Executive Council Minutes January 30, 2009

Executive Council Minutes
January 30, 2009
Present: Alan Scheibmeir, Giles Brown, David Foster, Jeanie Hardin, Gary
Paikowski, and Wendell Williams.
Absent: Roy Renfro
Recorder: Shelle Cassell
Agenda Items
Emergency Preparedness Planning
Members joined in a discussion to further the institution’s readiness to respond to an
emergency situation. Dr. Scheibmeir helped the leadership team understand their various
roles needed in an incident command system. Several tasks were assigned as follows:
ƒ Confirm that the Sheriff’s department has responsibility and resources for our
ƒ Shelle Cassell will develop resource and guideline “Emergency Management”
handbooks and place them in strategic campus locations (Administrative
Boardroom, Jeanie Hardin’s area, Campus Police, South Campus, Rayburn
Collegiate Center, and others as they are identified. An electronic copy of the
handbook will also be made available.
ƒ Wendell Williams will increase awareness and drills for various circumstances for
the Residence Halls. This will include additional awareness for International
students. Jeanie Hardin will have safety and emergency procedures added to the
curriculum of the cultural orientation class that is required of International
ƒ Giles Brown, Wendell Williams and Tim Green will work together to identify
mass communications / notifications systems. A proposal will be presented to the
Emergency Management Team for a recommendation to be implemented. The
system should include low tech to high tech methods of communication.
ƒ Council members will review the Building Contact / Safety Leader list to identify
the most logical employee to assist each building. The list will include day and
evening contacts. This list will be approved at a future Council meeting and the
safety leaders will be asked to participate in orientation and information sessions.
ƒ The Emergency Management Team will meet to develop procedures for ensuring
that training and professional development on safety and emergency management
issues is conducted regularly for all employees. Professional development
sessions will include each building meeting to discuss safety and evacuation
procedures for their building / area. Facilities maintenance personnel will
incorporate the identification of safety equipment, notifications, emergency kit
location, etc. into their facilities review process. A Blackboard orientation of
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Emergency procedures will be developed and employees will be required to be
familiar with the content.
ƒ Executive Council will annually review the Building Safety Leader Contact List
and other Emergency Procedures to ensure they are updated appropriately.
ƒ Tim Green will research what readiness level identifiers are used by other local
responders and propose a system for GCC to adopt.
Action/Motion: Actions and tasks will be completed as described above.
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