TRADITIONAL LATIN AMERICA REVIEW SHEET Chapter 20 Section 3 Early Civilizations Maya Aztec Inca Location (Be specific!) Government Achievements Religion Decline Define Olmec Toltec Maize Quipu Chasqui Chapter 21 Section 1 Europe’s Colonies in the Americas Five countries with most of the colonies in the America’s 1. 3. 2. 5. 4. 1 Define/Identify Conquistador Cortés Balboa Magellan Viceroy Haciendas Cabildo Donatario Indigenous Cash crop Encomienda system Explain Mercantilism • Definition • Goal • 3 ways goal was achieved 2 Explain Colombian Exchange Chapter 21 Section 2 Patterns of Life Identify and define classes in the colonial social structure from most powerful to least 1 2 3 4 5 6 What was the role of the Catholic Church? What role did it play? (Including missionaries/missions)? Chapter 22 Section 3 Liberator Country Winning Independence Gained Independence from… Description of Struggle Toussaint L’Ouverture 3 Liberator Country Gained Independence from… Description of Struggle Simon Bolivar Miguel Hidalgo & Jose Morelos Pedro What are the reasons the following groups wanted independence? Creoles Indians (Native Americans) Mestizos Chapter 21 Section 4 Identify Slaves The New Republics Caudillo Oligarchy What problems (obstacles) did Latin American countries face after independence? How did the goals of conservatives and liberals differ? How did foreign debt lead to economic imperialism in Latin America? 4