A Note from Mrs. Roney to Parents/Guardians and Students.

Name: _____________________________
A Note from Mrs. Roney to Parents/Guardians and Students.
Welcome to the SAT English Prep class for the 2015-2016 school year. I look forward to meeting
Please read the information below. If the parent/guardian completes the attached information
sheet, signs it, and the student returns it by the next time his or her SAT English class meets, the
student will receive 3 extra points to start off the year! Call it incentive! The information will help me
keep everyone “in the loop” this year.
Please note it is important for communication with the school and all teachers that as soon as
there is a change you update the following with your student’s home office: mailing address(es) for
parents/guardians and/or student, e-mail address(es), and/or phone number(s).
Besides teaching English and theatre classes, I also produce and direct the NPHS Theatre
productions and advise the NPHS Thespian Troupe. At 3:00 PM most days, I change hats to work on the
after school theatre arts activities and clubs. The best way to communicate with me is via e-mail as my
schedule makes afternoon and evening phone calls difficult, though not impossible. It is more effective
for all of us to schedule a phone call than to try to make random contact. My contact information is
included on the Grading Policy handout, at my web site, and here:
E-mail: roneya@npenn.org
Phone: (215) 853-1294.
Students, Parents/Guardians, and Teachers are a team who work together to help each student
reach their full potential. Communication is the key to success. I look forward to exploring the new
world of PSAT/NMSQT and SAT with you this year. It will be a “learning curve” for all of us.
Kind regards, Mrs. Roney
The redesigned SAT will be administered for the first time on March 5, 2016. Colleges and Universities
that require the SAT will be expecting the Classes of 2017 and 2018 to take the new SAT. Therefore, it
is recommended that current Sophomores and Juniors do not take the exam until March 2016. (That will
give us time to figure out what the new test will be!)
While the College Board is still refining the actual exam, we will be using newly published material that
has been aligned to the new PSAT/NMSQT and SAT and the National Common Core Standards, which
are very similar to the Pennsylvania Common Core Standards. (Please note that practicing for the new
SAT will also help Sophomores on the Keystone Exams in May 2016 as well as the exams and
expectations are similar.)
We will use the new materials to prepare for the new PSAT/NMSQT test – rewritten in the image of the
new SAT – which will be administered on October 14 at NPHS during the school day.
ALL Sophomores will take the test (test paid for by the NPSD).
Juniors are encouraged to register for it (cost is about $14). Juniors, you will be the first to take
the new SAT, so the more you can practice, the better you will do!
The basic change is that for both the Reading and Writing/Language portions of the exam, students will
be reading passages from literature and documents both fiction and non-fiction and then answering four
multiple choice questions that require close examination of the text and textural evidence to answer the
question correctly. Non-fiction will include passages in Science/Math, History/Social Studies, and United
States Documents. Students will not need to recall information to answer the questions; all answers can
be found or inferred from the text. However, the more you study in school and expand your knowledge
by reading on your own, the more confidant you will be approaching the SAT. We will go more in-depth
about what all this means in the near future.
I will be refining the course throughout the year as new information is released and as the students and
I assess areas that need work. The basic course outline will be:
Marking Period #1: Explore the new SAT purpose and shape, prepare for the PSAT/NMSQT, learn the
directions and some strategies for the Reading and Writing/Language sections, practice Reading and
Writing/Language sections.
Marking Period #2: In-depth analysis of Reading and Writing/Language sections; review and practice
close reading skills, review standard English grammar, and analyze good writing and editing skills;
continue practicing Reading and Writing/Language sections and strategies for successful test-taking.
(PSAT/NMSQT results should be available during this marking period and we will examine them for areas
that need work for class/students.)
Marking Period #3: In-depth analysis of the SAT newly designed Essay including: directions,
task/expectations, rubrics, and grading; plus practice writing, grading, and editing an SAT essay from
released SAT style prompts.
Marking Period #4: Review strategies, practice & drill Reading and Writing/Language passages, share
information (such as websites, extra handouts, and other resources) for students to work individually to
strengthen personal skills.
Back-to-School Night: Thursday, September 17 @ 7 PM. I hope to meet you then!
GRADE REMINDER. Please note an “F” grade is defined as below 65% (or 64.4 % and below).
This percentage will be important for determining your Pass/Fail grade for this class.
PACKET. Please review all the handouts in this packet as they are important!
 Information Letter
 Grading Policy
 1st Marking Period Homework Assignments and Grade Tally Sheets
TEXTBOOKS. There are no textbooks for the class. Handouts will be distributed to introduce you
to the strategies we will cover as well as for class work and homework.
 Students are expected to assemble a Study Guide for the SAT by assembling a notebook each
marking period.
 If you are absent from a class, you are expected to download the missed work – and work for
the next class – from my teacher’s website. You can also come to F41 before 1st period or
during 9th Period to get the work.
 Missed quizzes can be made up during 9th Periods, X-Periods, or class.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES. The following resources will be used in class or for homework.
 College Board SAT Website: http://sat.collegeboard.org. Students are required to create an
account and password on the website AND answer a minimum of two daily SAT English
questions per class, as well as access other resources to practice skills that they need to
successfully complete the SAT Test. Parents/Guardians are also encouraged to become
familiar with the site. The website is a terrific FREE resource!
 The Official SAT Study Guide with DVD. This book can be ordered directly from the College
Board SAT website listed above. It contains additional practice exercises for students to
prepare themselves. The Guide for the new SAT will be available sometime in the fall of 2015.
NOTEBOOK. ALL students are required to have a separate 3-ring binder OR a specific place in
larger binder that will hold ALL Handouts including: packets, classwork and notes, homework,
quizzes, and Homework Assignment and Grade Tally Sheets. Notebooks will be checked and graded
at the end of each marking period. Dividers are optional, but help organize materials. Folders that
are not a 3-ring binder are not acceptable.
Name: _____________________________
PENCILS: #2 pencil(s) should be a part of every student’s book bag and will be used in class.
Pens, highlighters, and sticky notes are optional but can be helpful in processing class curriculum.
COMPUTERS. We will be using computers for various projects and access to a computer at home
or using a computer at school in the IMC (during study halls, lunch, 9th periods or after school on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays) will be necessary to successfully complete the course.
NOTE: If you do not have access to a computer at home, see Mrs. Roney for a marking period
pass to the IMC. Please note: You must get a special green pass from the IMC to use during 9th
periods on the day the period is to meet.
at the beginning of each marking period and will be posted on Mrs. Roney’s website.
 Students are expected to refer to it for class assignments, class preparation (such as dates of
quizzes) and to keep a record of points for homework, quizzes, and the Notebook.
 ALL Packets, classwork, Quizzes, Homework Assignments, and SAT Questions of the Day are to
be completed and included in the Notebook by the end of each marking period. They must be in
order from first hand at the beginning of the notebook to the last one at the end.
HOME ACCESS CENTER. Please become familiar with the Home Access Center (HAC) to access
your student’s grades and track his or her progress. Checking HAC with your student can foster
good communication between students and their parent/guardians and help us work as a team to
make certain each student is successful. Using HAC, you can check your student’s current grades
and sometimes see dates and deadlines for upcoming work and assessments. Teachers can also
send e-mails and updates through HAC.
Check the distribution dates on the District Calendar and review them with your student.
Check www.npenn.org for information on obtaining HAC access codes.
Additional tools and support for students and parents/guardians for ALL high school classes:
 TEACHER WEBSITE for information and to access some handouts:
www.npenn.org / North Penn High School / Teacher Web Sites / “R” / Roney, Andrea.
 GUIDANCE COUNSELORS are assigned to a student through their home office and are a
terrific resource to help a student successfully complete high school.
Students needing extra help in classes, time to make up a quiz or exam, or having a concern they
may need to address with a teacher can attend the following:
 9th PERIOD. The Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday schedules allows for an extra period at
the end of both days. Teachers will announce their availability or invite students to visit them
during 9th period. Students can also request a “green pass” to attend a 9th Period with any
 X-PERIOD. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, late buses are available at 4 PM so
that students can meet with teachers as necessary immediately after school. Students may be
invited by a teacher to attend an X-period to make up work or tests or do remedial or other
work. Students may also request time with a teacher.
 WRITING LAB. This service is available after school every day, but some Tuesdays. Please
check with your teachers about the schedule and room assignment for the 2015-2016 year.
This is a great place to go for extra help when writing your SAT essay!
 IMC. Check the IMC webpage for schedules and policies before, during, and after school.
COMMUNICATION. Please remember to complete the attached Information Sheet return to me
by the next time your class meets to receive extra credit!
 If the need arises, I will attempt to contact you through one or all of the following methods as
applicable: e-mail, letter, or phone call.
 If you have questions or concerns at any time, please contact me starting with an email