Test Review: The Age of Absolutism and the Age of Enlightenment


Test Review:

The Age of Absolutism and the Age of Enlightenment


Henry IV


St. Batholomew’s Day Massacre

Edict of Nantes

Louis XIV

Sun King

“I am the state”


Jean-Baptiste Colbert


Versailles levée balance of power

Natural law

Chart on the Philosophes

Thomas Hobbes

“state of nature” social Contract

John Locke natural rights philosophes


Baron de Montesquieu


Diderot physiocrats laissez faire

Adam Smith

Invisible Hand censorship salons enlightened despots

Frederick the Great

Catherine the Great

Joseph II constitutional government


House of Commons

House of Lords

George I

George II cabinet

Prime Minister

United Kingdom of Great Britain

George III

American Revolution


1. In what ways was Louis XIV an absolute monarch?

2. How did Louis XIV manage to increase his power while at the same time bankrupting


3. Compare and contrast the Enlightenment thinkers from your chart with regard to their views of human nature, the purpose of government, and their new and/or unique ideas.

4. Contrast mercantilism with laissez faire economics.

5. Who are the enlightened despots, what does the term mean, and what did they do to earn that title?

6. Describe Britain’s Parliament. How does one become a member of each house? How is the Prime Minister selected? Why was a cabinet created? Why was George III less dependant on the cabinet than his father and grandfather?

7. Though they were English and French, how did each of the Enlightenment thinkers contribute to the new United States government?
