M CRIMSON and WHITE Volume II, Number 3 MUne High School, JUNIOR Albany, N. Y., Friday, October 23, 1931 NEWS CLUBS WILL BUGII'^ ITZXT THURSOJ.Y ?0R ALL I^S'IBITRS RICH/iHD Iv'IASTLR-.ON IS ELECTLT) STUDENT ASSOCIATION PRESIDEN'. At ELECTIONS WED^^GDAY Clubs \7ill start the twenty• ith of October v/liich is next arsday* If anyone has not joind a club by that time, he v;ill ^ ].ave a study period during the club periods• The clubs that h„.ve already been started are: Beginner•s Dancing Club; Eighth Grade Boys» Shop Club; Art Club; Latin Club; Advanced Dancing Club; and tV70 Dramatics Clubs, The Bicycle Club, the Photoplay Club, the Science Club, the Game Club, and the Glee Club, have not yet been organi z ed. More members are needed in the Art Club. After the various club petitions have been accepted by the . Student Council, the clubs v;ill be assigned a spnsor o,nd a roo'ii and the organization v/ill begin. If anyone has not been asked 1:0 join a club he may sign a petition on the Junior High School .olletin board or in Miss Halter*s -ffice. Those students uho arc on the itaff of the nevjspaper v/ill not allov/ed to join a club. Richard Mastcron was elec,. 1 president of the Junior High sc as a result of the elections \7odnesday. During the assembly pr:gram ITednesdajr morning campaign speeches for the dandidatcs v/ere presented and the platforms explained. The other candidates 'jere Edv/in Bloclcridge and .ilvin Neef. The carrpaign managers v/ere Robert ICuhn, Harold Rosenstein, and Willis Green. Each spoke upon the qualifications of their candidates. Richard is a member of home room 320. His platform was 1 good sportsmanship and friendly feeling among all the students; 2 - coLffiiittoes v;hich are picked for school events should be the ones best suited to make the entertainment mcce; 2nd 3 the money of the Junior High Sclior> should be used for Junior High school parties and dances, if the^v;ant to have them. BASKETBALL PRADTICE WILL ST.1RT NEXT TUESD .Y AT 3:15 Milne Junior High School •30.vRD AND STAFF OF NEWSPAPER .ARE ORGANI'^ED AND BEGIN WORK sports are getting av;ay to a good start this year, ^ome of the old voter-'.ns arc- on the b .skctbrdl team. Practice will begin next Tuesd'^.y, October 27, at 5:15 o' The junior high school nev/sclock. paper was organized last v/eek at There are some vor3^ good men a meeting in room 121. The folon the terjTii this year, -anond thOL lowing board has been chosen: Dorothy Hoornbeck, editor; Barbara are: Robert Kuhn, Sonny Blocksid' Richard Masterson, Hov/ard RosenBirchenough, associate editor; Leo Minkin, associate editor; Wil- stein, and Robert Stutz. liam Lowenberg, sports editor; The ninth gr de home room 22/ Carolyn Mattice, feature editor; has a bcusketball tc.:.m of its own. Sara Kessler, Eschange editor; and They challenge all other Junior •illis Green, circulation mana.ger. High teams. As yet they hav-: not The other students who sign- played a game. Got up a tc;;m and see the manj.gor for ffame. nd up for newspaper will work as L^eportcrs. If persons \Tho are givassignments do not do them, STUDENT TAISS P P T IN CEREI'/lOir/" bhey villi bo dropped from the rbaff. The amouht of work that ach member does v/ill be counted Leo Minkin, an associate \-\d credited to that person. This it or of this paper, v/as the pa ibulation will be used to help to the caiTipus queen, Florence •otermine the positions for next man, at the annual State collet • oar. ceremony last 3:'.turday night. 0 B I M 3 O M Al^D I'VHITE Junior News CAFETERI . NOISES VolumeH/NMrllU^i^' The noiso in the cafeteria is getting worse. It is necessTHE BOARD ary that this noise be stopped, Dorothy Hoornbeok Iditor and the only way this can bo done Barbara Birclienough is by"every student doing his Associate Editor share. Leo Minkin Associate Editor Running under the rail to William Lowenberg Sports Editor got food makes our cafeteria very Carolyn Mattice Feature Editor unruly. If everyone would stop Sara Kessler Exchange Editor running under the rail in the cafVfillis Green Circulation Manager eteria and cooperate in this, our Frances Levitz, Martha Gordonj cafeteria v/ould bo a v^ry nice Seldon Knudson, Jean Graham, Spen- place to eat. Leaving papers is a bad habit. 0. r Kimball, Dunton Tynon, Helen Gibson, Leslie Sipperley, Gertrude After we have finished our lunch the snior high school students c .t Ml oeler, Frederick Carr, Y/alter there in the cafeteria. Think L'w B'.tes, Delia Call, Jane Bulger, you would feel when you went int F rion Cooper, Irma Komfort, Gerthe cafeteria to cat if some i/.'.ine KellerY/ilbur Barnes, Lelhad b-^^n in there before -hrov;:!.' r. d Beik, Grovc:i" Fayles, Sheldon paperF around and making tnc pj, \d, Ronald Kneller, Ruth Mann, very untidyI ^gy Kirchnei", James Reed, and '••"Gh Campbell, Norma Kapv/ich, MariC'n Camp, Jack Jenkins, Mitchell THE Q.UESTION-BOX .•ordj Carolyn Hal.lenbeck. Q,U""STT(jN: What do y i , L i ii>..: c : the new way of the ciu!.. KLGULATIONS by Detition? NECESSARY? OLIVE VROOMAN: think lajt year': idea v/as much bettor especially It does not seem necessary to for the seventh grades^ because have the same traffic regulations they don^t knov/ just what kind this year that we had last year. of club to start, or wh:"^t kind Vie think hov/ever that it would be they Y/ish to join." advisable to make it clear to the new students just what is eiapected NORMzUM FRY: "I like this yearns of them in the way of discipline. idea very much as you can cnoothe people you want in your cl This might be announced in the think petitionc> assembly and by notice on the bul- DORIS SHULTES: for clubs arc good because maD;: letin board. Those who are familpeople get in the clubs that iar with the regulations should like. Last year there v/ere n., u rot an example for the new studas many who would join as t h e n its . are now." If this method of discipline ..-.oes not prove satisfactory v/ithin EMILIE BUCH/iCA: "I do not think I reasonable length of time it it is a good idea because it 1 light be adjusted by the Student hard for mor.t people to decic.. ' 3^iincil. to which club they want to brlong. It is also hard to k c ) from signing more than one p.,. • ition." THE PRE3IDENTI..L ELECTION JOHN GRAHI'IM: "I think the new This year the method of electmethod of forming a club is ing the president of the Milne Jungood because if a group of peoior High school is entirely differple v/ant a certain club, they ent from that of previous years• have a better chance of gettir Last year two delegates from each it in this way." home room v/ere chosen for Student ROBERT H'UIPES: "I think that petCoundil. The members of the C oun— itions for clubs are good beoil then mot and elected someone cause it lets the people thinK for president of the Student Counup their own ideas instead of/ cil. This person was also the pres' having a teacher think it up ident of the Junior High school* for them." This year the student is sel' ected from each homo room. These nine pupils go before the Student COUNCIL RECEIVES PETITIONS • Council viho elects three of this 'group for candidates. One of these Two petitions for i^ramatics three candidates is then elected clubs have been submitted to the student council. All petitions ; .:or president by the vote of the '•tude|^5 teiXlt that this yearns pro- clubs had to be in the hands of the council by yesterday, a mem-••lodure is much better. It gives ber of the council said today. .ch student a voice in the selecIt is necessary for the St^.' tion of the president. It also ives the candidates a sense of" rc- dent Council to pass upon the various club petitions and then .^^oonsibilty and self confidence. .; t arouses interest and enthusiasm;grant them charters and find tl.. •:.us creating better school spirits a sponsor^ and a home-room before the club can be officially organ' ized. (3BIMS0N AND WHITE Junior News CAFETERIA NOISES, , , ^ V o l u m e U/Nwrnb^v 3 The noise in the cafeteria is getting worse• It is necessTHE BOARD ary that this noise be stopped, Dorothy Hoornbeok Editor and the only way this can bo done Barbara Birchenough is by"every student doing his Associate Editor share. Leo Minkin Associate Editor Running under the rill to William Lowenberg Sports Editor got food makes our cafeteria very Carolyn Mattice Feature Editor unruly. If everyone would stop Sara Kessler Exchange Editor running under the rail in the cafWillis Green Circulation Manager eteria and cooperate in this, our ST:iEF cafeteria would bo a v^ry nice Frances Levitz, Martha Gordon, place to cat. Seldon Knudson, Jean Graham, SpenLeaving papers is a bad habit. cer Kimball, Dunton Tynon, Helen Gibson, Leslie Sipperley, Gertrude After we have finished our lunch the snior high school students cat \iheeler, Frederick Carr, Walter there in the cafeteria. Think hov; I.-'ites, Delia Call, Jane Bulger, you would feel v;hen you v/nnt int.,. i rion Cooper, Irma Komfort, Gerthe cafeteria to cat if some one 1 .ine Keller, Wilbur Barnes, Lelhad boon in there before throw:!.' : d Beik; Grover Fayles, Sheldon papers around and making the pi' •) • -'Ud, Ronald Kneller, Ruth Mann, very untidyI • -^ggy Ki,rchner, James Reed, and r "•.th Campbelly Norma Kapv/ich, Mar11 Camp, Jack Jenkins, Mitchell THE Q.UESTION-BOX vd, Carolyn Hallenbeck. QU'""STION: V7hat do you think of the new way of forring the c:.iRE TRAFFIC REGULATIONS by petition? NECESSARY? OLIVE VROOIviAN: "I think last yea: " idea was much bettor especial, It does not seem n^essary to for the seventh grades, becau,.. • have the same traffic regulations they don^t knov/ just what kind this year that we had last year. of club to start, or wh:^.t kind Vie think however that it would be the^^ V7ish to join^" advisable to make it clear to the new students just what is espected NOR]\/L\N FRY: "I like this yearns idea very much as you can cnooo( of them in the v;ay of discipline. the people you want in your clu" This might be announced in the assembly and by notice on the bul- DORIS SHTILTES: "I think petitions for clubs arc good because many letin board. Those v;ho are familpeople get in the clubs that tl" iar with the regulations should like. Last year there v/ere not set an example for the new studas many who v/ould join as ther^" ents . are now." If this method of dis.cipline does not xDrove satisfactory v;ithin EMILIE BUCHACA: "I do not think a reasonable length of time it it is a good idea because it ir. :iight be adjusted by the Student hard for most people to decid: ro^ancil. to which club they want to bolong. It is also hard to k c • from signing more than one p^. • ition." THE PRE3IDENTi;.L ELECTION JOHN GRAHi-iM: "I think the new This year the method of electmethod of forming a club is the president of the Milne Jungood because if a group of i 1 High school is entirely differpie want a certain club, tho. • e t from that of previous years* have a better chance of get-'A .. . n year two delegates from each it in this v/ay." me room were chosen for Student ROBERT MAPES: "I think that po ^-undil. The members of the Counitions for clubs are good becil then mot and elected someone cause it lets the people thi ^ for president of the Student Counup their own ideas instead of/ cil, This person v/as also the pres' having a teacher think it up ident of the Junior High school. for them.'^ This year the student is selected from each hom.e room. These COUInJCIL RECEIVES PETITIONS nine pupils go before the Student Council v/ho elects three of this Two petitions for i^ramatics group for candidates^ One of those clubs have been submitted to the three candidates is then clocted student council. All petitions fc for president by the vote of the stude|j5 ^fitot that this yearns pro- clubs had to be in the hands of the council by yesterday, a memceedure is much better. It gives ber of the council said todaj^. each student a voice in the selection of the president. It also It is necessary for the Stui-'ives the candidates a sense of' ro- dent Council to pass upon the T^onsibilty and self confidence, various club petitions and then t arouses interest and enthusiasm, grant them ch.:irters and find thc.-'^ .us creating better school spirit. a sponsor and a home-room before the club Gin be officially orga^:ized. w m m m w w m jlUIUU MM i-jy This home room ha^ two secr ..^retarics. This idea is quite dif^MDilDlSGUSSIONS \Jb\m\J '•-^fbrent from other home rooms. secretary is to call the rol' Home "Room . 1 2 1 'i&mcs NoBbit has this position. MUYV^V Under 'mss Arthur Thompson takes carp, of t; Helen H a l t e r this home room ^ a r . 3 mJnutcQ. They arc planning' to been practicing Milne .soi^tb and make their homo room a bettor r-. cheers* Last reek Miss Halter was by/ han:;in3 pic tuxes and brin;^'i:', in Kew York. In Nevv York she flowers. They are planning: to bought a tapestry han.-jin'" of the ~:ood m.arks besides keppin;; city of Cairo in E^ypt. H i s s Halter the \ Tiio supervisor' is also bou3ht a paint in:; showing: the Occupations of the Polish peas- Hist' Smith. '^nts* Both of these were bQujht at Home Room 22.4 the International House, Tlie boys The schedule of this room r: the hpme room have volunteered continued throu;;hout the'"week. '•0 ami:e a pic^ire frame for the It -i: as follows: iionday/'^'Lib-paintin:; on the occupa.tions of rar--; Tuesday, nov/spr.pcr; Vvcdthe I^olish uen.eants. nccd:^.y. study; Thursday, pro~'ra:: Friday, business meeting. The Home Room 135 pro^rciin com'.Tittee consists of Oorneliur Duffy, one of the Hojard Rosontine,chairman; 'Haxy students in this room is sick in York*f Elizabeth Roosa and RoBcit; the hospital the home room is Pi ere, goin- to ^et hi:^ a book. Hiss THe3^ also -oresent a newspapar Kelly is the -rponsor in this rpoia whicri 'i3 called the 224 Pencil. and iiisr' 1Duni;y.-\n is the practice The b'o'ird is made up of-Editor, teacheicm ^he pi o*ram for the week R. -VilMiams; Assistant,A. Neef; is;,]vionc^a^j^ meetin;,; Tuosd^/,die^, SportbjJ. Rosentine; Jokes,!!.Yorl cuesi0J wed,negday, study; Thur s:?: Ih Tilcox;Poems,J.0:58bury. This l^riday,, -entertainment. cla^, hac* o n l y o ne p a p e r s.) f .^r ha^ Smile Buc'haca road a Lac-it p a / c o - T - n i s Homo r o o m a l s o h a s a story* HVcry week the^r appoint a bc'/r' ' i n d G ' i r i i * b a s k e t b a l l t e a : : comv..':lfiee for the entertainment which : 7 i l l c h a l l e n g e a n y o t h e r the schbol^^ n i n t n .--rade Home Room 130 • i The jBponsor of this room is L a t i n ' . c l a s . M s i make notebod^. I.liss Louise Durkin. The iiG profj^'ani px'o j r a i a of the home room i^;,; T u e s d a y f b n - ^ H|8s the tortainrnent; Id^nd^l^.^ Thursday and ferida.^l of t. j o o m i s kept in ':ooa books'Hvii^dohtaMpj^^^ ar " roonj h a v e n ' t b o j i j i n | o d d i| o r a f ^ t l i c cufltons oif^'^thc Romail .home a-nd f b u f ? t h c 7 or han';; picture's ye" public life,. The other ha.lf . promise that the o o m v / M l b e c i c c contain Latin derivatives. His. orated coon. Martin will also help the clap: with their drav/in;;s and paintir Homo Room 127 The pupils of Home Room 187 .Science classes visit arc makin^;^ their homo room '.r,orc Dudley Observatory attractive by brinjin^ pictures^ On llondoy and iVcdnesday they ha„ve On Tuesday the eighth 'Tade a class meet in:; and on Friday a General Scienco classcs visited pro7ram« Last Friday's pro;;;ram Dudley observatory. Professor was as follows: Carleton Hoosc and the teachers Tap dancc b"r Janet Bemorj talk were in char:;;c. The party met on airplane by Lo^'cll ^ypson;talk at the corner of Lake Avenue on 7orld Scrioe ;amc6 by Jamog and Western Avenue at 7:30 P . l i . Grover; Hunt in:; fishing, by They then walked over to the Ja.mos HoClure; A monolo.^juc by llary observatory. After waitinr; in Sllcn ':^illct; IIa.\ician tricks by line for some time they were Jack Jenkins and Edmund Haskins. allowed to ^o up into;Jithc trnTc:-. The sponsor of this room is lir., Then a look at the noon and a Raym.ond.. fev/ star a was 'jrantod each person. Home Room 123 The supervisor of thir; home room is :iies Or ace liar tin.. The Fifteen j<">in Latin club. first moo tin:: was hold honc'.ay. ether meetings have hot bonn held Fifteen children f.ron the because of I'irl's physical exr^.minations bcin,]; ;;?ivcn by liisc Hitch- ei:-hth and ninth grades in L-- ' classcs have joined the nev; L- ' ,^ock. in club. Miss Smith ie the sor.. The club plans to stud;,^ Homo Room 330 about the Romans and their .fe/' Home Room 320 has flowers in The nain purpose of the cluW i.™ pretty vases. It has a motto made to help the members v/ith their up by the class. It is in the InLatin.. The Iioetin::;8 are held c dian lan^ua:;o. They are ma,kin,-; pro; Thursday. rose in this homo room. ' I