17 /Early 18 Century Test Review

17th/Early 18th Century Test Review
Below is a list of people, events, laws, etc… that you MUST know in order to
successfully answer questions on the test this Monday. At the end of the list are 4
key historical concepts that many of the questions are designed to test your
understanding of connections to/ cause and effect and relationships of historical
forces. I would prepare for the test using this sheet in conjunction with the Chapter
13 and 15 Term Sheets. Good Luck!
Oliver Cromwell
House of Commons
House of Lords
Whigs vs. Tories
Robert Walpole
Charles I
Charles II
James I
James II
William and Mary
Oliver Cromwell
Act of Settlement
Test Act
Petition of Right
Bill of Rights
English Civil War
Puritan Revolution
Henry IV
Louis XIII
Louis XIV
Louis XV
Edict of Nantes
Bishop Bosseut
Divine Right Theory
Peter the Great
Table of Ranks
Romanov Holdings
Hohenzollern Holdings
Frederick the Great
Ottoman Holdings
Hapsburg Holdings
Dutch Netherlands
Dutch in 17th Century
Commercial Revolution
Atlantic Trade
Price Revolution
Ideas concerning:
Patterns of Royal Absolutism
Growth of Trade
State Building (military, bureaucracy, efficient taxes)
Struggles between monarchs and nobility