Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) RIETI BBL Seminar Handout November 20, 2015 Speaker: Dr. Lili Yan ING RIETI Symposium Tokyo, 20 November 2015 Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia How restrictive are ASEAN’s RoO? Olivier Cadot and Lili Yan Ing 1 Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Stylized Facts Theoretical Framework Empirical Results Conclusion 2 1. Introduction FTA-Trade Coverage Ratios Proportion of trade with FTA partners in total trade (%) ASEAN+Aus and NZ ASEAN+China, ASEAN+India, ASEAN+Japan, ASEAN+Korea, RCEP is currently in the process of negotiations Chile Peru Mexico EU27 Canada Indonesia Singapore ASEAN New Zealand US Korea Australia EU27(ex. Intra-EU) Japan India China 59.7% FTA (July, 2012), Trade data (2011) 0 20 40 60 80 100 3 1. Introduction ASEAN’s imports by trading blocks 23.2% 40.5% 16.5% 2.1% 2.3% ASEAN (AFTA) Japan (AJCEP) India (AIFTA) The rest of the world 6.3% 9.0% China (ACFTA) Korea (AKFTA) Australia and New Zealand (AANZFTA) Source: Authors’ calculations based on UNCOMTRADE data 4 1. Introduction 50% of automobile 62% liquid display screen 86% smart phones Asia 46% machinery 100% digital camera Source: Hiratsuka (2013) and ERIA Staff calculations for machinery based on World Input Output data [accessed in August 2014] 5 2. Sytlized facts ROO stands in the middle of these two trends. ROO could make them incompatible… 2.1. ROO: How do they work? • Product specific rules: changes in tariff classification, regional value contents, or technical requirements • Regime-wide rules οessentially cumulation rules (bilateral, diagonal and full cumulation) 6 2. Sytlized facts 2.3. ASEAN’s tariff and ROO • ROO can be binding only when tariff preference margins are substantial. 14.00 12.00 MFN AFTA 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 - Source: ASEAN Secretariat 7 3. Theoretical framework 3.1. Set up Suppose that country π exports ππ varieties to country π and let π₯πππ be the quantity of variety π exported from π to π (in tons), ππππ its CIF price, πΈπ the total expenditure in country π, and π πππ its share in country π’s expenditure. We have ππππ π₯πππ = π πππ πΈπ (1) 8 3. Theoretical framework Let πππ be the producer price of variety π in country π; we will assume that it is affected by an idiosyncratic shock πππ representing comparative advantage, i.e. πππ ππ = πππ (3) Let ππππ be the bilateral trade cost between π and j for variety π, including all of its components (tariffs, RoOs, and other measures). The consumer price of variety π in country π is then ππππ = ππππ πππ (4) 9 3. Theoretical framework Let πππ be the total value of exports from π to π. Bilateral trade between π and π is: πππ = π ππππ π₯πππ = π π πππ πΈπ = π ππππ ππ 1−π πΈπ = π ππππ πππ ππ 1−π πΈπ (5) Country π’s GDP is the sum of its sales to all destinations, including itself: π ππ = π πππ = π=1 π=1 π ο΄πππ πππ ππ π 1−π πΈπ = π πππ 1−π π−1 ππππ ππ 1−π πΈπ (6) 10 3. Theoretical framework Noting finally that income equals expenditure, πΈπ = ππ and 1−π letting πππ = π ππππ be the average trade cost from π to π across all varieties gives a modified gravity equation holding the aggregate level in the absence of symmetry: π£πππ ππππ = π πππ πππ = ππ 1−π ππ ππππ πππ = πππ ππ 1−π πππ ππ ππ Ωπ ππ 1−π (13) 11 3. Theoretical framework 3.2. Estimation strategy, data and data sources The estimation strategy is based on the Anderson-van Wincoop (2004) framework at the product level from but relaxing key symmetry assumptions on production costs and trade costs. We log-linearize equation (13): ln π£πππ = π½1 ln ππππ + π½2 ln πππ + πΏππ + πΏπ + π’ππ (14) Let ππππ stand for product-specific trade costs, which are what we are interested here (product-specific tariffs and RoOs) ππππ = π πΎ1 π‘πππ +πΎ2 ππππ (15) 12 3. Theoretical framework ππΉπ π ππ΄ ππΉπ ln π£πππ = π½1 π‘πππ + π½2 πΌπππ × π‘πππ π ππ΄ + π½3 πΌππ + π π½4π πΌπππ΄ππΈπ΄π πππππ + π± ππ πΈ + πΏπ + πΏπ + πΏπ (π) + π’πππ (19) ππΉπ Let π‘πππ be the MFN tariff rate on product π applicable to trade between π and π, π ππ΄ πΌππ is a dummy variable marking preferential trade (for any RTA), where π indexes the various forms of RoOs (CTC, local content, etc.) π₯ππ be a vector of country-pair attributes such as distance, common border, common language and common colonizer. Where πΏπ , πΏπ , and πΏπ (π) are respectively exporter, importer and sector (HS4) fixed effects, π (π) being the HS4 sector to which HS6 product π belongs. 13 3. Theoretical framework We also carry out the estimation by section, making sure that each section includes goods with different types of ROO. We then convert estimates into ad-valorem equivalents (AVEs) of ROOs using a standard formula for semi-logarithmic equations π΄ππΈπ = π π½4π -1 (20) 14 3. Theoretical framework Data and data sources • The main data source are RoO data in the form of precise requirements at the HS6 level of product classification were provided to us by the ASEAN Secretariat. • Trade data in thousand U.S. dollars are from the CEPII’s BACI database, which is based on COMTRADE but reconciles direct export and mirrored import data. • Gravity variables are from the CEPII’s free-access online database. 15 4. Empirical results 16 17 18 5. Conclusion 1. ASEAN’s RoOs have a relatively simple and transparent structure: 40% are RVC and CTH. The Textile Rule seems to stand out as a relatively more trade-inhibiting rule than others. 2. An average tariff equivalent, across all measures and products is 3.40%. The trade-weighted average is 2.09%. The effects are heterogeneous. While it is small in sectors like electronics or capital equipment, it peaks in sectors like fats (6.7%), leather products (9%), textile and apparel (8.3%), footwear (12.7%), or automobiles (6.9%). 3. The simplification and streamlining of ROOs should prioritize light industries like textiles and apparel, footwear and prepared foods and this should be seen as part of ASEAN’s internal development and poverty-reduction strategy. 19 Appendix 20 Review of Free Trade Agreements ο½ By January 2010, ASEAN has 6 FTAs in effect (AFTA, ASEAN+Australia and New Zealand, ASEAN+China, ASEAN+India, ASEAN+Japan, ASEAN+Korea FTAs) ο½ In Nov 2011, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) was proposed. The RCEP is currently in the process of negotiations. ο½ RCEP Members: ASEAN-10 and its main trading partners, Australia, China, India, Korea, Japan and New Zealand 21 RCEP: regional cumulation The existing ASEAN+1 FTAs China RCEP China regional cumulation ASEAN ASEAN India India RCEP enables business operating in Indonesia to enjoy preferential rates by using regional cumulation of RCEP members (eg. using imports from China, producing in Indonesia and exporting to India, Australia or other RCEP members). RCEP members: the ASEAN-10, Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea and New Zealand 22 Evaluation of the use of existing FTAs The use of FTAs in ASEAN countries (2013): Survey based analysis Firms using FTAs for Exports (% of exporting firms) Firms using FTAs for Imports (% of importing firms) FORM D (AFTA-ATIGA) FORM E (ACFTA) FORM AK (AKFTA) FORM AANZ (AANZFTA) FORM AJ (AJCEP) FORM AI (AIFTA) 51.5% 25.6% 20.0% 13.8% 6.6% 10.8% 39.4% 38.7% 12.3% 5.4% 3.3% 9.6% FORM A (GSP) 42.0% 16.5% FTAs Source: The Use of FTA in ASEAN (ERIA study, forthcoming) Note: The summation of the use of FTA COOs does not necessarily add up to 100% as not all of firms use FTAs and one firm may have more than one FTA and non-FTA COOs. 23 Recent trends in trade in goods Trade in Goods of ASEAN and its 6 FTA Partners Share of world’s trade in goods 30% 25% 6 ASEAN FTA Partners Average growth of 13% 20% 15% Average growth of 10% 10% ASEAN 5% 0% 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 Source: Pangestu, Mari Elka and Lili Yan Ing, 2015. 2009 2011 2013 24 Recent trends in FDI Share of total world’s FDI Total FDI in ASEAN and its 6 FTA partners 25% 20% Average growth of 15% 6 ASEAN FTA Partners 15% 10% Average growth of 22% ASEAN Countries 5% 0% 1999 2001 2003 2005 Source: Pangestu, Mari Elka and Lili Yan Ing, 2015. 2007 2009 2011 25