Document 14064259

Beanies, Rivalry, Informality Please
Survivor Of Concentration Camp
He's also imoressed by the genuine
friendliness and the informal atmosphere here, but like the rest of
the frosh, he has problems: "That
freshman science—."
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Nein?
Well, opportunity is at your front
door—opportunity in the guise of
Herr Rosenbaum '54, who will tutor any interested State Fraulein or
Mann in the intricacies of the language.
Kurt Rosenbaum, a three year
native of Prattsvllle, New York, was
born in the Ruhr valley. Sis major
boyhood event was attending the
International Boy Scout Jamboree
in Holland in 1926.
In 1942 he found himself jammed
into a concentration camp. Three
years later he managed to escape.
'After all," he says with his characteristic sense of humor, "three
years in a concentration camp can
get awfully dull. The same food, the
same recreation
Kurt Rosenbaum is a man with
determination. He wants to teach,
here, in the United States. He has
seen what happens when an education system gets into a dictator's
hands, and he doesn't want to see
it happen again. "I want to show
my students the importance of the
American way of life."
But Kurt realizes that he still has
much to learn about this American
way of life. The other day he went
to buy some eggs. "Have you exks?"
he asked the clerk. "With or without a handle?" inquired the clerk.
"With," said Kurt, thinking the
United States had developed a new
After working two years in a DP type of egg. Imagine his surprise
camp, Kurt came to the United when the clerk came back carrying
States and got his impression of a long-handled axe!
New York in hot July. "I didn't like
it so I left and found a job as a
beef-boner." Translated this means
butcher. In Prattsville he continued
his interrupted education, successfully passed the regents and received his high school diploma.
Then came State, complete with
Rivalry its traditions: frosh camp,
103 Central Ave.
beanies, lines—. How does he like
it? "It's fun! These things belong
to a college. They're a part of college life."
FRIDAY. S E P T E M B E R 2 9 , 1 9 5 0
ress Durcau
Available/ Says Head
Kuhlkin Sets Date
For Sorority Social
Information forms for Press Bureau are in boxes on the Press BuInter-Sorority Council will hold
reau bulletin board, according to its Inter-Sorority social for freshMarilyn Strehlow '51, Director. man women on Friday, October 20,
Since the freshmen will receive
their forms at a special meeting, according to Beverly Kuhlkin '51,
these forms are meant especially President of Inter-Sorority Council.
for upperclassmen.
Lenore Corcoran '51, wilJ be chairThe information from these forms man of the affair.
will be transferred to the Press BuThis meeting is t> acquaint freshreau flies. Transfers are urged to
women with scvorlty women.
complete these forms so that frie
files may be more complete.
There will be dancing, entertainThe flies will be referred to when ment and refreshments.
notices of individual accomplishDuring the orientation program
ment are sent to home-town newspapers. No notices shall be sent out Monday Inter-Sorority Council will
for students who do not have an in- explain the sorority situation to
frosh women.
formation card on file.
Prohibit Use Of Dormitory Field
To Provide Respect For Sabbath
A Request that students do not use
the lawn between Pierce and Sayles
Hall on Sundays has been made by
Bertha E. Brimmer, Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association. In
order to show respect for the Sabbath, students are asked to abide
by this rule.
'Primer' To Meet, Says Miller;
Seek Volunteers For Publication
The first meeting of Primer will
be held next week, according to
Philip Miller '51, Editor-in-Chief.
All members of last year's staff and
anyone wishing to work on Primer
are asked to attend. The exact time
and place of the meeting will be
posted on the Primer bulletin board
in lower Draper.
PHONE 1-1913
$5.50 FOR $5.00
F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 6 , 19SO
V O L . XXXV NO. 3
Freshmen Will Sign For Activities Tomorrow;
Soph Skit, Bonfire, Dance To Highlight Evening
W i l l Constitute
State College
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
Number 3...THE FLICKER
Annual Recital
Yellow Jackets
To Present 54
Rivalry Banner
'Lucy Dons Shoes'
Nelson s Speech
For G o / a
Occasion Will Accentuate
Anyone want to shake the
hand that shook the hand that
shook the hand of President
Assembly Today
Collins? Queries such as this
The annual Activities Day, which
is the official opening of extra-curAt Student Council meeting, Wedricular activities, is scheduled for
nesday night, the agenda for totomorrow, according to William Widay's assembly was discussed, the
ley '52, Chairman of Activities Day.
manner of selecting representatives
No doubt impressed, or perThe events for the day are signing
to the Intercollegiate Association
haps amazed, at the sophisticaup for the activities, presentation
was decided and members of the
tion and formality of the affair,
"A Brahms Recital" will be preof the freshman banner, unveiling
Frosh Banner Committee and Frosh
the finery these freshmen sportsented by Music Council tonight at
of the '51 banner, a skit by the
Athletic Chairmen were chosen.
ed was no less impressive.
8:30 p.m. in Page Hall. This will be
Sophomores, a bonfire, a snake
dressthe first time that Music Council
Assembly will feature as its main
dance, and the annual dance ending
es, spike heels and spiked toes,
has featured works from one comspeaker, Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean
the day's events.
stiff collars and stiffer arms
poser alone.
of the College. Mrs. Hulda Hubbel,
The members of the organizations
This is an ensemble performance
are to set up their booths in the
presenting members of our music
Commons at 10 a.m. with David
and brothers searched for somebriefly on how the college unit opfaculty and area artists. Those takManley '52 in charge. The actual Acone
ing part include Dr. Charles P.
tivities Day events will begin at 1
to, the frosh made themselves
Rules concerning Rivalry will be
Stokes, Professor of Music, violin,
p.m. The booths will then be open
known to faculty and students.
read to the student body and nomviola; Karl A. B. Peterson, Instrucfor students to sign up with the orIt is rumored that one Miss
inations will be made from the floor
tor in Music, bass-baritone; Leora
ganizations they wish to join.
herself being shown
for representatives to attend the
Gridley, dramatic soprano; David
List Organizations
conferLevinstein, violincello; and MargarAll organizations will have their
ence at Fredonia. Student Council
et Anderson Stokes, piano.
Chairman of Activities
Well, back to the moth balls
booths in the Commons except for
has voiced the opinion that underwith
the State College News which will
Feature Rare Works
classmen be nominated to represent
over for another year.
be found in the Publications Office.
Featured will be works of Brahms
State at the conference, which will
The organizations that will be repwhich are not often heard. They
be held November 10 and 11.
resented in the Commons at the
include two songs which have not
Members of the Frosh Banner
booths are as follows: SMILES,
been frequently performed because
Committee are as follows: Henry
Commuters' Club, Primer, Pedaof their unusual combination. The
Hall, Judy Duchatellier, Edward
gogue, Dramatics and Arts Council,
two songs for soprano with viola
Lull and Sven Sloth. Council seMusic Council, Women's Athletic
end piano are numbers one and two
lected as Boys' Athletic Chairman
Association, Christian Science Orfrom Opus 91. The first Gestillte
Thomas Hoppy and as Girls' Athganization, Press Bureau, Campus
Sehnsucht i Longing at Resti uses
letic Chairman, Audrey Burke. Mary
Commission, Debate Council, Forum,
part of a poem by Ruckert; the
Dr. Milton G. Nelson, Dean, has Radio
Massi and Richard Averson are DiCouncil, Inter Group Counsecond Geistliches Wiegenlied (Crarectors of the Frosh Campus Day announced the following attend- cil, Rifle Club, Hillel Society, Interdle Song of the Virgin i makes use,
Skit. These people function for the ance regulations:
Varsity Christian Fellowship, Stuas a theme, a traditional Christmas
State College does not operate a dent Christian Association, New"The Titan" is coming to State class until class officers are elected.
melody dating back to the 15th
Tuesday at 8 p.m., in Page Hall, acman Club, Classical Club, Commerce
absent more times than number of Club, Pan-Amigos, and Science Club.
cording to Martha Downey '51,
semester hours carried by a course. To Unveil Senior Banner
The program also includes one of president of Dramatics and Arts
Whenever a student is absent
Brahms' most powerful creations, Council.
The freshman banner will be prefrom class, an excuse blank shall be
the "C Minor Trio." The piano, vio„ , .s, -fl ,
. . ,
„ . .
filed with the Registrar on return sented in the Commons at 3 p.m.
lin and violincello will be the in™
™. narrated by Frederic
by Harvey Robinson '52. Immediateto college.
struments making up this trio.
March will relate the major events
An excuse form that covers ab- ly following this, the '51 banner will
, „ ,,
of Michelangelo s life and their insence of more than one absence per be unveiled in the Commons. The
The religious part of the program f l u e n c e o n h , g c r e a t i o n s ,
class requires the approval of Dr. banner song of '51 will be sung under
consists ot four serious songs which
the direction of Claryce Perretta '51.
Mr. Peterson will sing. Since the
"The Titan" is principally a deAt 4:40 p.m., October 2, 1950, a
A history of the Senior Class will be
songs are of a religious nature, it tailed pictorial examination of all group of students, faculty members,
given by Helmuth Schultze, Presiis requested that there be no ap- Michelangelo's main works. It con- and townspeople met in the Lounge mothers will not recommend ex- dent of '51. The banner will be hung
plnuse between these numbers.
tains no living actors. The sounds to explore the possibilities which
on the wall of the Commons by
According to Claryce Perretta '51, and scenes are there, but the peo- were opened up by the establish- know reason for absence.
Dunn, Donald Ely, and WilWhen absences per class exceed liam Engelhart,
President of the Council, there will pie are absent. The picture is thus ment of The Center for Community
Seniors and former
be a reception for the guest artists aimed so as not to detract from the Studies at this college. The follow- the unmber of semester hours car- Presidents of the class. The afterin the Lounge directly after the beauty of the works themselves, ing people were present: Dr. Wil- ried by that class, the excuse form, noon events will end at 4 p.m.
Background material is introduced liam E. Vickery, Professor of Inter- after approval by Dr. Kenny, is to To Present Skit
only when necessary to illustrate cultural Education: Dr. Evan R. be presented to the instructors and iContinued on Page 6, Column 1)
the motivation of the artist's work. Collins, President of the College; filed with the Registrar.
When Dr. Kenny is not availDuring the course of the movie Dr. Joseph Leese, Professor of EduMichelangelo's creations are shown cation; Dr. Mary E. Conklin, As- able, students may refer attendance
in their various stages of comple- sistant Professor of English and Su- problems to Dean Nelson.
For absences before and after
tion from start to finish. Sculptures, pervisor in the Milne School; Miss
paintings from the Sistine Chapel, Mabel Jackman, Assistant Professor holidays, excuse forms must be preThomas Godward '51, President of including both the celling and the of Librarianship; Dr. Don A. Orton, sented to Dr. Kenny before abDebate Council has released the re- Last Judgment, are shown in de- Director of Education; Dr. Theodore sence takes place, then presented to
sults of the tryouts for the squad tail as well as in over-all views.
The Publications Office sends out
Standing, Professor of Sociology; the instructor concerned for his inwhich were held Monday and TuesDr. James Allan Hicks, Professor of formation, and filed with the Regis- a call for additional Sophomores to
day. Those who were unable to
"The Titan," a new kind of film Education, nnd Dr. Watt Stewart, trar.
try out for positions of Sophomore
make the tryouts may still sign up brings the art film to a higher level Professor of History.
The rules governing absences from Desk Editors. These editors will be
for debate work on Activities Day.
college assembly are the same as chosen the first week before ThanksRepresentatives from Albany were apply
The following have been selected
to absences from regular col- giving vacation. From the Desk EdDr.
for Novice Debating: Daniel Joy,
lege classes.
itors, Associate Editors for the News
Joseph Persico, and Joan Tantum,
board will be selected on Moving Up
UniJuniors; Anita Lilienfeld and Vir- Fall Picnic For Kids
versity also attended.
ginia Vogel, Sophomores; Eleanor
O p e n Cover Contest
Those who wish to try out for
State's student body was repreBoice, Joan Bathrick, Morris Colin,
SMILES will sponsor its annual
Desk Editor should come down to
Catherine Doyle, Thomas Eldred, fall picnic for the children of the sented by Carol Lebow '51, Ruth For Student Directory
the Publications Office Tuesday
David Gardinler, Clarence Spain. Albany Home, Sunday at 2 p.m. The Liepman '51, Paul Buchman '51, NoInstructions for the Directory night. They will then work on the
James Thompson, and Paul Wen- picnic grounds at Normanskill Creek rlne Cargill '52, John Bowker '52.
News Tuesday a n d Wednesday
derlich, freshmen.
will be the scene for the outing for Jess Barnett '52, Arthur Unity '52. cover contest have been issued by nights. The work will consist of
The following are eligible for youngsters in the 8 to 16 age group
Dr. Collins opened the meeting the entire student body, this com- gathering news material, writing
committee activities; Walter Davis, and any State College students who
by telling briefly what led to set- petition is held annually to select stories, composing headlines, and
Muriel Dessiino/,, Theodore Marro, wish to chaperone.
typing articles.
ting up the Center for Community the cover for the Directory.
Vasilike Pantelakos, Juniors; Milan
Anyone interested in this position
Marion Newton '52 is in charge of Studies at State. There were two
Krchnlak and Jordine SkotT, Soph- the picnic arrangements. Fred Baris encouraged to try out. No preArt
omores; Sally (ierig, Faith Hanson, tie and Mitch Burkowsky, also Junin to Miss Agnello. The size ot the vious newspaper experience is necesJoseph Patrick, freshmen.
iors, head the Recreation and Re- Announce Date For Completion
drawing must be six inches by nine sary.
freshments Committees, respective- Of Fulbright Application Forms
inches with a subject appropriate
Van Derz«-e Hall To Hold Picnic ly
lor a college directory. Smooth Committee To Discuss Calendar
Among the recreation events
The residents of Van Der/.ee Hall scheduled are softball and singing,
The Student-Faculty Committee
Seniors unci graduate students de- white stock paper should be used
have scheduled a picnic to be held Refreshments will be provided by siring to apply for a grant under and the color should be black on will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in
at Thatcher Park Sunday, according SMILES for the children and State the Fulbright Act are reminded that white or white on black. Black may the Lounge, according to Gerald
to William Helmer '51, President, college students.
application forms must be complet- be done with jet black ink. All Dunn '51, Student Chairman. All
Residents and their guests will leave
The students will meet at the ed by October 31. These forms may contest entries must be handed in organizations on campus that have
big events during the year may
Van Derzee Hall at 1 p.m. and re- Home, which is located on the cor- be obtained from the campus Fui by November 1.
The Directory lists the names, ad- send u representative who is well
turn at, 7 p.m.
ner of South Lake and New Scot- bright advisor, Dr. Edward P. Shaw,
Chaperones for the outing will be land Avenue, at 2 p.m. All are en- Professor of Modern Languages, dresses and telephone numbers of versed in the events which his organization plans for the year.
Room 12, Richardson.
students enrolled in the college.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lyons.
couraged to come.
Area Artists To Give
Ensemble Performances
O f Various Selections
ran wild among the frosh after
last Friday night's President's
Dean Re/eases
College Rules
For Absences
D & A To Show
Film, The Titan,
Tuesday Evening
"One question...
Where do I flick
my ashes?"
Community Study
Holds First M e e t ;
Discusses Program
Select Debaters
on't think our neal-pleated friend with the drape-
shape doesn't know the score! He's plenty hep to
all those tricky cigarette tests! If you're in the groove,
they're not fooling you, either. You know, from your own
smoking experience, that just one pulT of this brand
. . . then one puff of that brand isn't going to give you
In Nashville, Tennessee, there is
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a quick inhale and exhale, a wliilT or a snilT'.''
Vanilcrhilt University students at
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T h e sensible
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answer — is a day after day, pack-after-pack tryout
where, ice-cold Coca-Cola helps
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make these gcl-togelhers something
You judge Camels for .'{() days in your own "T-Zone"
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/isk fur it cither utiy . . . bath
trade-marks mean the same thing,
© 1*950, Thii CocaCola Company
Ihe one that gives you the proper
( T for Throat, T for Taste I — the real proving
ground for a cigarette. Once you've tested Camels
as a stoutly smoke, you'll know why . , .
M o r e People Smoke Camels
than any other
For Novice Team
News Requests
Sophs To Tryout
|CA Can Mean . . .
9'U Oiid A Jfome
Nominations will be taken from the student
body today in assembly for delegates to ICA conThere comes a time in every man's Local Draft Board No. 2 checked
ference. Inter-Collegiate Association Conference life when he must turn in his through its "dead or missing" file
will be held at Fredonia State Teachers College Orawlalong C a v e n d i s h Sheriff's Since 1948, when I had registered, I
Badge for a shoulder patch, park had been in constant lack of touch
November 10 and 11.
his six-shooter at the door and pick with my Board. I thought I was
This will be one in a series of conferences in up a Cold 45, and exchange his one of those lucky few who are forwhich State College representatives have been ac- spurs for a pair of combat boots. gotten until some public minded
all, since June 2th, so the re- citizen writes an anonymous letter
tive. At these meetings our delegates have discus- After
port goes, more kindergarten girls to Senator Kefauver saying, "Why
sed problems directly related to Teacher colleges are switching to Eisenhower Jackets isn't he in uniform." Since I never
found the traitor, and there being
and students. They have compared notes on col- than ever before.
no logical answer to the query, I
lege traditions, insignia, rings, and publications.
I was exempt. I was, that is, until was in.
Last year our representatives were especially
I guess the mailman didn't besatisfied with the results of the meetings. They
lieve the "Beware of the mad dog
returned to Albany with reports about student Gommutucati&Hd,
notice" sign, and, as his weary footsteps faded into noise of the Bronx,
unions, class rings, co-ops, cafeterias, constituan anguished wail tore through the
tions, budgets, and handbooks. The News printed To the Editor:
house. Yes, Ma, your son is on the
their complete reports. One idea gained at the
To clarify the purpose of the Stu- verge of trading in his pair of jeans
conference which lead to direct action was the dent-Faculty committee in its at- for a pair of Uncle Sam's.
tempt to work on the Social Calenadoption of a soft covered Handbook.
We were tempted to reject this
dar, I would like to set forth our
"State Supported Athletic Programs," "Park- aims, and why we have undertaken offer of steady employment by
checking one of the boxes on the
ing Situations," "Ordering Textbooks," and "In- this.
envelope: the one marked "refused"
Firstly, most of the dates which a penalty for private use of governtercultural Relations" are some of the topics on
the suggested agenda for the conference in No- were previously arranged will still mental envelopes, so we were forced
stand, and only where two major to open it.
events conflict, do changes appear
Ah, yes, the questionnaire. Even
ICA is not very old and hasn't yet shown its necessary.
For the past two or three years, an idiot could (and should) have
full capacities. It can be a powerful group if we
the school enrollment increases, replaced the originator of those
back it. Our four candidates can be leaders in as
the problem of finding weekend questions. One set goes on like this:
making it a truly effective organization.
dates available for social functions Answer the first four questions,
has grown in complexity. While the
number of requests has multiplied,
the number of available weekends
has remained constant.
To attempt to alleviate this situation, one of two things seems
necessary—either the calendar has
to be planned with more care, or
groups have to curtail their social
activities. To most people, the former seems preferable. To obtain
this however, more activities have
to be planned for the same date,
and, in so far as possible, they
should not conflict with each other.
One good example of this is to
plan all class banquets for the same
night. Also, why couldn't fraternities plan stag rush parties for an
evening when the sororities are
having open houses for freshmen
Be Active . . .
Tomorrow rivalry begins, the Seniors put their
banner on the wall, the Juniors present the frosh t
with their banner and the freshmen sign for participation in organizations.
If some frosh are tempted to sign for more organizations than they can participate in, it won't
be surprising. Over twenty organizations will attempt to persuade freshmen to join their ranks.
Enthusiasm for this day in the past seems to have
been evident on the part of the freshmen but upperclassmen have been too busy or just disinterested.
It would be a more pleasant experience tomorrow for '54 if a large group of Seniors, Juniors
and Sophs were present to show that we here do
The aim of the committee is to
have a definite feeling of loyalty for our school. act as a "clearing house" for Srts
For the immediate problem, several organizations have been asked
to either reschedule events slated
for October, or to hold them in conRed Cross is coming to our campus. Grey lad- flict with another event. This
ies, swimming classes, nurses' aides, first aid . . . seemed the more advisable plan,
Mrs. Hubbel is going to give the college slant on rather than to rush the general
meeting so that organizations would
the Red Cross Program today in assembly.
not be able to hold a meeting prior
Ten persons are needed to form each class. The tc this meeting.
instructors will be trained teachers from the loWe hope that, for the months
cal Red Cross Unit.
after October at least, the calenAt times it seems that there are more service dar will be more stable, and each
group will be able to hold all its
organizations than there are causes to serve. Red social
functions without conflicts
Cross is one of those with many causes which it with some parallel group.
does serve. From serving doughnuts to GI's in
Jerry Dunn '51
train stations to helping a man with a family
ruined by a flood, Red Cross has done material
For students who are interested in a service
work and not already too occupied, this group
offers experiences which may be valuable later in
[Snll r B inBl
October 6, 1950
p.m. Activities Day In Commons.
7:15 p.m. Sophomore Skit in Page Hall.
Bonfire and Snake dance on Page Field.
Dance in Gymnasium.
1-7 p.m. VanDerzee Hall Picnic at Thatcher Park.
p.m. Smiles Picnic at Normanskill Creek.
p.m. Kappa Delta Open House for Faculty.
p.m. Psl Gamma Date Party.
p.m Gamma Kappa Phi All College Open
House, 1000 Madison Ave.
p.m. Hillel Meeting at Temple Beth Emeth.
7:45 p.m. Newman Club Meeting at Newman Hall.
Advertising Manuger
Iluslness Miuiugel
Exchange Kdltm
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
All cuniiiiciuieatUiii.i SIM.UUI lie uiliiressed to the editor and
H U M lie slylied.
Nuuitw will he withheld upon request.
The K'l'ATK COM.IflUK NKWH iimtiiiiieH ao responsibility
for opinions eipresBiul In li» en iiinus or communications
• s such e i p r e s s l o n s do li•• I necessarily reflect Its view.
(() ESUUUIU, INC., 1W48
Reprinted from the February issue of Esquire
-*t> *
By now you freshmen have had an opportunity
to become acquainted with State and the wide program of extra-curricula activities it has to offer . . .
tomorrow you have the chance to show your interests . . . we urge you, however, to sign up wisely . . .
remember, a professional joiner is of no value to
himself or the organizations he joins.
8:30 p.m. Brahms Recital in Page Hall.
8-12 p.m. Chi Cigma Theta Open House for Statesmen.
No. 3
Seems as thought a member of the Co-op staff was
annoyed at our suggestion last week to return to
'49's book-selling system . . . and rightly so . . . last
year the Co-op lost a good sum of money when our
"future teachers of America" started walking off with
the books.
Awoclateil Collegiute 1'rcns
Colleuliiie DIIU'H:
The undergraduate netvaimper "f Hie New York Stulo Col
lege fur Teachers'; published every Friday of the College
year by the NEWS Board l'"r the Student AHHOCIIIIICIII.
Phoned: I'Vnael, 2-IMIVJ; Wolfe. 2-UH70; Milk. .YMI1. Mem
burn of the NEWS HUlff may he reached Tueuitay and
Wednesday from 7 to 11 :.'«) p . m . at 3-IM07.
Co-Miinuglng Edltiir
Co-Munaglng Editor
l'lihllci Kulutlonx Editor
Snort* Editor
Senior Sports Memliei
M t l t l N K CA HO I I.J
WE DONT think we can say too much about "His
Excellency's" visit to State; we feel that he spoke
for himself . . . and quite well . . . even if his
audience did consist mostly of blue beanies and
Milne students .
the Boul must have done quite
a business during that period . . . ain't it nice, though,
to be such a "select group."
You've had quite a time greeting the freshmen
since we've been here. We hope you don't feel too
blue in assembly this afternoon.
MAY i 9 i e
be just as easy, dear,
still and move the
to hold your
Greeks Slate
Governor Dewey Visits College;
Social Functions; Lauds Role O f Future Teachers
Pledge Members
HOLY COW ! ! !
The announcement that girls shouldn't use the
dorm field on "the Sabbath" is one of the most narrow blue laws we have ever heard. WhaFs irreligious
about communing with nature?
The Common-Stater is given the widest latitude as
author of this column, although his viewpoints do
not necessarily reflect those of the STATE COLLIOI
The fine publicity job done by D and A for "The
Titan" . . . let's hope the picture lives up to the
posters . . . The uniting of the language clubs in
answer the fifth if you have an- spite of overwhelming language barriers . . . keep up
swered the first two "yes" and the the good work, kids! . . . The efficiency with which
fourth "no." (They don't care how the maintenance men prepared the campus for Governor Dewey's visit . . . The new ping pong table for
you answer the third.)
the athletically inclined . . . The distribution map
Then they ask, "Where were you in upper Draper . . . mystery of the week . . . who's
You say, "The United the lonely soul from Wyoming county? . . . The
States." Does that make you a citi- turnout at last Friday's soccer game . . . it was pretzen? No! For the next question, ty good.
which you must answer, asks, "Have
you taken out your citizenship pa- SHADES OF RIVALRY . . .
pers?" You should answer this
With Activities Day rivalry is officially started
"No." But that makes you an alien. . . . '54 will receive its banner, the symbol of its
If you answer, "Yes," you're giving class, and from here on in, the fight will be on.
false information. You're trapped! Up to now we haven't sensed too much inter-class
Having wasted all of ten days be- spirit between the blue jays and the red devils,
fore returning the letter, you en- but we hope the excitement of this Saturday's events
close a poignant speech on the sub- will set them off . . . a word of advice, however, the
ject: "Why I should be deferred be- hunt is on . . . let's not have it called off again
cause of my school status." This is because of a stolen banner.
the time to make believe that you
are patriotic, but that you had AN INTERESTED SPECTATOR . . .
If you want to know anything about what's going
things planned a little differently.
on at State, just ask "Louis of the Boul" . . . we had
I did that too. Only they sent me a little chat with him the other day and though
an insistent note requesting that inclined to pat himself on the back a bit, he came
the Dean of my school send them up with the following: he'll reduce the ten-cent mia copy of my school standing. At nimum when the 17.50 fee is reduced . . . neither
this point I began to worry. What the cafeteria nor the Waldorf bother him much
if the Dean didn't think I was do- . . . the former's crummy sandwiches made up at
ing as well as I did? In that case eight and the latter being out of his class, give
I could only escape the draft by him quite a feeling of confidence. Where else, sez
enilsting. A capital idea, but one Louie could fifty girls come in, buy one bottle
of soda, ask for twenty-five glasses, park for the
worthy of rejection.
Between the time I received the afternoon, mess up the tables, and then move on to
letter and mailed it to my Board, greener pastures . . . taking with them sugar, cofthat I could be taken right out of fee cups, a complete setting of their favorite silver
school and trans-shipped to Korea. pattern .. . those bars aren't on the window for atI laughingly cast aside their kind mosphere kiddies.
words of encouragement and waited.
Now I am SS No. 50-24-29-421,
What happens to those people who don't have (.wo
with my classification so high that bucks
for a new Ped picture . . . or who think that
I'll receive, instead of a diploma, a last year's
picture makes them look very dashing
message of "Greetings."
. . . guess they become camera shy.
7:30 p.m, Student-Faculty Committee in Lounge.
p.m. "The Titan" at Page Hall.
7:30 p.m. Science Club Meeting, Room 150 Husted.
Schedule Open Houses,
Tea, House Warming
Sororities and fraternities on campus have issued information concerning their activities, elecftons,
and initiations.
Kappa Delta Sorority will have
an open house for the faculty and
area alumnae Sunday from 3 to
5 p.m., according to Beverly Kuhlkin '51, President. Committee Chairmen in charge of the affair are
Elmeda Kibling '51, General Chairman; Janet Bookstaver '52, Refreshments; Marion Newton '52 and Mary
Burke '53, Arrangements.
Chi Sigma Theta Sorority has
planned an open house for all
Statesmen for today from 8 to 12
p.m. Elizabeth Cahill '51 is General
Chairman of the affair.
Alpha Epsilon Phi initiated Beverly Stein, Burnice Procita, Elaine
Topper, and Alice Cohen, Sophomores, into its body, Monday, October 2. Plans also were completed at
that meeting for the annual Founder's Day Tea to be held Monday.
Lilian Kaminsky '52, Alumnae SecDewey Smiles for State College
retary is Chairman of the affair.
The appearance of Thomas E.
Gamma Kappa Phi Sorority will
hold an all college open house at Dewey, Governor of New York State, investigating the college dormitotheir new home at 1000 Madison at State College Monday, marked ries, including the new dormitory,
Avenue, Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m. the first time that any Governor, as partially financed by New York
Phi Delta Sorority held a pledge far as it is known, has visited our State. Before addressing the crowd
he toured the college and the new
service for Marilyn Burke '53 Mon- institution.
A capacity crowd gathered on Commerce Building, which our
day, October 2.
State is completely financing. The
Potter Club fraternity elected of- Page Field to hear the Governor's Governor was accompanied on the
esficers Tuesday, September 26, for
college tour by a reception committhe coming year. Albert Kaehn '51 pecially erected for the occasion. tee. Members of the committee were
was elected House President; RobDr. Milton C. Nelson, and Dr. Ellen
ert Jacoby '52, House Vice-Presi- side of the platform, facilitating C. Stokes. Dean, and Dean of Womon the field. Students were
dent; Joseph Persico '52, Librarian, acoustics
dismissed from their 11 o'clock en, respectively; Student Associaand Arthur Batty '52, Treasurer. classes
tion officers James Jiusto, Helmuth
to hear the speech.
Potter Club has scheduled an open
Schultz, Mary Eade, Seniors, and
house, October 29 from 3 to 7 p.m.
mater and the Star Spangled Ban- Victoria Baldino '52.
ner, led by Mary Borys '52, college
During the course of his speech,
all awaited the Gover- the Governor was quoted as saying,
French Club Releases songleader,
"You arc the most important people
Dewey spent part of the morniifg in the United States." referring to
Future Activity Plans
us, as future teachers. He told of
Dr. Collins President of the ColThe French Club has announced
lege, background and congratulatits plan for future meetings this Faculty Will
Attend ed
the students on their being able
semester. William Kirman '52, Presto pass the qualifications necessary
ident, has stated that the club will Teachers'
to be accepted at State.
hold even more activities than it
did last year to maintain the interGovernor Dewey emphasized our
The Association of New York
est of the members.
State Teachers College Faculties part in the world as teachers at
The meetings will be very infor- hold its fifteenth conference at the various spots in his speech.
mal and completely in French. Lake Placid Club Thursday, Friday
After finishing the speech, Dewey
Kirman says, while the group sing- and Saturday, October 12, 13 and descended the platform and departing and refreshments will follow. 14. The theme of this conference ed in one of the official cars. He
Several skits and movies are also will be "Education for International was scheduled to visit technical into be presented during the year. As Cooperation."
stitutes of the State University at
before, thee lub is thinking of reThe agenda of this conference in- Oneonta, Cobleskill, and Delhi.
organizing La Table Francaise at cludes registration of members and
noon in the cafeteria.
guests Thursday, a general session
All freshmen, no matter what lev- Friday morning featuring "The
el of French they speak, are en- Place of Mass Media in Teacher
couraged by the officers to join the Education," and special interest
club on Activities Day. For further groups meeting Friday afternoon.
details another bulletin board has Saturday's highlight will be a meetbeen provided in Lower Draper Hall ing of general interest groups to
103 Central Ave.
d i s c u s s conservation, evaluation
to inform the students.
methods, and anti-discriminaiton.
The closing session Saturday eveScience Club To Have
ning will feature a panel discussion
on international cooperation in edFirst Meetins Of Year
Science Club will have its first
meeting of the year 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, in "Room 150, Husted. All Post New Bulletin Board
students, especially freshmen, who For A D Cast Notices
are interested in science are invited
Kent a F l a s h C a m e r a
to attend, according to Herbert
The Advanced Dramatics Class
a n d Shoot Y o u r Head O f f !
Thier '52, President.
has a new casting bulletin board loThey are besides, Thier: Vice- cated in Husted near the Music
President, Herbert Van Grubt "52; Council bulletin board, according to
and Secretary-Treasurer, Virginia Agnes E. Futtcrer, Assistant ProMacDonald '52. A science movie fessor of English.
Students who are interested may
will also be shown.
15(1 Central Ave.
sec casting notices and try out
PreResidence Council Fills Offices
Open Evenings Until 9:00
vious experience is not a prerequiOfficers were elected at the first site.
meeting of Residence Council. According to Joan Ahr '51, President
of Residence Council, the following
officers were elected: Vice-Presi"A Clean Place To Mat"
dent, Jeanne Hatch '51; SecretaryTreasurer, Frieda Homer '51; Judicial Board, Elinor Whyland '51.
Margaret Edwards, 52, and Frances
Skidmore '51.
Waldorf Cafeteria
H.F.H®nike3& Son
Ki7 Central Ave.
Houdini Performs
Miracle At Potter
Abracadabra! And right before your eyes the Potter house
is transformed into a colorful
domicile for its Greek brothers.
Of course, the boys did have
something to do with this miracle, too.
Donning; dungarees and with
brush in hand, they scaled the
ladders to give the walls that
"new" look." As if taking the
colors from the rainbow, the
EEPS varied the paints in
each room. Amidst the tan,
green, blue, and pink walls
the newly waxed floors, one
stands absolutely awed at the
grand job the boys have done.
While the braver boys mounted the house to repair the aging
roof, the more skillful lads will
have a chance to show their talent when they install showers
on the third floor in the near
future. Yes sir! The magician
sure did turn in a super-special
performance at Potter Club.
Seek Volunteers
For Red Cross Unit
In assembly today Mrs. Hulda
Hubbel, Director of College Red
Cross Units in Eastern United
States, will give a talk on the functions and obligations of the college
unit. If there are enough students,
both men and women, who are interested, a unit will be formed here
at State.
Five courses are available, according to Joyce Dodge '50, Chairman.
If there are ten or more students
who are interested in any of the
following divisions — home service,
first aid, drivers service, Grey Ladies,
or Nurses Aides—classes will be
formed. These classes will be taught
here by trained instructors from the
local Red Cross unit.
In addition to these courses,
swimming instructions, in which
State students may participate, will
be offered at Hackett Junior High
School Tuesdays and Thursdays. No
previous experience or instructions
arc necessary for registering in this
Anyone interested in any of these
classes should contact Miss Dodge
as soon as possible.
Class Presidents
Slate Meetings,
Name Chairmen
The Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores have scheduled meetings and
made plans for several future
events. The classes have begun plans
for banquets, musical shows, and
Rivalry events.
The Seniors will hold a class
meeting this noon in Room 100
Draper, according to H e l m u t h
Schultze, President. The Class of
'51 will discuss replacing the Secretary and Publicity Director, whose
offices are now vacant.
An informal orientation meeting
will be held for the Junior transfer
students sometime next week, according to Harvey Robinson '52,
Plans for a variety show under
the auspices of the Junior Class
will be presented during the first
semester. Class members nominated for Director were Mary Borys
and Patricia Dargusch. Nominated
for Business Manager were Harriet
Juengling and Doris Mullane.
David Palmer, President of the
Class of 1953, has appointed Francis Fay to be in charge of Men's
Rivalry events and Malvina Garner
as Chairman of Women's Rivalry
events. A Sophomore class meeting
will be held at noon today in Room
111 Draper to appoint the Banner
Campus Commission
Specifies Poster Ru les
Virginia Norton '51, Grand Marshal, has released the procedure to
bef ollowed regarding posters. All
posters must be approved by Kathleen Ryan '52 of Campus Commission.
Those wishing to have posters approved should take them to the
Campus Commission desk next to
the victrola in the Commons. They
will be approved at 9 a.m. and at 12
noon at the Campus Commission
Students are requested to note
the regulations governing posters
which Appeared in last week's State
College News.
Blue Diamond Parker Pens
8.50 - 5.25
These are the famous Vacumatic
liens that preceded the Parker '51.
You can't find a better buy in a lifetime pen.
Terry Cloth Shirts
2.40 - 1.89
Some will consider these a summer
only item, but we feel that you can't
go wrong in any season with these
2.29 - 1.79
ize Sweat Shirts
New colors in processed sweat
shirts. A sharp item for dorm wear
or athletic use.
The Hook Rush is over. We can all breath freely
again. In your leisure moments come in and
browse around.
van mm CO-OP
mow 46419
C^tucL&U \ftu0U
Founded 1905
Phone 4-tf036
157 Central Ave.
PHONE 4-6419
•, -
Request All StudentsMathews Lists
Religious Clubs
Enrolled Students Claim Birthplaces
To Pay Class Dues
New Placement
Formulate Plans In Scotland, Germany, Austria
Due to the coming elections for
Campus Queen and replacements,
Beautiful Berlin, the Loreleis of
Class Board of Finance announces Of Graduates
Rhine, weinerschneltzle—all
For Future Events the
that all students must pay this
trademarks of a distant land, Ger- students.
year's class dues In order to vote.
The Religious Clubs of State College have announced their plans for
the coming week. Included are a
Newman Ulub meeting, an InterVarsity Christian Fellowship conference, a Hillel reception and a
Christian Association
According to Gerald Brophy '51,
President, Newman Club will hold
its first official meeting at Newman
Hall Sunday at 7:45 p.m. Benediction of tne Most Blessed Sacrament will be observed. The Rev. J.
Howard Mulcahy, Professor of Logic
at the College of Saint Rose, will
deliver a critical survey of "Catholic Power and American Democracy."
IVCP is holding a fall conference
from October 13 to 15 at Camp Pinnacle in the Helderbergs. The guest
speaker will be Wesley Gustafson,
Missionary Secretary of the IVCP.
Pleta Wright '52, President, announces that a Bible study group
is held on Friday afternoons at 3:30
p. m. in Room 150.
The Temple Beth Emeth will be
the scene of Hillel's Frosh Reception this Sunday. Starting at 7 p. m.,
the program includes a skit entitled
"Hillel in Retrospect," refreshments,
and dancing according to Barbara
Stein '51, President. The committees are: Food: Ruth Shair, Adele
Hochberg, and EvelynShor, Juniors;
and Decorations: Dorothy Lipgar,
Shirley Feinstein. Juniors, Pearl
Mintzer, Bernice Procita, Sophomores.
SCA will sponsor chapel services
at the Unitarian Church every Wednesday at 12 noon, according to
Anne Braasch '51, President. The
service next week will be led by
Helen Pilcher '52, and the speaker
will be Dr. Colby, Instructor In English. The topic for this month is
"Christ's Pace on the Campus."
many. A distant land to most of us,
but the birthplace of eight State
students. Fifty per cent or four of
these are seniors, namely Werner
Berglas, Irwin Buschmann, Ruth
Ann Liepmann, and Eric Carl Marschner. The Class of 1952 is represented by Renee Gewertzman who
was educated at the Instituo Minghetti in Rome. Evi Flora Iglauer
'53 is the only Red Devil born in
Germany, but '54 boasts two, Konrad Maier and Kurt Rosenbaum.
The latter attended Prep school in
Germany's neighbor, Austria, does
not have representatives in all the
classes at State. In fact, the Blue
Jays have both Use Kohn and Wil-
Mitchell Issues Call
For 'Pec/7 Pictures
According to Joan Mitchell '51,
additional pictures will be taken for
the Pedagogue Wednesday and
Thursday. Sign-up sheets will be
posted by the Ped bulletin board as
Since Miss Mitchell wants the
whole year book filled, she has requested that all who neglected to
sign up during the first two weeks
do so now.
Press Bureau To Send Notices
Press Bureau has announced that
all students who are on the Dean's
list will have notices sent to their
local newspapers, according to Marilyn Strehlow '51, Director. It is important that all students fill out the
blanks located in lower Draper to
rectify any change which must be
made in their last year's information.
The land of bagpipes is the
birthplace of three Statesmen. They
are Hilda MacKenzie '51, Peter Telfer '53, and Malcolm Campbel '54.
Rhumbas, congas, and three State
College students come from South
America, Raoul Nunez '52 was born
in Bolivia, Herbert Davis '53 first saw
the light of day hi Rio de Janiero,
Brazil, and Cecil K. Goberdhan,
Grad. represents British Guiana.
Canada deserves thanks for sending Edwin Kurlander '51, Margaret
Smythe '52, and Marjorie Alguire
'53, Reuben Warrell '51 is England's
only contribution.
Gay Paris, the home of French
perfume. French wine, and French
women Is also the birthplace of
Yvonne Kloosterman '53.
Austria Rogentals '54 was born
in Rica, Latvia. This Blue Jay attended Prep Latvian Gymnasium at
Eichstatt in Baravia, Germany.
The Grads boast of Kikue Omine
of Honolulu, Hawaii and the sisters
Clara and Eva Staley from Nitra,
State College enrolls twenty-four
foreign-born students who represent 12 countries.
Freedom Forum
To Start Series
The Schenectady Freedom Forum
announces its 1950-51 Town Meeting Series. The meeting will be held
at the Mont Pleasant High School.
The series will begin Monday, Ocat 8 p.m., with Owen Lattimore speaking on "Facing Asia." As
in all Town Meetings the audience
is encouraged to participate in the
Future programs include Slrder J.
J. Singh, "India's Role in Asia and
the World"; Sumner Schllcter, "Economics of Point Four"; H. C. Hooper, M. D., and Jan Naar, "British
Socialism—Pro and Con"; Patrick
Malin, "What Shall We Do About
Freedom of Speech"; and Ralph
Bundle, "The Future Role of United
Tickets are on sale at the Union
Book Company, Schenectady, and
the Freedom Forum.
Clothes Driers
Study Lamps
Thousands of Items
Ceniral Variety Store
"13 Central Avenue
Below Quail Street
Open Every Night Till 9
noting the pang to discuss a quiz
The following graduates have reDues must be paid one week before ceived teaching positions for the
elections so that Myskania will have year 1950-51, according to Elmer C.
time to check the lists.
Mathews, Director of the Teacher
Placement Bureau.
If any student is uncertain as to
Those placed are Edward Hoder
whether he has paid he should
check his class bulletin board on '48, Catskill, Math; William Bragder
Wednesday, October 11. These dues '49, Voorheesville, Guidance and
may be paid to Victoria Baldino for Science; Torence Albright '50, Cai'54, John Lannon for '53, Marjorie ro; Joseph Zanchelli '50, VoorheesMurphy
Farwell for '52, and Ruth Breen for ville, Math; Elizabeth
'51, or at Room 38 Tuesdays and '50, Angelica, Commerce; Anne
Norbeny '41, Jeheuerus, Math;
Thursdays from 2:90 to 4:30.
Philip Leona '48, North Syracuse,
According to Victoria Baldino, Science; Dorothy Dralle '50, MasChairman of the Board, the new sena, English; Richard Clark '49,
Auditor for the Class Board of Fi- Churchville, English;
Morse '50, Little Valley, Social
nance is Jerome Bernstein '51.
Studies and Guidance; Leonard
Koluich '50, Lisbon, Commerce; Joanna Wells '47, Tuckahoe, French
and English; Lloyd Wheeler '50,
Harpursville, Junior High, Social
Dr. Lura Bruce, Assistant Pro- Studies; Betty Jean Ripp '49, Herfessor of Education, is a new addi- kimer, Math; Arthur Soderland '48,
tion to the faculty. She has just State Teachers College, Minot,
returned from General McArthur's North Dakota, Junior High Social
Headquarters where she advised Studies Supervisor; Marjorie Child,
Japanese leaders on methods of Covakhie, G r e e c e , Elementary;
education and principles of democ- Robert Gorman '40, Great Neck,
Guidance; Eugene Baranouske '48,
New York Mills, Seventh and
While in Europe on sabbatical Eighth grades; Harold Story '49,
leave, Dr. Catherine W. Peltz, As- University of Maine, Physics; Hersistant Professor of English, had bert Bothanoley, Mt. Pleasant,
an article of hers printed in the Earth Science; Clare Goodlow '44,
March issue of Modern Language Russell
Quarterly, University of Washing- S?hnepnenle, Bellmore, English;
ton, entitled "Thomas Campion, An Jersu Ludlum '49, Gilbra, French
Elizabethian Neo-Classicist."
and English; Carolyn Parry '50,
Dr. J. Wesley Childers, Professor Workman '49; Van Hornsville, Social
of Modern Languages, addressed Studies; Joan Baden '47, State
the Lansingburgh Junior High Trachcrs College, Albany, English;
School P.T.A. on the topic: The Alice Casey '50, Oneida Junior High,
Value of the United Nations In the Math and Social Studies, English
Korean Crisis.
and Latin; Joyce McCollam '49,
Over the weekend Edward J. Sa- State Education Department; Irene
bol, Coordinator of Field Services, Wood '50, Amsterdam, Commerce.
attended the State Council of
School Superintendents at Saranac
Lake. He also attended Career Day
at Eldred Central School.
Co-op Plans Display
Of 'State' Novelties
Myskania Issues
Rivalry Regulations
Myskania has announced the date
lor reading rivalry rules, challenge
lor freshmen, regulations for skit
rehearsals, and skit material, according to William Englehart '51, Chairman Rules concerning evening rehearsals have also been released by
Myskania will read rivalry rules
this afternoon in assembly and challenge the freshman class to a game
of field hockey October 19, 1950 on
Page Field.
Any class that has scheduled skit
rehearsals for any room after 4:30
p. m. must have chaperones present.
Myskania members may act in this
capacity. All skit scripts must be
submitted to Myskania for content
approval at least two weeks before
the production.
All classes must notify their class
guardians of any evening meetings
or rehearsals at least a week in advance.
Membership in the State College
Co-Op has reached a total of 1,022,
according to figures released by
John J. Morris, Manager. Manager
Morris wishes to call the attention of the students to the attractive displays being featured in the
showcase outside of the store and
in the counters inside.
In the hall showcase are such novelties as a five-inch statuette of a
Slate College student attired in a
purple and gold sweater, tri-colored
T-shirts bearing an arrogant pedquin leaning on an SCT rostrum,
Hans, the elongated dachshund, and
Sad Sack, with his long, floppy ears.
Within the store one finds such
items as sterling silver pinky rings
with sorority names raised on the
surface, purple and gold Fedquin
lapel pins on display.
The Co-op has received a new
line of cigarette holders bearln;
the college seal, a.s well as cuff
links. Windproof ashtrays are being shown for student and faculty
Morris invites all students to
come in and "browse around."
—a dale with the campus queen- -or
just killing time between rlasses-
"Portraiture At Its Finest"
the University of Miami Student
PHONE 1-1918
— $5.50 FOR $5.00
Club is one of the favorite places for
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as in u n i v e r s i t y c a m p u s haunts
e v e r y w h e r e , a frosty
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Coca-Cola is always on hand for the
You May Still l'lirchast'
pause thut refreshes—Coke belongs,
OPEN i):00 to 5:30 DAILY
/tsk for it either way . . . bath
trade marks mean the same thing.
Evenings by appointment
© I960, The Cocu-Colu Company
75 State St.
fta One
But. .
. . . Wednesday will give the students of State another chance to
see our soccer team in action. This
time it will be against ABC and if
the team plays as well as they did
against Brockport we should take
the Owls in hand. Tomorrow the
team travels to Plattsburgh to meet
the teachers and Coach Garcia is
hopeful for his first victory.
. . . While on the subject of soccer, the Pep rally that was held before the Brockport game went off
with quite a lot of enthusiasm.
However by the time of the game
the crowd seemed to have lost a
little of its pep. Maybe some
of our undergrads were saving
their energy for the Saturday night
dance. From what I heard there
were more state women across the
river Saturday night than at the
Soccer game and SCA dance combined. I'm 5'11"!
. . , The intramural
leagues got off to a start this week
and it is a good idea if all participants had some sort of insurance
policy to cover them in case of injury.
As you can guess I mean
KAPNER'S policy. Each year several players are hurt and also each
year the MAA contingency is getting smaller and smaller. Kapner's
insurance policy is not only a measure of security for the football season but for the whole year.
. . . Talk is going around school
about starting a wrestling club;
won't be a bad idea. This year there
are more men enrolled at State
than ever before ami there is need
for more activities.
. . . Maybe Governor Dewey can
get some more money from the
Democrats to help build a field
house. I know it's a long and hard
fight but I think he can do it again!
Raiders Win
Opener; Walker,
Hoppey Shine
One of the opening games of the
1950 touch football season was
really a triller as the Red Raiders
squeezed by the Jets 14-6. The victors rallied from a 6-0 deficit in
the last four minutes to win going
away. Early in the first stanza
Mitchell of the Jets completed two
key passes. The first going to Pat
Carlo fcr 40 yards and the second
going to Mel Krohniak for 12 yds.
and a touchdown.
The Jets held this lead till the
Raiders caught fire in the closing
minutes of the game. Fine defensive play by both teams highlighted
the second and third periods.
Raiders Break Tie
Hoppey pased 12 yards to Walker lor the initial RR score to climax a 45 yard drive. Walker heaved
to Hoppey for the tie breaking extra point and the hard fighting
freshmen took the lead. A desperation toss by Mitchell was intercepted in the final two minutes by
Young and the Raiders converted
this break into another tally. Again,
the Walker to Hoppey combination
clicked off a TD pass with Hoppey
on the scoring end. The play covered
13 yds. Hoppey passed to Young
for the extra point. The game ended on a hectic note as the Jets
roared back only to have the clock
run out on them.
Both of these clubs will definitely
present a rough hurdle to any of
the title-minded clubs in the Beverwyck League. Carlo, Mitchell, and
Duffus of the Jets and Hoppey.
Walker and Young of the victorious
team were the outstanding players
on the field.
Governor Dewey has told us. President 'Collins has told us. Everyone
has commented on the fact that
the school is growing. But what
can such an expansion of the college mean to us as individuals?
We all have a part in the program even if we won't be around
when it all materialize:;. We owe it
to the future classes of State to
start now to work and plan for that
time when there will be many more
students and a larger and better
What can we do now? Well, for
our part, WAA is trying along with
MAA to acept the challenge and
plan a program that will be integrated with the larger school. At
the end of last year and during the
summer interested students have
been working on a new constitution
that will coordinate the activities
of WAA and MAA so that they
may become better organized, better equiped, and better lit led to
reach more of the student body.
Future Is Bright
What is our prospectus? We can
see In the future an Athletic Association that actively embodies every person in school. An athletic
tax will make it possible to see all
the games and will expand the inter-collegiate sports plan. An athletic building in which all sports
can be carried out without having
to worry about lntorferrlng with
plays, receptions, and other events
that now have priority. There will
be an athletic Held with enough
room to take care of WAA, MAA,
and scheduled Rivalry events without fear of conflicts. And there may
be a camp program planned with
the opportunity of earning a minor
in physical education.
Can this come about or is it all
a dream? Yes, It's a dream now, but
with action at the present time this
dream can take form and will begin
to materialize. We have tried hard
to start "the ball rolling" by writing
a constitution that w'J.l lit the present needs and yet leave room for
expansion, Here's what we plan io
A Combined Organization
MAA and WAA will be combined
under a central board which acts
mainly us a clearing board for the
various councils under it. We will
4 T
0— 6
FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1 8 5 0
Peds Travel To Plattsburgh
Tomorrow/ Seek First Victory
Easy Triumph,"7ngel7Roll Up
For KDR, Finks 33-0 Victory
^ X
£ ~
The Finks gave indication TuesThe St. Mary's Angels rolled over
day afternoon on the Page Hall a comparatively inexperienced An-
J * *
* * " • "
V/pcnCl/ *|-U
fiehtine State College
K £. •SWISS = l a m " ? > T \ « "
2E " a a r W "S-PS STiTiK
B'BSH s :rr.ssr-s s f - « r ;
! o K . S C . v e * t o S o o ™ ° » so with their . l e a d , ground £ * ™ « » f •* B.v«wy<* Park by
muters. Champlin completed three game.
touchdown passes to end Tom Yole,
The game wasn't two minutes old
Coach Garcia hopes to win his
another bright spot in the Fink before the Angels had their initial first game as State's soccer coach
picture, and one to Al Kaehn. The score. They kicked off to the An- tomorrow when the booters travel
one touchdown that the Finks nex and three plays later Bob Brown to Plattsburg to meet Plattsburg
scored via the ground route was on intercepted a pass and returned it State. Nineteen men will make the
a right end sweep by Champlin.
to the mid-field stripe. After two trip.
It seems that the Finks need a incomplete passes, Mike Biloz hit
-^he s c o r e 0 f t n e g a m e w a s n o
little polishing up on their extra Brown with a TD pass and the An- i n u l c a C l U U o f t n e r e l a t e strengtn
point tries. They made only one out gels were off to the races. Shortly 01 e i t n e r t e a m Brockport had a
of five tries and that one was thereafter the victors moved 45 u e c l u e u edge because of practice
™,L in A
v n ,
? i d s t 0 a n 0 t h e l ' s i x - P ° i t U f • E d aim also because of experience.
KDR Overpowers VDZ
Adamo scoring on a 10 yd. pass BrockDort scored its first onn\ nfrpr
Following the Finks 31-0 conquest from Biloz. The same combination fe n m m u t e s and seve teen seconds
of the Commuters, the highly rated added the extra-point and the first o " f i r M q t u m e S b e e n nTaved
KDR aggregation swamped the Van quarter ended with the Angels lead- ° U Vaites were unable to Dene-'
D Zee t a
o t l e 'ktek y off W n e v T / KDR ^ ^
™° State's d e l n T " or anotner
On the kick-off, Wiley of KDR B „
, Hawkins Pace Attack
n u mimlt
d ,,
returned the ball to about the midj \ ' u ^ tWra quarter had elanI n lhe second
lod| t h e A
field stripe. Gorman raced 14 yards t
S r o X o r t go " " T O goals in
took t o tne alr for a n o t h e r ^
n L e h e w £ H a u s n r ° ' 1 tL^next" Ti nDs ' f oBrU o2 Z8 yt dh sr 0 WT hl ni gs dt U00P ea lt se o Ma d d"e d a ud id«*
ed ™
a n o2t h2 »
, X k n e io
for the nist
first down.
down fcn e x t
e r goal in the fourth
playf bucking
int Goi
to a ground
Here Van Derzee's defense stiffened
fo„ £ r e m a l n d e r of t n e n a l f
and forced an exchange of punts. t h c g t M a r v t e a m m o v e d t o t h e
In the first quarter, Brockport
On an attempted forward pass A n n f e x 5 Q n , J;
scored when KolaKi headed the ball
haye tne dock
Gormna intercepted for KDR and QU(.
beautifully to Kiuk who immediatebrought it back to mid-field. From
iy oootea the ball to Johnson. Johnthis point KDR scored in just three
Two plays afte the second half s o n
Orbaker and
d ,
plays-a pass from Hausner to Gor- kickoff the Angels team had their
" h
passed back
man good for 18 yards, a run by fourth score with Mike Biloz heav- t om
Gorman intercepted for KDR and ing his fourth consecutive touchquarterback sneak by Hausner. The flown pass. His target was once btate Penalty Costly
extra point was tallied on a pass Hagain
Bob Brown. Mike passed to
In the third quarter State was
from Hausner to Wiley.
Egert for the extra point and penalized for using hands, ThompWiley Scores As Half Ends
the Angels led 27-0. After the en- son tried a penality kick which was
KDR scored on a pass from Haus- suing kickoff, the Annex showed blocked by Taylor but Johnson was
ner to Wiley as the first half drew their first ability to move, but a on the spot and managed to boot
to a close.
y n r c l penalty nullified their ef- the ball through. Pascal also scored
The score began to mount as Gor- forts and they were forced to kick, for the Eagles almost immediately
man heaved a long pass to Ted The Angels fumbled away another after Johnson had scored. Pascal
Peene. The extra point was made chance to score early in the last scored when Washburn booted the
on a Hausner to Smith pass. After period and the Annex started their ball down the right side to JohnKDR's kick-off, Van Derzee was biggest push of the day, moving to son. Johnson drew State's goalie out
thrown back for a safety when an the Angel 10. Here an Interception of position and then passed into
attempted pass was biocked and halted their drive. The last score Pascal who scored easily,
rolled into the end zone.
of this Donnybrook came on a 50
The final TD came when Hausner yd. toss, Bob Brown to Don Burns.
McAllister scored in the fourth
connected on a 25-yard pass to B ilo* Completes 13 Passes
^ a ^ e r . w h e " S t a , t e * a s i j = a l n P™"
a Zed
Dave Palmer. Hausner added the
; ' . ' ° ' u s ' n g "jands. This ended
D o u g N i e l s o n p l a y e d outstanding
8 lor
extra point on a left end run.
football for the losers. The Angel £™f f „
' : , e d&l a l t h ° " 6 h
by Brock
team cleared the bench early in f£ ]a threatened three
times after
have councils for Women's Intramurals, Women's Special events—
this will later become the steering
committee for Women's inter-collegiate sports, Men's Intramurals,
Men's Varsity, and a joint sports
council. Each of these is supreme in
its own field as long as it doesn't
interfere with the work of the other
Besides these, we have provided
for a publicity committee, a record
crew hand]cd themselvea well Mike
committee and a finance committee
i-i KAr\iiccr\'c
P r i C C P C E i ' o z completed 13 out of 20 passes Taylor Stars as Goalie
which will help to publicize, co-ordinate and make the Association
fl / V I O L / 5 5 0 i r U a i C A n n d B o b B r o w n n a c i n l s n a n d i n Dave Weatherby, Dean Strickland,
more efficient. This plan will be
three of the winner's scores to set Raoul Nunez, and Jim Warden
understood and used by more peoWith George Schaertle and Joe l h e o f f e n s l v e p a c e 0 f the game, played exceptionally good ball for
ple, and will be of great benefit to Luce pacim the attack, the men H a n . y J o h n s o n a n d newcomers Dick Stale both on offense and defense,
the college.
from Thurlow Hall brought victoiy E c k s t r u m a n d P e t c Hawkins looked Every man on the team played
Please consider the merits of the to iheir dorm in Monday s league v0] . y g Q o d m t h e d e f e n s e f o r t n e n e a d s l l p b ( l „ b u t t h e s e f o u r m e n
plan and read the proposed consti- opener against KB. The lmai scoie A n g e l s
w e r e outstanding. The whole team
tution which will be provided by
,, n A T showed plenty of scran and fisrht
any WAA Council member. We want was 14-0.
Thurlow, under acting cap a i j
1 „ g n t J w n \Q ^ f P • J
to help the school grow and we
, substituting for the inBil] T
want to make the Athletic Associa- Srhaertle-who was the rust stung
jured Arnie Dansky, turned in an
tion an integral part of the new halfback nt Sampson two years ago, *
used a passim attack to its greatA A 111
excellent job as goalie. He made
expansion program. Help us to
' : "'' 1 saves for State and two of
achieve this aim for the benefit of ,,st advantage. Both touchdowns and W A A
the students, the school, and the the extra points were scored on YY I A / ^ V I I d l l b
, h c gonli. t h | U ^
^ ^
State University. Your interest and aerials bv Mousso The first quart,
h i m
actions arc needed! How about it? er saw KB drive to Thurlow's goal W - l ^
lire several times but the frosh • 0 1 9 1 1 /
held on. mainly because of their
Condition and the fact that
Keglers To Roll Soon;
r-nvar.l line of ?45 pound Herman
The regular yearly activities of Brockport had an Ail-American
Six Veterns Return
Book inns. Pet," Button, and Stan WAA are now in full swing—but goalie—named Bondi were the conHnwlett who also scored both extra something new is about to be add- tributing factors in the Brockport
Slate College's varsity bowling points for the victors.
ed. This new addition will be var- victory. Bondi, the Eagles Goalie,
team once again will roll into ac- Thurlow Gels Breaks
.V hockey.
made nine saves and played outtion in the ensuing weeks. The maAfter playing a defensive first
Of course the only way that this standing ball,
jor change this year will be where quarter Thurlow capitalized on sev- can come about, is if there is Hnttsburgh Lack Experience
the games are to be played.
oral breaks and forced KB to take enough Interest shown among the I n tomorrow's game Garcla's
In the past years the Intercol- im the defensive role for most of women of State College. All girls , o l u u l w i „ m e e t anoter inexperienlegiate League used I lie alleys at c e game. A 35 yard touchdown are eligible to try out lor the team. w d l e f t m Pittsburgh's soccer team
the Palladium but this year the nii'-s bv Mousso drew first blood There must be at least eleven play- is u l s o n c w a n d although last week's
league formed too late and the al- ,M,rlv in lhe second oimrter. Schaert- ers plus substitutes. As soon as m f l t c h w a s l V t tQQ u n e v e n t h i s w e e k
leys were already signed up. How- 1,. carried the leather over after enough girls have shown their sp.r, „,
competition on our
ever we will be able to use the pntthi" on a show of brokenlield it in seeing that a varsity team is Sl eUvleU] w I nf practice this week the
•Siena College Alleys. This will give runnimi.
, started, games will be scheduled l n i l m W Q I . k e d
t u
Siena a slight advantage at the
Thin-low's other score came In with various other colleges.
„„„ l u . e e x p e c t e d t o g l V e t J hp n o m e
beginning of the season, but these lhe third period, again on a pass
r„ U p T o d a y
tinun a
h fJM T h f l
alleys are known to be better than from Mousso. This time it was a s i ( Tryouts
will be held at the same | j n e u p ( s:
ihose at the Palladium.
flat nass to Joe Luce who set up time as the regular hockey pracState lost the services of only one tli<- touchdown score a few minutes tlce which Is Monday, Wednesday Goal
member of last year's varsity, Lyle earlier when he tapped a KB pass , u ,d Friday from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m„ Right Fullback
Walsh. Six leltermen have return- to Schaertle who carried it deep |U1C} o n Saturday JTrom 10 a. m. to Left Fullback
ed; they are: Don McDonald, Mike Into KB territory. luce's kicking 12 noon. A sign up sheet has been Center Halfback
Lumanna, Don Burt, Bob Reno, proved to be one of Thurlow's main posted on the WAA bulletin board, Left Halfback
Jim Jlusto, and Ray Rapacz.
weanons as his minis and kickoffs where those Interested should place Bight Halfback
Anyone interested In trying out nlnced KB with their backs on their names and the positions that Center Forward
for the team should contact Coach their goal line time and time again, they want to play.
Inside Left
Hathaway or Don McDonald.
2 3 4 T Any questions that anyone might Inside Right
0 0 0 0-- 0 bave can he taken up with Sally Outside Left
0 7 7 0—14 McCain '52 or Rae Dlonne '53.
Outside Right
Downs i\o
inuriow uowrii
- , '>" port
Files Reveal World War 1 Brings Discover Need, Reasons Jones Plans Room
For Community Study For Radio Classes
Will Follow Skit 'Gassed' Speaker To Assembly fContinued from Page 1, Columns) During the summer Room
Annual Bonfire
fContinued from Page I,
T h e presentation of the Sophomore skit at 7:15 p.m. in Page Hall
will initiate the evening events.
The skit, "Information Booth" by
the Sophomore class at s t a t e College, will be directed by Richard
Scott '53. "Information Booth" pictures freshmen life. The main
members of the cast are: Prank
Hodge, Aliki Apostolides, Rose Mary
Keller, Louise Petfield, Richard J a cobson and Ruth Dunn, Sophomores.
After the skit the annual bonfire
will take place on Page Field and
not on the Dijrm Field where it was
held in former years. Louis Vion '53
will be in charge of the bonfire.
Mary Borys '52, Songleader, will
lead singing.
A snake dance, headed by Peter
Telfer '53, will follow the bonfire.
It will form on Page Field and proceed down Thurlow Terrace, along
Washington Park to South Lake
Avenue, and back down South Lake
Avenue to Western Avenue and
then to Page Hall.
The day's events will conclude
with dancing in the gym in Pa^e
Hall until 11 p.m., with Don Burt's
orchestra providing t h e music. Helen Pilner '52, is general c h a i r m a n
of t h e dance.
Thirty-four years ago this fall, it
was decided that the temporary
name of "State College News" would
be continued. The college was hearing about the following news: "The
government license for our wireless
station has arrived, so that now it
is regular in every respect."
A year later, also in a third edition of the News, there was featured
an article called "Do You Know?",
in which was related "that it is c u s tomary for freshmen to remain in
student assembly, chapel, and all
student gatherings until all upperclassmen are out of the auditorium."
Also brought to the attention of
the News was the following: " T h a t
the war h a s awakened our interest
in history. Quiz sections are double
in number.'
Savles Annex Elects Officers;
Organizes Football Team
Newly elected officers of Sayles
Hall Annex for t h e coming year a r e :
Douglas Neilson '53, President; J o h n
Jacobus '54, Vice-President: Robert
S a n d e r s '52, Treasurer; Lyn Lewis
'54. Secretary; and H a r l a n Everett
'51, Social C h a i r m a n .
This year a football team h a s
been organized. Ronald Reeves '54
h a s been n a m e d captain.
An assembly in the fall of 1918
was to feature a Captain Fred Swindlehurst of the Canadian Army as
speaker. "Miss Waterhouse informed, with much enthusiasm,
"Capt. Swindlehurst has been g a s ed and ought to be a very
interesting speaker! (If 'gassing'
h a s t h a t effect on people, we hope
t h a t all our speakers of t h e future
will be 'gassed')."
A t a s t e of Rivalry in 1917 can be
found in " t h e present period of
quietness" but a hope for a " s t o r m "
consisting of hair-pins, green caps,
buttons, etc." coming up soon.
T h e following year, each frosh was
met by a Sophomore who blindfolded him a n d led him to his dorm
. . . " Have no fear, frosh, it was
only a "get wise m e e t i n g " to help
acquaint the frosh!
LeBrun Announces Replacement
According to Paul LeBrun '51,
President, a replacement h a s been
m a d e in the official staff of the
Commuter's Club. M a r g a r e t Hebert
'53 will serve as Secretary for t h e
group during t h e coming year. At
present, t h e officers are already
m a k i n g plans for the club's a n n u a l
Sock Hop.
main reasons for this move. The
first resulted from action taken by
the faculty. It was apparent that
teachers going into high schools and
colleges need to have a better idea
of what constitutes a community.
The second reason stems from the
fact that as an institution preparing teachers, we must assume our
share of responsibility for seeing to
it that the teachers ih high schools
and institutes know what a community is and how to build stronger
and more democratic communities.
Dr. Vickery then pointed out that
the purpose of this meeting was to
express ideas not t o echo t h e m . T h e
members present t h e n gave their
ideas as to w h a t t h e C e n t e r should
consist of. After a discussion of t h e
objectives, aims and purposes of t h e
Center, t h e meeting was adjourned.
This same explanatory group will
meet Tuesday a t 3:30 p.m. in t h e
Fenzel Schedules Early N E W S
Next w e e k s News will a p p e a r
T h u r s d a y morning due to t h e F r i day vacation.
Members of t h e staff will work
Monday and Tuesday nights, a c cording to Mary Fenzel '51, Editorin-Chief.
Husted was completely remodeled
into a combined laboratory and stor
rage room to facilitate the work of
the students in electronics and radio. Designed by Arthur P. Jones,
Instructor in Physics, t h e room h a s
been fashioned and wired to meet
all the needs of the students and to
serve as a n ample storage place for
new a n d incoming equipment.
At present t h e lab classes are
p l a n n i n g a short-wave radio station.
Before t h e students can actually put
t h e set to use, however, a safe and
easily accessible place approved by
t h e F e d e r a l Communication Committee must be found by t h e laboratory.
'Thinkers' Form Philosophy Club;
Meyer Supervises Gatherings
T h e students of S t a t e have shown
such a great interest for t h e organization of a club for thinkers t h a t a
Philosophy Club has been formed
under t h e guidance of William G.
Meyer, I n s t r u c t e r in Modern L a n guages. All students are cordially
invited to join the "gathering of
t h i n k e r s " in their Tuesday night
meeting in t h e Boul a t 7:30 p.m.
ALBANY. N. tf J^togk'
A ##%
Seniors, Juniors Have
Largest Group O n List
Miss R u t h Lape. Registrar, has r e leased t h e list of s t u d e n t s who have
been n a m e d to the Dean's List for
t h e second semester 1949-50. In ord e r to a p p e a r on the list, one m u s t
m a i n t a i n a B average. According to
t a b u l a t i o n s . 79 members of t h e Class
of 1950, 84 of the Class of 1951, 84 of
t h e Class of 1952, a n d 39 of t h e Class
of 1953 have m a i n t a i n e d this average.
( l a y s n l ' Mlftll;
I t i l a A l l a y In. Miirjiirliltilllsi-ll.
U l T K i T . .1:1 in-s It'.IK-l.
1)1 h r l
It > w w .
I ';i l a l'H. A I i i -1 • 1 ' i h r v A n n a »"•-in
Mil i l l vn
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.1 ! U |I<
1 i i i ; i n u i.
1 . . - i i i - I . - l I.-•
1'ilis,- h i ' S i ' V i ' , l l i - n p . i
l i n n i l i - nwskl. .1 'lni
Kr iiml
. h
. I i r i ii i ' . I - ' ' I I P P . I 1 . ( I r a n i l - ' i - i r . l i i n i n .
M a n
II, rlicrl
I ' vhl
( i l n i i l a j . Si n a n
(in ilinan. A
tip rn.
I la r r l i i j r i i n i . S a n d r a
It in h M
I li.l l i . h i y .
I I . m a r . I . h m i i l .l.n-U.
• la .lua"
l 'ii-rliii I"
K a p i a n . I.J n n K i l l .
.1 ia n
K i " , n i l , A a pi-,\
-I ' I I I •
la -sapil. M a r l . i r i • I,,MI
M i i r . - i ' h n P.
Mi.pli-.l .
M m - I . i P. I > l l \ ill M m . I I P•v.
V. Ii
PI- i> .
M a p i n l i I i i V r P . W a \ i,. I ' a l u u ' P . I ' . - U ' i i l j
I ' a l'l'\ . .1 n.I II
!'<•! rv< , n .
Mu rv P l a i n . P. M a p A l i . - r K . - a a . A l l .
S i - h i i . - i i l . r . I i I'll •.
'I'll i l " P .
M a n
'I'PIIS ill.
Will.- . I.ihHi
M. Wi'lilii'i'. I l i u m
si 111 i ii W a l n l s
s, w.-iiiu-p. r.M-hi W r U . - l l l i .
S h i i li'.v
1!. r
n l ' lll.-.l : M.i pi
A u m - l l . i . I l i i p i l u i i I'.i-niir I. .lap
on Page //, Column
Religious Clubs
Plan Activities
Registrar Names Bruce Relates Ideals, Differences Teachers' College Faculties
Honor Students Of Japanse Educational System W j | j A t t c n d C o n f e r e n c e
sultants to the University of Tokyo.
r a Bruce, Assistant Profese w h a t interesting things she
For '49-'50 Term sorDr.of L uEducation,
h a s recently r e - » d noted about J a p a n ' s educational
BEFORE YOU SMOKE THEM can tell Chesterfields will smoke milder,
because tobaccos that smell milder smoke milder.
AFTER YOU SMOKE THEM have no unpleasant after-taste.
WHILE YOU SMOKE THEM you get more pleasure than
any other cigarette can give you — that's why millions of
smokers say: THEY SATISFY.
A. H
Hli'ln. A n n r.ii-i-h.
I n - l . y s i - p . I t i i l n . p l 11. • 111. • i- s. K a l h
Hiliiiai's, Allan
liupii, Mapllia
I imviu-.v.
l-luj. Ii-lia p i .
Sin- ( i n l l n .
< •i
S t u d e n t Christian Association and
I n t e r - V a r s i t y C h r i s t i a n Fellowship
a n n o u n c e their plans for the coming week. Included are a SCA " M i n istu" and chapel service and IVCP
conference and noontime meeting.
_SCA will sponsor
a chapel service
Wednesday in the Unitarian Church
at 12 noon. Dick Tennison '53, will
lead the service and Marilyn J o h n son '52, will be the speaker, according to Ann Braasch '51, President.
A "Ministu," which is a panel of
ministers and students, will be held
T h u r s d a y at 7:30 p.m., in Room
20. T h e topic to be discussed is
" C h u r c h and Symbolism." A discussion period will follow after t h e
IVCF will hold its a n n u a l fall conference
Sunday a t C a m p Pinnacle in t h e
Helderbergs. T h e guest speaker will
be Wesley Gustafson, Missionary
Secretary of IVCF, according to
F l e t a Wright '52, President. IVCF
n o o n t i m e worship will be held at
12 noon today in Room 23.
Scholarship Certificates
Available For Freshmen
All freshmen who are holders of
•State Scholarships can receive their
Certificates, according to Edward J.
Sabol, Coordinator of Field Services.
These certificates can be picked up
in lviniin 109, Draper, beginning today.
T h e r e are now 02 S t a t e Scholarship holders in the freshman class,
representing 34 counties. Last year
48 members of the class of '53 held
S t a t e Scholarships.
T h e checks for these scholarships
will be in sometime in November.
t u r n e d from J a p a n where she spent
nine m o n t h s working from General
Douglas M a c A r t h u r ' s h e a d q u a r t e r s
as a visiting expert to the J a p a n e s e
Ministry of Education. S h e and her
colleagues served as consultants to
groups of educational leaders from
all t h e major universities of J a p a n ,
Dr. Bruce being one of t h r e e con-
Chemist Group
To Hear Speech
By Gem Expert
T h e Eastern New York Section of
the American
will hold its 93rd meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p . m . in Page Hall. T h e
topic on which t h e guest speaker.
Dr. A. E. Alexander, will speak is
Dr. Alexander is a gem expert and
Assistant T r e a s u r e r oi Tiffany a n d
Company. New York. Born in Leipzig. G e r m a n y . Dr. Alexander came
to this country t h e following year. He
was g r a d u a t e d from Cornell University in 1929. and he received his
Ph.D. degree from the same school
in 1933. He was research assistant
at tlie Buffalo Museum. Director of
the Gem Trode Laboratory of New
York, consulting ceramics engineer
with the Champion Spark Plug
Company, and he was connected
with t h e Swiss Jewel Company at
Locarno, Switzerland, before he became an executive of Tiffany and
C o m p a n y in 1949.
Alexander's talk will include information on the new synthetic
gemstones, such as emerald and
sapphire, which have presented new
problems to the jewelers. Along with
his discussion of synthetic gems, he
will describe t h e new optical instrum e n t s which have been developed to
quickly and accurately differentiate
between t h e gemstones and new
synthetics. Slides and a motion picture will be used to illustrate his
Juniors, Sophs
Slate Programs
Presidents of the J u n i o r
Sophomore classes have released information concerning their class activities.
Harvey Robinson, J u n i o r Class
President, a n n o u n c e s a noontime
meeting today for transfers of '52 in
Room 100. Patricia Dargusch and
J o a n Haggerty, have been appointed
respectively, Director and Business
M a n a g e r of the Junior Variety
Approximately $25 has been collected for C h r i s t m a s presents for
the class's Foster Child.
David Palmer, Sophomore President, a n n o u n c e s t h a t $31 was collected by the class on Activities Day
from t h e frosh, which covers expenses for t h e day. Members of the
Sophomore B a n n e r Committee were
appointed Friday. Those chosen were
Patrick Carlo, C h a i r m a n , Peter Teller. Harold S m i t h and J e a n Corigllano.
Announce Civil Service Meeting
Elmer C. Mathews, Director of the
T e a c h e r Placement Bureau,
announces t h a t all Seniors and graduate students Interested in New
York S t a t e Civil Service careers will
have an opportunity to find out
about such jobs Tuesday at 3:30
]}. m. in Richardson Lounge. Mrs.
F r a n c e s .George, a representative for
Civil Service, will be on h a n d to a n swer questions about Civil Service
work and offer helpful material to
those a t t e n d i n g the meeting.
s t a n d a r d s as compared with those
° f this country, Dr. Bruce brought
out t h a t the m a i n difference lay in
t h e type of people to be t a u g h t . T h e
J a p a n e s e people a r e not used to
using their minds to think a p r o b le
m t h r o u g h . T h e y have a vast store
of knowledge, but most of it h a s
been acquired from scholars, m a n y
of whom were educated in G e r m a n y
and who are dedicated to the G e r man school of t h o u g h t . Nevertheless,
the major objective in J a p a n is not
to teach what to think, but how to
think. Dr. Bruce stressed the fact
t h a t General M a c A r t h u r was a n x i ous t h a t the American p a t t e r n of
living and education not be advocated because the problems of our
country are entirely different from
those encountered bv J a p a n .
Dr. Bruce described t h e J a p a n e s e
people as intelligent, eager to learn
and to better themselves. Their
country has t h e greatest percentage
of literacy of any nation in the
world, for ninety percent of its people read the newspapers. B e n e a t h
this they arc deeply h u r t and h u m iliated. T h e y are still stunned from
I heir defeat in t h e war. but Dr.
Bruce and her co-workers are convinced t h a t they arc reconciled to
their role as a defeated nation and
t h a t they will not wage war ai'ain
in our lifetime.
Greeks To Hold
Annual Smoker,
House Opening
K a p p a Delta are planning activities
for t h e near future. Psi G a m m a has
initiated three new members into
their sorority.
J a m e s D u n n '51, President of
I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council, h a s a n nouneed t h a t the Council will hold
its a n n u a l Smoker Tuesday a t 7:30
p. m. in t h e Commons. Each fraternity will put on some kind of e n t e r t a i n m e n t . George Dicks, Howard
Rossman, and Earl Sipe, Seniors, are
the respective heads of the following
Name Tags, and t h e distribution of
the I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Prospectus, a
history of the fraternities, to n o n members. All male students a r e invited, according to Dunn.
K a p p a Delta will hold an open
house for S t a t e s m e n tonight from
8:30 to 12 midnight, according to
Helen Pileher '52, C h a i r m a n of t h e
Monday night Psi G a m m a initiated Belva McLaurin '51, Monica
Basile '52. and R u t h D u n n '53
Announce Procedure
For Grad Nominations
T h e Nominating Committee of the
S t a t e College Association of G r a d uate S t u d e n t s i S C A G S i , which includes members of the faculty and
graduates, met Monday.
At this
meeting they established t h e n o m inating procedure for the election of
the Association's officers.
Tlie following slate of c a n d i d a t e s
was proposed. It includes: P r e s i dent, Lee Phillips; Vice-President,
F r a n k T a o r m l n a , and SecretaryTreasurer, Anne H e r r m a n n .
T h e procedure for write-in n o m inations is as follows: a g r a d u a t e
s t u d e n t wishing to nominate someone for an office should submit a
petition to the committee c h a i r m a n ,
R h o d a Riber, via student mail, by
4:30 p . m . Wednesday. T h e petition
must include t h e following information: the candidate's name, t h e office for which he Is nominated, the
school in which lie did his u n d e r g r a d u a t e work, his graduate field of
study, followed by the signatures of
ten other g r a d u a t e students
TPB Releases
New Procedure
For Registration
Rules regarding registration w i t h
the T e a c h e r Placement Bureau h a v e
been lBXCaaw
released uyby „,„„,
Elmer Wi
C. _Mathews,
D l r e c t o r , to all Seniors and g r a d u
a j e students
All Seniors and graduates who will
have completed 30 hours or received
a degree by August 1951 will be required to file papers with t h e T e a c h er Placement Bureau d u r i n g this
c u r r e n t semester. Registration, a c cording to Mathews, whether active
or inactive, is compulsory since t h e
available for every g r a d u a t e of this
1 Those who do not desire active
registration will pay no fee. T h e y
will be classified as inactive and will
file two sets of credentials for record only.
2. T h e r e will be two registration
periods, October and December. October registration will be for all
g r a d u a t e students, Commerce S e n iors and Seniors looking for positions in J a n u a r y 1951. December
registration will be for all Seniors
not covered in the October registration. T h e time will be a n n o u n c e d .
T h e procedure for October registration is as follows:
Pick up your envelope of material
in Room 107, Draper, whether you
have previously registered or not.
according to the following schedule:
October 25 A-E
October 27 M - S
October 26 P-L
October 30 T-Z
S t u d e n t s are requested to sign up
for an interview at t h e same time
they pick up the material with the
u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t the material
will be filled out and brought to t h e
Red Devils Highjack
Charitable Frosh
"For only five cents you too
may buy a certificate for ten
cuts from your classes. And for
a nickel more you can obtain a
box of Activated Bishsnorsmorfles to give you that needed pep
in life."
The freshman probably has
not realized how lucky he was
on Activities Day, his only opportunity to buy a share to some
exclusive and distinguished activity or privilege in school for
no more than one-twentieth of
a dollar. The Red Devils were
really in there pitching to start
off rivalry with a bang—and to
empty the pockets of the "gracious, benevolent Blue Jays."
The two guards at the Commons door did a fine job in seeing that the general admission
price was paid by the frosh.
Those who refused to pay the
toll to puss the threshhold missed club displays, friendly gatherings, and Soph hijacking.
Music Council's Recording Hour
To Feature Mo/art's Masterpieces
Beginning next Tuesday and all of
t h e subsequent Tuesdays of this college year, Music Council will present
Its Recording Period in Room 28,
Richardson from 12 to 12:30 p.m.,
according to Joseph Crucllla '51,
Council disc-jockey. Ezio Plnzu In
"Mozart Operatic Airs" will be featured next Tuesday.
T h e keynote of thfs year's p r o g r a m s will be "variety." S t u d e n ' s
will hear swing as well as symphony
a n d opera, vocal as well as i n s t r u m e n t a l music.
Slate Meetings
A t Lake Placid
State College will close tomorrow
in order t h a t faculty members may
participate in t h e conference for
New York S t a t e T e a c h e r s College
Faculties. T h i s Fifteenth Conference will be held today, tomorrow
and S a t u r d a y a t the Lake Placid
Club, Essex County, New York. T h e
conference t h e m e will be "Education for I n t e r n a t i o n a l
T h e faculty members will register
this afternoon, and the opening session will be this evening. T h e D e p a r t m e n t of Music at Potsdam will
be in charge of the music. Ti.e evening will oe brought to a cln::e with
a business m e e t i n s .
A general session 'vill be held t o morrow morning. T h e r e will be a
demonstration of t h e use of mass
media, and a panel will discuss "The
Place of Mass Media in Teacher Education." Floyd Henrickson, Professor of Education, will be a m e m b e r
of this panel,
Special interest groups have been
planned for tomorrow afternoon.
Milton G. Nelson, Dean, will act as
c h a i r m a n for the "Administrative
D e a n s " group. T h e topic to be d i s cussed is " T h e Dean's Responsibilities." Anna E. Love, Instructor in
Health, will preside over the Nurse
Instructor group. C h a i r m a n of t h e
Social Studies group will be Dr. W a t t
Stewart. Professor of History. T h e
topic will be " T h e E a s t a n d t h e
T h e general session
evening will feature music by t h e
Music D e p a r t m e n t at Fredonia. T h e
address, "Atomic T h e r a p y for a Sick
World" will be given by David
Bradley. Atomic Scientist.
S a t u r d a y morning and afternoon
will be taken up by special interest
groups. Dr. Shields Mcllwaine, P r o fessor of English, will report on " R e cent Developments in the English
P r o g r a m s of t h e S t a t e T e a c h e r s Colleges" for t h e English group. C h a i r man of the Foreign Language group
will be Edward P . Shaw, Professor
of Modern Languages.
T h e closing session will be S a t u r day evening. Dr. Wallace W. Taylor,
Professor of Social Studies, will
speak on the subject " T h e F u l b r l g h t
Act." J. Murdoch Dawley. Fredonia,
President of the Association, will
Dr. J.Wesley Childers, Professor of
Modern Foreign Languages, is c h a i r m a n of the program committee.
IGC Discloses Date
For Gay Masquerade
I n t e r - G r o u p Council will sponsor
a "Masquerade Ball" Saturday, October 21, in the Commons, according to Carol Lebow '51, President.
Co-Chairmen S t u a r t G a t e s '51,
and Vivian Todd '53, have described
t h e "Ball" as t h e first masquerade
to be held at S t a t e for many years
and will give all students a chance
to come dressed in any costume they
desire. T h i s is the chance for all
S t a t e students to come and see who
has t h e best " d o r m - m a d e " costume
and to try to guess who's the Sir
G a l a h a d or Little Audrey under t h a t
On the agenda for the evening
are round and square dancing, new
folk names, foreign dances and r e freshments.
Committee co-chairmen for t h e
event are: Refreshments,
Kelley '53, and Henry Koszewski '53;
Publicity, Kathleen Cody '52, and
Edward Lindsey '53: Decorations,
Lois Prescott '51, and John L a n n o n
'53; Music a n d Games, Victoria S a l dino '52, and Sophie Dywan '52;
Chaperones, S t u a r t G a t e s '51 and
Norine Cargill '52; a n d C l e a n - u p ,
Joseph Lombard! '53.