Document 14064387

New Faculty . . . Pettit Schedules
International Film Group Outlines Press Bureau
(Continued from. Page l, voiumn k>
Fall Semester's Movie Schedule
Elects Member, Rock Teachers College in P e n n s y l - Tryouts For
H e received h i s M.A. from
T h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l F i l m G r o u p will
Three AD Plays
Requests Forms Pvania.
open Its fall season w i t h a Charlie
enn State.
Chaplin Festival on T h u r s d a y evening a t 7:30 p.m. i n D r a p e r 349, a n nounces A r t h u r Lennig, O r a d . S e a son tickets will be on sale in lower
Husted Monday t h r o u g h T h u r s d a y
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Season tickets, which will be $1.50,
will entitle s t u d e n t s to six showings
of t h e film group. Memberships for
one showing only will be $.50.
T h e Film G r o u p plans to show
Rene Clair's F r e n c h comedy, "Le
Million," on October 20, a sciencefiction view of t h e future, "Metropolis," on October 27, a n d Pudovkin's
"End of St. Petersburg," t h e story
of t h e Russian Revolution, on November 10.
Later on in t h e semester two special showings will be held. One,
called An Evening of t h e Weird a n d
Macabre, will feature t h e original
" P h a n t o m of t h e O p e r a " with Lon
Chaney, Luis Bunuel's a n d Salvator Dali's surrealistic film "le Chlen
Anralou," and " T h e R e t u r n of t h e
Charlie Chaplin, s t a r of t h e film
Vampire" with Bela Lugosi and N i - festival sponsored by International
na Foch.
Film Group,
In December, A Survey of Docum e n t a r y will include "Song of Ceylon," P a r e L a r e n t z ' " T h e River,"
"Screw Drivers a n d Screw Jays,"
and "Night Mail," with the poetry
of W. H. Auden and t h e music of
Benjamin Britten.
A new Assistant Director for Press
Albert Wootton will serve as AsB u r e a u was elected a t t h e last reg- sociate Professor of Education and
ular meeting, a n n o u n c e s B a r b a r a Supervisor of M a t h e m a t i c s in t h e
Weinstock '57. T h e new addition is
Milne School. Wootton received his
M a r y Lou Meiser '57.
B.S. from Rutgers and his M.A.
Press B u r e a u requests t h a t all from Teachers College. Columbia.
freshmen who did not fill out the
f r e s h m a n forms for the b u r e a u to He h a s previously t a u g h t a t Arlingget in touch with Miss Weinstock ton High School, Rutgers Univert h r o u g h s t u d e n t mail or drop a no're sity and C h a m p l a i n College.
in t h e Press B u r e a u mailbox in LowMrs. G i n a Moore, who m a t r i c u er Draper.
lated from State in 1949 with a B.A.
These forms consist of home ad- and from Middlebury College where
dress, high school activities, schol- she received h e r M.A., will be t h e
arships a n d other i m p o r t a n t m a t e - Supervisor of Modern Languages in
rial. This m a t e r i a l is used by Press the Milne High School. Mrs. Moore
B u r e a u in sending publicity releases previously t a u g h t a t Hoosick Falls
to t h e s t u d e n t ' s hometown paper.
High School and a t C h e n a n g o Forks
Press B u r e a u also requests t h a t Central School.
all requests for publicity from vaSupervising Science in t h e Milne
rious organizations be placed in the
Press B u r e a u mail box in Lower School will be W a l t e r F a r m e r who
D r a p e r as well as in the News box received his B.A. and M.A. from
so t h a t they could make use of some State. F a r m e r h a s t a u g h t at C h a t m a t e r i a l which t h e News m i g h t not ham High School before his assignhave room for.
m e n t to t h e Milne School.
T r y o u t s will be h e l d for t h e first
advanced d r a m a t i c plays this a f t e r noon a t 4 o'clock in D r a p e r 349.
These plays will be p r e s e n t e d O c t o ber 18.
T h e three plays a r e " G i o c o n d a "
by D'Annuncio, which will be d i rected by Carol Allen; "Cyrano de
Bergerac" by Rostand, u n d e r t h e
direction of Marjorie Jelly, a n d
"Theodore Muller," an original play
to be directed by Richard F e l d m a n ,
Dr. Paul Bruce P e t t i t , Associate
Professor of English, s t a t e s t h a t " t h e
purpose of these plays is t o give
a realistic e n v i r o n m e n t in which
s t u d e n t s in Advanced D r a m a t i c s
can place t h e fruits of their d i r e c tional experience before t h e school
as a whole. AD lab plays are laboratory in every sense of t h e word,
t h a t is to say, t h e e m p h a s i s is on
the experimental."
Casting is open to all s t u d e n t s
find co-operation with t h e work of
these s t u d e n t s will be appreciated.
Assembly Launches 1955
Campus Chest Camgaign
T h e C a m p u s Chest Drive will get
u n d e r w a y with a skit and guest
speaker in D r a p e r 349 this m o r n ing a t 10 a.m., a n n o u n c e P a t r i c i a
Hall and Betty Van Vlack, Juniors,
C o - C h a i r m e n . T h e theme of this
years drive is "U.S.S. Goodwill."
S t a t e ' s goal is $1500.
Allocations of t h e funds derived
from this drive are divided in the
following m a n n e r : World University Service Fund, sixty percent;
National Scholarship and Service
F u n d for Negro S t u d e n t s , ten perc e n t ; National Negro College F u n d ,
t e n percent; Albany Community
Chest, ten percent; and the University of Athens, Greece, t e n percent.
Chinese Auctions, u n d e r the direction of B a r b a r a Hungerford '57,
will take place in the Cafeteria n e x t
week, beginning Monday a t 1 p.m.
Miss Hungerford will auction off
t h e Saylesmen Q u a r t e t to serve as
waiters a t one of the women's group
houses. Members of t h e Q u a r t e t a r e
T h o m a s Briefly, Joseph
Robert Bosomworth, a n d Ronald
Alexander, Sophomores.
Tuesday a t 12 noon in the Cafe-
teria Joseph T a g g a r t '57, will a u c Won off as waiters also for a
women's residence hall with the
highest bid Robert Betscha '56,
and Dominick DeCecco '57.
F r a n k G Carrino, Assistant P r o fessor of Modern Languages, will
be In charge of t h e auction Wednesday a t 12 noon. J a n e W h i t e h u r s t '56, and Janice C h a m p a g n e
'57, will be auctioned off to serve
as waitresses in a men's residence
Z 460
Edward Sargent, Assistant P r o fessor of Education, will be the a u c tioneer T h u r s d a y a t 12 noon. He
will auction off cookies and cakes
m a d e by Vivian Hopkins, Professor
of English; F r a n c e s Colby, Associa t e Professor of English; Betty V a n
Vlack, and B a r b a r a Hungerford.
A J u n i o r P r o m bid will be a u c tioned Friday a t 1 p.m. by Clyde
P a y n e '57.
A d a n c e will be held in B r u b a c h er's m a i n dining room, Saturday,
October 15, a t 9 p.m. under the
c h a i r m a n s h i p of Sheila Lister a n d
(Continued from Page S, Column t>
T h e Neanderthal m a n thought
he had it bad but a t least he
could go out and drag home a
bonnic lassie by the pony tail.
C a m p u s Chest Committee launches "L'.S.S. Goodwill" campaign.
Left to r i g h t : Bettve Sigety, Betty Van Vlack, Patricia Hall, Lloyd
Could it be t h a t times a r e so
tough they'll send us all back
to t h e I n d i a n s ?
Rivalry Will Begin
To Vote Today With Challenging Opening Day
For Who's W h o Mr. C h a i r m a n ! Mr. CByh a i rTHOMAS
m a n ! I years. It is a means whereby classElections for
Seniors representing Albany S t a l e
in "Who's W h o in American Colleges and Universities" is taking
place today. Nominations were made
a t last Friday's Assembly and d u r ing the week. Sophomores, Juniors,
and Seniors can cast their absentee vote a t a desk in lower Husted
from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., under the
jurisdiction of Myskania members.
F r e s h m e n are reminded t h a t they
a r e ineligible to vote.
Next Tuesday and
October 18 and 19, members of the
Class of '56 will vole absentee tor
their class songleader; the Sophomores and J u n i o r s will elect S t u d e n t Board of Finance replacem e n t s . Also slated is the voting tor
members of the representative body
of fifteen students from each class
to the legislature. These elections
are for t h e classes '56, '57, and '58.
F r e s h m e n will have their elections
for s t u d e n t representatives in November.
Myskania wishes to
t h a t the w a r n i n g system will be in
operation t h i s year. T h i s system,
which is set u p to curb the breaking
of SCT customs, allows all upperclassmen to give w a r n i n g s to freshm a n violators.
W a r n i n g s must be placed In an
envelope a n d put in t h e Myskania
mailbox in lower Draper. They must
contain the following Information:
T h e n a m e of the violator, the
custom violated, the place, time and
date of the violation. T h e n a m e of
the person giving the warning must
be signed on the warning.
A list of the violations and the resulting penalties may be found on
pages 45 and 46 of the College
Council . . •
from Page 3, Column 5,
Committee Organizes
First English Evening
T h e first English Evening of the
year will be held Wednesday at, 8
p.m. in the Upper Lounge of Brubucher, under the c h a i r m a n s h i p of
Vivian C. Hopkins, Professor of
Sophomore, Junior, Senior and
G r a d u a t e students majoring in English are invited to attend the Evening. A 11(4lit. program on the theme
"Reverse English" will be followed
by refreshments and a social hour.
Sophi mores will eleel their representatives lo the English Fvcning
Committee which plans the programs lor each oi I hi' Evenings.
Season tickets for lite three Evenings will be sold at the door lor
llfty cents each.
The traditional Activities Day which gives freshmen
an opportunity to sign up for various activities will begin
tomorrow morning at 9:30 with a General Assembly in
Missing Link Returns Page
Gym. A dance at Brubacher Hall will close the event
states Joseph Taggart '57, Chairman.
"Come on over to the cave
A General Assembly will tee off the event at 9:30 a.m.
sometime" — might have been
At this assembly meeting in Page Gym the representatives
said m a n y years ago B.C. (Beof the various activities will brief the freshmen on their
fore College) but someone said
organizations. Booths will open in the Old Commons at
A few once healthy r a h rah
collcgiates have turned cave men
for each a better, handy establishment. T h e r e old bar rugs are
flea ridden a n d prehistoric a r t
designs the three and one eighth
walls around the abode.
Myskania Lists Rules
Concerning Warnings
it the other day.
Edward Travis '57, Acting Presid e n t of the Distributive Education
Club, announces t h a t t h e r e will be
a meeting Tuesday, Room 147 in
New D r a p e r a t 10 a.m. P l a n s for t h e
coming field trip October 12 will
highlight this club's active program.
T h e purposes of t h e Distributive
Education Club are to exchange
ideas, develop leadership a n d s t i m ulate a professional a t t i t u d e . Some
of t h e major activities include a
merchandising clinic, a n d trips to
various retail business houses. M e m bership in t h i s business organization
is open to any s t u d e n t in Distributive Education.
Anyone interested in joining this
club is urged to a t t e n d the initial
meeting. Travis suggests t h a t this
club will be especially helpful to
those s t u d e n t s minoring In Distributive Education.
S t u d e n t Union Board Chairman,
J e a n Compagnone, came to Council with a request for advice about
such things as last week's Siena Issue. It was moved to form a group
from S t u d e n t Association under
Betacha's direction, and with Presid e n t Collins' approval, to confer
with t h e Siena leaders at a later
Inter-Collegiate Association r e ported t h a t since seven of the eleven
m e m b e r schools had ratified t h e
new constitution, the new constitution was passed and now in effect.
Joseh Szarek '58, was elected to the
O'Loughlin '50, Is to be the new
Senior r e p l a c e m e n t with Clare Delorla as t h e a l t e r n a t e . Richard Bartholomew '58, Is t h e Sophomore rep l a c e m e n t with Lloyd Seymour as
Annual Activities Day Features
Banner Ceremony, Skit, Dance
DE Announces
First Meeting
insist upon being heard. Today in
Draper 349 the Sophomores will be
heard issuing their a n n u a l debate
challenge to the frosh. Point of order—What is this a n n u a l debate
challenge? None other t h a n the
kick-oft event of Rivalry.
To most of us this term rivalry
suggests conflict or a dispute. We
m i g h t logically expect to see student and teacher grappling u n d e r
t h e stately Minerva in Draper, or
to witness a knock-down d r a g - o u t
battle between classes. However this
is not the case. Rivalry has been
a part of State's tradition for many
Wilson To ay
For Junior Prom
Teddy Wilson first became known
in the music world when he became
a member of the Benny Goodman
Quartet in 1935. Teddy teamed with
Gene Krupa, Lionel Hamilton and
Benny himself to give America one
of the best swing combos of the
century. The Goodman
played In the famous '36, "17, and '38
Jazz Concerts at Carnegie Hall.
Wilson was anxious to get out
on his own and In 11)41, the Goodm a n Q u a r t e t broke up. Teddy got
two great musicians, Buddy Rich on
d r u m s and John Simmons on bass,
and put together the Teddy Wilson
Trio. Teddy played a Goodman type
jazz and Immediately became a favorite with audiences.
Lust J u n e the "Goodman Quartet" was reunited by Universal Int e r n a t i o n a l in the making of the
Benny Goodman Story. During the
Miming of the picture, Teddy a b a n doned his Trio and put together a
12 piece band. West Coast critics
acclaimed Teddy's Band as one oi
I he best new bands to conic along
on t'age ,1. Column Zi
mates, through informal means, (jet
together and become acquainted.
This Rivalry provides for the exercise of many talents and also enables our future leaders to blossom
forth. It is a means whereby the
various integral parts a t State become a composite whole.
you are experiencing any
doubts of your hidden talents, you
have a large choice upon which to
dispell these indecisions. You can
choose from sports, dramatics, music, stagecraft or debate. Rivalry
features such events as a suftball
game, both men's and women's, a
Soph-i'rosh debate, a sing, a soccer
game, track and field games, cheerleading and a talent skit. Points are
awarded for each event and if the
frosh should win this classic, they
are excused from wearing their
beanies, no m a t t e r how reluctant
they may be to doff this headgear,
until the week preceding MovingUp Day. However if the Sophs
should win, the frosh wear their
beanies till Thanksgiving vacation.
T h e Important thing to keep in
mind, frosh, Is t h a t Rivalry is the
essence of cooperation and fair play
at S t a t e - -make the most of it.
'55 Directory Editor
Posts Check List
Directory Editor Helene Shair '56,
specifies t h a t Monday through Friday, the lists of file students tor
the 1955 S l a t e College Directory will
be plisted on the S t u d e n t Council
bullelin board in llusled and on
the bullelin board in lower Husted
All students are requested to
check their name, class, Albany address, home address and telephone
number lor accuracy. If your name
does not appear on the typed list
insert it on the bottom of t h e proper page.
Greeks Schedule
Open Houses
Sororities and fraternities have
scheduled open houses and faculty
teas for the weekend. At several of
the Greek meetings last week elections were held. Alpha Pi Alpha
fraternity elected a replacement
president a t its Monday night's
Chi Sigma T h e t a , K a p p a Delta
and Psi G a m m a sororities are h a v ing open house for S t a t e s m e n tonight. Chi S i g m a Theta's open
house is from 8:30 p.m. to m i d n i g h t
at 297 Western Avenue. B a r b a r a
'56, Vice-President,
general c h a i r m a n of the evening.
Judy Stevens '57, c h a i r m a n of K a p pa Delta's open house announces
t h a t it will be from 8 to 11 p.m. al
380 Western Avenue. Psi G a m m a ' s
open house a t 113 South Lake Avenue will be from 8 p.m. to midnight,
announces Evelyn Neumeister '56.
Sigma Phi Sigma will have open
house and a faculty tea Sunday at
3 p.m., a n n o u n c e s Eleanor Bogan
'56, President. G a m m a K a p p a Phi
is also having a faculty tea from
3 to 5 p.m., states Ann Ryan '56,
Vice-President. B a r b a r a M u r n a n e
announces t h a t Chi Sigma T h e t a ' s
faculty tea will be from 3 to 5 p.m.
iContinued on Page S, Column I)
10:30 a.m. where t h e frosh will h a v e
the opportunity to sign up for t h e
organization in which they are Interested.
T h e J u n i o r Class will p r e s e n t to
the fre.-hman class their green b a n ner. T h i s ceremony will take place
in Page Gym. In the afternoon S t a t e
will play Hillyer in a soccer tilt
at Beverwyck Park.
T h e Sophomore Class will p r e s e n t
a skit a t 7:30 p.m. Immediately following t h e skit, the Bonfire C e r e mony will take place on Page Field.
A Snake Dance will wind its way
to Brubacher and an informal d a n c e
will take place in t h e game room.
Assisting T a g g a r t are: B a r b a r a
Hungerford and Lenore H u g h e s in
charge of t h e Snake Dance; Lillian F e i r a i a , Publicity; C h a i r m a n
of Floor Plan, Horace Crandell,
Juniors. J o h n Stefano is in charge
of the Bonfire event a n d Robert
Bosomworth is in charge of C l e a n up for Bonfire. T h e dance a t B r u bacher is c h a i r m a n n e d by Gayle
Petty, Sophomores.
Activities Day include the following:
S t a t e College News, Forum, Psychology Club, Debate Council, D i s tributive Education Club, Music
Council, Radio Guild, Press Bureau,
Women's Athletic Association, Men's
Club, P a n Amigos, I n t e r - V a r s i t y
Christian Fellowship, Christian Science, Hillel, Newman, Pedagogue
and Athletic Public Relations Board.
Student Council:
Council Defeats Debate Resolution;
Elects Replacements For Committees
Again this week, the G o v e r n m e n t to read "and a report on the tax
room at, Brubacher was the scene card program."
of much
This week's social calendar was
smooth politick!) g, and the settling listed by Roberta Stein '56.
of some vital Issues.
Sigmund S m i t h '56, reported t h a t
I. 't.scha
lo rivalry pushball h a s been set for
give a repoi" on his meeting with the m o r n i n g of November 12. T h e
President Collins: Payment for j a n - Debate Challenge will be given t o itorial services at Brubacher after day in assembly—Draper 349.
so: ial I unctions, is lo be investiT h e surplus committee received
gated. Siena Issue—President Col- some suggestions
lins suggested t h a i the committee Council concerning inquiries Into a
write him a mcmorandumi of spec- scholarship, a school bus, or a colific
grievances lege cam)). Bruce King '56, C h a i r which he will forward to the Presi- man, has already gathered some
dent of Siena asking what plan of informal ion on the bus and will
action they would like taken.
make further inquiries into t h e
For the Constitution Committee other sugggestions.
Michael Maxian '57, was chosen to
T h e All College Revue Committee
be the new c h a i r m a n and Barbara received their replacements: S a l Maaloe '56, Ronald Alexander '56, vatore Zaccaro '58, Marie Devlne
filled the two vacancies made by and Eleanor Goldman for t h e Class
of '56.
Clyde Payne reported that StuT h e Debate Resolution which h a d
dent Board of Finance will meet been tabled was put back on t h e
Friday at 8 a.m. Molly Knight '57, floor. Soon after initial discussion,
gave a breakdown on expenditures Robert Burns '57, moved t h a t for two
of lax cards; $200 more is needed. Thursdays a m o n t h no meetings
Dominic DeCecco '57, moved t h a t would be held, other t h a n those of
Student Council suggest lo student religious c u b s , from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
board t h a t they return the money This was defeated. Next the resolufor the laminating machine to sur- tion as a whole was discussed a n d
plus and then come back to Coun- voted on; this too was defeated aftcil asking for the total expediture, er much debate and c o m m e n t s from
Duvld Kendlg '57, amended this both sides.
Myskania Selects Fro.h Leaders; I < g ~ Z ^ I'5 5 Student Insurance Policy
Victory or Defeat?
Student Council Wednesday evening defeated the Guinness Stays
resolution regarding Religious Clubs presented by Debate If you didn't get to see "To Paris
Council. Their decision was a wise one, seen from our point With Love," Alec Guinness' whimsiof view. In making it they upheld our freedom of assem- cal film, you still have a chance,
blage by declaring no organization, regardless of its na- it's being held over at the Delaware.
ture, could have the right to stand above all others and Classic At Palace
take precedence over them. Had they set a precedent by If you've ever read "The Odyssey,"
declaring Religious Clubs deserving of the right to meet and felt that there was room for
exclusively on one night, they would have been swamped Improvement, you'll probably want
see how Hollywood has taken
with identical requests from all other organizations on to
that old yarn and made something
really new and different out of it.
It was interesting to note the active participation in The finished product is called,
"Ulysses," and stars Kirk Douglas
the discussion of all the members of Council. Almost every- and
Silvana Mangano. You'll see the
one had something worthwhile to say and were not afraid Cyclops
(the one with the eye), loveto speak up. On the other hand, the absence of discussion ly sirens, and the fall of Troy, too,
from members of Debate Council and Religious Clubs was and all in technicolor. Is this something anyone can afford to miss?
quite noticeable. For two groups so strongly in favor of It's
at the Palace.
this resolution they offered little defense. This fact was
also pointed out by a few Council members at the time. Indians At The Grand
This resolution, with Council's recommendation for There's another DeMilie movie at
defeat, will come before the Legislature at it's first meet- the Grand. This time it's "UnconWatch Gary Cooper and
ing, Friday, October 21. The representatives from the or- quered."
Paulette Goddard outwit the Inganizations and classes will be asked to vote upon this. It dians at every turn. It's one of those
is a vital question—the passage of which would restrict "cast of thousands" things and most
our freedom of choice and freedom of assemblage. We of it dies before the end.
strongly urge the representatives to think it over very
carefully and vote wisely, according to the wishes of your War At Strand
This weekend the Strand is featgroup. You are responsible to them, and are entrusted uring
two hours of endless heroism.
with their vote, a precious thing. Be sure you are thinking The movie
is called "To Hell and
of them and how the consequences of such a resolution Back," and stars Audie Murphy,
"America's most decorated hero," in
would affect them.
his own true story. You're sure to
uown To The Sea In Ships . . .
Today the Campus Chest Drive will be launched in
assembly—to continue throughout next week. The goals
are worthwhile; the contribution asked is small in comparison. The money earned will go to benefit WSSF, National Scholarship and Service for Negro students, University of Athens, and National Negro College fund, organizations that have aided many students in the past.
Put yourself in the position of a person who has no
means whatsoever to enter college, and think how much
a scholarship would mean to you. Then think of yourself
in college here, maybe paying your own way, and realize
how lucky you are to be here at all. We're sure you will
have no trouble reaching down into that pocket and giving the Campus Chest representative your contribution.
It won't do you any harm to go without those cokes
for a few afternoons or that movie tonight. It means so
little to you, in the long run, and so much to someone you
will be helping. Let's push Campus Chest over its goal this
year—Sink the Boat!!
Choose Wisely .
Webb At Madison
If you like "Dragnet" and jazz,
"Pete Kelly's Blues," should be all
you could ask for. Ella Fitzgerald
and Peggy Lee do the singing while
Jack Webb clips every word.
To the Editor:
Firstly, we would like to take issue with last week's editorial about
the Debate Council Resolution on
Religious Clubs' meeting nights. The
majority of SA does not have a
copy of the resolution and derives
their information primarily from
the News. Therefore, it seems to us
that along with the editorial discussion, it would have been fair and
only accurate reporting to print :he
entire resolution as presented.
Interprets Constitution Article VIII
A week ago today, the students of State College were taken for a
ride on a railroad that would make the New York Central blush with
envy. We don't intend to convey any idea of illegality. What we question is the ethics upon which this railroad was run. We do not believe
it is ethical for the leaders of our student government to appealingly
ask the freshman class not to be so selfish as to defeat a motion in
order to retain its vote, or to use their positions of leadership to sway
the frosh point of view at a dramatic moment when any rebuttal is
absolutely impossible. The simple act of relinquishing the gavel does not
alter the prestige which a President has with the freshmen, since he is
still, naturally, regarded by them as the epitome of student government.
If we may quote from Mr. Betscha's copy of Robert's Rules of Order:
"The chairman sometimes calls a member to the chair and takes
part in the debate. This should rarely be done, and nothing can justify
it in a case where much feeling is shown. . . . If the chairman has even
the appearance of being a partisan, he loses much of his ability to control those who are on the opposite side of the question. . . . One who
expects to take an active part in debate should never accept the chair,
or at least should not resume the chair, after having made his speech,
until after the pending question is disposed of. . . . The chairman should,
of all members, have the least to say upon the merits of pending questions." (Emphasis supplied by us.)
For these reasons, regardless of the legality of the proceedings, we
do not consider them in any way, shape or form, ethical, and although
we feel representative government has yet to prove itself, it certainly
did not have an auspicious beginning!
Hosanna in the highest. The cooperative Co-op labored throughout
the week to post the ball scores, and wonder of wonders, who do you
think won???? We understand some foreign country along the Atlantic
held a brief celebration Tuesday evening. THIS IS NEXT YEAR!!
A full week has passed since last week, and we are confused and
disheartened to note that our demand for colored beanies has not been
.fulfilled. However, if you will note: another rivalry tradition has, in
effect, gone down the drain. Where and how will the Soph-Frosh debate
be given? There should be an exceedingly dramatic challenge without
a stage or a freshman stacked balcony. NEVER let it be said that we
told you so, BUT . . .
Would like to see a real mob at Bleecker Stadium tomorrow afternoon when Coach Garcia unveils for the first time at home, his '55
edition of State College booters. Never has Garcia failed to provide us
with a scintillating and exciting ball club. Let's give them the support
they so richly deserve.
Strike it rich in the cafeteria next week every day around noon or
one o'clock. Bidding promises to be fast and furious with such exciting
items being auctioned. When we heard that the Saylesmen, Jane Whitehurst, and Jan Champagne were on the block we broke open our piggy
banks and slot machine concessions, and armed with a mountain of
nickles and dimes, inarched on N.Y.S.C.T. You can imagine our disillusionment to discover that these offers were available only to group
houses. Oh well, we'll keep trying. Guess we can pick up some delicacies from Miss Hopkins' oven, any way.
N.B. . . . the channel No. 5 paint in 3rd floor Draper . . . hot dogs
every day in the cafeteria . . . H. Truman today in the Armory . . . new
look for English Evening . . . green isortai couch in Bru's lower lounge
. . . new face with whiskers at the Phi Delta house . . . new frosh rivalry
Carol Cristie 59, commuter, now stands alone, unequalled, unparalleled, undaunted. She has the dubious distinction of being the only freshman with two warnings. Congratulations Sophs for your spectacular
We attempted to weigh tne editorial objectively, concerning relative amount of fact and hypothesis.
The editorial states the resolution
is unfair to some organizations, including Debate Council. Yet is was
Debate Council, and not the religious clubs, that originated the proposal. We maintain chat religious
clubs do have a right to come to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7
Council and support the resolution, 7:0(1 p.m. Outing Club Excursion, Keene Lake, Adirondacks.
although they are not under the
SA budget. They are an integral SATURDAY,
9:30 a.m. Activities Day, Assembly, Page Gym.
part of State, they have as much 12:30
p.m. Banner Ceremony, Page Gym.
right to come to Council vvith a 2:30 p.m.
State vs. Hillyer, Bleecker Stadium.
problem as they have to be included 7:30 p.m. Sophomore
Skit, Page Gym.
in the Frosh Handbook or Activities 8:30 p.m. Bonfire, Page
Day doings.
9:00 p.m. Dance, Brubacher Dining Room.
Secondly, we would like to express TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11
our opinion of the motion. The re- 7:00 p.m. Senior Class Meeting, Brubacher Government Room.
quest for setting aside two Thurs- 7:30 p.m. Psychology Club Meeting, Brubacher.
day evenings is nothing new and
unprecedented. It is a request for H:(,0 p.m. Dramatics and Art Council, Draper, 349.
the re-establishment of a tradition WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12
that prevailed before most of us 8:00 p.m. English Evening, Brubacher, upper lounge.
came to State. That Thursday
E S T A B L I S H E D MAY 1 9 1 6
nights were traditionally held open
for religious clubs is to w.s an imBY T H E CLASS OF 1 9 1 8
portant point. Admittedly other and
very vital meetings are held ThursSecond Place ACP day nights. If approximately an
First P l a c e C S P A
No.16 hour of the first and third Thursday
October 7, 1955
of the month were reserved for reMembera of the NEWS etafl may be reached Tuesday and Wednesday from 7 to
11 p.m. at 2-3320, Exl. 11. Phones Cochrane, 2-7(i30, Swicrzow.skl, 2-374-1. Ooldsleln, ligious meetings, perhaps conflict
could b:' lessened.
2-2612; KfndlK. 5-8021.
The undergraduate ae wspaper of the New York State College for Teachers; which meet only once or twice a
published every Friday or
month would know which nights
Editor-in-Chief are more open, other organizations
Co-Public Relations Editor ci.aid meet after K:30.
Tomorrow, frosh, you will be faced with a hard choice.
A great number of organizations of varied natures will be
vying for your name on the doted line. All organizations
need members and workers, and they are always lookingfor new ones to maintain the activities of the club.
All these organizations are very appealing and offer
great temptations and rewards to frosh. Freshmen are
usually tempted into signing up for every organization
available, instead of thinking it out carefully and considering just which ones they are interested in and for which
they would be willing to spend their time.
You frosh have been received by all these organizations and by now have fairly good ideas on which is for
you. Take a little time to think it over before tomorrow
morning and don't rush into something for which you
may be sorry later.
Co-l'ubllo Relations
Senior Sports
Kilt tor
Btalf Photographer
All communications shoulu be addressed tu ti.3 editor and must be signed. Names
will be withheld on request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for
opinions expressed in Its columns or coiuinurilcutious, as such expressions do not
neceuarUy reflect Its views.
College Calendar
We believe this question should
be presented to the entire SA. Their
positive attitude would be a desirable outcome of the discussion.
Whether the proposal is adopted or
not, those favoring the idea can
take two actions; encourage all the
religious clubs to meet those two
Thursduy nights; recommend to the
organizations ot which they are
members alternative meeting times.
Ann Kitmmor '5B
Hcrniit' O'Connor '57
i tun lick anybody at this bar!
At its meeting Tuesday night,
Myskania selected the frosh leaders
for Rivalry events and also ruled
an interpretation of a section of the
Constitution regarding the new form
of representative government.
The following freshmen have
been chosen as leaders for Rivalry
events: Men's Softball, David Ferris;
Women's Softball, Verity Pulliam;
Debate, Corinne Mario. Serving on
the Banner Committee are James
Owens, Zacharie Clements, John
Yager, and David Pitkin.
Sigmund Smith, Chairman of the
/Continued from Page 1, Column 3)
Open house for all faculty and
students will be held at the Alpha
Pi Alpha fraternity house at 765
Madison Avenue from 3 to 6 p.m.
The fraternity's officers include:
Whitson Walter President; Bruce
Vice-President; Willard Monsel1
; athletic Director Juniors; Joseph curley 57, Social Chairman.
Kappa Beta's open house will be
Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. at 471 State
Street, announces Livingston Smith
'56, President. Richard Clifford '57,
is general chairman of the event.
Pledge Service was held for Susan Leiter '57, and Maryann Ermlich '58, by Chi Sigma Theta Monday evening.
Jane Whitehurst '56, Gamma
Kappa Phi's President, announces
that the group will have open house
for RPI tonight. Ann Nelson '57,
was elected athletic director of the
o[!f' Neumeister auuointed the
tJu wimr , S X of T s i Gamma
following olticeis oi Psi Uamci a.
Joan Kopcza 'o8, and Nora Hanley
•57, Co-chairmen of supplies, Shirley Hainan '56, news director. Newly
elected officers are: Kerry Ann
White, sports director; Jody Ambrosino. songleader; Mary Lou Meiser,
President Barbara Salvatore '56,
of Kappa Delta announces las',
week's election results as: Miss
Stevens, rush captain; Barbara Dumont, sergcant-at-arms;
Kenyon, supplies officer, Juniors.
Phi Delta elected Dorothy Alford
'57, Co-rush captain, announces
Jean Hallenbeck '56, President.
Residence Halls
Elect Officers
Elections were held at the first
Residence Hall meetings of the
The officers of Ridge House for
the first semester are: Samuel
Carey, Secretary: Albert Tuttle,
Treasurer, and Jerome Davie and
Robert Fierro, Athlelic Directors,
Newman Hall elected representatives lo its Executive Board. Delores Russell was elected freshman
representative and Marie Colao '58,
upperclassman representative, Norma Po&u '59, was chosen Sports
Thurlow Hall's new officers are
Sheila Monahan, President; Rosemary Santonlcola, Vice-President,
Sophomores; Julia Piter, Secretary;
Martha Wolf, Songleader, and Winifred Young, Sports Director, freshmen.
Summit!. House elected Clinton
Carpenter. President; Richard Powell, Vice-President, Juniors; Gino
Sil'veslrl '56, Secretary; Richard
Coddington '57, Treasurer. Donald
Canonica, Grad, is Counselor.
Red Cross To Host
Activities Conference
Stale will be I he location (if the
annual college Activities Conference
,,1 New York State nil October 211
and 29. Active members "1 the past
and others interested are urged ID
attend the meeting at the American
Hed Cross Chapter 11.HIM-, 3 Englewond Place, or contact Jack Higham
•57, President of I lie organization,
through student mail.
Throughmi! the college year, students in this organization take purl
in ure classes, presenting such aspects as swimming, nutrition, and
home nursing.
„„ g ^ ^
C o v e f a g e For
Marvin J. Pryor, Associate ProRivalry Committee, has announced lessor of Physics; Richard A. Jonthe calendar of Rivalry events. De- gedyk, Associate Professor of PhyArthur R. Kapner, Insurance Rep- of an accident, up to $500. This lnbate Challenge will be this morning slr< .. R n b p r f p I a l l n l Awktnnr Pin
has eludes
in assembly, and Sing Challenge , ' * ,
, , ' A s S T i s t * n t P l ° " resentatlve for state College,
,..„,„ ..„„
_ _ . X-rays, laboratory costs, hoswill be next Friday, October 14. On t e s s o r 0 l Chemistry; Lothar W. s u b m i t t e d t h e f 0 n o w l n g revision for pital bill, nurses', physicians' and
Saturday, October 15, the men's Schultze, Assistant Professor of the Student Insurance Plan cover- surgeon's fees, medicines, ana in
and women's softball games will be Science; Dr. Carleton Moose Pro- age for this year:
fact any medical costs incurred as
contested. The push ball game is f e sS s o r o f E d u c a H 0 n ' Dr PhnrlM
the result of an accident.
scheduled for Saturday, November A 'n dfr e w sot Education, Dr. Charles
Accident Coverage:
12. On Campus Day, Saturday, No. Professor of Physics; and
Illness Coverage:
A. We will pay all bills that a
vember 19, a trophy will be award- R- J. Talham, Grad, are attending
B. The policy will pay up to $500
ed to the winners of Rivalry.
the meetings of the New York State . . .
, , , , , , , , , .
. , , . r U l „i n g . .
. Section of the American Physical s t u d e n t w o u l d b e b u l e d w i t h i n c a s e for any illness. The allocations are
™? Myfania
^terpreto Society at Clarkson College, Potsd
as follows: $4.50 for each Doctor's
Alfc lcle V I I I > S e c t l o n 4 p
; *?, t s 5 a n c dam, New York, today ana tomorf
visit for sickness not requiring an
6, to mean permanent offices, not ,. ow
operation; maximum 25 visits. Pretemporary offices, as the office of
scriptions will be paid up to $60.
representative to the representative
p a u i Bruce Pettit, Associate ProHospital
room and board, $12 a day
government would be.
f esS or of English (Theatre), will be
for a maximum of 30 days. MiscelArticle VIII, Section 4, parts 5 o n e °f the principal speakers at
The_Board of Directors of the l a n e o u s h o s p i t a l s e r vi C es $60. Surand 6 read as follows:
the annual meeting of the New York
f i t
t t State Community Theatre Associageon's operations up to $325. Privf
this S S o n ( E l e X n ) iT agree- S
Inter-Collegiate Association will
per 24 hour
hold tneir annual
- B ^
meeting at State a tday,
e sraduate
m e n t that the Senior members are ^ ^ S ^ f l t ^ j S w T
30 days. Doctor conP
not eligible to run for any office ex- f ^ A c f o f t h " A r na Theat?e "
on Saturday, October 15. The dir- " ^ " " ^ " " ' ^ ' "
sultant up to $30. Ambulance servl
" r e n a incaue.
c e p t Myskania, after their accept8
ice up to $15.
has also been appointed fs t™
a nce of the appointment, and may
not become eligible if they resign. Technical Editor of Players Maga- h e raet e o- wn l d e conference to be held
A master policy listing all of the
the zinc, a national monthly publicaNovember 10, 11, and 12.
6 Any
commission who becomes a candi- tion serving the needs of the the- Joseph Szarek '58, will represent benefits is in the Dean's office,
d a t e for another office shall be re- atre and related fields with editorial Albany at the meeting Marie Car- therefore no individual policy will
bone '57, is chairman
placed immediately.
offices in Gainesville, Florida
' for the affair.
be issued this year. However, each
A display of college handbooks student who applied for the insurwill be a highlight of the state ance during registration received a
conference. ICA members have col- circular describing all of the beneCommission
mission Rules which were published These warnings shall be as follows: ected handbooks from every major fits and a student identification
last week concerning the issuances
a. Campus Commission members college in the United States, includ- card. Any student desiring a copy of
of warnings to violators of any ol are to fill in the designated forms.
ing Hawaii and Alaska.
the policy may get it by sending
the Campus Commission Rules.
Section 2: Penalties:
Article VI (from the CC Con1. Three minor offenses or one
The ICA Newsletter, the chief a request to Mr. Kapner.
major offense constitutes the publi- communication organ of the group,
Tlie Student Plan this year is
Section 1:
cation of the offender's name in the will be sent to the member colleges
with the Connecticut Mutual Life
be' ''issued
to vl()
s n m s sshall
l l i U 1 i,(
s s u r a w>
next week
a t o r s oof
Regulations by
by Campus
2. Two publications of the person s K endig '57, Editor. The newsletter Insurance Company of Hartford
n a m e ln the school
p e r c o n s t l _ w l l l ..-.elude stories from each of Uie Connecticut
_ _
-,, ,
....i. u
tutes removal of a selected srhnnl . 1 i n c l u a e stones irom eacn oi uie Connecticut.
S t a t e S el6Ven teaChe, S C UegeS
M e e t
activity from theh tax card
Representative Art Kapner, may
i Three
T « n i r n . r c P.'«/ri Tr.'r,
publications of the perThe local branch of ICA is in b e contacted through his office at
J r / D sons najne constitutes reterence to need of workers to help on the State „ a . . a . M . , f?,,.„„„w f „ Q f „
the Dean with the recommendation conference. Those interested should lb b t a t e b t l e e t . °i tniough Uie btuThe Distributive Education Club for suspension from school for one sign up on the ICA bulletin board d e n t Personnel Office in Draper
will hold a meeting on Friday, Oc- week.
j n lower Draper.
tober Draper
13, at 10 a.m. in Room 147, of
concerning the
andbe other
activities of the club.
Edson Travis '57, Vice-President,
announces that the field trip will
b e p o s t P oned until November 16
All Commerce majors, especially
those minoring in Distributive Education, are urged to attend this
The purposes of the D.E. Club are
to exchange ideas, develop leadership and stimulate a professional
attitude. Some of the major activities include a merchandising clinic,
and trips to various retail business
houses. Membership is open to any
student who is interested in Distributive Education.
ICA Directors
Will Meet Here
Gamfuti, GommUtion ReaulatiOHd,
Personalize Your Stationery!
Have your name or initials placed on your
stationery for as little as 50 cents
Campus Chesf...
(Continued from Page 1, Column ti
James Lockhart, Juniors. A fifteen
piece orchestra under the baton of
Payne will provide the music for
the evening. Admission to the dance
will be thirty-live cents. Two late
half hours will be auctioned off
during the intermission at the
As each group house contributes
one hundred percent to the drive,
they will be placed on the ship',.
(U.S.S. Goodwill i roster and I hey
will increase the smoke in the
smokestack which is set up in the
Husted Cafeteria, stress the Mis.M^
Hall and Van Vlack
Student solicitation Is under t h '
direction of Bruno Rodgers and faculty solicitation is being chairmanned by Barbara Davis, Juniors.
Lloyd Seymour '58, Is treasurer
lor the drive and Bettyc Sigety '57,
is secretary. Dr. Colby is the faculty
Wilson To Play . . .
'Continued )ium rage I, Column 2)
in quite some time.
In October the Teddy Wilson
Rand begins a four oi the East
Coast. Tin- Junior Class has been
very fortunate in obtaining I lie
Teddy Wilson Band lor the Junior
Pri.iii on Friday, November 4, al the
Circle Inn. The Junior Class believes
that in bringing this band to you,
it brings a band destined tor greatness, perhaps the greatest band ever
to play al State College.
Planning a Party? Include imprinted napkins
The CO-OP offers 48 hour service on imprinting
On THURS., OCT. 13, 1955
From 9-4; 30
Regular & King Size
L &M
CHESTERFIELD Reg. & King Size AND h & M Reg. & King Size
••AGE 4
Registrar Announces Dean's List Rifle, Trampoline Sttutent 14HIOH &oa*d Refutation*.
9. The heating system warms the
The code of conduct to be obfurniture in the Union, but the
Regarding Second Semester, 1955 Clubs Start Year served
within the Student Union is
hangers in the cloak rooms get
established by the following rules
Below is a list of students who
John Flanagan, Merldene Fox,
made the Dean's List for second Donald Germain, Barbara Gitlow,
semester, 1955:
Eleanor Goldman, Esther Goldstein,
Those from the Class of 1955 are: Marvin Goldstein, Richard Gorman,
Mary Battisti, Elizabeth Becker, El- Ronald Hadlock, Richard Hall, Anliot Benowitz, Annrita Bianco, Wil- nellese Hartnagel, Manfred Hochlis Bosch, Marilyn Broadbent, Wil- muth, Margaret Hodges, Erwin Horliam Broland, Mary Carlin, Dolores witz, Diane Hughes, Michael HumCarner, George Cochran, Katherine phrey, Priscilla Kahn, Kenneth
Cochran, Edward Cornell, Ella Cur- Kime, Phyllis Krug, Robert Levy,
tis, Marylou Cusack, Saturne D'Al- James Lockhart, Jane Loman, Joan
fonsi, Floyd Davis, Charles Derwin, Lopat, Ann Maher, Frances MonaMadeline Derwin, Barbara Devitt, han, Joan Mooney, Barbara Moore,
Joyce Diamant, Mary Doane, Fran- Barbara Murnane, Evelyn Neucis Dunnig, Mary Dvorak, Ada Eli- meister, Arnold Newman, Doris Olan, Nancy Feder, Patricia Finger, echna, Thomasina Pagan, Dorothy
Margaret Fogarty, Phyllis Forte, Rasmussen, Edna Rice, Elissa RofMarilyn Gadd, Ruben Garcia, Ros- sky, Boyce Rogers.
lyn Gold, Helene Golda, Meryle
Vivian Schiro, Gathel Scoville,
Goldman, Helen Grant, Roger Haw- George Sengenberger, William Shipver,
Sue Hoogkamp,
Lorraine engrover, Sigmund Smith, Ray SniHughes.
der, Lorraine Spengler, Sheila StanMary Iacovone, Jane Isley, Jean er, Roberta Stein, Roy Stevens, DoKeller, Barbara Keil, Richard Kelly, rothy Studley, Audrey Teal, Esther
Marian Koch, Sylvia Kora, Sophie Tucker, William Vanderlip, VirKosek, Olga Komanowski, Walter ginia Van Orden, Carmelo Virgillo,
Lawder, Donald Lein, Arthur Len- Elizabeth Von Felbert, George Vornig, Nancy Lighthall, William Lim- 1s, Beverly Wales, Whitson Walter,
age, Mary Martire, Doris Mehan, Virginia Watts, Roger Weir, Jane
Dolores Montalbano, John Morrls- Whltehurst, John Wilcox, Judith
sey, Helen Motyka, Thomas Mullen, Wilen, Hanna Wilfert, Natalie
Leroy Negrus, Roslyn Nelson, Vir- Zucker.
ginia Norman, Gene Morris, June
From the Class of 1957: Carol AlPalmer, Luella Ptacek, Ann Rear- len, Beverly Andy, James Bailey,
don, Willard Reitz, Mary Riccardi. Barbara Baker, Barbara Baum, CaDorothy Schatz, Gilbert Schloss, rol Bell, George Betar, William
Frances Shair, Benny Siino, Milton Binkley, Byron Bonneau, Audrey
Siler, Fred Silva, Regina Stanke- Briggs, Janice Caleb, Clinton Carvitz, David Stark, Alan Stephenson, penter, Marilyn Chenfeld, Louise
Robert Talham, Ella Turner, Harry Christolon, Richard Clifford, RichVan Dyck, Evengiia Verven, Nellie ard Coddington, Rita Cohen, Harry
Warnock, Nadine Watson, Cynthia Cooker, John Cronin, Alathea Denslow, John Downes, Doris Dunn,
Wilson, and Anna Wong.
Class of 1956: Shirley Alguire, Ray Herbert Felske, Anna Ferraloli.
Baker, Robert Baker, Theresa BarLillian Ferrara, Marilyn Firth,
ber, Doris Baxter, Evelyn Beals, Mary Forman, June Frankland, Vera
William Behuniak, Robert Betscha, Freund, Mary Furner, Nancy Gade,
Phyllis Bialow, Sylvia Bogan, Joseph John Gauquie, Stanley Gorzynski,
Britt, Janet Burt, Evelyn Castler, Arlene Green, Carol Greenhill, Tito
David Champagne, Barbara Cole, Guglielmone, Morton Hess, ElizaRichard Cowin, Marcia Dalbec, Ma- beth Holbrook, Donald Howard,
rie Devine, Barbara Dezendorf, Syl- Phyllis Hurd, Therese Kalinowski,
via Doody, Henrietta Dufor, Gerard Ann Kammer, Andrey Kelly, MarEggleston, John Evans, Ransom garet Kinsler, Erhard Koehler, Rita
Evans, Phyllis Farrell, Barbara Lamboglia, Marcia Lawrence, WalFiebke.
(Continued on Pane 6, Column V
Rifle Club held its first meeting and customs:
of the year at Brubacher Wednes- I. Admission,
1. All students, faculty, and Alday night. Plans for the year were
umni are members of the Studiscussed and an informal shoot is
dent Union.
scheduled for Saturday, October 13.
2. Students from other colleges
will be admitted by special inAnyone interested in shooting or
receiving rifle instruction is urged
3. Friends and relatives of memto attend.
bers are welcome. Members will
be responsible for the actions
The next meeting will be held in
of their guests while they are
Brubacher at 7:30 p.m. Wednesin the Union.
day. Freshmen may sign up Activi4. Outside commercial agencies'
ties day.
petitions must be submitted to
the Student Union Board for
New Club Formed
For the first time in State's his- II. General Rules.
1. Smoking and ashtrays go totory a Trampoline Club is being
gether, smoke where they are.
formed this year. The club is open
2. Sleeping and lounging bodies
to anyone interested in participatlook particularly unattractive.
If you must sleep or you must
ing and will be used for demonstdalie down, try your own room.
tion purposes.
The furniture will look far better far longer if you keep your
Sign-up sheets are on both the
feet on the floor rather than on
AMIA and WAA bulletin boards.
coffee tables or chairs.
Time and place for practice will be
listed as soon as possible.
3. SUB will not be responsible for
broken backs or other injured
anatomy due to a loss of balance while misusing facilities.
Vets Elect Officers;
4. We do not sponsor any demonstrations of necking techniques
Revise Constitution
in any nook or cranny of the
The Veterans Society has elected
5. The students must confine crea slate of officers for their organative talent that involves ink,
ization. A committee has been at
paint, nail polish, etc., to the
work revising the Constitution of
activity rooms. The State will
the society.
take care of decorating the
The officers of the Veterans So6. Furniture and equipment in the
ciety are: James Lockhart, PresiLounges, Date rooms, TV room
dent; John Knapp, Vice-President;
may not be removed from the
Philip Baum, Treasurer, Juniors;
building nor from room to room,
Frank Merli, Secretary, and Salvawithout permission of the
tore Zaccaro, Social Chairman,
Sophomores. Yale Grayson was ap7. In the interest of the stream
pointed Parliamentarian.
of consciousness, SUB forbids
the flow of alcohol in the
A committee was also appointed
to revise the Constitution of the
society and to submit the revised
8. In the interest of morals, we
copy for approval at the next scheddo not advocate gambling or
uled meeting, today, announces
the use of objectionable lanMerli, Secretary.
S T A T E C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, O C T O B E R 7 , 1 9 5 5
very cold.
10. If you find something, take it
to the main office; if you lose
something try the main office.
III. Game Room.
1. Time:
Mon.-Thurs., 11:30 a.m. to 10:45
Fri. & Sat., 11:30 a.m. to 12:45
Sunday, 4:30 p.m. to 10:4.3 p.m.
2. The game room is not another Snack Bar. But if you
must eat to win, okay. After the
game is over, make a clean
sweep and return the debris.
IV. Snack Bar.
1. You should leave dishes and
debris on the table only at the
request of the incoming party.
2. When people must stand to eat,
it is time to move your games
to the game room and your
studying to the lounges.
V. Lounges.
1. Time.
Mon.-Thurs.. 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Fri. & Sat., 10 a.m. to 1 a.m.
Sunday. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
2. The lounges are for hospitable
living, however (his dries no;
include dining.
VI. Use of the Activity Rooms.
1. If there is no scheduled meeting in an activity room ymi may
reserve the room by signing for
it in the main office ol the
2. The doors of the activity rooms
should be locked at the maintenance staff's discretion.
VII. Policy Regarding Organizational Union Use.
1. Rooms are available only in organizations directly concerned
with the college.
a. Student, organizations.
b. Organizations of which SCT
faculty are members.
c. Organizations concerned with
2. Rooms may be acquired by tilling out a room request curd in
the Student Personal Office
during the day subject lo the
approval ol Su'B.
Garcia's Soccermen Open Home Show Tomorrow;
Play Host To Hillyer eleven A t Bleecker Stadium
Sports Mailbox:
APRB Needs
Men To Handle
Sports Publicity
Tie Fordham In Season s Opener;
Three Booters Nurse Leg Injuries
Tomorrow the State soccer team faces a tough Hillyer
College "11." The game will be held at Bleecker Stadium
instead of Beverwyck Field because of the better condition
of the former. The tilt is slated to begin at 2 p.m. (The
RPI game was being played as the paper went to press
so a report on that game was unavailable.)
After a long two week wait State have probably heard this statement
fans will finally be able to see Joe an infinite number of times beGarcia's '55 soccer team in action fore, but we'd like to go one beyond
To the Sports Editor:
tomorrow. The Peds again this year infinity and say it again—"Be out
The Athletic Public Relations have been put through some rugged there tomorrow at Bleecker to root
Board amid feverish activity due to workouts and again Garcia has the Peds on."
In a thriller at Fordham last Saturday the Garciamen were held to
the full slate of State sports endeav- come up with a potentially strong Game At Bleecker
a 3-3 tie by the New York "11." The
It may come as a surprise to you
ors, today issues an urgent call for
game, which lasted through two
There's no question that these also to learn that tomorrow's game
added student support and partici- booters need strong school support will be held at Bleecker Stadium.
overtimes, a total of 98 playing minutes, was a heartbreaker for the
to bring out the best in them. You Why Bleecker? We say—Why now
State team. After getting the ball
Bleecker? After hearing the pros
Handles Publicity
on the kick-off the Statesmen held
and cons of Bleecker and Beverthe ball in Fordham territory for
The board, probably State Colwyck—we're convinced Bleecker has
practically the entire first period,
lege's most worthwhile organization,
it all over Beverwyck. In the first
during which time Lou Delsignore
is the group handling the publicity
place Bleecker is a much better
booted in the first State goal.
for the school sports program. Orfield to play on. The players themGain 2-0 Lead
selves will be less susceptible to inganized but three years ago, it has
grown in functions, now handling
In the second period the Peds
to the many holes in the ground
all media for publicity. Its work inpulled to a 2-0 margin behind Ev.
which are present at Beverwyck.
cludes providing information to all
Weiermiller's hard boot from the
left side. In a few exciting exmajor newspapers and radio and
The fall intramural sports pro- Secondly, Bleecker is more ideal for
changes of the ball the Citymen
T.V. stations throughout the East- gram sponsored by the AMIA, the you fans. It has seating facilities
garnered their first goal. Another
ern seaboard. At the beginning of Association of Men's Intramural which give everyone a much better
goal by the Rams late in this period
each sports season the Board pub- Activities, shifted into high gear view of the game and is much more
closed out the first half with the
lishes and distributes to other col- this week, but there is still room convenient for cheerleaders and for
score knotted 2-2.
leges and publicity mediums a full for more teams and players in many the varsity club members selling
brochure covering State's activities of the different leagues.
The entire third period sparkled
Need For Trainers
in athletics. Weekly newsletters Football To Start
with fine defensive play by both
Football is about to open with ten
Getting back to the team itself,
teams. Ped Capt. Bill Bonesteel and
covering up to the minute happenings on the school sports scene are teams in competition. Thursday- we're informed that the varsity setH I T F T H A T T O N G IIP AND F u l l b»cks Carl Maxim and Gene
also published. Their work includes night, there was a captain's meet- up is badly in need of a trainer for „ " " f c „ ™ * £ A I T . ° p , , , „ „ H JZ„" Scott were superb on defense durcoordinating the State athletic cov- ing, and at last report there were soccer, basketball, and baseball. KICK THAT BALL: Pictured above
erage in Albany newspapers and ten teams signed up and ready to Walt Barbash, a member of the is Ken Flories, State's little mascot, „ * _
handling of all within the college
who is turning; out to be quite a Dammer Scores
publicity on varsity sports. Nearly new system of rules such as three the guy who has done such a won- booter in his own right.
Early in the fourth period Paul
every student the part the downs to go from one 15 yard zone derful job throughout the last three
Dammer on a pass from the right
athletic program plays in the funcside smashed a hard drive past the
tion of the school and the import- trial Monday and by majority vote for duty shortly. He has asked all
local's goalie to give the visitors a
players and captains, this game those interested in training to reone
ance of bringing the school's height- of
goal lead.
minwas vetoed.
port to him as soon as possible. He e\
f tneAs the
ame waning
f ded
ening athletic standing before the
Jim Loirichio has made the draw will begin teaching you the ropes
public. The APRB which handles for the tennis tourney, and since it immediately and the duties will be
Statesmen appeared victors, when
this is one of the best and most is getting off to an early start, the completely yours at the start of
suddenly on a fast break the Fordeffective ways of serving State matches should be completed by the hoop season when Walt will
ham offense blasted the knotting
court closing time.
finish the marvelous job he has
tally past State goalie Tito GuglielVolleyball Set Up
done. It must be remembered that The New York State Athletic mone. The regulation contest came
Staff Undermanned
Tom Garno has undertaken the trainers are awarded the Varsity Federation of College Women will to a close with State on the offenPersons with ability for writing, leadership for the fall volleybaii sweater and "S" letter besides gain- hold its annual conference on the s l v e '
for coordinating of a varied public- tourney, and the list for signing up ing valuable experience in this type second, third and fourth of DecernThe two overtimes were filled
ity campaign, artistic or clerical or is posted on the AMIA bulletin of work.
ber. Delegates to this conference with offensive and defensive plays
supplying new ideas are most ur- board.
were announced following the Wed- but to no avail as neither team
gently needed. All phases ol the
A new addition to the array of
nesday meeting of WAA by Gina could garner the tie-breaking goal.
group's work are seriously under- fall sports has been the addition ol
Hilfik'er, WAA President. Reprei o s t the services of
T n e pecjs
manned. The APRB is presently un- a ladder table tennis tournament
senting State as official delegates Wendell Fowler for a few weeks,
der the Athletic Association sponsor- being planned by Ed Wilson. A
will be Lee Hazeltine and Bunny Wendell pulled a leg muscle in the
ship but is soon to become an inde- tourney of this type should prove
Bromfield, Sophomores; acting as ] a t e p a r t o f u l e game. The team is
pendent organization. There will be its popularity with those who enunofficial representatives will be a l s 0 w jthout the services of Hollis
a sign-up sheet at Activities Day joy a relaxing game of ping pon;;.
Sheila Lister '57, and Alice Li 'k- Tibbets who is nursing a sprained
tomorrow for freshmen willing to Election Monday
wood '58.
ankle, and Paul Dammer who is out
devote a small amount of time tor
Vice-Presidency elections will be
Playday Planned
indefinitely via a broken blood veslarge dividends for the school via held Monday from 9-9:111) in lower
State girls will travel to Skid- sel.
the APRB.
Busted. Freshman representative
Coach Dick Sauers, new basket- more on October 12 to participate
nominations are also open.
ball coach at State has announced in a playday. There will be events A k l l A P | .
Contact McEvoy
that tryouts will begin on Friday, in field hockey, golf, riding, tennis f M V l | / ~ \ T i a nns a • « « p
Upperclassmen interested in JoinOctober 24.
and archery. Anyone interested in r i
ing this worthwhile project may do
I'rosli, Transfers To Sipn
participating should sign up on the C l e C t l O l l \Jf\
so by contacting me • Class ol 57)
All freshmen and transfers in- WAA bulletin board.
either in person or via Student Mail.
terested in trying out for the team,
Do you want to challenge WAA The replacement election for the
Thank you.
must sign the list whic' will be Council or any of the women's vacated office of Vice-President of
posted in Coach Sauers
ffice in dorms to a volleyball game? WAA AMIA will take place on Monday,
Frank McEvoy.
Page Gym. The list must be signed Council invites any dorm that is October 10, between the hours of
by October 24, and office hours are interested in challenging another 9 and 3. There will be absentee
from 10 to 11 a.m. and from 3 to 4 group house or Council itself lo voting at a desk which will be set
p.m. Sauers would like to see a lot contact Council and make arrange- up in lower Husted. Candidates for
State's Bowlers Lose
ol' names on the list. Practice be- ments. Games will be playeci Mon- the post include Whit Walters, Bob
gins in Page Gym at 4 p.m.
day and Wednesday afternoons in Backer, Tom Hoppy, and Randy
OP ening Match, 5-0
Vets To Begin at 6:15
Page Hall Gym.
State's bowling team got. off lo .1
bad start last Tuesday by losing
begin on October 24. Practice time
,„ u . ' ABC keglers in their llrsl
will begin at 0:15 p.m. for veterans,
match held at Siena's alleys, l i e
also in Page Gym.
bowling learn, raised to
Any individuals interested in
status, Is composed of the ollowing
playing basketball lor State, but.
o n the basis of iryouts held .ec
not Included by either of the above
ly at Rice alleys: John Zidik. Beiniu
categories, please contact Coach
Theobald, Jim Sweet, Tom Sullivan
Sauers prior to October 24.
Garry Adelson, Dick Wemple, and
joe Clement. Sullivan, a "cweomer
.il.l Central Avenue — Below Quail Street
to State's bowling circles, ed t i t
locals Willi a llili single ant a .1.H
triple. ABC, bowling consls en
we I ran up single games ol till,). Joe Oarolii talks over the situation
M 'and 877 to win all three g a m s with Captain Hill Bonesteel as the
1)Uls the iwo p.iints which, line • I'eds r.repuri' to open their home
the league's system of .scoring, ....• soccer program.
Comer Ontario & Benson
given lor total pinnage.
DIAL 4-1125
A M I A Brings
Tournament Plans
Into Operation
WAA Lists
To Conference
un °i
oauers To Start
Cage Workouts
On October 24
• King-size Winston brings flavor buck to filter smoking — full, rich,
tobacco flavor! And the exclusive Winston filter works so effectively that the
flavor really comes through to you. College smokers know why Winston
changed America's mind about filter smoking. Winston tastes good —like a cigarette should!
To those interested in good eating:
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53 N. Lake Ave.,
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We Aim To IMeaae
C.ulU'He Vlorht jor Yean
Come to the SNACK BAR
News Views:
Pres. Eisenhower s Illness Continues;
Political Parties Sharpen Fangs
liewane, Blue ffcufd,!
A weekend trip to Keene Valley in
the Adirondacks will start tonight
at 7 p.m. Those participating will
return Sunday evening, states Sue
Barnhart '56, President of the Outing Club. This is to be sponsored
by the Adirondack Mountain Club.
In The Nation . . .
that Democratic office holders reBig news this week is President frain from entering into appointEisenhower's recent illness and the ment deals with the Republicans. In
political implications that it in- this Republican - gerrymandered
volves. The Republican party will state it has been the practice of
be forced to assume that Eisenhower the Democrats to get offices filled
will not run in the 1956 election un- by Democrats by promising certain
til they receive official news from favors to the Republicans. We do
Eisenhower. Republican Presiden- not claiim to condone this practice,
tial aspirants are already trying on but without it there would be very
the still-warm shoes of the President, few vacancies in this state filled by
Among them are Vice-President Democrats. Perhaps if the RepubliRichard Nixon, Chief Justice Earl cans were to re-district the state
Warren, ex-Governor Thomas E. more democratically there would be
Dewey, and Presidential Assistant less of this practice.
Harold Stassen.
State . . .
Democratic hopefuls however, are AtMalcolm
A. Rogers, Public Relanot to be left out. They include tions
Manager for Forum, wrote to
porarily out of the running the
Democratic guns are beginning to
boom and without Ike the Republican party seems to be floundering.
Averill Harriman, popular Governor of New York, has the backing
of Carmine DeSapio and seems well
on the road toward gaining votes at
the Democratic convention.
State-wise . . .
New York State Chairman Michael H. Prendergast has announced
>ean s List
(Continued from Page 1), Column U<
ter LeBaron, Susan Leiter, William
Liston, Grace Manne, Laura Maresca, Mary Meiser, Dorothea Miller,
Katherine Monsees, Ralph Moore,
Hadassah Mordkoff, Albert Oatman,
Richard Parker, Robert Pfeiffer,
Harry Roberts, Malcolm Rogers, Eleanor Roney, Elaine Ruffles, Nancy
Schneider, Elissa Seligman, Myrna
Siegel, Bettye Sigety, Gino Silvestri,
Margaret Smith, Elizabeth Stapleton, Elizabeth Steifeld, Trudy Stemmer, Robert Stimson, Arlene Stokes,
William Swenson, Josephine Testa,
Konrad Tlscher, Joyce Tucci, Doris Vradenburg, Richard Warner,
Everett Welermiller, Alma Wheeler,
William Wheeler, Nancy Whiteneck, Margaret Williams.
From the Class of 1958: Mary Aiken, Fred Arcoraci, Frederick Ashworth, Annabelle Barfoot, Alexander Bednarek, Arline Bimbaum, Nils
Briska, Mary Bullock, Anthony
Campo, Pearl Chase, Donald Clayton, Frieda Cohen, Mary Crawford.
William DeGroat, Dennis Dempster,
Frances Dunn, Carol Edwards, John
Ertle, Patricia Gearing, Delores
Hammond, Beverly Heffron, Richard
Hinck, Helen Hofmann, Ronald
Humphrey, Roger Hunt, Paul Kassy, Charles LaFontaine, Johanna
Lecakes, Margaret McNeil, Gloria
Magavero, Margaret Mann, Carlton
Maxson, Frank Merli, Alice Meyer,
Joyce Meyermann, John Mlnon, Viola Moody, Thalsa Nelson, Sheila
O'Donnell, Donald Rice, Barbara
Rohrer, Lucille Schneider, Valerie
Schneider, Robert Sehutheis, Ethel
Shand, Robert Sharpe, Carmita Siaba, Florlne Skutnik, Carol Sutch,
Barbara Tackabury, Jean Thomas,
Edmond Tipton, Bernice Tyler,
Phyllis Vadney, Janet Vonncvlk,
Selma Wagenheim, Robert Wiggln,
Carol Wiggins, Rose Wilfert, Charles
From the Class of 1959: Robert
Bishop, Robert Colburn, Brenda
Erde, Ann Gagnon, Robert Gantz,
John Gallas, Richard Guzewich,
Harriet Kazdon, Hartly LaDuke,
Beverly Rahn, Grace Salvato.
Such activities as hiking, and
square dancing are included, and
the movie "K-2" will be shown.
The cost is $4.50 - $5.00, which will
include transportation, food, registration, and the movie,
A second group i.s leaving for
Turtle Island in Lake George, sponsored by the Intercollegiate Outing
Club Association. In addition, RPI
is sponsoring a trip featuring canoeing and hiking. The cost for
these trips is also $4.50 - $5.00.
ing him to speak at State while he
was in Albany. He received a reply
The chaperones for Keene Valfrom Truman stating that he could
ley trip are Eugene McLaren, Asnot speak at State because his
sistant Professor of Chemistry; and
schedule would not allow him time.
Merlin W. Hathaway, Assistant
He also expressed his deep thanks
Gremlins hang Sophomore in pffigv In show what Rivalrv has in Professor of Physical Education,
for having been asked. Mr. Truman store lor (hfm
and Mrs. Hathaway, Director of
will speak in Albany tonight.
the superior filtration of the Miracle Tip, the
purest tip that ever touched your lips. It's white
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2. SUPERIOR TASTE L&M's superior taste
comes from superior tobaccos — especially
selected for filter smoking. Tobaccos that are
richer, tastier . . . and hght and mild.
Week's Elections
To Decide Class
Tuesday and Wednesday voting
will take place for representatives to the Representative Government states Teresa Barber, Chairman of Myskania.
Fifteen representatives are to be
selected from each class. Each class
shall vote for only its own delegates.
Off Campus teachers can obtain a
ballot on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday from any member of Myskania and hand it into Myskania
before Wednesday at 4 p.m.
All voting will terminate at 4
p.m. on Wednesday. Results will be
announced Thursday and the first
meeting will be held in Draper 349
at 10 a.m. on Friday.
VOL. XL NO. 17
Anyone who can furnish pertinent information, or who can
present the banner at the door
of the Junior Prom will be given a free bid announces Sara
Jane Duffy; President of the
Junior Class.
Sophs Challenge Frosh
In Softball Tomorrow
State's four representatives will
be Jean Compagnone, Angelo Scordato, Seniors; Michael Maxian
Vice-Chairman, Sheila Lister, Juniors.
Judith Vlmmerstedt '50, Chairman
of Warnings announces that 42 warnings have already been Issued by
Myskania. Myskania also announces
thai Veterans are excused from
wearing beanies and they are not
subject to warnings.
The following students have received two warnings: Richard Carey
and Dick Ronconl. Three tie violators include Barbara Rosen and
Lenore Atwood. Today in Draper
349 there will bo apologies for these
offenses. If any freshman thinks
these warnings are unfair, they may
appeal to Myskania.
Tomorrow night Brubacher dining
room will be the scene of the annual Campus Chest dance. Clyde
Payne's fifteen piece band called
"The Pedcats," will play from 9 to
12 p.m. Admission to the dance
whose theme is "USS Goodwill," is
35 cents per person, stag or drag,
announces Sheila Lister and James
Loekhart, Juniors.
Two late half hours will be auctioned off at the dance by Hudson
Winn, Associate Professor of Biology and Alan Weiner '56. It will
be a Chinese action in which time
is the deciding factor. Dress for the
dance is informal, skirts and flats
for the girls.
Chaperones for the dance are: ElWaiting for the shin to come in are Campus Chest Committeemen:
James Loekhart, Barbara Davis, Bruno Rodgcrs and Sheila Lister.
len C. Stokes, Dean of Women, Eugene McLaren, Assistant Professor of
Chemistry and Winn.
Forum Presents AD Commences Committee chairmen for the dance
are: Ann Kinsler "57, band; Lillian
and Janice Garatt, SophoSUB Members
Dr. Albert Parry, Dramatic Season Jewett
mores, refreshments;
Davis; Elizabeth Stapleton, decoraDraper 349 will be the location of tions; Bernice O'Connor and Robert
the first production of the Ad- Burns, clean-up, Juniors.
ToAffendConfab Russian Authority vanced
Dramatic laboratory plays
Voting will also take place next
week for Student Board of Finance
Replacements for the classes of 1957
and 1958. These will also be absentee
and will be on Tuesday and Wednesday, from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m.
Frosh Violators Give
Apologies in Assembly
Auction Offers
Late Half-Hours
The banner is rather recognizable as it carries the numerals
1-9-5-7, and is besmirched with
blood from previous victorious
campaigns. A description has
been furnished to area fences
and pawnbrokers, but this is
merely a formality since we
know the approximate location
of the banner.
The Forum Board of Politics wil
open this season's platform of speakers Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the
Upper Lounge at Brubacher by the
presenting Albert Parry. Dr. Parry's
topic is entitled: "Russia: Policy
Change." He is Professor of Russian Civilization and Language and
chairman of the Department of Russian Studies at Colgate University,
Hamilton, New York, states Charles
McHarg '56, president of Forum.
Thursday at 8:30 Arnold Toynbee
and Henry Cabot Lodge will speak
at the RPI Field House. There will
be a sign up sheet in the Forum
bulletin board in lower Draper. All
those who have cars and would be
willing to take passengers are asked
to sign this sheet. People who want
a ride should check this list and
contact the people with cars through
student mail.
Dr. Toynbee is a world famous
historian and author of the ten
volume work Study of History. Henry Cabot Lodge is American Ambassador to the United Nations.
on Tuesday, October 18, at 8 p.m.
AD schedules three plays for the
program. Rostand's "Cyrano de
Bergerac" is slated under the directorship of Marjorie Jelley '57;
George Van der Houten '59, appears as Cyrano, Gail Hogan '59 will
portray Roxane's part, and Klaus
Kaufman '59 stars as LeBret.
Richard Feldman '57 directs his
original play, "Theodore Meuller."
The cast consists of Sal Zaccaro '58
as Theodore Meuller, Gerald Dwight
'59 will play Alden, and Richard
Rothstein '59 will be Jack.
"Gioconda," by D'Annunzio, will
be directed by Carol Allen '57. Janice Champagne '57 will star as Gioconda, Carolyn Chase '59 will appear a.s Silvia Settala, Ellen Fitzpatrick '59 will take the part of
Francesca Doni.
The primary purpose of these productions i.s to enable the directors
studying Advanced Dramatics to obtain some valuable experience.
Paul Bruce Pettit, Associate Professor of English iTheatre i, will be
Chairman and Acting Executive
Secretary of the seventh annual
meeting of the New York State
Theatre Conference. The conference
will be held in Cazenovia, New York,
tomorrow and Sunday.
Speakers will be Joel Rubin of
Kliegl Brothers Stage Lighting Co.,
Travis, costume coordinaing. There is a shortage in the tenor, Michael
tor of Brooks Costume Co., and Wilbass and baritone sections, and with liam Greenfield, assistant electrisuch a wide choice, you should have cian for the production Damn
no trouble in finding the range.
Singers Cry For Male Support
To Form Foundation For Chorus
"To every man give thine ear but
All those interested in participat- few they voice." The "few" here aping in these events should sign up plies to the Music Department. In
on the Bulletin Board In lower short, this i.s a request from
recesses of Richardson for some recruits to Collegiate Singers.
Smoke, America's Best Filter Cigarette
Flash—Saturday night at the
dance, a bunch of Ruffians Performed an Ignoble theft. They
stole the Junior class banner.
The thieves met with a rather
feeble resistance—it was one of
those "careful Percy—or I'll slap
you on the wristwatch" deals.
Jean Compagnone, Chairman of
Student Union Board, announces
that four members of State's SUB
will attend the annual conferences
of boards from the United States
and Canada. This year's meeting
will be held at Potsdam State Teachers College.
The Rivalry Sing Challenge, the
Rivalry Debate and the Sing will be
held in Draper 349 today, October
21 and November 4 respectively.
Student Union Board is now working on two dances to be held the
weekend of November 11-12. -The
first of these dances will be presented by SUB in conjunction with the
ICA convention to be held here at
that time. Also that weekend SUB
will sponsor a Soccer Dance Saturday, the 12th, in Brubacher Dining
Room. This dance is the night of
The following point system has State's last soccer game. Co-Chairbeen set up by Myskania who will men of the dance are Gerry Kline
judge the proceedings: two points '59 and Betty Van Vlack '57.
will be allotted to the winners of
the men's event, two points for the
winners of the women's game and
one point for combined cheering.
Ruffians Perform
Marjorie Kelleher and Joseph Kelly, Seniors and Freshman class
guardians, announce that Rivalry
Softball will be played tomorrow at
10 a.m. on Page Field. In charge
of the frosh teams are David Ferris
and Verity Pulliam, freshmen, while
John Stefano and Jody Ambrosino
will captain the sophomore squad.
D & A Presents
Film Tuesday
Dramatics and Art Council is presenting a series of all-color films
Tuesday, In Draper 349 at 8 p.m.
Tills Is the first event scheduled by
the group this year.
Eleanor Goldman '58, publicity
director, states that the first film
will be on the painting, "Moulin
Rouge" by Toulouse Lautrec. The
second presentation will be on sculpture, and the third movie will be a
ballet which tells the story of
Othello and is entitled "The Moor's
Pa vane."
The purpose of the Council is to
afford the students of Stale College,
who are Interested In the theatre, un
oportunity to work In, and leurn
more about the theutro unci the
Campus Chest Closes Annual Fund-Raising Campaign
With 'USS Goodwill Dance A t Brubracher Tomorrow
Only the Sophomore, Junior and
Senior classes will elect representatives. The freshman representatives
will be elected at a later date.
tike dcu/t/w, ^^cAoftpe tb
All voting will be absentee. The
voting booth will be located in lower Husted and will be open from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. both days.
State College
Club Sponsors
Weekend Trips
Previous experience i.s desirable, so
if you have had any experience at
The Collegiate Singers- are -the all in choral work, give it a try.
only mixed choral group on campus.
The director of Collegiate Singers
During their three year existence at
State, they have been one of the Is Karl A. B. Petersen. Mr. Petersen
most prominent features at the hopes, in time, to build up this group
Spring Concert, and have been re- to a chorus of 75 voices. In past
ceived with great enthusiasm at var- years this group lias always been reious outside engagements. The Sing- ceived with much enthusiasm, and
ers have appeared at Faculty Teas, with a chorus of 75, the success of
The Albany Art Institute and at va- the singers would be assured.
rious times have appeared on televiThose people interested in trying
sion. The numbers are chosen from out for the Singers should either see
the standard choral repertoire and Mr. Petersen, or attend the rehearrange from the classical numbers to sal Monday at twelve noon. The repcpular songs.
hearsals are so scheduled that they
do not interfere with classes and so
This request is directed particu- there should be no serious trouble
larly to the male members here. As on that score. So why not give both
was stressed above, this is a mixed yourself and the college a break by
chorus so men, let's do a little mix- trying Collegiate Singers.
Editorial Policy
Board wishes to announce that
all editorials included in the
NEWS are written by the Editorin-Chief, unless otherwise specified or unless they are signed
by someone else at the end of
the editorial. All columns contained In the NEWS are written
only by the people whose names
appear at the top of the column.
The opinions expressed by the
Editor or by the columnists are
strictly (heir own and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions
of the NEWS Board and Staff.
The dance closes the Campus Chest
drive for 1955. Funds from the dance
and the week's campaign are allocated to the following groups: World
University Service Fund, sixty percent; National Scholarship and Service Fund for Negro Students, ten
percent; Albany Community Chest,
ten percent; and the University of
Athens, Greece, ten percent.
The campaign which has been
conducted by Patricia Hall and Betty Van Vlack, Juniors, has set a
goal of $1500. The week has included a canvassing of all sororities, fraternities and group houses, Chinese
auctions and organization sollicitations.
The "USS Goodwill" which has
been docked in the Commons all
week registers the progress of the
drive. Each organization that has
100'; contributions has been listed
on the ship's smoke stack.
Sororities Invite
Frosh To Houses
Tonight four sororities will hold
open house for freshmen, announces
Patricia Atwood '56, President of
Inter-Sorority Council. This will
conclude the two day schedule of
open houses.
Freshmen women are invited to
the following houses tonight: Gamma Kappa Phi, 293 Western Avenue;
Beta Zeta, 398 State Street; Phi
Delta, 278 Western Avenue; and Psi
Gamma, 113 South Lake Avenue.
Freshmen are asked to visit the
houses according to the following
schedule: 7 p.m. A-E Gamma Kappa
Phi; F-L, Beta Zeta; M-R, Phi Delta; S-Z, Psi Gamma; 8 p.m. F-L,
Gamma Kappa Phi; M-R, Beta Zeta; S-Z, Phi Delta; A-E, Psi Gamma; 9 p.m. M-R, Gamma Kappa
Phi; S-Z, Beta Zeta; A-E, Phi Delta;
F-L, Psi Gamma; 10 p.m. S-Z Gamma Kappa Phi; A-E, Beta Zeta;
F-L, Phi Delta; M-R, Psi Gamma.
Last night the other three sororities on campus, Chi Sigma Theta,
Kappa Delta and Sigma Phi Sigma,
had open house for the Freshmen.