Document 14103453

Aberdeen, Washington
Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
February 17, 2015
Members Present:
Mr. Art Blauvelt, Dr. Harry Carthum, Ms. Rebecca Chaffee, Ms. Denise Portmann,
Ms. Fawn Sharp
Members Absent:
Dr. Ed Brewster, Dr. Darby Cavin, Mr. Dru Garson, Mr. Forrest Gonzalez,
Mr. Darin Jones, Mr. Justin Kjolseth, Ms. Barbara McCullough,
Ms. Gail Winkelman, Ms. Sandy Zelasko
1. Call to Order
2. Agenda changes
3. Approval of Minutes
It was moved and seconded to adopt the minutes from the January 20, 2015 regular Board meeting.
Motion carried.
4. Public Comments
5. Community Linkages
Dr. Brewster introduced Mr. Dru Garson, CEO of Greater Grays Harbor, Inc. Mr. Garson has been the
CEO of GGHI since September, 2014. He moved here from Alaska where he worked for the State of
Alaska focusing on tourism, business retention and expansion. He has a BA degree in communications
and a Master’s degree in planning. GGHI functions as a chamber of commerce, and a business
development office. They strive to partner with people and organizations, and target specific industries
they want to locate to the county. An economic development advocacy committee has been formed that
consists of two legislators, a county commissioner, representatives from the PUD, the Port of Grays
Harbor and the private sector. One of their functions will to be a resource for local businesses that want
to expand. They will survey local businesses asking them what they like about doing business on the
Harbor and what are the challenges.
6. College Input (Reports)
a. Trustees’ Report
1) TACTC Legislative Conference January 28, 29, 2015 – Ms. Chaffee, Dr. Carthum and
Dr. Brewster attended the TACTC Legislative Conference. Ms. Chaffee stated the
Transforming Lives event was very powerful and suggested holding a similar event on
campus for our applicants. Participants reported that several sessions focused on upcoming
legislation affecting community and technical colleges. They learned that ten colleges are
participating in the development of a competency based degree in business transfer similar
to a program that Western Governor’s University offers.
2) Board Retreat – The Board retreat will be April 14, 2015 beginning at 1:30 p.m.
b. ASGHC President Report (Mr. Forrest Gonzalez)
Mr. Gonzalez reported on recent student activities, including sponsoring a dance, entertainment
in the HUB, and a volleyball tournament. Plans have begun for this year’s Choker Fest.
Student government is working on improving recycling efforts on campus.
Several hundred community college students from around the state participated in a legislative
rally in Olympia.
c. Classified Staff (Ms. Gail Winkelman)
Ms. Winkelman reported classified staff are anticipating the implementation of ctc link. Dr.
Brewster said that the start time for first link colleges was scheduled for this month but has
been delayed.
Classified staff are hoping the Legislature approves their contract which provides salary
increases of 3% the first year of the biennium and 1.8% the second year. Dr. Brewster noted
that the same increases are being proposed for all state employees.
d. Faculty Report (Dr. Darby Cavin)
Dr. Cavin’s report included information about the college’s developmental education and
industrial technology programs. He distributed GHC catalogs to Board members and reviewed
how students move through different sequences including the math course sequence that begins
with Math 060 and ends with Math 241. He next explained the various certificates and degrees
other than transfer degrees.
In response to a question regarding legislation that would affect faculty, Dr. Brewster
responded there is a bill being introduced that would fund increments for faculty funded by
individual colleges from local funds. Dr. Brewster has been meeting with statewide faculty
union representatives trying to come to an agreement how colleges could support increments.
They are proposing the state fund half of the increments and colleges the other half.
e. President’s Report (Dr. Ed Brewster)
1) WACTC Report - Dr. Brewster reviewed highlights from the recent presidents’ meeting
which were included in backup materials received prior to the meeting.
2) Items of Interest
A letter from the Staff Development Committee was read thanking the Board for
contributing the relief fund for staff and students who were affected by recent flooding.
There was a bill introduced last week that would tie tuition costs to the state average wage.
Community college tuition would equal 6% of the average wage and four-year institutions
10%. If it passes, it would reduce our tuition collection which would result in a budget cut.
All-College Day was February 13. Dr. Donna Beegle, internationally recognized authority
on poverty was the featured speaker. Board members, Dr. Carthum and Ms. Chaffee
attended the presentation.
Mr. Blauvelt and Ms. Portmann will attend the entrance interview at 2:00 p.m. on February
24, 2015 with the auditors who are performing the accountability and compliance audit.
The estimate cost for the audit is $16,000.00.
Vice President for Instruction (Dr. Brewster for Ms. Laurie Clary)
1) New Operational Policy 322 – Holidays of Faith – Dr. Brewster presented OP 322,
Holidays of Faith for Board consideration. The policy which is mandated by the legislature
entitles state employees and students to take up to two holidays per calendar year for
reasons of faith or conscience. It was moved and seconded to adopt OP 322, Holidays of
Faith. Motion carried.
Revised Operation Policy 301, Degrees and Graduation Requirements – OP 301 is revised
to enable more students to receive degrees from GHC. The current policy requires students
to have earned a minimum of twenty-five of their last forty-five credits at GHC. The
proposed change states that students have to earn a minimum of twenty-five quarter hours
at GHC but doesn’t state a timeline. It was moved and seconded to adopt Revised OP 301,
Degrees and Graduation Requirements. Motion carried.
2) Faculty Rehire and Tenure Decisions – One faculty member is in the last quarter of the
tenure process and six faculty members are at a rehire point in the tenure process. Tenure
packets were distributed to Board members and tenure and rehire decisions will be made by
the Board at their March 17 meeting.
3) Sabbatical Requests – There are no requests for sabbaticals for the 2015-16 academic year.
g. Vice President for Student Services (Mr. Jason Hoseney)
1) Enrollment – Mr. Hoseney reviewed enrollment comparisons from Winter, 2014 and
Winter, 2015 which showed enrollment for this quarter down approximately 1%.
h. Vice President for Administrative Services (Ms. Barbara McCullough)
1) Quarterly Budget Status for December 31, 2014 – Ms. McCullough reviewed the following
State General Fund by Program
State General Fund by Object
Comparison of Tuition Collected
Cash Position Analysis
2) Capital Projects Update – Ms. McCullough reported equipment and furniture purchasing is
underway for the Schermer Building which is scheduled to be completed in July, 2015.
The Board was invited to take a tour of the building during their March 17 meeting.
Dr. Brewster stated the dedication of the building is scheduled for November 5, 2015. A
soft opening will be held during kick-off-week.
7. Executive Session
8. Action Items as a Result of Executive Session
9. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Edward J. Brewster, Secretary
Rebecca Chaffee, Chair