American Government (RL II) Penncrest High School Second Semester 2016

American Government (RL II)
Penncrest High School
Second Semester 2016
Mrs. Staiger
Room: B219
610 – 627 – 6304
Homework listed on my web site
The overall objective of this semester long course and graduation requirement is
to study a variety of issues and topics related to American government and politics. We
will learn about the relationship between the federal government and the states; study the
evolution and role of political parties; examine what is political power and how it is
acquired; analyze our electoral system; review the roles of each branch of government;
and explore questions related to the role of the media and other influences in shaping and
measuring public opinion. Current events will be followed closely.
This class will use the online text, Magruder’s American Government – The
Foundations Series. Directions for accessing the textbook are on the Semester
Agreement and on the Resources Document in Google Classroom’s “About” tab. While
this is the major source for this class, other materials will also be used including handouts
and readings. All assignments and tests/ quizzes are to be completed to the best of your
ability and you should always take pride in what you hand in for a grade. It should go
without saying that all work should be completed on time.
For this class you will need to bring all materials everyday unless I say otherwise.
You will need your iPad (or phone), pen or pencil, and a folder or section of your binder.
For assignments, tests, or anything that you will hand in, use only pencil or blue or black
ink pen. Keep a folder or a section of your binder exclusively for this class. In addition to
digital resources, you will also need to keep all handouts and graded items to prepare for
the final exam. I will expect you to produce any of these handouts at any time. You are to
take notes during class and from reading assignments; however the form of these notes is
up to you. I will often provide you with a digital copy from which to start but you are
expected to annotate these base notes further. Work should be handed in neatly done for
both digital assignments and written work. Practice your organizational skills; you will
need them for the rest of your life.
Your grade for this class is based on your performance in the following areas: class
participation, attendance, assignments, tests, quizzes, mini-projects, and attitude. Your
grade will also be affected by the department final examination. Grades are based on
Rose Tree Media’s standards as found in your student handbook. Do keep in mind that
final grades for the year are numerically averaged, using the averages from each quarter
and the exam grade. Remember this is a semester course and a graduation requirement.
Do your personal best and you will succeed. Opportunities for extra- credit do arise, and it
is highly suggested that you take advantage of them when offered. There will not be any
last minute extra-credit work at the end of a marking period. Do not ask.
Make up work policy is as follows and will be different for mini-projects. If you are
absent from school and it is an EXCUSED absence, all work is to be made up in a
reasonable amount of time and you should consult with me upon your return to school. If
you expect to miss class for a field trip, guidance appointment, or because you were late to
school, I expect the assignment to be handed in sometime during the day. There is no
excuse for not knowing the assignments, because you can always check my web site or
the myHomework app for the homework and I expect you to do so. Assignments are
expected to be completed on time. School is still your first priority and that includes
homework. Should unforeseen events occur, you may turn assignments in up to 3 days
late with a penalty of losing a letter grade for each day it is late. After that no credit will be
given. Work missed due to UNEXCUSED absences/ lateness will receive no credit.
When you pass your present level of ability and accomplishment as a student then
you will have succeeded in this class. I expect you to devote the energies needed to
succeed. Do not fall behind. Do keep in mind that I am always available to discuss
difficulties or ideas, just come see me. Let's have a good, productive semester!
There is no substitute for hard work
Thomas A. Edison