Supplying a Total for a Sort Group When you want to give the total number of “people” let’s say with a specific sort group, you can use count to print the total. For instance, let’s create a report, which prints the ID number and Name of Freshman sorted on Major. Then, let’s count how many people are in each major, and print that count. We could write: TABLE FILE RTFILE PRINT RT120 BY RT010 IF RT020 GE '12' IF RT14C EQ 'FR' IF RT005 EQ '2000F' ON TABLE HOLD AS FROSH END JOIN RT010 IN FROSH TO KEY IN AAFILE AS J1 TABLE FILE FROSH COUNT AA003 AS ‘Total,in,Major’ BY RT120 AS ‘Major’ PRINT AA002 AA003 AS ‘Name’ BY RT120 END The above focexec uses two verbs. A request, which uses two verbs, is called a multi-set request. When you use more than one verb in a request, LIST or PRINT can only be used once, as the last verb. The BY phrase must be repeated. An example of the resulting report: MAJOR TOTAL IN MAJOR ACCT 27 111111111 222222222 333333333 444444444 111222333 333222111 … … … DOE, JOHN DOVE, MARY STOUFFER, MARTY BACALL, LAUREN CRUISE, TOM AFLECK, BENJAMIN AMST 2 ARTH 1 444111222 414121212 555121233 DISNEY, WALTER LUCAS, GEORGE MOORE, MARY-TYLER STUDENT NUMBER NAME