Document 14064457

2«&Uat 9H /J 2uanda>uf,
Classes Hold
Attention Beautiful Girls ! ! !
Yearly Banquets Enter Miss New York Contest
Next Saturday
I t h a s finally h a p p e n e d ; even a
girl from Albany S t a t e c a n become
Miss America, or a n y w a y Miss New
York State. T h e girl w h o becomes
Miss New York S t a t e will, in a d d i tion, win a $500 scholarship. T h e
four r u n n e r s - u p will win $250 scholarships as will t h e four m o s t t a l e n t ed girls. T h e winner will, of course,
be entered in the National Miss
America contest.
Freshman Banquet
T h e freshman Class B a n q u e t will
be held 8 p.m. April 26 a t P a n e t t a ' s
R e s t a u r a n t , 382 Broadway, Menands,
a n n o u n c e s R i c h a r d Robinson, President. T h e price of a ticket is $1.75.
After a d i n n e r of r o a s t stuffed
Vermont turkey, there will be e n t e r t a i n m e n t and a speaker. This $2500 To Be Awarded
I n all $2500 in scholarships will
will be followed by dancing to recbe awarded in t h i s s t a t e - w i d e conords.
test sponsored by t h e Miss America
Pageant, Pepsi Cola a n d various
Robert Baker, Vice-President and local C h a m b e r s of Commerce.
coordinator of t h e Banquet, will be
t h e emcee substituting for Robin- Drink Pepsi Cola!
T h e scholarship will come u n d e r
son who will be in New York with
a Pepsi Cola Scholarship foundation
t h e Statesmen.
recently announced by Mr. J a m e s
Heading t h e various committees Munson, President of t h e S t a t e
are; Arrangements, Anne O'Connor; Pepsi Cola Bottlers' Association, a n d
Dick Robinson, Joe K a h n l e , Bob Helwig: a n d Don Loopman singing Clean-up, Joseph Betcke; Decora- Mr. Weltey Pry of t h e Schenectady
In the style t h a t ' s m a d e t h e m state's newest a n d brightest vocal group. tion, Lawrence C a r p e n t e r ; E n t e r - J u n i o r C h a m b e r of Commerce.
t a i n m e n t , Lillian Mullen;
Speaker, Mary Ellen
Weinberg; Qualifications
T h e selection of Miss New York
Music, Royal Nadeau;
Heidi Berbary; a n d Tickets, P a t r i c i a S t a t e wil be m a d e M a r c h 2 and 3 a t
Tire class voted t h a t only m e m bers of the class may attend.
Name-The-Quartet Contest!
Solve Problem For Singers
About a m o n t h ago four boys
from S t a t e got together to see if
t h e y were compatible, vocally t h a t
is. T h e results were amazing. T h e
boys t h o u g h t t h a t they had somet h i n g a n d those of you who heard
t h e m sing a t the Concert at Page
Hall for P a r e n t s ' Weekend know
t h a t they do. And now we have
s o m e t h i n g . T h e y a r e a new State
College Q u a r t e t , and like the college
t h e y a t t e n d , they are very progressive.
But, alas, they are without a
n a m e a n d need one desperately.
R u n a contest in the paper was the
a n s w e r to their problem. What
could be more appreciated t h a n to
h a v e S t a t e College students n a m e
t h e i r own quartet. T h e q u a r t e t
t h o u g h t t h e contest v/ould be a
wonderful idea and have decided to
save some of their beer money for a
prize to t h e lucky person who wins
T h e prize will be a crisp, new fivedollar bill.
Here's all you have to do: Think
of a n a m ? a n d tend it along with
your own n a m e through student
mail to one of t h e judges, which are,
of course, the members of the
quartet. T h e y a r e Dick Robinson '61,
1st Tenor; Joseph K a h n l e '59, 2nd
Tenor; Robert Helwig, Baritone;
a n d Donald Loopman, Bass; Helwig
and Loopman are Sophomores.
T h e contest will run from April
21 to May 2. T h e name of the winner will be posted.
Sophomore B a n q u e t
T h e Empire Rom of the S h e r a t o n - T e n Eyck Hotel will be t h e site
of t h e S o p h o m o r e Class b a n q u e t
next S a t u r d a y evening a t 7 p.m.
J o a n Cali, Vice-President, states
t h a t Morris Ber.ger, Associate P r o fessor of Education, will be guest
speaker for t h e evening and J o a n
Novak will serve as toast-mistress.
Tickets will be on sale every day
next week in Lower Draper. T h e
price is $2.50 per person.
Working on t h e banquet as committee c h a i r m e n a r e : Mark Nye,
Tickets; J u n e Alexander, E n t e r t a i n m e n t ; Patricia Gengo, A r r a n g e m e n t s ; Mildred Pasek, P r o g r a m s ;
Klumpp, Decorations; and Steve
Hoover, Publicity.
t h e S t a t e P a g e a n t to be h e l d in
Schenectady. C o n t e s t a n t s m u s t be
between 18 and 28 years old, single,
a n d m u s t never have been m a r r i e d .
They must be in a t t e n d a n c e a t a
school in t h e s t a t e . T h e girls need
not necessarily live in the state,
National Scholarship P r o g r a m
T h i s contest is p a r t of a n a t i o n wide scholarship p r o g r a m in which
over $1,000,000 will be awarded.
T h e Finals
T h e National Miss America finals
will be held in Atlantic City, New
Jersey. Miss America will be crowned September 6.
Plans Panel
" T h e Direction of Youth in the
Era of t h e Guided Missiles" will be
t h e t h e m e around which t h e discussion will be centered a t t h e next
meeting of t h e New York S t a t e
Teachers Association. This meeting
will take place Tuesday a t 7:30 p.m.
in B r u b a c h e r Hall.
Alpha Epsilon
Sponsors Panel
Alpha Epsilon, the education sorority on campus, will hold a m e e t ing this afternon at 1 p.m. in D r a per 349. Columbine B a r o n '58, President of Alpha Epsilon, states t h a t
the sorority will a t this time elect
oficers for t h e coming year.
Panel Discussion
A panel discussion led by M a r garet McNeill, Patricia Kennedy,
and Ann Ridley, Seniors, will review the topic, "Professional Organizations and Magazines." Elizabeth Conklin, Assistant Professor of
Education and advisor for t h e sorority, will be moderator for t h e discussion.
A panel of six s t u d e n t s will hold
t h e discussion. They a r e : Columbine
Mary Crawford, Seniors; Sheila G e rig, Richard Esner a n d Bruce Norton, J u n i o r s .
T h i s topic was also discussed at
the recent Eastern S t a t e s Association of Professional Schools for
Teachers Conference which
members of t h e panel have attended.
T h e Junior Class sponsored the
sending of delegates to this conference as one of its projects. At
the time of t h e conference the panel
discussion was being planned.
All the members of S t a t e College
are invited to t h e meeting.
/// i
State College News
Edward Eldred Potter Club
To Hold Spring Weekend
T h e members of Edward Eldred
P o t t e r Club will hold their a n n u a l
S p r i n g Weekend beginning tonight,
a n n o u n c e s Ronald Graves '58, P r e s ident.
T h e weekend will commence t o night with the a n n u a l spring formal
a t t h e Aurania Club from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. Music for the formal will be
provided by Zachary Clements and
his band. General C h a i r m e n for t h e
weekend a r e Peter Hennigsen 59
a n d Allan Jr.quays 'GO. Peter B a r bagelata and Robert Backer, are in
c h a r g e of the a r r a n g e m e n t s for t h e
formal, and Wendell Fowler is in
c h a r g e of favors. All arc Seniors.
Picnic At T h a t c h e r Park
Tomorrow the fraternity will hold
a picnic at T h a t c h e r Park beginning at 1 p.m. During the afternoon a .sol'tball game will be played
between the m e m b e r s of the club.
T h e picnic and the softball game
a r e u n d e r the direction of Richard
B e n n e t t 'GO.
'Milwaukee Tonic Hour'
Tomorrow night the Club will
present a date party called "The
Milwaukee Tonic Hour" at t h e Hotel Corrine beginning a t 8:30 p.m.
Donald Mayer '58 and Donald McClain '59 are Co-Chairmen for the
Record Party
Sunday afternoon the members
of t h e fraternity and their dates
will attend a Record Party a t t h e
F r a t e r n i t y House, 415 State Street,
beginning a t 3 p.m. Arrangements
for the Record Party are under the
direction of Paul Reagan '00 and
F r a n k Pallace '61.
FRIDAY. A P R I L 2 5 ,
r ^ ^
ky .^B
\ ~f~ -1A7$ Ar^M
VOL. XLMl NO. 12
Department Off ers New Major
In Librarianship Next Semester
Another innovation in curriculum at State College will see a beginning in September of this year. A major in School Libraianship and one in Public Librarianship
will now be available to students announces Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the College.
School Librarianship
Students majoring in School Librarianship will be eligible for a Bachelor of Arts
Degree. Requirements for this field include library 1, an introductory course, Library
2, on books and reading, Library 115B, 117, 118, 213, Junior and Senior level courses.
The education courses required of all students must
be included; Education 20, 21, 22, and 23. In addition 7
hours as advised must be taken.
Public Librarianship
A major in Public Librarianship also denotes eligibility for a Bachelor of Arts. The degree requirements for
this include the following Library courses: 1, 2, 100, 115A,
117, 213, 223, and 6 additional hours as advised to the
Lee DeNike '59, President of
State Receives
Mock Senates
Highest Award
T h e chaperones for the weekend
are Richard J. Sauers, Assistant
Professor of Education,
Dumbleton, Assistant Professor of Forum of Politics, announces t h a t
English, and Frank G. Carrino, As- Albany S t a t e h a s won t h e highest
sistant Professor of Spanish.
award at the Mock Senate held in
the Assembly C h a m b e r s of the New
York State Capitol Building from
April 17 through April 20.
Albany Doctor
Minor Substitute
C a n d i d a t e s for an A.B. in Librarianship m u s t substitute the following program for a minor. Eighteen
hours in each of two fields of t h e
Edward Strauss '58. C h a i r m a n of t h r e e : Humanities, M a t h e m a t i c s and
t h e Society for Critical Discussion, Science, and t h e Social Sciences.
formerly the Society of Critical
Representing Albany S t a t e a t the Thought, announces an open disH t i n a n i t i e s from which courses
Eighth Annual Meeting of the In- cussion on t h e testing and use of may be chosen include English and
Mock Senate
were nuclear weapons to be held tomor- foretjn language literature, PhilosoG r u n n a Cohen '59, C h a i r m a n , F r a n - IOW a t 3 p.m. in Brubacher Upper phy, Music and Art.
ces Greenberg, Joseph Conway and Lounge.
Daniel Brisnon, Sophomores.
Any M a t h e m a t i c s and Science
T n e principal speaker will be Dr. courses fulfill t h e requirement if
W i t h o u t a doubt t h e most famous Photo Service
Winning Bill
eighteen h o u r s are completed.
S. A. President m S t a t e College h i s T h e Senate summoned members
Albany's States Bill on Conserva- Samuel R. Powers, Jr., Professor
. . .
. . .
tory is Chuck Beckwith, who served of the Photography Services to tion won the highest award as the of Experimental Surgery a t Albany
in 1954-55 and resigned after t h e explain
financial best bill to come before t h i s year's Hospital. T h e Society feels t h a t this r Courses in the social sciences are
Geography, History, P o first semester on the grounds t h a t manipulations. After some discus- Mock Senate. When the trophy is discussion will be of interest to our Economics,
litical Science, Psychology, a n d Sohis academic position was deterior- sion and the inevitable confusion received, it will be on display in college, since the continued testing ciology.
a t i n g a n d he needed more time for caused by a Senator who paused Catherine Newbold's Office in D r a p - of the H-bomb raises problems of
study. T h i s story was told and re- long enough in her whisperings er 208-A. Miss Newbold, Associate vital concern to everyone, and since Fifth Year
told a t least a half a dozen times a t and gigglings to ask an irrelevant Professor of Social Studies, is a fac- tile question of w h e t h e r or not
S t u d e n t s who have studied Librathe S e n a t e meeting during the d e - and misleading question, the m a t t e r ulty advisor to Forum cl Politics.
t h ' s e tests should be continued is
bate on Donato's proposed a m e n d - was satisfactorily explained. T h e
currently being debated t h r o u g h - rianship d u r i n g their u n d e r g r a d u ate years will plan a fifth year of
m e n t to lower t h e academic average entire l o a n - g r a n t isue was resolved Twenty-Five Colleges Participate
out the world.
study which cumbines courses in
requirements for S.A. Prexy and (we assumei by a motion by S e n a T
facS t u d e n t s from twenty-five colleges
Veep from 2.5 to 2.3.
tor Fowler. Actually his final motion throughout t h e s t a t e organized and ulty members, and all other inter- Librarianship with courses in an
academic field or in Education.
In addition to the above ancient
executed this convention as well as ested persons to the discussion,
history, the Senators kicked around
participating in the political parA minimum of 16 semester hours
a series of interesting and often phraseology: the motion itself was ties, committees and passage of
of g r a d u a t e study m u s t be in the
journalistic bills.
: illy statistics to support their case too complicated
field of Librarianship For those
lor and against the proposal. A translation, so for details see Chuck
who have completed the A.B. deCommittee
minority of the Senators—perhaps Fowler,
gree with a major in Public or
Saturday, the s t a r t i n g committee
t h r e e or lour c a m e to grips firmly
School Librarianship, the g r a d u a t e
was televised lai WTEN, Channel
t h e crux of the m a t t e r : the obvious, Exchange Program
p r o . r a m serves as the fifth year of
Tomorrow evening at 8:30 p.m., a live year integrated program of
almost pathetic need lor decent
T h e discussion on the Exchange It), m an informal panel discussion.
Soc a n d i d a t e s for t h e S.A. offices. T h e Program with Plymouth College
ciety "Holy Cross" will present
defeat of this proposal by a vote (N.H.i seemed at. limes to be some- Cohen, head of State's delegation.
Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex" at the Written ICxam
of 1(1-9-3 ' a t h r e e - f o u r t h s affirma- what Freudian in lone, with much
Phillip Livingston Ji High School
tive vote was needed to pass) leaves ego-involved lice association ( t h a t ' s I(ini in
Tire passing of a written e x a m Ft.rum was created to promote m- Auditorium located on
llie political future of s t u d e n t gov- a euphemism lor Donkey Dust,
ination is required by the Board of
e r n m e n t .somewhat uncertain, like which is also a euphemismi. T h e lcrest in current problems ol na- Boulevard.
T h e special price of admission for Keg. ills of all persons who wish to
I mean when the .spit hit the fan, main question concerned size: are lii n i l and inlernafion realm. All
qualify for a license as a Public
we ' t h e College of the Umpire students regularly enrolled in the sludi nts Is $2.00.
L brarian.
Statei too big for Plymouth, or is
Plymouth too small for us? And it
G r a d u a t e Program
cither of these considerations are ally known and prominent speakers, Communities of Albany, SchenecA minimum of 30 semester hours
tine, should we tell Plymouth tne di ussions. debates and films deal- tady and Troy, and the Eastern Orof g r a d u a t e study in Librarianship
bitter truth that our incompatibility ing with national a l l a i i s . Active thodox University Club.
is due !( the disparity in size? me i.bers participate in several mT h e great tragedy, presented in is required for a Master ol Science
we t c r c l l c g i a t c conferences, like the a modern Greek translation by degree.
should be "blunt" and mince no Mock Senate, lor the purpose ol I'eln.s Mouteveus, is under the diA candidate for the master's degaining insight into other colleges' rection of Athan K a r r a s . T h e Mu- gree may select the field of School,
HCII- 11 is! Another oppnrtuillt.V words with little l'lyin State, but
VH ws on important events.
si al Director is Dr. C. Vrionldes.
Public or College Librarianship.
for all yiiu |ay,/ liciuls, lovers ol tile majority of the Senate, whose
swingin' music, or those o| vou compassion, among other things,
who want In iln .something extra knows no end. rejected this soluspecial this Sunday atterniion, to tion to a delicate diplomatic dilei una and adopted I'cnlield's mohear some really great music
A jazz, concert will be Student tion '.\hich instructed the Secretary
to solten the blow in her reply to
I linnii Board's latest ol lering 'I his
Plymouth Anil so the Senate lived
conceit will be presented instead ol
liappil.v even al ler, in spile of being
the usual listening hour A quintet
:n big, and little Plymouth College
leal tiring Zuck Clements will supavoided a trauma and grew Up to be
ply the intisi"
giant STATE
'I he M'ene ol 1 he concei I is I he
which, a l t e r all is more than we
Lower Lounge of Bl'llbucher Hall
have in llaiTliuan s Paradise
II is scheduled lor Sunday a Iternoon at .1 |i in
Kill eslinienls
'I he high |mil11 ol the evening was
'I he concert will have dancing on the discussion ol the Rivalry r e the patio outside the Lounge, Col- visions. T h e hilarity and absurdity
lee and lelreshiuenls will be served ol the Senatorial comments beggers
lollowing the concerts, a n n o u n c e description: yon have to see it to
K e n n e t h Kadel and Carol Bcheu, believe it. T h e parade of prattle
J u n i o r s , and Eleanor Silversieui '(II, was led by Irosh Watson, who spent
most ol the session on the Cross,
r o - o r d i n a t o r s ol the progri HI
while trying, for example, to change
the "Ped Kangaroo Court" to t h e
liO.II'li lCllH'tiollS
Elections were held at tne last "Penguin Court." Well, are we Peds,
S t u d e n t Union Hoard meeting. P a t - Kangaroos, Penguins, duck-billed
. " W HlM
ricia Allein '51), and M a n i a Kon- plattypusses, or what? When last
"AND 1 I U T I I I R M O R F .
specs '01 were elected as two m e m - seen the Senate was still meeting
Donna Dlvens hits t h e floor and at* ntiou of the Senate. Beware Seituat 2 a.m.. I left.
tors! Your picture may be in next week.
bers a t large to the board.
Lectures Here
Senators Down Amendment;
Discuss Rivalry Bill Revisions
Society Presents
Oedipus Rex"
SUB Sponsors
Jazz Concert
Dinner For Two
Where oh where are the verdant freshman (not to
mention the gay Sophomores)? They certainly weren't
buying tickets to their respective banquets. In years past
the freshman and Sophomore class dinners were something that were looked forward to and well attended. Either
the recession is affecting even college students or something has happened to some of the class spirit that both
these classes have exhibited in the past.
We've heard some people blame the poor cancellation
of the two banquets on the fact that they weren't publicized enough; that there wasn't enough "push" to make
these people attend as there had been in past years. Perhaps this is true, but we hate to think that any class
member has to be hounded before he'll spend his money
on a class project.
We shan't even mention the word apathy. It does
make us wonder though if this is not just one more indication that people are caring less and less about class
and school activities, We hope not, and for once we'd
like to have you prove we're wrong.
11 W l
First Place C8PA
Second Place ACP
April 25, 195H
No. 12
Membors o( the NEWS start may \n: ruaiiii-il Mandav Tuesday and Wednesday
from 7 to II pin m 2-3326, Ext II Phonos PiUpalrlck 11-41124, Altlc 2-70:10, Kiuiipf
Till) uiideraniduaUi iiuwM)u|)i:r of the New York BUilo College lor Teachers;
published every Friday or the Oolle«e year by the NEWS Board lor the Student
CAItol. Al.TIC
MA KIT JliNTOI T \ I I . M : \
JAMES M. Ill tiH
Alll111 It I'l.OTNIK
JAMES D O l t i l l E l t i y
. .
Executive (.'.-Killtur
Kuciiutlvn l.o-Killlur
M»n»»ll>f Editor
Olivine.* AdverUalnj Editor
Dual ll c<« Advertising Consultant
. . .
Assoilule Editor
Associate Editor
_ Assert.l» Editor
AssMl&le Editor
Associate Editor
Public Itelatliiiis Editor
Feature Editor
Co-Snorts Editor
Co-Spurts Editor
Consultant Sports Editor
Clrculatlon-Esehanire Editor
state College 1'lioto Service
All communications should be uddres»ed to the editor and must be sinned. Names
»lll be withheld on request. The STATU QQLLEQK NBWH assumes no responsibility
for opinions expressed In Its columns or communications, as such expressions do not
uecewftrily reflect Its views.
Religious Clubs
Hold Meetings, Yager Sets M U D Date;
Elect Officers Ministers Review Budgets
/Capital K&fi&iA.
Senate gave us the answer Wednesday night as to
what they'd do if there wasn't a political crisis on the
horizon and they had to vote on lowering the average requirement for Student Association President and VicePresident candidates. They surprised us again and voted
it down.
We seriously hope that the average stipulation will
be considered as a safeguard for both the college and the
individual running for office. It isn't an extra merit badge
for applying yourself during your first few semesters at
However, like many of the Senators who voted negatively on this amendment, we feel it's rather a slam at the
maturity we as college students feel we have attained.
The 2.5 requirement is actually protecting any person
who might like to run from jeapardizing his scholastic
standing at the college.
It's interesting to consider, nevertheless, that in order
for a student to drop from a 2.3 to below a 2.0, he would
have to have 32 hours of D in 2 semesters. Since most
of us take about 16 hours a semester, this would mean
the person we elected as President on the basis of his
qualifications of leadership (which implies intelligence)
would have to have about a 1.0 index for 2 semesters.
The obvious lack of candidates for these two offices
makes us wonder if this requirement isn't hindering rather
than helping our government. We wish we could be as
optimistic as some Senators who would like at least a
longer trial period. But if the system doesn't prove feasible
what happens to student affairs in the interim?
It is possible, we admit, that if you lower the average
once, you'll lower it on future occasions until you're back
where you started. Nevertheless previous SA Presidents
have managed to keep academically solvent, with one
questionable exception, since 1920. We'd call that much
discussed point an exception rather than the rule.
* ^
Intellects Win Again . . .
*7Ae Open Mind
By Barbegellata & G e b h a r d t
W h a t ' s the m a t t e r with you people? Don't you have m i n d s of your
own? If you w a n t to know how the
movies are find out for yourself. We
a r e sick and tired of p r e t e n d i n g we
have seen all this t r a s h a n d we
can't understand why anyone would
take our word for it anyway. T a k e
your lousy two bucks a n d buy groceries. Haven't you h e a r d t h e r e is
a recession on?
Bridge on the River Kwai. J u s t as
good as it was last week.
T h e Young
If you had
would have
week and be
this week.
Lions. H a s n ' t changed.
used your head you
seen this movie last
out on street corners
Paris Holiday. Bob Hope was
great in Moscow but h e is poor in
Paris. This movie is a lot of slapstick nonsense with poses of Anita
Eckberg thrown in to break the
boredom. Pernandel provides t h e
only few bits of h u m o r which are
found in this flick and only he saves
it from being the flop t h a t it d e serves to be.
The Brain from Planet Arous.
Not all movies can be academy
award winners. Brains from a dist a n t planet take over h u m a n bodies.
Remember, the brain you t h i n k you
have may not be your own. T h e
second true-to-life spectacular is
Teenage Monster.
The Bride is Much Too Beautiful.
T h e critics say it's great. Personally we are going to see Bridget B a r dot. Who says you have to have a
plot to have a good movie.
F o r real good television enjoyment
stop in at Richardson 276. A star
studded cast of thousands, well more
t h a n twenty people anyway. Better
yet, why don't you wait until they
make it a movie?
In this new p a r t of the column we
are going to hit the worthwhile
nightspots in town. Our pick this
week is Dale's R e s t a u r a n t . Their
dixieland band is the hottest thing
going in Albany. For a real great
time man, this is the most. O.K.
so we're real hep-cats now. Big
Deal! While we are in such a moving and grooving mood we want to
remind t h a t Zach Clements goes
fresh air this Sunday on dorm field.
Refreshments and all. See you there,
AlLany '57
State has another alumni doing something to make us
proud! Jim Lorkhart, class of
'57 is acting in " ( d i n e Hack
Little Sheila" here in Albany,
Jim is playing the part of
Turk in the " T h e a t r e - i n - t h e Itound" of the Center Players.
II .vim net a chance to catch
Hie show it's at the Arbor Hill
Community Center which is at
:i North l.ark Street. It begins
at 8:45 p.m. tonight and tomorrow night. You r a n gel your
tickets by calling the Center at
l o r those of you who don't
remember, Jim graduated last
June, lie was a member of
Student Council his freshman
and Junior years, I'rosh c a m p
< oiinsi'lnr and President of the
Veteran's Society.
While here Jim was active in
dramatics and in music. He
worked with the All College
Kevue, helped write it a n d participated in it, anil was in IVIoving-I'p Day and Activities Day
lie sang in an Operetta here
his freshman year ami was a
member of the Statesmen his
second and third years.
Probably his most p e r m a n e n t
memory in Slate College was
as part of a composing leant.
Jim and lluges '57 wrote
music and words for Die Stale
College Tight Song, and everybody knows t h a t !
'The exam will begin in 10, 9, 8, 7
GomtHOH- Stated
O, Lift one t h o u g h t in prayer for S T C ;
T h a t he who many a year with toil of b r e a t h
Found death in life, may here find life in d e a t h ; Coleridge.
The temperature's rising, It's not surprising, T h a t we certainly
can—can fan! For some unfounded reason, the little m a n w h o tends
t h a t boiler and lifts t h a t coal h a s to a p p r o x i m a t e the w e a t h e r outside.
In the winter, when frigid Brigid dares close the classroom door, the
light goes off. Now t h a t the heat's on in Albany, so it is in t h e n o t
cool school. Speaking of h e a t therein, lies a tale. I n t h e s p r i n g a
young m a n ' s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of—well, fish d o it, birds
do it, Duz does it— Duz does everything. Meanwhile, back a t t h e
oasis, Thatcher, t h a t is, the fraternities were h a v i n g their c o m m u n i t y
picnic. In the hopes of promoting good feeling, some intelligent soul
proposed one big weekend. With each bid goes a D o - I t - Y o u r s e l f d a t e
kit, including a r o u n d - t r i p ticket to East Ubangi a n d a Berlitz selflanguage teacher. Bon voyage!
Our Hawley Hall, with darkened nooks,
And skatie-eight assorted books,
I m p a r t s to all In equal shares
Its musty anesthetic airs.
While Morpheus lulls the student who delves
For knowledge somewhere among the shelves,
Friend Bacchus rocks and rolls all day,
Outside the window—a temptation away
Enticing h a n d y m e n a t work
To blare the radio while they smirk
Over "Witchdoctor" and "Lollipop"—
Will "Nee Nee Na" replace the bop?—
This Rock and Roll must hereto s t o p Remember fellas—-this ain't the h o p !
You may have heard the gossip t h a t has been travelling through
these hollowed halls, but, if not, we'll let you in on this r o a m i n ' scandal.
Well, 'peers t h a t some people w a n t to know where t h e money-money
goes 'cause, like it says in the song, we've been done wrong. I t seems
t h a t AMIA wants more loot to shoot for clubs 'cause two sets were
stolen. Interested? The second act in this farce involves a n overdrawn
budget. T h a t expensive Pedicat) polished ofT five-hundred m o r e clams
t h a n it was supposed to. A parting t h o u g h t — R e m e m b e r h i g h pockets they're yours!
Bored with the life t h a t is not so very different here, a few rugged
individualists among us decided to obey t h a t impulse last weekend. It
seems t h a t these people couldn't wait for Frosh Weekend, so they advanced on one of the cellars of old Western Ave. in t h e Blitz-blasted
area, and proceeded to blast the Blatz. These scouts were prepared and
forgot not how to rub two matches together. Soon o u r h a p p y people
were around (heir campflre, toasting marshmallows. P a s s e r s - b y ' thought
t h a t it was a latent Billy G r a h a m revival meeting. U n f o r t u n a t e l y the
neighbors did not appreciate State's a t t e m p t to live life, every golden
minute, and had our friends evicted. Of course, some of them may
be living in t h a t cellar next year, and will get their revenge. Anywho,
a little originality is a wonderful tiling. Drink deep, yon clods, it's
spring, it's spring!
Happy I.T.R.!
College Calendar
1:011 p i n Commuters Club Meeting D201.
Sophomore Class Meeting.
Freshmen Class Meeting.
7:00 p i n IFG presents "Giant," Draper 349.
!):()() pin. Potter Club Formal, Aurania Club.
1:00 p.m. Potter Club Picnic, T h a t c h e r Park.
3:00 p i n HOCD presents Guest Speaker, Urn Upper Lounge.
7:00 p.m. 1FG presents "Giant," Draper 340.
8:30 p.m. Potter Club Dale Party, Hotel Corrine.
3:00 p.m. Student Union Board Jazz Concert, Bru Lower Lounge.
i>:(J0 p.m. Lutheran Student Association Meeting, St. J o h n ' s C h u r c h .
Potter Club Record Party, F r a t e r n i t y House.
0:30 p.m. Canterbury Club Faculty Dinner, St. Andrew's C h u r c h
7:30 p.m. IVCF Meeting, Brubacher.
8:00 p.m. Oral Interpretation Reading, D r a p e r 349.
li:30 p.m. Kappa Mu Epsilon's Banquet, Albany University Club
It is, I think, h i g h - t i m e I a n swered some of my fan snail. Out of
thousands of letters I have chosen
a few t h a t are representative of the
most common questions (special
t h a n k s go to the Post Office for letting me mix my three letters with
thousands of theirs so I could m a k e
the above c o m m e n t ) .
Dear Open Skull:
Last week you mentioned the
n a m e "Uncle Lionel." Will you
please tell me who he is? 1 am sick
of your vague references.
Dear Sick:
"Uncle Lionel" refers to my Uncle. His name is Lionel. Hope t h a t
helps. I know it. will help Uncle
Dear Gashed C r a n i u m :
When are you going to change
that silly picture at the top of your
Very Sick.
Dear Very Sick:
You fool! Don't you realize you're
talking about the face t h a t launched a thousand hairs? Without that'
picture you'd have to go back to
using d a r t boards.
Dear Dral'ty Dome:
Why did you do it?
Dear Regretful:
Because I love you.
Dear Dral'ty Dome;
I want the truth.
Dear Regretful:
Because it was fun, healthful, and
Oral Interp
Classes Read
Prose, Drama
The classes in oral interpretation
and interpretation of d r a m a will
urescnt another evening of readings
from literature Tuesday a t 8 p.m.,
in Draper 349, announces Susan
Carmichael '59, C h a i r m a n of the
evening. Many fine selections promise an enjoyable evening of listening.
Selections From Oral Interpretation
On the program from the oral interpretation class are F r a n c e s York
reading "The Only Rose" by S a r a h
Orne J'.wett, coached by Gail Hogan, J u n i o r s ; and Virginu Stoudt
59, reading selections from Lewis
Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland."
coached by Lillian Ferrara, Grad
Eva Sowalsky '00, coached by Gloria
Meyers 7)9, will rend from Francois
Mauriac's novel, "Therese"; Ralph
Wesslemnn '(ill, coached by Ellen
Fltvpatrick '59, will read "The Sermon on Hell" from " P o r t r a i t ol the
Artist ns a Young Man" by .James
Joyce; and Beverly Ralin '59, will
read J a m e s Thurber's "Thirteen
Clocks," couched by John Reiners,
Dear Drafty Dome:
Dear Regretful:
For crying out loud, a guy does a
t e r m p a p e r t h a t ' s assigned, a n d
right away he has to answer a
bunch of stupid questions!
Dear Battered Rrainbox:
W h a t would you suggest I do
when I enter for the first time those
great big doors of Draper Hall next
High School Chick.
Dear High School Chick:
Walk s t r a i g h t ahead for about two
h u n d r e d feet and make it out the
back door. Go about fifteen more
feet, a n d get splattered all over
Washington Avenue by a truck. I
intend to do the same thing tomorrow, and look a t how m u c h time and
effort I wasted by delaying it for
three years.
Contest Awards
Paris Vacation
Fly to Paris and spend seven days
ol your summer vacation there with
all expenses paid. All this and more
can be yours if you h a p p e n to win
the title, "Campus Cartoonist of the
Open to All Undergraduates
T h e contest, sponsored by Box
Cards Incorporated, is open to all
u n d e r g r a d u a t e students in colleges
throughout the United States. As
well as being the recipient of the
all expense paid tour, the winner
will receive royalties if his e n t r y is
suitable lor reproduction and sale
on greeting cards a n d so used. If
the card should be a commercial
success a contract with Box C a r d s
will be awarded.
Second prize is $250; third prize
is $100. Both the second and third
prize winners also have a chance
for a card designing contract.
Entries should be in card form to
facilitate judging and should also
be prepared as neatly as possible.
Each entry must be accompanied by
an entry blank available In the Coop and m u s t be signed by the store
manager. Comedian Groucho Marx,
humorist Steve Allen, and Al Capp,
the creator of L'il Abner, will be
L u t h e r a n S t u d e n t Association has
elected new officers for t h e coming
year a n n o u n c e s Herbert Witt '58,
the outgoing President. Linda M a t son 'B0 was elected President. T h e
other new officers are Brita Rehig,
Vice-President; Lois Agne, Publicity
Director, freshmen; D o n n a Suits,
Secretary; and Walter Heins, T r e a s urer, Juniors.
Leadership Conference
Dorothy Davis '59, Miss Agne and
Miss R e h r i g will represent t h e
group a t a S t a t e wide leadership
conference in Syracuse this weekend.
T h e LSA will meet Sunday night
from 5 to 7 p.m. with the Westminster Fellowship G r o u p a t St. J o h n ' s
lor a supper and discussion on the
topic, "Love for Love's Sake" led by
J o h n Buerk, S t u d e n t Assistant P a s tor at St. J o h n ' s .
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
will m e e t Thursday at 7:30 pjm. at
B r u b a c h e r Hall, according to S a n dra Kailbourne '61, Publicity C h a i r m a n . Ozzie Naunian '59, President,
will direct this week's p r o g r a m of
group singing and discussion by t h e
organization's members.
Everyone is welcome a t this meeting.
C a n t e r b u r y Club
C a n t e r b u r y Club is sponsoring a
dinner for the members of their
faculty Sunday night. This dinner
will take place at St. Andrew's P a r ish House a t 6:30 p.m. T h e Very
Reverend Allan Brown will speak
at this meeting. He is the Dean of
All S a i n t s ' C a t h e d r a l .
Poor 'Smedley'
Toe cartoons feature "Smedley,"
an unhappy, lorlorn-looking colleSelections From Interpretation
gian who is always getting the
Of Drama
bl'UShull he doesn't use
The interpretation ul drama class Mennen Kpra\ Deodorant. When
have chosen two most interest ing he's around, everybody starts to
selections: Miss Filzputrick ill "Alice leave as fast as they can
Sit by the Fire" by Sir J a m e s Burnt1, and Miss Meyer. Joseph Fl.s nil Think Fust
.lit, and Reiners in "'I lie Old BachAny student who wants to enter
elor" by Congrevcs
the contest should send a sketch or
Agnes I'.'. iMiltiTii, Professor ol de.scilpliou of their cartoon idea to
English, is in charge ol llie EngliMi li-.e Mennen Company, in care ol
Evenings presented here b\ the stu- "Smedley, 1 Morristown, New J e r dents ul the oral interpretation sey, along with their name, address,
and college.
The Greeks and MUD
Don Beardon, Minister of fraternities and sororities, reported t h a t
t h e sororities are going to keep elections within the sorority until Moving-Up Day. Any news on the fraternities?
people, b u t it was a stirring debate
before t h e axe fell. Probably t h e
less said t h e better, b u t we are disa p p o i n t m e n t We w a n t e d to go too.
Pedagogue's budget was upped
a g a i n a n d maybe they'll stay w i t h in it t h i s year.
We've j u s t learned w h a t a n "uglym a n contest" is. (Anything for
lines. T h i s h a s been a b a d week.)
T h e newest college craze (may even
surpass Frizby)—have your picture
t a k e n and doctor it u p as horribly
as you can—you're entered. Now
comes t h e money pitch . . . people
are going to pay to vote on which
is t h e ugliest picture. Now, w h a t ?
Classes State
C a m p u s Commission
Something new and different to
impress you all: Campus Commission is working on places t:> p u t book
racks in the cafeteria next fall;
they are also checking on spots for
sand u r n s in the halls of Draper
S o p h o m o r e a n d freshman class
Annex and Richardson.
ban iuets which were scheduled for
tomorrow evening have been c a n Meeting
celled, a n n o u n c e Robert Helwig and
The Cabinet will meet Monday R i c h a r d Robinson, Presidents of
with the administration in order to t h e respective classes.
discuss the ever-present, ever-popPoor Sales
ular . . . Traditions and Rivalry.
T h e reason given for the unexBudgets
pected cancellation was the ]x>or
All spring! a n d time to review sale of tickets to t h e affairs. T h e
budgets. Seems worse t h a n a soror- S o p h o m o r e s sold twenty-five and
ity cut session.
t h e f r e s h m e n fifty-seven tickets.
First we have Primer. Lucky people they passed, and even get more Class Meetings
pages t h a n last year.
T h e r e will be a Sophomore class
S t u d e n t Union Board, Forum, m e e t i n g on the lawn in front of
Smiles, Campus Commission all D r a p e r Hall a t 1 p.m. T h e freshman
passed inspection.
; lass will meet in Page Hall a t the
The College Handbook will come s e m e hour. One of t h e points of
out with more pictures, a bigger discussion for b o t h meetings will be
book. And then there's the Staite the possibilities of p l a n n i n g a n College News, h m m m . T h e confer- o t h e r b a n q u e t before the end of
ence line was cut from five to four t h e term.
Anyone who can think up situate ns for cartoons can make $25 if
lie submits u winning cartoon idea
i.i the Mermen Company, maiiiilaeturers of men's toiletries. If chosen by the company the cartoon will
appear in its new scries of advertisements.
It's time to t h i n k about C a m p u s
Chest again and ways to raise
money next October, and so our
Cabinet did just t h a t .
Six suggestions came forth a n d
they included a S t u d e n t - F a c u l t y
Fashion Show, a raffle, boosters
(they worked the last t i m e ) , a Chinese auction, a Jazz concert a n d
something new, a n u g l y - m a n contest.
Moving-Up Day will be held May
31 this year.
As Advertised
\ P.M.
8 P.M.
Central Ave.
At The State College C O - O P
News' Elects
Ann Fleming
Best Dressed
&4fe OH 7<&e
T h i s p a s t M o n d a y found t h r o n g s a s i t is studied further. Mr. H e r of people milling 'round t h e A r ts t a n d h a s also submitted a group
Gallery to view t h e labors of Arnold of etchings a n d a sketch of this
Herstand, Assistant Professor a t same scene for t h e show.
Colgate University. T h e oohh's,
a a a a ' s a n d w h a t - i s - i t ' s mixed n i c e - "Gutted Building"
Building" is a n o t h e r
ly with t h e refreshments t h a t were
on h a n d for t h e occasion, a n d a r t p a i n t i n g t h a t is a g a i n highlighted
h a d entrenched itself still further by t h e artist's highly personalized
in t h e t h o u g h t s of those on campus. style. I n this painting, particularly
do we find h i m reducing t h r o u g h
color t h e prespective of his subject
Mr. Herstand
matter. A woodblock done i n red
Mr. Herstand, a painter in t h e and black, which h a n g s next t o t h e
Abstract Expressionist school, h a s a oil is a n o t h e r excellent rendition of
good a r r a y of works, principally the same subject. The above works
oils, etchings a n d woodblocks.
are well worth seeing a n d noting
in the show.
"The Voyage"
"The Voyage" is a very
painting showing to good a d v a n tage t h e artist's concern with r e n dering in a seemingly loosely conceived m a n n e r , a powerful painting
of positive, yet diverse shapes. His
mastery of color d o m i n a t e s this, a s
it does t h e majority of h i s other
works. W h a t a t first glance seems
too loose to s t a n d t h e s t a r e s of
close scrutiny, falls nicely into place
Congratu'n'ions, A n n Fleming!
You have a chance to be among the
best dressed college girls in Arasrica.
Gliirmr magazine is presently
sponsoring a contest on all college
campines to find the ten girls whose
t ste in clothes and general a p p e a r ance best exemplify t h e modern
college girl.
At. AL.any State Ann Fleming '60
ha b e n chosen by t h e S t a t e College News Board to represent our
i.ll: ge in this contest.
My purpose is n o t to wear t h e
show o u t with a n exhaustive a n alysis of t h e works i n it, b u t t o
highlight some of t h e works a n d
advise you to hury o n u p to t h e
Gallery and catch a n excellent exhibit t h a t has been footnoted nicely
by a n introductory plaque found on
the wal just as you e n t e r t h e gallery.
Many t h a n k s to t h e efforts of Mr.
Feme of the criteria suggested by
Clamor for selection of t h e best
dressed girl a r e neatness, wardrobe
m a n a g e m e n t , suitability of dress on
and cfi campu--, c ire of hair and
general appearance.
Photo by Dick Sumner
Ann is from Massena, New York;
r h e is an English major, Library
As State's representative Ann will
automatically be entered in t h e n a tional contest a n d may be one of
the top ten.
Film Group
Presents Hit
Beverly R a h n '59, President ol
Group, a n nounces t h a t t h e society will present W a r n e r Brothers' Technicolor
spectacular " G i a n t " tonight and
tomorrow night a t 7 p.m. in Draper
All Star Cast
The film stars Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor Todd, Sal Mineo, Mercedes McCambridge, Chill Wills
a n d J a m e s Dean as J e t t Rink. T h e
story is based on t h e book "Giant"
written by Edna Ferber. Basically
it is the tale of the rise of a Texas
millionaire and the cattle versus the
oil controversy.
Yen Den
Extra Added
Chile Filly
noiseless, t h e y w o n ' t e v e n wear loud s h i r t s . B u t
r u n o u t of Luckies,
s t a c k s — a l l in sign l a n g u a g e , of course!
T h e unusual
called a Quiet
L u c k y ' s p o p u l a r i t y , after all, is no fluke. A L u c k y
is t h e b e s t - l a s t i n g c i g a r e t t e y o u c a n buy - a n d for
good reason. I t ' s m a d e of n a t u r a l l y light, goodt a s t i n g t o b a c c o , t o a s t e d t o t a s t e even b e t t e r . S o
Furry Surrey
w h y flounder a r o u n d ? G e t L u c k i e s yourself!
, »b\
U OF P i m B U H G H
Dim (iym
U li II G 0 L B E H G
y*<JI7 7'iie?
Stuck for dough?
MAKE $ 2 5
We'll pay $2.ri fur every Klirkler
we p r i n t
a n d for h u n d r e d s
morel hit I never gel used! So si art.
Stickling I hey're so easy yon
can think ol'dozens in seconds!
Sticklers are. simple riddles wit li
I wo w o r d r h y m i n g a n s w e r s .
Hoth words must have I he same
nuniher of syllables. (I)on'l d o
drawings.) Send ' e m all with
your n a m e , address, college and
class to i lappy-.loe-Lucky, liox
()7A, M o u n t Vernon, N . Y.
PA. T. Co.J
Product of (Jm <-*/m&>iut(m Jvvtuxo-k.onwiwW'
As an added
a t t r a c t i o n , the
group will also show a Mr. Magoo
cartoon. Mr. Magoo will star in
"Fuddy Duddy Buddy." a U.P.A.
never before seen a t S t a t e College.
John Pidelinall has emerged victorious in t h e recent AMIA Table
Tennis T o u r n a m e n t . Fidelnian d e feated Kalp Wesselmann m a besl
of seven series lo gain first place in
the 30 m a n t o u r n a m e n t . Alter a
21-1!) victory, J o h n lost a 1!)-21
decision to Wesselmann a n d then
bounced Lack with a 21-17 winning
attempt. In Hie fourth game Wesselmann scored an easy ii-21 triumph. Fidelnian took two oi Ihe three mulches to win Ihe series
four names lo three.
almost lose c o n t r o l . T h e y r a n t , r a v e a n d blow t h e i r
Fidelmon Wins
Tennis Tourney
would b e u p t o their h i p b o o t s in c a s h . T h e y ' r e so
N E W S , FRIDAY. A P R I L 2 5 , 1 9 5 8
FRIDAY, A P R I L 2 5 . 1 9 5 8
— Jvvwae&
is our middle
'In gain Ihe duals Ralph Wesselm a n n defeated Don Wilson by seines
ol 21-18, 17-21 and 21-15. M a i n
Millet losl Ins rh.nice lo compete
in Hie Hinds by losing lo Fidelnian
21 -17 and 21-Hi
£p.a>U SfiQtltffUt
Nineteen strike mils, a lew walks,
and a couple ol hits earned ihi
Fid varsity an opening game victory over Utica and t h e man doing
the pitching was this w e e k s aililele i I the week Pete Spina Rumor
hail It that a Los Angeles Seoul was
snooping around the diamond looking for some jewels lor t h e traveling ex-Bl'ooklynites. II so. I'ele
might lie spinning h i s way.
Runner up spot lor tile week goes
to Jim Lurriehio who led all AMIA
Stars this week With his two hltt.ei
which earned K B a n 11-1 v a l o r s
over till: Apaches.
Spina's Hurling Points Way To Victory Over Utica;
Peds To Meet New Paltz Diamondmen Tomorrow
Pogos Upset
Potter; SLS,
KB, EEP, Cop
With a week of practice behind
it, State's varsity baseball team will
carry its 1-0 record into t h e trip
tomorrow to New Paltz, where t h e
Peds meet the Hudson River squad
in a two o'clock game. T h e
u-ew lost twice last season to t h e
S a u e r s m s n in their a n n u a l pair of
T h e Conquering; Hero
Old m a n upset was in his glory
Hero of t h e big 2-3 win over
t h e "Okefinokee
Utica last S a t u r d a y w a s big P e t e
s w a m p m e n . " t h e Fogcs. turned t h e
Spina, a newcomer to t h e pitching
tiick on last year's Softball league
staff, who countered lits of wildness
champions, P o t t e r Club, 10-8. t h a n k s
with brilliant pitching en route to
to a five r u n .seventh inning on t h e
a 10 strikeout, two h i t performance.
Page field.
T h e tight pitching dusl was broken
Club Bounces Back
up in t h e fifth when t h e key blow
O t h e r action in t h e three lea;;ue
was struck by Dick Lewis, a F r e e setup of t h e i n t r a m u r a l competition
port, Long Island, boy who tripled
saw SLS s m o t h e r APA under a 13-3
to b a t in Ken Brett. Brett had a c score which earned the South La', e
quired first via t h e free pass route.
frat a first place tie with the Pogoi
Some Tight Times
in t h e Albany League. Fotter Club
Lewis himself scored o n G u n d e r bounced back from its Tuesday setman's deep fly which was bobbled
back to h a n d APA its second
by the centerfielde" for a three base
s t r a i g h t defeat, 13-6, behind t h e
error. Another big turn came in t h e win behind them.
pitching of Bob Backer in a n o t h e r
.seventh when Spina, who h a d a ine both by Spina's pitching a n d
Albany League contest Wednesday.
n o - h i t t e r going until t h a t time, gave
I n t h e S t a t e League, K B and E E P
up a hit t o the opposing pitcher but
took the edge o n the pack with vicrelired t h e side harmlessly. Twice field, where t h e glossy play id' cotcries over t h e Apaches a n d t h e
he struck, o u t t h e side to escape captain Howie Caldwell, a t first,
Rousers, respectively. T h e K a p p a
bases-loaded j a m s , once in the first sparked some tight playing resultB e t a m e n turned back t h e Apaches,
Al BANY L E A G l ' E
TKACHKKS 1.1. A O l ' K
and once in t h e third. I n six other
whose war clubs were quieted by t h e
Time Dale
innings h e struck o u t two a n d in
T i m e two h i t p i t c h i n g of J i m Loricchio,
1*1 ace
one inning h e struck out one. Only inning route.
11-1, on Beverwyck. Tuesday, a n d
4 : lii
25 S L S vs. Potjos
once did he fail to strike out a m a n ,
23 F i n k s vs J o k e r s
B e v e r w v c k 4 15 E E P gained a narrow 4-3 victory
but then h e retired the side in orfrom t h e Rousers Monday a s Bob
2(i L e f t o v e r s vs.
29 S L S vs. P o t t e r
10 a ill.
Union H e i g h t s
der. H e seemed to bear down best Siena on the Indians' Held, WednesB c s o m w o r t h struck out two men in
when in trouble, for he put ten men day ol" next week. . . . This year's
t h e final inning to insure t h e t r i 1 P o g o s vs. P o t t e r
B e v e r w y c k 4:15
211 P i n k s vs. K o b r a s
B e v e r w v c k 4 15
on base via the stroll route.
u m p h . I n the only Teachers League
opener was quite in contrast to last
APA vs. S L S
Only Four Hits
P o l l e r vs. APA
B e v e r w v c k 4:15 MAY
contest, t h e Jokers turned back t h e
year's 1G-11 affair. . . . T h e Peds
P o g o s vs. S L S
B e v e r w y c k 4:15
T h e Peds themselves managed to meet P i t t s b u r g h a t Bleecker May
J o k e r s vs. Rulge
B e v e r w y c k 4:15
SLS vs P o t t e r
12 APA vs. P o g o s
B e v e r w y c k 4:15
1 L e f t o v e r s vs. UH B e v e r w y c k 4 15 Potter Blows Lead
garner only four hits, t h e others 2. a Friday afternoon. . . . Howie
13 P o g o s vs. P o t t e r
3 K o b r a s vs. Union
T h e Pogos materialized on three
coming off t h e bats of Ron Cook,
14 S L S VS. APA
10 a.ill
P o t t e r e r r o r s in the seventh inning
Spina, a n d Brett. They
saved Caldwell keeps u p t h e tradition of
l(i P o l l e r vs. S L S
5 J o k e r s vs. R i d g e
6 : 1 5 along with a walk and two hits, a
19 P o t t e r vs. A P A
thetnselves in spite of the plate fam- married captains on varsity teams.
20 P o g o s vs. S L S
0 L e f t o v e r s vs. J o k e r s P a g e
4 15 single by Joe Hickey and t h e deciPage
22 APA v s . P o t t e r
(i F i n k s vs. U n i o n
sive blow, a n inning opening triple
li 15
by Tom Hoppey. Potter outhit t h e
STATU I . K X G I i :
1 L e f t o v e r s vs. K o b r a s B e v e r w y c k 4:15
8 J o k e r s vs K o b r a s
B e v e r w y c k 0:15 Pogos, 7-5, b u t committed six misTime
From This Vantage Point:
plays. T h e Pogos didn't shine on
II U n i o n H e i g h t s v s .
25 R o u s e r s vs. K B
4 15
4:15 the field either, committing a grand
20 Vets v s . R o u s e r s
B e v e r w y c k 2:00
S F i n k s vs. R i d g e
4 15 total of eight errors.
B e v e r w y c k 4:15
28 A p a c h e s v s . Vets
B e v e r w y c k 2 DO
HI F i n k s vs. J o k e r s
T h e week's best pitching performPage30 K B vs. E B P
2 00 ance t u r n e d in by KB's Lorrichio
10 R i d g e vs. L e f t o v e r s P a g e
12 UH vs. F i n k s
B e v e r w y c k 0:15 earned t h e B e t a m e n a share of t h e
12 R i d g e v s . L e f t o v e r s P a g e
R o u s e r s v s . Vets
13 UH vs. o k e r s
0:15 glory along with t h e Pogos. LorriK B vs. A p a c h e s
4 IS
13 K o b r a s v s . R i d g e
B e v e r w y c k 4:15 chio struck o u t five m e n in going
E E P vs. V e t s
By J I M D O U G H E R T Y
B e v e r w y c k 0:15
14 F i n k s vs. L e f t o v e r s P a g e
4:15 trie route. B u m p LaValle, Joe K e t R o u s e r s vs. KB
15 K o b r a s vs. UH
B e v e r w v c k 4:15
4 1:>
Vets vs. K B
Shepherd aided
4 15 chucn, a n d Phil
Now that both the Varsity baseball team and the In4 15
17 F i n k s vs. L e f t o v e r s P a g e
2 00 t h e cause with two hits apiece.
A p u c h e s vs. Vels
Diamond Teams
Begin Campaigns
tramural Leagues have begun their campaigns, I would
K B Vs. E E P
11 a 111
111 UH vs. J o k e r s
I 15
1 15
F i n k s v s fudge
B e v e r w v c k 6:15
R o u s e r s vs. A p a c h es P a g e
like to make a few predictions and also give a lew comV e l s vs. E E P
li 15
20 K o b r a s v s L e f t o v e r s P a g e
4: l;"i
21 UH vs Ridge
4 15
A p a c h e s vs. R o u s e r s B e v e r w y c k 1 15
ments and statistics.
21 Kinks V- K o b r a s
4 15
Vels vs. K B
B e v e r w v c k •1 l.i
4 15
First a word ol' congratulations to freshman pitcher 20
T e n n i s on a n intercollegiate level
Pet* Spina. Pete turned in a brilliant mound
swings into action tomorrow as t h e
performance in the Utica game. His single
Wed icsda> A p r I ::i
n e t m e n m a k e t h e treck t o New
Fait/, for a 2 p.m. battle. Bob
was the first hit of the game and he succeedTeachers
VV 1.
VV 1. Engles, Tom Sullivan. Bob Kampf,
ed in striking out 19 of the Utica Tangerine's.
0 Ed Vesneske, Bob Austin, Lou WolI)
We are all awaiting Pete's next trip to the
0 ner, Skip G e b h a r d t , anil Hud AusPogos
Union Hi I g h t s
Pot ll 1
t h e trip for t h e
. . . 1)
0 tin m a y m a k e
0 match.
HalmIt will feature nine conApaches
Good show of spirit at Varsity's first home
I tests, t h r e e doubles and six singles
game . . . team looks strong and should have
m a t c h e s . Six meetings remain on
a fine season . . . good fielding team . . . hitting should
i h " schedule after tomorrow.
improve . . . Freeport's Dick Lewis can really hit the ball
. . . Spina threw 175 pitches in the first game.
T h e AMIA mixed doubles bowling Pardee lolled a 438 a n d Nicolai, a
Potter ve Pogo's In "Balanced" Leagues
t o u r n a m e n t came to a close on 434 to produce an 872 total.
Now a look at the Softball scene. AMIA League Com- Sunday, with J i m Lorrichio a n d Individual Totals
missioner B.ob Barker has set up a new system of Balanced Charlotte Nmdl capturing t h e first The men's high totals for t h e 217 Western Ave. Albany, N. Y.
Leagues. This should make the games more place trophies. After jumping to the tourney were both rolled by Bruce
I'hune 0-3810
who belted t h e maples for
evenly matched and interesting. Potter Club lead following t h e first round of Bibbons
will be making a strong bid for another cham- the tourney, t h e L o r r i c h i o - N i n d l ihe woman's side C h a r l o t t e Nmdl
couple retained their position by
chalked up a 437 high triple a n d
pionship. The return of pitching ace Bob
garnering a 027 total. An individual Jean Nicolai took high single with
Backer gives them the edge.
total of 490 by Lorrichio was bol- a 178.
2lfi men on team rosters . . . mostly the stered by NindVs 437.
same men as in other intramural sports . . . Tlic team of Decker Pardee a n d
where are all the frosh? . . . Sayles dropped J e a n Nicolai combined their talents
from the league . . . Pogo's have big names, should fare to walk nil with second position.
well . . . look out Potter . . . this should be Becker's last
Fraternity Jewelry
season . . . APA can hit; needs .stronger infield and more
Badges, Steins, Rings
confidence . . . SLS started out strong . . . KB could be
Jewelry, Gilts, Favors
dark-horse in race . . . games are played on Beverwyck,
Stationery, Programs
too . . . let's see some people at games other then those
Club Pins, Keys
on Page Field . . . all in all it looks like we have an excitMedals, Trophies
ing season in store.
C o m e r ONTARIO and BENSON
- ^lennib -
Lorrichio-Nindl Remain On Top
Gerald Drug Co.
Spring Has
DIAL 4-1125
Felicia's Beauty Shop
53 N. Lake Ave.
Near' Washington Ave.
We Aim To Please
53-A No. Lake Ave.
iNear Washington Ave.)
"JIMMY"—Huir StyUst
Telephone 3-9749
• I
. . . . . . . . .
College Florist for Years
171 Marshall Street
Syracuse 10, New York
O B 5-7837
Carl Sorenson, Mgr.
N E W S , FRIDAY, A P R I L 2 5 ,
Commerce Club |
Jlouie eMowU
Former State students
t u r n i n g to our c a m p u s this
to b e honored a t sorority
luncheons. Five sororities
u m n a e luncheons.
are r e weekend
plan a l -
To Participate
lUim In Conference
J a c k ' s a t 1:30 p.m., according to
P a t r i c i a Corcoran '58, P r e s i d e n t .
Class speakers for t h e b a n q u e t a r e
Marie D e t t m e r '58, Carol S t a n t o n
'59, Nancy Lou R y a n '60, a n d Louise
T o r n a t o r e '61.
K a p p a Delta
C h a r l o t t e Norton '58, P r e s i d e n t of
K a p p a Delta, announces t h a t there
will be an a l u m n a e luncheon a t
F a r n h a m ' s , Chapel Street, tomorrow
a t 1 p.m. Lorraine L a t t a '60 is
c h a i r m a n of t h e event.
Gamma Kappa Phi
An a l u m n a e reunion will be held
tomorrow a t the University Club a t
1 p.m., announces Judy Swan, P r e s ident. After the luncheon, a business
meeting will be held a t t h e house.
At this time, the actives will serve
Psi G a m m a
a tea. Grace Nesbitt '60 is in charge
President Patricia Kennedy '58 of t h e affair.
s t a t e s t h a t t h e following girls were
pledged on March 31: B a r b a r a Clapp Beta Zeta
a n d Marian Garguil, both freshB e t a Zeta sorority is h a v i n g a
men, and Connie Orapello '60.
luncheon for its a l u m n a e in the u p stairs dining room of Jack's Oyster
Chi Sigma T h e l a
Chi Sigma T h e t a is holding an House tomorrow a t 12:30 p.m., a c a l u m n a e luncheon tomorrow
a t cording to Sally H a r t e r '58, President. Mary J e a n Cosentino '58 will
be Senior speaker. T h e sorority officers for t h e year 1958-59 will be
installed by Miss Harter. L y n n Beeraft '59, Alumnae Secretary, is
c h a i r m a n of the event.
DE Sponsors
New York Trip
April 29 the Distributive Ed
ucation Club is sponsoring a field
t r i p to the National Headquarters
of t h e J. C. Penny Company in New
York City, announces F e r d i n a n d
Leuffen '57, President of t h e Club.
D u r i n g the visit students will have
t h e opportunity to observe m a n y
different phases of the company's
business such as advertising, display, office routine, selling and buying techniques and duties of the
company as a national headquarters.
S t u d e n t s will be guests a t a luncheon given by the company.
Last year t h e Distributive Education Club sponsored trips to Sak's
Fifth Avenue, the New York Stock
E x c h a n g e and others which proved
to be most interesting enjoyable,
a n d beneficial experience to t h e
s t u d e n t s who participated.
Commerce Club's a n n u a l conference will take place at Brubacher
Hall tomorrow, according to Sally
Van Scoy '60, President. T h e theme
of t h e conference is "Business Education T o d a y a n d Tomorrow."
T h e guest speaker is Dr. Herbert
A. Tonne, internationally known
Professor of Education a t New York
University. Dr. T o n n e will discuss
current a n d future problems in business education t h a t arc of vital
concern to the nation. He is t h e
a u t h o r of several well-known textbooks a n d h a s written several professional articles.
Pi Omega Pi will begin t h e activities of t h e day with a coffee
h o u r a t 9 a m . At 10:30 a.m. discussion groups concerned with problems such as administration and
supervision of business education,
t h e beginning business
testing and evaluation, and a high
school panel will form. A luncheon
will be served a t 12:30 p.m. Dr.
T o n n e speaks at 1:30 p.m.
Statesmen Sing
In New York City
T h e S t a t e s m e n will leave for New
York tomorrow at 8 a m . to sing for
the a n n u a l luncheon of t h e NYSCT
Alumni (New York B r a n c h ) , which
will be held a t Stoufiler's on 42nd
After the luncheon, the m e n will
sightsee or attend a m a t i n e e . Before
returning to Albany, the S t a t e s m e n
will m e e t for dinner and informal
singing. T h e e n g a g e m e n t was r e quested and planned by t h e Alumni
Association, i n t e r e s t and co-operation of students, faculty and a d ministration have m a d e the a p p e a r ance possible.
C h a i r m e n of the conference committees a r e : E x t e r n a l Publicity, Eleanor Beers; I n t e r n a l Publicity,
Doris Hische; Programs, Kathleen
Coessens a n d Linda Matson; Luncheon, M a r g a r e t O'Donnell, Sophomores; Name Tags and Registration,
J u n e Devore '61, and Arrangements,
B r i a n Q u i n n '60, and Ralph Smith
S t u d e n t s interested in these sessions are invited to attend any or
all of the events of t h e day.
pQ^Hf 0oei 1U Zxoluu^e
By M A R I T
T h i s i n t e r e s t i n g little item c a u g h t
our eye in R I T Retarder, a n issue
similar to our S t a i d College G n u s .
Despite t h e fact t h a t an a n t c a n
lift 70 t i m e s its weight and a n elep h a n t can lift-one-half its weight,
an a n t c a n n o t lift an e l e p h a n t !
How 'bout t h a t now? F r o m the
s a m e p a p e r is t h i s bit of history:
A DAR dowager telling about her
Revolutionary W a r ancestor who
r a n a. b a r n e a r Boston: "He poured
the s h o t h e a r d round the world."
Exam T i m e
F r o m the Tempo, Chicago T e a c h ers College, we find these very "different" questions for a Psychology
1. Little S a m has a small sister.
O n e day he grabbed her doll and
chopped it up in t h e m e a t - g r i n d e r .
Psychologically speaking, does Little
S a m dislike his sister or is he m e chanically inclined?
2. Do you t h i n k it was right for
Mrs. M u r p h y to wring out the overalls before she served the chowder
or should she h a v e left them in
while serving?
Here's one way to decide what to
do according to the Collegio, K a n sas S t a t e T e a c h e r s College:
Said one s t u d e n t to the other: "II
it's heads, we go to bed. if it's tails,
we stay up. If it stands on edge, we
From Antioch . . .
T h e Antioch College Record reported t h i s interesting incident:
A F r e n c h poodle recently c a p t u r ed 405 votes and r a n third in a
s t u d e n t council election a t t h e U n i versity of British Columbia. T h e
dog was entered as "Kiki G r a h a m "
by a s t u d e n t who wanted to prove
t h a t voters do not investigate the
background of c a n d i d a t e s .
Here's a twist on a n old tale
from t h e Niagara Index. Niagara
A m a n h a d a small farm m the
middle of t h e p a n h a n d l e with just
a few s h e e p a n d one day his wife,
while dyeing some bedspreads blue,
h a d a little lamb fall into the
bucket of dye. A passing motorist
spying t h e lamb with the blue fleece
stopped and offered $50.00 for it.
So t h e T e x a n figured h e h a d s t u m bled onto a good t h i n g and colored
more of his lambs with blue dye
which brought h i m big profits.
"Pretty soon," h e recalled, "I was
coloring my lambs pink, blue, yellow, green, lavender a n d turquoise,
and you know—
Well, we t h o u g h t it was funny.
A columnist for the University
of Cincinnati News Record noted a
sign she saw on a Volkswagen
which said, "This Volkswagen was
m a d e in del' Black Forest by der
Clever little characters,
Math Society
Plans Banquet
K a p p a Mu Epsilon, t h e honorary
m a t h e m a t i c s society, announces its
second annual banquet. T h e affair
will be held Wednesday a t 6:30 p.m.
tit the Albany University Club.
J e a n n e Merritt '58, is Banquet
Officers To Be Installed
At the banquet t h e newly elected
officers will be installed. T h e new
members of the society will be initiated then also.
Statistical Chief Will Speak
T h e speaker for the banquet will
be Dr. J a m e s Davidson, head of the
statistical methods section of the
General Engineering Labs a t G e n eral Electric. Dr. Davidson has recently returned from a trip to Soviet
Russia to which he was sent by
G.E. He will talk on his experiences
and observations of this trip. Slides
which lie took, will also be shown.
F:1':1: >•;'!:;
Philanthropic Senate Grants
Three Organizations $1,000
Our college h a s a S t u d e n t S e n a t e ,
They meet every week. T h i s week
they m e t in B r u b a c h e r Hall. T h e
meeting began a t 7:30 p.m. Before
the meeting t h e S e n a t e s a n g a song'.
They sang "Happy B i r t h d a y " to
S e n a t o r Gladysewicz. It was h e r
birthday. J o h n Yager opened t h e
meeting. J o h n is President of S t u dent Association.
T h e S t u d e n t S e n a t e h a s an order
of business. T h e first order of business is roll call. T h e secretary called t h e roll. Most of the Senators
were there. Some of them were not.
S t u a r t Nock was not there. T h e secretary said: "This is his third u n excused absence." Senators c a n n o t
have three unexcused absences. He
m i g h t be removed from the Senate.
T h e next order of business is the
minutes. Minutes are t h e record of
the previous meeting. T h e Senate
must approve the minutes. T h i s
Music Council
To Present
week t h e S e n a t e approves t h e m i n utes. T h e S e n a t e approves t h e m i n utes every week. T h e y m a d e one
change. T h e n t h e y approved t h e
minutes. T h e secretary types t h e
minvtes. Sometimes t h e m i n u t e s are
long. They are long because t h e
meetings are long.
<HUMW"' , P
Senator Levin introduced a bill.
This till is an a m e n d m e n t to t h e
Constitution. T h e Constitution of Z - 4 6 3
VOL. XLIll NO. 13
S t u d e n t Association. T h e a m e n d client is to take away t h e average
requirements for the officers of t h e
S t u d e n t Association. T h e persons
who run for these offices now m u s t
have an average. T h e average m u s t
be 2.5. If the a m e n d m e n t is passed
they won't need any average. J u s t
The S e n a t e went to t h e next
thing on the agenda. T h e next thing
The Wellington will be crowded this weekend. Two fraternities are holding their
was money. T h e S e n a t e gave away
$101)0.00. They gave it to needy or- annual Spring Weekends beginning tonight, announce James Lorrichio and Ronald
ganiations. One needy organization Pryor, Seniors and Presidents of Kappa Beta and Sigma Lambda Sigma.
was the Pedagogue. T h e Senate gave KB Dinner Dance
t h e m $700.00. T h e money is for colKappa Beta will begin its formal weekend with a lobster-pot roast dinner tonight
ored pictures. Colored pictures will
Kappa Beta, Sigma Lambda Sigma
Dine, Dance, Party And Picnic
be pretty in the Pedagogue. Another at the Aurania Club, 7:30 p.m. At about 8:30 p.m. the new officers will be formally
needy organization was Myskania
installed; dancing will begin at 9 p.m
Myskania needed keys. They also
needed caps and gowns. T h e y also Alumni Meeting and Elections
needed miscellaneous. T h e S t u d e n t
The Incorporated Alumni of Kappa Beta will hold their annual meeting and elecSenate gave them $296.00. Myskania
will be pretty in their caps and tions tomorrow afternoon. The Alumni Newsletter, under the editorship of Dominick
gowns. Music Council was needy DeCecco, grad, has been sent out and is ex pected to draw many alumni back for the
Music Council's Annual Spring
meeting and weekend.
Concert will be presented next F r i - too. They needed $72.00. T h e y need
Picnic a t T h a c h e r
day, announces Barbara M c G a u g h it for the Spring Concert. T h e S t u At 11 a.m. Sunday t h e brothers
'58, President. T h e concert will be- dent Senate gave t h e m $72.00. T h e
Spring Concert will be pretty too.
and their dates will have a picnic
gin in Page Hall at 8 p.m.
Myskic And Keys
at T h a c h e r P a r k including sports,
Next the S e n a t e discussed a bill.
hiking and refreshments.
Directors of
the concert
General C h a i r m a n for the weekCharles Stokes, Professor, and Karl This bill was from t h e Finance
end is Lee DeNike '59. Committees
A. B. Peterson, Associate Professor Committee. Its purpose was to give
include Henry Hughes '58; William
of Music. The program includes Keys to Myskania. No other organT h e r e are m a n y levels of friend- "How I ya." Hawaii is islands, b u t Hershfield, Ronald Humphrey, J u n selections performed by t h e College ization can have keys. Some S e n a Orchestra, the Statesmen, the Chor- tors wanted to know why Myskania ship. Everyone here a t S t a t e is Hi is a greeting not to be mistaken iors; Richard Sano, J o h n Trombly,
alettes, t h e String Ensemble, and should have keys. O t h e r S e n a t o r s "Friendly." Judging by the m a n y for t h e word "high" which signifies S phomores. They are in charge of
wanted to know w h a t the purpose "hi's" t h a t are exchanged in t h e d r u n k ; or Albany "High."
chaperones, flowers,
the Collegiate Singers.
of Myskania is. J o h n Yager said peristyles, there is little doubt t h a t
band, picnic and favors, respectiveHi
t h a t Myskania is a very i m p o r t a n t we are one big happy illegitimate ods t h r o u g h which we c o m m u n i c a t e ly.
Selection from Tchaikowsky, S a s - organization. Connie Olivo said
family. Imagine! 2.000 s t u d e n t s say our visual recognition of someone fcLS Weekend
nik, and Offenbach will be played they were a tradition. Jim Watson
Richard Ronconi, '59, General
" h i " to t h e 2,000 other s t u d e n t s else. We, unlike the Chinese, h a v e
by t h e College Orchestra.
T h e said there would be no Myskania
every day. T h a t equals 4,000,000 b u t a single intonation on t h e Ci.aiiman,
Woman's Chorus will feature se- without keys. Grace Nesbitt said
greetings: multiply this by t h e wast- word "hi." We use, instead, s u b - Crusaders of Holy Cross College
lections by Liszt, S c h u m a n and something too. Winnie Youngs said:
ed "hi's" t h a t are given twice in one liminal intonation t h a t is just seen will provide music for dancing at
Greig. Pieces by Gunod, Forsyth "Does Myskania need a c r u t c h ? "
SLS'.s formal tonight at the Shaker
day and we have over 5,000.000 and n o t h e a r d .
and Andrews will be sung by the Connie Olivo said: "No. J u s t keys."
greetings a day. It is: impossible?
—Raised eyebrows. (Maybe no a n e R-dge Country Club.
S t a t e s m e n . T h e Chorallettes tire Many Senators talked. T h e y gave
A highlight of tonight's program
an exaggeration? a fabrication?
will notice t h a t I recognize t h a t
singing selections from Taylor, Ty- their opinions of Myskania. T h e n
will be t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t of fraWell
son, and Scott.
gave keys to Myskania. Myskania proved 2 points. 1. It proves I can
—A limp flick of the wrist, i Don't ternity officers for t h e next year.
Additional Pieces
will be pretty in their keys.
multiply and 2. It proves t h a t t h e r e tell me t h a t drip is still leaking!) Chaperones
A Mozart Quintet will be featured
The S t u d e n t S e n a t e discussed I D is a word used a t S t a t e more often
Ail women will have 2 a.m. hours
—A smile, i. . . See I use Pepsoby the String Ensemble. T h e Quin- cards. There will be ID cards n e x t t h a n the word "cute."
for the dance, which is scheduled
d e n t ; I wish you did.i
tet members include Herbert How- year. They will not have pictures.
Hi is a condensation of the phrase
—A lull "Helllo." i—They're e n - from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. T h e c h a p ard, T h o m a s Norton, Leni Sterle They will not be laminated. They "How are you." which is slurred to gaged.)
erones for the formal are: Paul
ami Christine Berkey, freshmen, and will be IBM cards. They will be
— A passionate embrace. (It's a I., mon, Professor of Biology, and
William Kleinhomer '58. Included perforated. They will be punched.
Mrs. Lemon; Karl Peterson, Asboy. i
in the numbers to be performed by They will not be pretty,
I'll show you what I m e a n : I'm sociate Professor of Music, and Mrs.
the Collegiate Singers are pieces by
The Senate considered reconsiderat a class meeting. I'll say hi to Peterson, Dr. and Mrs. Arnolds
Bach, Mascagni. and Medelssohn. ing the Rivalry bill. They had passGrava.
the whole congregation.
Final Number
St. Ja.nes Society
ed the bill last week. They recon" H i " says I to the Pres.
"Onward. Ye Peoples" by Sibelius s i d e n d it. T h e n they tabled discus"The Roaring Twenties" is the
" H i " says he back.
will be the concluding n u m b e r of the sion. To next week. T h e meeting
them • if tomorrow night's infoiuial
"Hi" says I to the body.
Several State College students ONE PUNY VOICE: " H - H - h - h i i i i . " party, states Richard Bartholomew,
concert It will be performed by the adjourned.
have distinguished themselves reentire Festival Chorus and Orches58, C h a i r m a n . T h e party, schedel nt.v by winning awards for outtra.
uled lrom 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., a t the
s l a a J n ; achievements.
Barbara Sampler, Mareeline WagHotel C o n i n e , will feature the St.
goner, ami George Harris, Juniors,
J. ii;es Society Jazz group, also of
Elmer C. Matthews, Assistant to
will be accompanists.
H J y Cros.v T h e chaperones are
t e President of the College, reStudents, their friends, and the
Mr. and Mrs. Peterson.
1 oils t h a t tour Seniors have received
Albany public are invited to attend
Thacher I'hnic
h in us.
the concert as guests of Music
T h e weekend will conclude with a
Students may beg.n signing up for T h e Seniors
Registration processes for the fall picinc for tiie Brothers and their
Council. T h e Spring Conceit will
D kene Zervas has been selected s e n u s t e r have been changed in some dates at T h a c h e r Park Sunday afbe Music Council's final presenta- the lull phase of the S t u d e n t Guides
this week, a n n o u n c e as alternate lor an award as "Lec- l i m p e t s in order to minimize reg- ternoon. This event is under the Cotion lor this school year.
Music Council is currently work- Charles Fowler and Donna Harris, tuer' in the French School System istration probliuis.
iTiairiiiansliip of Bartholomew ai.d
lor i: jJ-59.
All s t u d e n t s should have com- Joseph Swierzowski, grad.
ing on the guest artist program lor Sophomores, and Co-chairmen.
next year.
Do.laid Rice has been named as pieli d a tentative course list by last
I»K Urolher, Big Sister
recipient of the Woodrow Wilson Wednesday and should have seen
The program, better known as the
advisois lor approval.
Fellowship to Yale University.
Big Brother and Big Sister plan, is
Stu lent- should pick up preA Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
organized this year so t h a t no inIroin the
was also awarded to Charles l.a- ri'-., 1st rat ion m a t e r i a l
terviews are necessary. R e p r e s e n t a F o u n t a i n e to attend the University Registrar's office il they did not do
tives have been assigned in each
ol Wisconsin.
group house on campus.
The last Senior, K e n n e t h Brett, tho.-.e planning to attend the su'iiT h e new officers of Pi Omega Pi,
Students living m group houses will receive an Assistantship to Hie m e r session as well as the lull ses- National Business Education F r a T h e 1959 Pedagogue is looking for
ternity were announced last Sunday
additions to its stall'. Responsible arc asked to check the bulletin University ol Iowa
Materials t h a t should be acquired at the a n n u a l Spring Banquet states
positions on the stall' ol the book are board in their house to see who G r a d u a t e Students
A present graduate student, Eve- lor Ilic full semester should include: Warren D u n h a m '58, President. T h e
open and ready to be lllled by any their representative is. ami also see
S l a t e College s t u d e n t who meets whuI Hill be required ol t h e m as lyn A|)'pcltof!f, is one ol live final- the College Pre-Rcglstraiion sencd- officers will be officially announced
big brothers or sisters
ists lor an award to study in Chile ule ol classes, one Registrar's Copy Moving-Up Day.
the requirements.
P r o g r a m Card, and one S t u d e n t Speaker
during lUoH-fti).
Notice Posted
Mrs Susan Losee, who received Co;.,v P r o g r a m Card. S u m m e r sesT h e speaker at the banquet was
The requirements are few, one in
Those students who do not live in her Mast: r's d e ' r e e here in 1050, sion s t u d e n t s should pick up one Mr. Theodore Bayer, Business Suplact applicants must have taken group houses are requested to look ha> I.een given a 1'ulbright S u m - s. miner session program card. Also, ervisor at Milne School. ToastEnglish 1A, F r e s h m a n Composition. at tiie notice which is posted on
mer S miliar G r a n t lor study in all s t u d e n t s ought to pick Up t i e master un.- Robert S h a r p e ; enterthe Student
Bulletin France.
in uieographed sheet t h a t lists t h e t a i n m e n t was provided by Marie
The Work
complete procedure lor filling out Hurrigan. Both a r e Seniors. Miss
The job entails collecting facts Board. Cards on display should
cards and seeing advisors.
and or writing copy describing the then be Idled out by those who are I r i s h m e n
Hurrigan was assisted by Vivian
Two freshmen have received noti- See Advisors
various organizations, events, and interested. They should be returned
Clowe '59.
Alter the cards have been filled Activities
activities taking | lace on campus m at the S t u d e n t Personnel Office. fication of merit within the college.
David S. Donley is winner of the i i a ac o n l i n e to tiie directions i n
It is asked t h a t only s t u d e n t s wiio
during 1959.
Activities for the year planned by
do not live in a dormitory on c a m p u s N ^ S C r College F r e s h m a n M a t h e - t h e sheet, students should a r r a n g e the Beta Eta c h a p t e r were reviewed
Six Needed
matics Achievement Prize which in- to see their advisors to have t h e in the 1958 Newsletter.
A stall' including six persons is use this method for signing up.
One of the m a i n duties of a big c u d e s a set of m a t h e m a t i c s tables. p r o g r a m card approved. After a p They include a Halloween party
what the Pedagogue is looking for.
J. hn Lucas h a s been appointed proval, the advisor will keep tne and reception for freshmen; slides
Anyone who is interested should brother or big sister is to aid the
contact Marion Brown '00, Literary incoming freshmen by telling them Ctage Manuger and Technical Di- Registrar's Copy Program Card. T h e of Europe taken by Albert C. Mossin,
Editor of the book, through S t u - of college life. T h i s is done by let- K c t o r of the S t a t e College Arena s t u d e n t can keep his own copy o! Associute Professor of Commerce; a
hummer Theatre.
the P r o g r a m Card for next full
ters and persona) contact
picnic, and other events.
dent Mall or in person.
Two Thousand Greet "Hi"
Five Million Times A Day
SC Students
Achieve Merit
Program Seeks
Student Guides
Ped Offers
Staff Positions
Students Begin
P re-Registration
Pi Omega Pi
Dines, Elects