Advanced Placement European History McKay- Chapter 27

Advanced Placement European History
McKay- Chapter 27
The Road to War (879-883)
Alliances…what threatened the state of Germany?
Bismarck’s strategy concerning alliances overall and France specifically?
Three Emperor’s LeagueReinsurance Treaty
“rival blocs”
Triple Alliance
Dual Alliance
England and “splendid isolation”
Explain the rivalry between Britain and Germany leading up to the war
“A Place in the Sun”
Describe William II
What was the result of Bismarck’s dismissal?
Franco-Russian Alliance
Alfred von Tirpitz and risk theory.
Entente Cordial
First Moroccan Crisis
Outbreak of War (883-90)
Why was war in the Balkans “inevitable?”
1st Balkan War
2nd Balkan War
June 28, 1914
Serbian Nationalists
Franz Jospeh
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
2-Front War
William II
Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg
Rape of Belgium (Schliefen Plan)
Nicholas II
“Complicated mobilization plans”
Triple Entente
“The boys will be home by Christmas”
Battle of the Marne
Trench Warfare
The Western Front
Paul von Hindenburg
Erich Ludendorff
Describe Russian losses on the “eastern front”
Describe the plight of the Armenians. Why/how did this happen?
T. E. Lawrence
What happened to Middle Eastern Ottoman holdings?
Why did the US join the war?
The Home Front (890-895)
Describe various methods of “total war” domestically speaking.
How did total war contribute to the growth of socialism?
Explain the German’s War Raw Materials Board under Walter Rathenau.
How did labor unions benefit from the war?
How did women benefit from the war?
Describe the war propaganda each government sponsored and distributed. Why did they
do this?
What was the Easter Rebellion?
Henri Phillipe Petain
Georges Clemenceau
Franz Joseph
The Russian Revolution (895-901)
Explain “Russia’s battered peasant army”
Describe Nicholas II’s handling of leadership during the war
Who was Rasputin?
Petrograd Bread Riot
March 12, 1917
Alexander Kerensky
Provisional Government
Petrograd Soviet
Army Order No. 1
Explain Lenin’s 3 central ideas
Kornilov’s Attack
Leon Trotsky
Three key reasons Bolsheviks came to power
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Civil War
Constituent Assembly
Trotsky’s army leadership
War Communism
“class enemies”
Why no allied intervention in Russian Civil War?
Why is what happened in Russia so historically important?
The Peace Settlement (901-908)
What were the costs of WWI? What was the “ultimate tragedy?”
What happened at 2nd Battle of the Marne?
What happened in Germany approaching Armistice Day 11/11/1918?
Describe the German Revolution (briefly).
German Social Democratic Party
Treaty of Versailles
What were the goals of 1. US and Woodrow Wilson 2. Great Britain and Lloyd George
3. Clemenceau and France?
League of Nations
League of Nations Mandates
Look at the map on pg. 904 and answer the questions.
What happened to the Ottoman Empire?
Why did Arab nationalists feel “double-crossed”?
Balfour Declaration
Syria and Iraq
Describe Turkey as created by Ataturk
Why did the US Congress refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?
Overall, why do you think the Treaty of Versailles was a failure of diplomacy and
international agreement?