracle for the administrative systems including the portal at a cost of $270,000. This purchase will not replace all SUN servers that are part of the Banner system, but just those that are necessary to solve the growth and aging problems. Purchase will include the Banner production database server, the two production web servers and the portal or authentication and integration database server. In addition, it will add capacity for the Banner Relationship Management product that is being implemented this year. Base funds are set aside annually for network maintenance. Half of the purchase price will be taken from this budget. PBA funding has been requested one-time to cover the other half of the purchase price. If PBA funding is not approved for this year, the upgrade will be done over two years with ongoing maintenance funds. RECOMMENDATION UVU administration recommends that the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of SUN server hardware at a purchase price of $270,000 to upgrade the existing Banner administrative system.