Modern Europe Final Exam Review ______________________________


Modern Europe Final Exam Review

1. Charles Darwin developed the theory of


2. Who invented the telephone?


3. Who invented the light bulb?

4. Who invented the automobile?

5. What is a textile?



6. Name 2 inventions in the textile industry.

7. What forms of power were used during the

Industrial Revolution?

8. What invention allowed factories to move away from rivers and streams?

9. In the cities, most people worked in ___.






10. What were middle class people concerned most about?

11. The belief that certain people are naturally better and more “fit” than others is known as___.

12. Marx believed that all workers (proletariat) would one day _____ against the wealthy owners and middle class managers (bourgeoisie).

13. True or False. Working in the factory was dangerous and the workers were paid little.

14. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?

15. What invention helped to power boats and locomotives?

16. India provided ___ with a large market and plenty of raw materials.

17. Who adopted Western ideas and weapons so that they would avoid being conquered?









18. Who were the sepoys?

19. Why did they revolt against the British?

20. Name the first modern African nation to defeat a European one.

21. Which European country was the first to conquer land in Africa?

22. The biggest reason that imperialism occurred was because European countries were looking for cheap __________ that they needed for the

Industrial Revolution.

23. What meeting was held to prevent European countries from fighting over African land?

24. The first modern Asian nation to defeat a

European one was _____.

25. Britain took over China as a result of the

______ War.

26. Finish the quote: “The sun never sets on the

_________ ___________.” What does it mean?










27. Name 2 agricultural inventions/innovations. ______________________________

28. What were the flying shuttle and spinning

______________________________ jenny used for?

29. Who believed that workers would eventually unite and revolt around the world? ______________________________

30. What is urbanization?

31. What book did Adam Smith write?

32. What did Adam Smith say controlled the economy?

33. What did Marx call the wealthy people in the world?





34. What did Marx call the workers who were oppressed by the wealthy?

35. What was the most significant power source during the Industrial Revolution?

36. Due to the need for new resources for the

Industrial Revolution, European countries took over lands in Africa and Asia. This is known as

37. Why else did European countries want colonies?

38. Who came to the aid of Serbia because they felt that they had a duty to defend the Slavs in


39. When two countries compete to build up their militaries, it is called an ________.

40. The failed German attack plan to avoid a two front war was known as the _______ Plan.

41. Before declaring war on Serbia, Austria-

Hungary issued them an

42. What war did the assassination of Archduke

Franz Ferdinand cause?

43. What new weapons were used in WWI?

44. What are u-boats?

45. Who used them first?













46. Why did Britain enter WWI?

47. What style of warfare was used on the


Western Front?

48. Where was the Western Front?



49. What famous ocean liner did a u-boat sink? ______________________________

50. What Zimmerman telegram was a message from Germany to what country? ______________________________

51. The Central Powers and Triple Entente were examples of

52. The 3 members of the Central Powers were the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and

53. What do you call a country that refuses to take sides in a war?

54. Who was the President of the United States who developed the 14 Points during WWI?

55. Why wasn't the Treaty of Versailles a good treaty?

56. Why did Russia leave the war?

57. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk allowed which country to leave the war early?

58. In what ways did the Treaty of Versailles punish Germany?

59. What organization was created after WWI to keep peace?

60. What “mad monk” was killed for having a corrupt influence on the Russian monarchy?

61. What did the communists call themselves during the Russian Revolution?

62. Who inspired the philosophy of communism?

63. Between WWI and WWII countries around the world suffered economically in a time period known as the

64. Who became the first communist leader of

Russia after the November Revolution?

65. Lenin tried to temporarily retreat from communism in order to rebuild the economy.

His plan was called ___________________.
















66. Large farms operated by peasants as a group are called ______.

67. What does totalitarian mean?



68. In order to increase his power and remove rivals, Stalin began the period known as the



69. According to the Five-Year Plans, what was

Stalin’s main goal as leader of the Soviet Union? ______________________________

70. What philosophy did Mussolini create that stresses support for dictators and military power? ______________________________

71. Mussolini and Hitler tested their weapons out in what war prior to WWII?

72. What event started WWII?

73. What race did Hitler believe was superior?




74. The night in which Jewish synagogues and businesses were destroyed in Germany is known as

75. What is Mein Kampf ?

76. The German speaking land in

Czechoslovakia was called the




77. What was the turning point in the war between Germany and the Soviet Union?

78. What was the Final Solution?

79. Who were the victims of the Holocaust?

80. The Allied invasion of France on June 6,

1944 that led to Hitler’s downfall was known as

81. Why did Germans overlook many of Hitler’s faults?

82. What were the results of WWII?







83. What Soviet leader killed even more people than Hitler?

84. The constant tension between the Soviet

Union and the United States when no direct fighting took place between 1945-1991 is known as



Study the map of Europe. Be ready to identify the following:

(Countries with an asterisk (*) beside it will require you to identify the capital as well)

England*, France*, Spain*, Germany*, Italy*, Russia*, Greece*, Poland*, Austria*,

Ireland*, Portugal, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, English Channel,

Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean
