Document 14064143

,f. •.
•TATW C O L L I D E NMWi, FRIDAY, P M R U A R Y • , 104fl
Varsity Cagers Open Attack
On Page Court Against Siena
Be In Assembly At
Set Fast Pace
As Round Ends
Last Monday afternoon the opening games of second semester were
played when Farrell topped Wren,
9-5, and Tommy Moore defeated
Stokes 14-13, in two of the most
exciting and close games of the
• Tuesday night the basketball
It's like music to our ears! —
Letter-Men W i l l Star
games got off to a slow start when
What? You mean you haven't seen
the commuters forfeited another
them, you haven't heard them—
In Wednesday Opener
game; this time to Sayles Hall.
we have men back- at State. Well
The Phi Delt-Whiz kids game
State's eagerly awaited basketeers
we've been dreaming of that for
ended with a Phi Delt victory 14-4.
years now and—lt"s finally hapThe game was slow all the way
pened. With, the coming of men next Wednesday night taking their
through. The playing on the part
becomes the dawn and basketball! fore State fans as they face a
of both teams was sloppy, and there
We aren't particularly interested in strong Siena team. Under Coach
was an unusual amount of fouls.
the dawn, but we are very Interest- Hathaway, the varsity five are
The Whiz Kids showed lack of ored In basketball—especially MAA rapidly shaping up into a first
ganization all the way through but
basketball. The first game that has class crew in preparation for their
individually put up a good fight.
been planned is with Siena and it's curtain-raiser.
a home game. It's scheduled for Siena's coach has the advantage
The Chi Sig-Newman tilt was the
next Wednesday night and since of choosing from over 800 men but
high spot of the evening. It started
this is the thing so many people most of the men are new to the
off at a fast pace, and maintained
have been waiting for for so l o n g - coach and unfamiliar with his sysspeed throughout.
that gym should really be packed. tem. On the other hand, Coach
Dunlay made a foul shot in the
No matter which team wins, the Hathaway is working with experifirst play of the game and started
game will be fast and fighting enced letter-men eager to put State
the boll rolling into the hoop. The
and spectators will certainly see back into sport circles.
This Is Happening Here!
score piled up on both sides and the
About the Team
some nice playing.
quarter ended a tie 7-7.
Turning out and cheering is not While State's, final line-up, is too
. ,
, ^ "" x
The rest of the game was patup to the school, It's not up to indefinite to print at this time, the Cortland State Teener's College, Is there to a fast, well coordinated terned after the first quarter with
every one else, it's up to yon. Re- men who have returned to the Page a man capable of getting the team team. Under his intensive train- Newman getting the edge over Chi
member how many other things H
ln d w p e m such a
- H e S l y to S h e * one o f t e ^ S e t t Sig and maintaining it, Maggio was
around here have failed because of M - S ° L r t S t ! i t a i l st
built u p the Mllne
H d durmg
ball clubs in this part of the coun- outstanding for the victorious Newlack of interest. This is one thing
man squad with a total of 17 points.
that should not fall.
Sylvestrl tallied 8 for the losing
Fencing Fiends
Chi Sigs. The final score was 22-15
I W / A •
The WAA bulletin board shines man who played with the varsity A i l
'43 He was one of the best all- M V S K C i n / C f ' / T O S h W
H o OS
again this semester, but one of the in
Psi Gam Wins
handlers and floormen on the team.
"..»•••»*-•*- • •*f!*ff»
notices is apt to discourage fencKD and Psi Gam tangled with
ers. The sign that is up for fenc- frosh. He won the key for
the resultant victory for Psi Gam,
ing clearly, shows what can happen standing ability in intermural
13-10. It was Psi Gams ball game
to those who don't come every Sat- tlvities for the year '43.
from the beginning with a slight
urday morning and therefore don't Tom Feeney—played with , '43*8 In
New Officers Chosen KD rally ln the last quarter. Lenhave a steady hand
gyel starred for the victors with 8
frosh team and had two years of
. nHe
h i s afternoon at 4:30 on the
| n Bowlinq and Rldinq
One poor character's head is be- varsity. experience.
e wi»
points, and Shure scored 6 for the
was onosea
chosen „ T
ing neatly sliced off by the Inex- captain of the '42-'43 squad but P »e Hall court, Myskania and the
_ , „ „ • „- w . . „*
perienced fencer. Here, of course, the draft interfered
*Tosh will clash ln what, from all At the tost meettag of WAA counThe Rares were defeated WedmaK arise the question of who the c i l l » S d - l e t t e r - m a n who indications, will be a hoUy cont O w 1 M v g m ^ m m ^ nesday night by Gamma Kap 14tested
Inexperienced players going to played with Combs. One of State's an
«* basketbaU. The S J ^
™ ' bowUiiiPto mi 10. Davidson was excellent on depractice, on so that they may become best scraoDers. he's a good man 8 »e. a result of the challenge P°"™«i captain or wwiing to iiu fense and on offense and scored
M f t to Myskania by the Freshman the
^ ^ J ^ f a M
experienced and thus avoid so much K V ^ h o o p and \ £ g X
class on February 18, will mark the **• vivien wieisen, « . was put in five points. Abrams also did her
bloodshed. Well — what do you the ball
bit by scoring three of the Rare's
think Chuck Axelrod and Mary Fran Mullen-played with the last second athletic battle between the charge « ™ung.
Carey are captains of fencing for—
Osborne showed her skill by littheir health? Of course not. They the ball
The Myskania team will be spark- h e l P w i t h , P l a n ? f « the, all organ- erally drilling the ball through the
are there for the purpose of helping
hoop at short distances. Osszy scored
you become a better fencer even Ed Reed-smallest returning let- plugged by Mary Seymour, '46, tortlons dance to be held on Febru- seven points against Qulnn's five
though they may lose their heads
and Pedisich's two, In contrast to
over it once in a while.
i # ^
T T l ^ i n g Iheureden'460f Serioent 1 o ^ m S e n t
Arrangements for the Camp their former games this was a fight
Horror Notice
his lack of helKht
both of whom are excellent bas- ° n ™ a y / t have peen put in tne all the way for Gamma Kap.
We are going to need a bigger ABOUT THE COACH
keteers. Among the Freshman who hands of Lydia Boynton, '48, and Tommy More, paced by Herllhy,
appropriation for the infirmary
Coach Hathaway, a graduate of ^ave^shown^unusual ^ S J j j »%? ISjff»
blsketball have defeated Farrell 17-2. Herlihy was
the outstanding player scoring fiffund.
announced that by the end of next teen points. Weiss, who scored FarThe reason: More people are beThe Myskania team will be weak- week all teams will have played rell's only basket, Rowe and Haines,
coming infirm.
ened by the fact that five of her tour games ending the first round. performed well, but could not put
The reason: Fellows on their way
six starters originally play a for- Any team that has lost four out of Farrell in the scoring column.
to basketball practice dash through
ward position
B a m e s Wl11 b e eliminated from
the lower halls of Draper in their
Robert Sullivan, '46, Coach for the t h « *«•*"•• T h e members of the
basketball outfits. The girls have
Myskania team, had this statement eliminated teams may not Join any urday and what they have already
not had enough time to become acto make concerning the game. "I ^her .team. They understand that played. A minimum of ten hours
customed to this new display and
feel that we have a good deal of the girls want to play and gain .s needed for credit. Scorekeepers
an emotional upset results. (Ed 10a)
Gamma Kap, Chi Sig potential basketball power on Mys- W A A credit but it would be too and timekeepers will receive credit
The result: Feb. Sth six girls
kania and will give the Frosh, a confusing; they would be excess for ten games.
Score In First Games
fainted when they saw two fellows
good fight.'
players on teams and would not
There will be no more games on
on their way to basketball practice.
In the first scheduled game of
Robertson Baker, '49, President h a v e an opportunity to play any- Thursday afternoon as the gym has
The remedy: More money for the the WAA Bowling Tournament for of the Freshman Class, when asked way. Therefore, Saturday is open been given to the men so that they
infirmary fund.
the new semester Gamma Kappa about the coming event replied, f o r general practice and eliminated will have additional time for pracdefeated Wren Hall and Chi "The
football players will receive credit for Sat- tice.
(Continued on page //, Col. 51 l l
Sig won by forfeit when More- game will surely be a display
land failed to appear for the game, lively spirit and sportsmanship.
Mary Jane Perls '49 from Gamma
The starting lineup for the MysMADISON SWEET SHOP
Kap rolled up a score of 131 in the kania team announced by Sullivan
first game and 153 in the second includes Seymour, Shure, O'Neil,
785 Madison Ave
Casey and Hamilton, SeAnother circuit of the WAA ping game becoming top scorer for the nMcGrath,
. while Liebel, Griffin, and
pong tournament was completed day. Elolse Worth '48, also of GamTasty and Delicious
will play in the substitute
during the closing days of last ma Kappa, hit 147 and 111. On Passow
0 1 0118
G orla B a
^ r - Z47/ C o a f n
semester and six victors were car- Wren Hall's team Irene Szarek '49 fP r* t"h e ' L
Freshman, will start Joslln
In a Friendly,
ried on to the fourth round. One took top honors with 128 ln the first °
more contestant was eliminated In and 111 in the second game.
the opening game of the fifth which
and Lunches
Gamma Kappa
2 Tl. Av. The game will be of especial inis now underway,
112 116 228
The results of these playoffs Pedislch
147 111 258 129 appearance of the Freshman team
found Fisher triumphing over Con- Worth
Dial 2-9733
which will meet the stiff comtpet
131 153 284 142
nor and Zellengold defeating Ine107 tlon of the Sophomores ln tho first
son. Hollls was the winner in her
116 rivalry game on February 2Q.
121 111 232
games with Dunn and B. J. Jones Osbourne
was the victor over Standlsh. Tllden
was eliminated by Sowa and MidgePHOTOGRAPHS
ley lost to A. D. Fisher.
128 111 239 120
Prints may be secured
The opening tilt of the current Szareck
Mary Jean Carver
99 118 217 109
at all times
series pitted Zellengold and Alice Michael
Beverly Broderick
71 55 126 63
Fisher, and Fisher made this latest Ashcraft
123 100 223 112
Discount prices In effect till May
conquest, Fisher will meet the win- Hedges
83 61 144 72
ner of the HollLs-Jones contest and Sorcinelli
Films retained for at least
Ray Weiss Is scheduled to play the
5 years
victor in the tilt between Sowa and
' A. D. Fischer.
The early elimination, by Bertha ing bowling schedule:
Wakln '47 captain of ping pong, of Tuesday, February 12
B.Z, vs. Alpha Epsllon Phi
contestants who would otherwise
IOI '/4 CINTRAL A V I , A L B A N Y , N . Y .
have delayed the completion of the
Troy IMS
Troy, N. ¥ .
tournament by postponing their Thursday, February 14
PHONE 4 0 3 4 7
games has resulted in the efficient
Phi Delt vs. K. D.
course these contests neve run.
ouE To Clash Today Council Meeting
W A A Bowling
League Starts
Ping-Pong Sets
Near Semi-Finals
Vacuum Repair Shop
The Lloyd Studio
Hathaway Trains
Z Returning Vets
II: 10 A. M.
FEBRUARY 18, 1046
State Fair Will Open Tomorrow Night
With Joint States-Men, AEPhi Show
Myskania,Student Council Submit
ReportsiOf Fall Term Activities
Myskania and the Student Council submit to the student body
the following report of their activities for the first semester
of the academic year 1945-46. This is the first report to be submitted and in the future a monthly report will be made. The
purpose of the reports, Helen Shure, '46, President of the Student Association, stated, is to acquaint the student body with
the functions, activities, and accomplishments of Myskania and
Student Council.
Myskania Report
1. Acted as Class Guardians,
3. Revised Banner Hunt Rules for
Campus Day.
3. Upheld traditions and sent warnings to violators of traditions.
4. Originated new traditions of
freshmen wearing beanies from
second Monday of first semester
until Thanksgiving recess.
5. Chaperoned for school functions.
6. Challenged the Class of '49 to
a football game. Purpose to raise
money for the student-factulty
7. Conducted elections and counted
ballots for member of Student
Union Board and Publicity Director of Class of '48; member of
Student Board of Finance for
Class of '47; Vice-President and
Student Council representative
of Class of '48; officers for Class
of '49.
8. Supervised rivalry on Campus
Day, acted as judges for the
morning races, and gave Its decision as a court for three controversies.
9. Supervised Student-Faculty Tea.
10. Gave skit in assembly to publicize Christmas Party for Albany Home for Children.
11. Gave three Christmas parties at
the Home.
12. Changed song tradition to Include memorization of the Fight
Song and Arm In Arm.
13. Took charge of the NEWS' Bulletin
14. Working with Commuters' Club
to find a place where they might
stay overnight.
15. Judged cheering.
16. Sent out monthly social calendars
for the faculty.
17. Suggested to Student Council
that they sponsor a Victory
Stamp Drive. Suggestion accepted.
18. Accepted challenge from Class of
'49 for a basketball game. Purpose to raise money for Student
Faculty teas.
19. Acted as' a court on six occasions, when violations of traditions were disputed,
20. Interpreted
when necessary.
21 Suggested to Student Council
that they hand out mimeographed copies of the revised Constitution to all students. Suggestion
(Continued on VHW -1, Col. 2)
D & A, Musk Council Elect
Mario Llebl, '46, President of
Dramatic and Arts Council, has announced that William Baldwin, Gloria Jaffer and Dorothy Dlffln, Sophomores, were elected to the Council.
Music Council
Mary Louise Casey, '46, President
of Music Council, has also announced
the election ol two Sophomores,
Florence Muce and Cecelia Coleman
to Music Council. In past years, one
new member has been elected at the
end of first semester from the Sophomore Class. Due to tho vacancy
left by Phyllis Witt Penn, '48, however, two Sophomores were elected
this year,
Eloise Worth Holds
General Chairmanship
For Approval
Council Re-Organizes
Men's Sports Program
A report of the Constitution Commission of Student Council will be
submitted today In Assembly by Alice
Student Council Report
Prindle, Sophomore Representative
1. Appointment of Committees — to Student Council. Miss Prindle
(program, etc.)
will make the motion that this re2. Appointments to Used Book Ex- port be accepted as the constitution
change, Big 8 Committee, and of State College to go into effect
with the new budget next spring.
3. Ordering of Freshmen beanies. Nominations will also be made for
4. Conducted first Student Union a new vice-president of Student Association to fill the vacancy left by
5. Made change in rivalry points. Gerhardt Weinberg, '47, who has
6. War Activities Council given over been inducted into the Armed Forces.
to Student Council (troupe show).
Voting will follow for representatives from the four classes to at7. Sale of faculty tax tickets,
8. Appointed election commission. tend a convention of Eastern New
9. Selected Campus Day attendants. York State Teachers Colleges ln New
10. Revised rules of Campus Day York City on March 15 and 16 and
a Student Government Convention
attendant's selection.
11 Originated motion concerning at Geneseo State Teachers College
$2,000 in surplus fund to be given on March 2 and 3. Inter-racial relations will be discussed at the New
to Student Union.
12 Ruled that housemothers be al- York convention,
The Senior class will vote for a
lowed to purchase Faculty Tax
tickets; defeated motion of Resi- Vice-President to fill the vacancy
dence Council for complimentary left by Eileen Shoup, '46, who graduated last month, Gloria McFerran,
tickets for housemothers,
13. Sponsored discussions in Fresh- Margaret Worsely, Joan Mather, and
Priscilla Hayes have been nominated.
man orientation.
Myskania will also give a report
14. Revised Campus Day rules in reon the gift purchased for the orgard to holding of races.
phans at the Albany Home for Chil15. Revised M.A.A.-W.A.A. injury dren
from the amount collected in
fund set-up.
assembly before Christmas vacation.
16. Discussed reserved seats at D & A
Mimeographed copies of the reand Music Council productions. vised
constitution will be distributed
17. Sponsored motion of Commuters at the opening of assembly and will
for a room In the future Student be collected, for future use. at the
close. Assembly will begin promptly
18. Sponsored Victory Stamp Day.
at 11:10 A.M.
19. Cooperated with other organiza- ,At the Student Council meeting
tions to bring Sterling Brown to held Wednesday, the situation of the
State to speak.
Men's Athletic Association was pre20. Discussed State Fair plans.
sented. It was decided that immedi21. Decorated Christmas assembly.
ate action should be taken to or22 Approved the revised constituganize Men's Inter-Collegiate sports
once more at State. As the system
23 Mimeographed copies of revised
is now Inadequate, a tentative plan
constitution for student body.
(Continued on page 3, Col. It)
Spirit Of Co -operation Predominates
In Presenting College Wide Dance
A whirl of skirts and a blur of discharge buttons will fill the gym and
Lounge next Friday as State's sixteen leading organizations unite for
the first college wide dance in recent years.
Since February 22 Is the date, cherry trees and hatchets will predominate in the theme for decorations,
with other patriotic trimmings contributing to the Washington's Birthclay atmosphere,
Festivities will begin in the gym at
8:30 but it is expected that an overflow crowd will bring the Lounge
into use.
A unified State will present a solid
backing for the dance. All of State's
leading organizations have Joined
forces to make the affair a gala
event, There will be a friendly spirit
of co-operation prevailing as members of each organization work together to mako the evening a success. The work and the money are
being shouldered equally by all the
campus groups, since the executive
committee directing the event is made
up of two members representing each
of the organizations,
Fun through dancing will be the
idoa of the evening as strains of
Group Houses
Furnish Exhibits
fs|ew Constitution
T 0 Be Presented
•.it... •'
Eloise Worth, '48
State To Meet
Syracuse, Wells
Debating Teams
Marianne Davis, '46, President of
Debate Council, has announced that
two debate squads from State will
meet Wells College and Syracuse University tomorrow afternoon at Syracuse. The topic to be discussed is
"Resolved: That there be unrestricted
Jewish Immigration into Palestine,"
State's two teams will represent
both sides of the question. Mary
Ellen Diener, '47, and Thelma E.
Elliot, '46, will uphold the affirmative while Patricia Sheehan and Betty
Rose Hilt, Juniors, will take the negative side. These two teams will defend
their arguments against opposing
teams from Wells and Syracuse, Following the debate there will be a discussion period on the subject.
Dr. Roland C. Burton, Professor
of English and faculty advisor for
Debate Council, will accompany the
team of Syracuse. While there, they
will be entertained at dinner by their
hosts, returning to Albany early in
the evening.
Although this is the first "away"
debate which Debate Council has
sponsored this year several others are
being planned for this semester.
These will include debates with Forum, Keuka, Skldmore, Colgate, Middlebury, and St. Rose both here and
Miss Davis also urged that all new
and returning students attend the
first meeting for tryouts. The time
of this meeting will be announced at
a later date.
"vie" music fill the Lounge and drift
up from the gym. There will be
periods of rest when a lull will provide a suitable opening for the program of entertainment—a program
which has at its disposal tho best of
the talents which State has to offer.
And weary and breathless from
energetic dancing, the guests will Feehan Announces Deadline
gratefully accept the cooling cokes
On Contributions For Primer
which will be on hand.
All material for the Primer must
State girls have eagerly awaited tho
return of proms and parties, and be in by February 28, Patricia Feenow that normalty is on its way back, han, '46, editor, has announced. ConState's leaders realize the vast uni- tributions, including prose, poetry
fying power of tho war and are spon- and non-flctlon, may be placed in the
soring the dance in hopes of main- Primer mailbox.
taining the spirit of close co-operaElections to be held ln the Spring
tion. The staffs of the three college are open to the freshman, Sophomore
publications, the religious clubs, Stu- and Junior classes. The Primer will
dent Council, Myskania, Inter-Group appear on Moving-up day,
Council, Press Bureau, Music Council, tho States-Men, Dramatics and
Arts' Council, Forum, Campus Com- Burnett Resigns From Co-op
mission, and Dobate Council have all
Margaret Burnette has resigned her
pooled their time and efforts to make position as Manager of the College
the evening a success, Tho event is Co-op and is leaving to be married,
being financed by a contribution of The vacancy will be filled by Evelyn
three dollars from each organization, Morgan, who has been the Assistant
which will be refunded from the Manager. As yet, there have been
money taken in at the door. Admis- no arrangements made for additional
sion will be $.25 per person.
staff members.
Tomorrow amid artists, photographers, gypsies and the traditional hot
dog, State will open the doors of its
annual State Fair at seven with the
States-Men—AEPhi Show in Page
Auditorium, Following this the various concession will open their doors
to the student public, according to
Eloise Worth, '48, chairman of the
Opening Show
The States-Men-AEPhi show entitled "Let's Broadcast" will consist
of two quiz shows with contestants
chosen from the audience. The first
part will be a "Battle of the Sexes"
between five girls and five men with
Frank Woodworth, '47, serving as
Master of Ceremonies, and sponsored
by "Lost Weekend Whiskey." The
second part of the show will consist
of a Truth Or Consequences program
with Eleanor Binn, '47, serving as
Mistress of Ceremonies.
Duffy's and Girlies
Sayles Hall, winners of the first
prize last year, will present a musical show entitled, "Duffy's Tavern"
This will be based on the radio show
by that name and will include Archie
and all the gang.
Pierce Hall will take over in the
NEWS office with another musical entitled "Pierce Petty-Girls." One of
the main attractions will be the
crowning of a mock Campus Queen.
The Newman Hall show, "United
Novelties," will present the people of
several different countries through
their native songs and dances. "Uncle
Sam" will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the evening,
K. D.'s contribution to the, Fair
will be a fashion show, modeling tho
latest in feminine attire.
The Future Unveiled
The mysteries of the future will
be revealed by Phi Delta's "exotie
veiled maidens from the East," by
means of tea leaves, palm reading
and cards.
Gamma Kappa Phi will again present their Penny Arcade which won
first prize among the amusement
centers last year.
The House of Horrors will be under the direction of Commuters' Clan.
A circus will be the theme of Bet»
Zeta's contribution, complete with elephants.
Two cafes, sponsored by Psi Gamma and Chi Sigma Theta will Include not only good food but entertainment as well,
Moreland Hall and Farrell House
will have food concessions to satisfy
hungry amusement seekers.
Hillel's contribution to the Fair will
be a Photo Booth where eager adventurers may have their pictures
Tommy More's concession will be
a variety game booth while Stokes
Hall will havo charge of a novelty
booth. Wren Hall will conduct an
auction throughout the evening.
Patricia, Russell, Alice Knapp and
Joan Alverson, Juniors, are in charge
of tho prizes, The financial committee includes Mary Seymour, '46, and
Pearl Pless, '49. Lorna Kunz and
Eleanor Binn, Juniors, are on the
Finale committee. Dorothy Diffin '48,
is in charge of publicity. Alice Rlemann, '40, and Suzanne Hildreth, '48,
are serving on tho clean-up committee,
Chaperones for the evening will
be Dr. Shields Mcllwalne, Professor of
English, Dr. Margaret h. Hayes, Professor of Education, and Dr. Harvey
Rice, Professor of Social Studies.
STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, F E B R U A R Y I S , 1 9 4 6
Dig, Brother, Digl
Revised S. A. Constitution
One day last Spring a young '46er woke u p and
found that she had been elected Editor-in-Chief
of the Pedagogue. Her eyes shone with happiness,
and she was filled with a shining, vibrant enthusiasm. September, October, November, and D e cember rolled by.
Then came January 1, 1946, and a new year
. . . and bills . . . bills from the printer, bills from
the engraver. And although bills stretch with
great ease, budgets do not show the same elasticity. The result is obvious—either State gets
a mediocre yearbook, or, with the aid of the student body, a Ped superb. Equally as obvious is the
fact that the decision rests with the students.
An analysis of the situation is essential before
a solution may be found. Advertisements are the
first and most advantageous means of gaining extra money. Another possibility is the request by
the Pedagogue for an appropriation from the surplus. The third and last possibility is to cut the
yearbook both in quality and quantity. The last
method would certainly be the least desirable.
According to rather reliable reports, the advertising staff of the Pedagogue has already combed
the city of Albany. Consequently, future " a d s "
must come from outside of the city. Yearbook
advertisements are usually complimentary, rather
than commercial, and are given as a token of good
will. This, therefore, is an open field to all members of Student Association . . . certainly father's
hardware store, uncle's automobile shop, and the
old home town drug-store hang-out would all glow
with pride at the idea of having an " a d " in the
State College Pedagogue. For further information
concerning rates, space, etc., contact Jean Griffin,
Editor, or Joan Mather, Advertising Manager.
Naturally, you can shrug your shoulders and
retort that this isn't your problem. But the Ped
is yours, and without your help, cannot be the
publication that it should.
Let s Don Long Pantsl
Discourtesy is the mirror of stupidity and the
reflection of conceit.
Forgetful, perhaps, of the connotations of adolescent behavior, State students last Friday exhibited a display of boisterous conduct that was
disgraceful and unwarranted.
Granted that the assembly showed definite signs
of lasting longer than noon, and that hunger is a
natural incentive to restlessness and impatience,
common courtesy requires attention and respect
from any audience when someone is lecturing. We
are, supposedly, living in a civilized era, and State,
also supposedly, is composed of the higher intellects.
It would not be too serious a matter if this
were the first occurrence. I t has, however, been
.all too frequent in the past, and has grown steadily
worse. We wonder what impression of State Miss
Maurer carried away with her. W e wonder if she
realizes that the verbal confusion was due, not to
lack of interest, but to State's tendency to have
weekly relapses into childhood . . .
Established May 1916
By the Class of 1918
Vol, XXX
February 15, 1946
No. 15
AuNoulutotl Collegia to I'rewi
Uollatfluto Digest
Tlia iinilergnuliiiiU! IIOWH|MI|IU|' nf tlio Now Yorli Stnto
College for Touchers: published ovury lOrlelay of ilio ColICB« your hy tlio NBWS Board for tlio Student AHHOOIIItlon. Phonos: Borbrloli, 2-0130lO'Noll. :t,i)r.:iH; Poor, 8-10U:
Cromer, MOT).
The News Board
•. •
• •
<ffip* Si
All eomniunleutloiiu should he iidilresscil to the editor and
must lie bltftieii, \iinii'.-. will he withheld upon request..
The S T A T M HOhhttau
N K W S ussiimus no responsibility
(or opinions expressed In ltn eolu" 'n or communications
•s such expressions do not necessa -Hy roflect lis view.
Article I-VI
The revised constitution of Student Association will be Introduced
today in assembly. Following are the
Important changes made In Articles
I through VI. Changes that Incur rewording and rephrasing only, with no
consequent change in meaning, have
not been listed.
Preamble—no change.
Article I—no change
Article II—no change.
Article III—no change.
Article IV—Section l b :
Present reading: To appoint all
committees and their chairmen not
otherwise provided for. Changed to:
To appoint with the approval of Student Council, etc.
Section If added: To act as president of Student Council. This has
been true, for years, but has never
been included in the Constitution.
Section 2b, 2c, and 2d added:
2b: To collect the Freshman dues.
2c: To act as vice-president and
treasurer of Student Council.
2d: To act as Student Council representative to S. Bd. of Finance.
Section 3b added to duties of Secretary: To act as Secretary of Student Council,
Sections 4 and 5 interchanged, and
wording slightly changed. Section 4:
A Faculty Member of the Board of
Audit and Control, changed to Section 5: A Faculty Chairman for s t u dent Board of Finance appointed by
President of the College. Section 5:
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer
to take charge of the finances of
the Association, changed to Section
4: A Treasurer who shall be a member of the faculty appointed by the
president of the College.
Article V—No change.
Article VI—Executive Department.
Section 1—Executive power of this
Association shall be vested in the
Student Council—changed to: shall
be vested in the president of the
association who shall be assisted by
the Student Council.
Section 2—added that members of
Student Council shall hold office for
one year.
Section 2e deleted — The President
of the Graduate class from the time
of the Incorporation of this class
in the school year 1943.
Section 3—added. The officers of
Student Council shall be the same
as those of Student Association
Section 4—Duties of Student Council. (Order of arrangement changed.
Other changes here listed.)
Section 4b: To act as an advisory
board to Student Association, changed
to: To introduce legislation and act
as an, etc.
Section 4f: To charter all boards,
committees and associations receiving support from S. A. budget. Added
to this are two sub-sections:
1. To require changes in the Constitutions of organizations receiving
support through the S, A. budget.
2. To approve or veto changes In
these constitutions.
Section 4g added: To act an as
advisory inter-collegiate board.
Section 4h added: To act as mediary between the students and the
faculty and the administration. In
the present Constitution this duty
is relegated to no organization. In
the past Myskania has handled student-faculty relations, and in the last
couple of years, Student Council, also,
has done some work on this project.
In the new Constitution, both organizations are granted separate divisions of this field. However, Dr.
Sayles has stated his preference for
having one organization in complete
charge. Therefore, Student Association will vote to decide to which organization this duty shall be relegated.
Section 4i:
to appoint Campus
Commission, changed to: To approve
or veto all regulations of Campus
Section 4m—to appoint the following officials:
1. A competent auditor who shall
check the books of each organization.
(This was formerly the duty of Student Board of Finance.)
2. Pro-tempore officers to fill vacancies occurring within two weeks of
regular nominations. The first half
of this statement has been attributed to Student Council in Article 8,
Section E4. The time limit is an addition.
3. An election commission of five
members, one of whom is to be designated president. (Formerly Article 8,
Section C3, which gave this power
to the President of s. A. with the
approval of student Council.)
Sections 4o 4p, 4q, and 4r have
been added. Section 4o concerns Student Board of Finance; Section 4p
provides for recounting of ballots by
Student Council; Section 4q and 4r
provide for impeachment of Student
Association and Class officers.
Individual changes may be passed
by a majority vote; the entire Constitution may be passed by a 2/3 vote.
Listing of changes in the remainder of the Constitution will be printed
in succeeding issues of the STATE
College Glode-upA
Kali, Rah, Rah!
According to the illuminating article on Sports Page last week, State
seems to be in for a prolific siege
of male prowess on the basketball
court. State's good form in the Siena
game Wednesday night spurred on
the already high enthusiasm to an
even greater pitch. In this feverish
state of frenzy why not bring back
some of the gala sport dances of
former years?
Buffalo University has a unique
idea in this line. Preceding their top
games they sponsor an informal dinner dance with music for the crowds,
cheers for the team, and bets for the
beers. Of course we couldn't be quite
so lavish but an informal, abbreviated
luncheon in the Commons would certainly arouse the old State spirit. The
exuberant spirits could then trek onward to Page fully prepared for the
evening's onslaught. A Saturday night
affair would be Ideal for this sort of
fling (the Boul and the Sweet Shop
get rather obsequious by this time).
College of The Empire State
The use of tradition has often been
questioned but we have found Indiana
State Teachors' College has suffered
from lack of It. Our custom of making freshmen learn the Alma Mater
In their first weeks of school (under Sophomore persuasion) Is far
better than having the student and
faculty thumbing through the pages
of song books In its rare use at convocation meeting In Indiana. In fact
conditions arc so bad that their collego paper has been forced to take
up valuable space trying to remedy
the pitiful situation. One of our rarest examples of student unity la the
weekly singing of our Alma Mater
in assembly whereas at Indiana, voting was necessary to make it part
of convocation.
The recent Inter-Group Council
conference is still echoing repercussion throughout the State. Oswego
and Buffalo State Teachers' InterOroup Councils, among the first to
take up the cry, have made great progress in such organization. Two members of our faculty, Dr, Stewart and
Dr. Jones, have already addressed
these two groups, the former at Oswego and the latter at Buffalo. On
Wednesday of this week Cortland
College had its first meeting for the
purpose of discussing the various
aims and objectives of such a group,
More than Just student participation
they are striving to interest the people of Cortland In this Important
The University of Chicago recently
featured a little tidbit in their paper
which may Interest the huba huba
fiends of State. Since It would be
a shame to change its stylo wo present it as quoted:
"Hubba-hubba," one of the most
widely used expressions emerging
from the war, baffles all soman ticlsts
(word specialists). Coined on tho
physical training fields of the Santa
Ana Army Air Bast!, "Hubba-hubba"
has been used to express practically
every type of emotion. Tho work was
carried to all corners of the earth
by air crow members and was finally
brought buck to America to serve as
an Inspiration to tho song, "Hubba,
Hubba, Hubba."
STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , FRIDAY, F E B R U A R Y I S , 1 8 4 6
Ad in an Albany newspaper:
Lost, three shoes, two alligators, one lizard, Pine
Hills district. Reward.
Men—don't borrow from your roommate for that
first heavy date at State—canvas the Pine Hills district and find these three shoes. I will give you the
name of the owner from whom you may claim your
reward. That is all . . .
The E. W. Edwards & Son store in Syracuse
advertised a sale of nylons last week. The
Syracusiennes, preferring to remain ladylike, smashed
only one showglass window, slashed only one man's
left leg, and caused only one ox-soldier (Guam and
Saipan were never like this) to pass out from the
pressure. Frailty, thy name is woman! (OH YEAH?
NOT ANY MORE IT AIN'T!—voice of the ex-soldier
caught in the rush.)
Have you heard about the bubble gum shortage
currently sweeping our city? The other day we were
almost hurled to the ground by excited kiddies standing in a bubble gum queue outside the corner candy
store. "Fer cryin' out loud!" protested one lad to a
lassie behind him, "Will you quit yer pushin'? I been
standing in this here line for fifteen minutes now!"
"Boy," said the little girl sarcastically, "whatta gentleman, I must say!" (Well, we all have our little problems, haven't we?)
Latest story of the atom bomb hails from France
where a Parisian public was panicked last week by
a French radio take-off on the Orson Welles "Man
From Mars" program. Monsieur Jean Mocher, jokaire
practicale, frightened the Parisians with a broadcast entitled, "Platform 70 or the Atomic Age." The
listeners were led to believe that this little old earth
of ours was suddenly beginning to disintegrate (atomically, of course). So . . . they ran to the police, called
the fire department, and some of them even committed suicide. Then, at the end of the program, a
soothing voice asked: "You weren't frightened, were
you? It was a funny joke, no?" (Monsieur Nocher
left town immediately after the broadcast.)
This is a far-off cry from the end of the alphabet,
the oppressed, the prejudiced against, the intolerantly treated. In third year of grammar school, we
were the last to get weighed and measured. In third
year of high school, we were the last to get tnnoculated. And now, in third year of college, we are tinlast to get seats in assembly and must sit in the
balcony with the freshmen. And why? All
our forefathers bore surnames whose first initials ran
from S-Z. We realize that the overcrowded condition
in assembly makes it necessary for a part of the
Junior Class to sit in the balcony, and we have sat our
part But now we feel that our places should be taken
by the A-F's, those forerunners of all good things in
ife, and the S-Z's should take the A-F's places right
n the front seats of the assembly. End of the alphabet unite!
College Calender
Friday, February 15—
1:00 P. M.—State Examination In French, German
and Spanish, Room 206. Draper.
Saturday, February 16—
Afternoon:—Debate Council will visit Syracuse for
double debate with Syracuse and Well's. Subject:
Resolved: That there would bo unrestricted Jewish
immigration into Palestine.
7:30 PM.—State Fair sponsored by all group houses,
religious clubs, commuters. Page.
Sunday, February 17—
5:00 P .M.—Newman Club will hold its Holy Hour.
0:30 P. M.-Canterbury Club meeting and reception
for now students. St. Andrew's Parish House, Refreshments $10.
Monday, Fcbruray IK
3:30 P. M.-Inter-Varsity Bible Study Hour will bt
\ e ! d l Speaker, Rev. David Gray, grad. student. Room
151. Draper.
Tuesday, Rcbruary 19—
SCA compulsory cabinet meeting. Time unci place
to be announced,
12 Noon—Music Council record playing sessions every
Tuesday noon in Room 28, Richardson
Wednesday, February !J0—
Inter-Varsity will hold u tea, Lounge.
Jean Connor, '48, chairman.
12 Noon- SCA Chapel, Mary Tellan to spotik on
"To,|ay." Unitarian Church,
3:30 P, M. Commerce Club general mooting. Room
:i(!4 Draper.
8:00 P. M. SCA Frosh talonl .show in the Commons.
Tlmi'sdny, February !Jl
2:30 P, M.~IIIIIol will present "The Singing Black
smith." it Yiddish movie, Lounge.
P' M. SCA-lllllel joint meeting with Rev, McConaghy. .Subject: "The Bases of tho Many Protestant Sects." Lounge,
Dully, 12:10-12:30-inter-ViirUy Christian Fellowship
holds regular dully prayer meetings in Room 161,
Men Take Over
Arnold House
States New Dormitory
50 Servicemen
W i l l Reside In
New Building
SCA Schedules
Open Meetings
Fellowship Announces
Lectures, Appointments
Benevolent Association
Buys Historic Mansion
The Benevolent Association of the
New York State College for Teachers
has purchased the Benjamin Arnold
home for use as a men's dormitory.
The building is located at the corner
of Sprague and State Streets, and
will have accommodations for fifty
students after remodeling.
Situated a short block from the
campus, the only men's dormitory at
State borders on Washington Park
and has a large walled-in garden
which extends through to Western
Avenue. At present there are thirtytwo ex-servicemen occupying the
Designed by Kim, Reed, White
The mansion which is considered
one of the finest and most beautiful
homes in Albany, was constructed at
the beginning of the century. It is
the only building in the city designed
by Kim, Reed and White, well-known
architects of New York City. It is
built of red brick and white stone,
and its large hall is constructed on
the same style as that of the Schuyler
The porch, in the form of a Greek
colonnade, opens on the main hall.
The large entrance hall extends half
the length of the building to a wide
curved staircase. On the right of the
entrance hall there is a completely
glassed-in sunporch facing the garden.
A G.I. Home
Before the Arnold home was acquired by the college, facilities for
almost half the returning ex-servicemen were lacking. The housing problem was so acute at one time that
the plan to put up cots in the main
rest room at the College was seriously considered. With the purchase
of the building, accommodations were
assured for part of the 126 students
who arc enrolled at State under the
provisions of the G.I. Bill of Rights.
Each room on the main floor has
a fireplace, and the floors are made
of teakwood imported from Africa.
All tho bedrooms on the second and
third floors have adjoining baths.
Former Owners
Benjamin Arnold, original owner
of the mansion, was born into a poor
family, but at the time of his death
about fifteen years ago, he was a
millionaire. His fortune was made
in the lumber industry, and the family had lumber holdings from New
York to Oregon. He married twice;
each of his wives was a member of
the Van Rensselaer family, old patroons of this section who establashed
the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
The previous owner of the home,
Professor Edward Sampson, former
Princeton University geologist now in
service with the government in Japan
is the husband of the late Catherine
IGC Big- 8 W i l l Be
Folk Festival In A p r i l
Shirley Passow, '40, President of
Inter-Group Council, has announced
that tho council will sponsor a Blg-8
folk festival on April G, Dr. Louis
C. Jones, Assistant Professor of English, will spook to a local church
group March 1 on "Afro-American
Tho Speakers' Panel of the IGC
presented a radio broadcast, Thursday tit 10:45 A, M. on WSNY. The
topic was "What Do Wo Know About
laving Together In the Community?"
Those who participated In the broadcast were Lorna Kunz, '47 and Thelma Elliot '48,
Lois Hutchinson, '47, .spoke Sunday
at the executive meeting of the Now
York State Community .Service Council, Miss Hutchinson gave a summary of the work being carried on
by the IGC hero at State,
At the mooting of the executive
committee, Wednesday, Oelena Axelrod, '47, was chosen chairman of tho
IGC Big-8.
The building at 465 State Street has been purchased by the Benevolent Association of State College as
the new residence hall for the returning veterans studying here under the GI Bill of Bights. The house,
designed by the famous architect Stanford White, is located on the corner of State and Sprague Place.
Photo Courtesy of Times Union
Exhibit Of Soap Carvings
Constitutes Library Display
The mothers and fathers fifty
years ago used to admonish the
younger generation to have "good
clean fun." Brought up to date
and applied to hobbies, that
phase could be used for soap carving.
Marian Carter took up cutting
the Ivory about a month ago
when her small daughter Diane
became fascinated with a collection of soap animals in a store.
This week, some of the results of
her experience are on display in
the library.
A miniature mother and baby
elephant lumber along, trunks
carefully curled up and under.
A Hawaiian girl clothed in a fullskirted midriff gown and carrying a guitar, sways gracefully on
her pedestal for the benefit of a
sad eyed daschund and sporty
terrier. A rakish Mexican hat,
and a pair of intricately carved
miniature book-ends complete
the exhibit.
Hillel To V o t e For Co-Editor
Voting wil take place on Wednesday, for the co-editor of the "Hillel
News" to take the place of Miriam
Meirowitz, who transferee from State
College to New York University.
Myskania Report . . .
(Continued from Page 1, Col. II
22. Organized freshman class.
23. Contacted college organizations
to determine possible openings
for students entering State this
24. Supervised organization of College-Wide Dunce to be hold February 22.
25. Suggested to Student Council
that a supplement to tho Directory bo Issued . . . supplement
to Include names of students
entering State this February.
Suggestion accepted.
2(i. Collected money from student
Association for refreshments for
Christmas Party for Albany
Home. Since over $00 was collected, there was a surplus after
till expenses had been paid. After
investigation, it was decided to
use the money to buy a'combination Vic and Radio for tlio gymnasium of the Home.
Pierce To Hold Bulger Schedules
Senior Meeting
Annual Formal
Mr. Paul Bulger, Instructor in Education, has announced that an imIn Ingle March 23 portant meeting of all Seniors, GradA semi-formal dance sponsored by
Pierce Hall will be held March 23rd
in the Ingle Room from 9 P. M. to
1 A. M. Dolores Teamerson, '46, and
Alice Knapp, '47, are co-chairmen of
the affair.
The "Jonquil Jump" will be the first
Pierce Hall Prom to be held since the
beginning of the war. Before the war
such dances were held annually. The
Ingle Room will be decorated in green
and white with the jonquil theme
predominating. Each man will be issued a jonquil as a lapel flower.
Pierce Halls girls and their escorts
will be admitted free but all others
will be charged $1.50. Dr. and Mrs.
Edward Cooper, Dr. and Mrs. Derk
Tieszen and Dr. and Mrs. J. Allan
Hicks will attend as chaperones.
Pierce Hall's social committee will
assist the co-chairmen in planning
the event. The committee consists
of: Dorothy Caughran, Joan Alverson, Juniors; Marian Mieras, Dorothy Skelton, Shirley Eygabroat, Sophomores; Mary Lois O'Nell, Carolyn
Wood, and Joyce Simon, freshmen.
Andrews To Present
Colloquium A t Cornell
Dr. Charles L. Andrews, Professor
of Physics, will give a colloquium
on "Microwave Optics" at Cornell
University on Monday. Dr. Andrews
and Mr. Marvin J. Pryor, Instructor in Physics, attended the national
meeting of the American Association of Physics Teacher at Columbia
University January 24, 25 and 26.
Dr. Andrews will present his oolloqulm before tho faculty and graduate
students In flic Department of PhvsIcs.
During the meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers,
Dr. Andrews delivered a lecture on
"Demonstration of the Use of Microwaves In Teaching Phvlcal Optics,"
Barber Shop
:2I0 Central Avenue Albany, N. V,
uate students, veterans, and other
men who hope to secure teaching
positions through the Student Employment Bureau will be held in
Room 20, Richardson, Wednesday
afternoon at 3:30 P.M.
The purpose of the meeting, which
is under the direction of Mr. Bulger
and Miss Mary R. Albert, is to impress upon the students their obligations to State and to themselves in
securing positions as teachers in New
York state.
Mr. Bulger also has announced
that two Seniors and two Graduate
have secured
through the S. E. B. Herbert Ford,
'46, has a position as Mathematics
instructor in Greenville, New York,
Marion Munzar, Graduate student,
has accepted a position as Librarian
In Greenville. Marlon Isabelle Davis,
'45, has a position as Mathematics
instructor in Copenhagen, and Josephine Maggio, '46, will be Commerce Instructor in Greenville.
New Constitution ...
(Continued from Page t, Column S)
is to have the President of the Men's
Athletic Association, Harold Weber,
'47, in conjunction with Coach Merlin Hathaway, appoint eight new
men to MAA Council. Their appointments will be subject to the approval
of the men of the college. This plan
would serve temporarily until later
In the spring when a more permanent system would be devised under
a revised MAA constitution.
Special assemblies will bo called to
discuss the revised Student Association constitution, according to Helen Shurc, '46, President of Student
Association. This was deemed necessary in view of the time that would
be consumed in regular assemblies
on debate.
103 C E N T R A L AVE.
Three of the campus religious clubs
have slated activities for the coming week. Student Christian Association and Hillel have planned an exchange meeting while Inter-Varsity
Chritian Fellowship will sponsor a
Harriet Brinkman, '46, President of
Student Christian Association, has
announced that Rev. William McConaghy, Minister of the Madison
Avenue Presbyterian Church, will lecture on Thursday, at joint meeting of SCA and Hillel in the Lounge
at 8:00 p. m. His topic will be "The
Bases of the Many Protestant Sects."
Frosh Club
The Frosh Club of SCA will present a melodrama singing
dancing Wednesday in the Commons
a t 8:00 p. m. Nominations for President and General Chairman of Frosh
Club will close at that time. Voting
will take place at the general meeting
on Thursday.
Day of Prayer
"World-Wide Day of Prayer" will
be observed at the First Presbyterian Church, Sunday. February 24.
The SCA men will usher and Justine
Maloney will give a short talk on the
significance of the day. The entire
student body is invited to attend.
Recently SCA has taken over the
Sunday^ night services at churches in
the vicinity and has led young people's groups.
Justine Maloney '48 has been a p pointed head of the worship committee to fill the vacancy left by the
resignation of Betty Brewster, '47.
Tryouts are being held for a play to
be presented at the March meeting.;
Sally Holmes, '47, President of I n ter-Versity Christian Fellowship, hajs
announced that the Bible Study
Hour will be resumed on Monday a t
3:30 p. m. in Room 151, Draper. A
systematic study of Biblical teachings will be started by Rev. David
Gray, a graduate student. On Wednesday at 3:30 P. M. a Fellowship
Horn- will be held in the Lounge.
Students from RPI and other area
colleges will speak. Refreshments will
be served under the direction of Jean
Connor, '48.
The following Inter-Varsity appointments have been made: Publicity chairman, Kay Grant, '49; Representative to the executive committee from the freshman class, Muriel
Owens, '49; Missionary co-chairmen,
Vera Dulany, '48, and Doris Hoenninger, '49.
All students who are Interested are
invited to attend the Bible Study
Hours and Fellowship Hours, as well
as the daily prayer meeting, sponsored by Inter-Varsity.
SCA has received an invitation to
attend an SCM Round Table dinner
and conference at Union College, Saturday, March 9. The new Chaplain,
Dr. C. Victor Brown, will be host.
There will be a dinner, discussion and
dancing for men and women from
the five colleges In the Capital District. Those interested in attending
may sign up on the SCA bulletin
board, Friday afternoon. The first ten
girls to sign up will be recommended
Vacuum Repair Shop
A L B A N Y , N . Y.
PHONE 4 0 2 4 7
H. F. Honikel & Son
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203 Central Ave.
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i.ii ni'f. [gas »»«»IBlB*BHMi»<MWilB**-
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State's Five Set Back By Siena 45-29
In College Varsity's Opening Encounter
Gamma Kap Five
Still Undefeated
Sayles Bows To BZ;
Phi Delt, KD Also Win
On Monday afternoon, KD
the Rares staged a fight all the
In the beginning of the fourth quarter the score was tied 13-13. Slack!*
spurted ahead, leading her team om
to a 23-14 victory. Although SlacUt
served as the winning spark, O*Grady's performance throughout tike
game was outstanding.
Basketball is bade at State and we
have a team that we can brag about
to anyone! The setback that was
scored last Wednesday may have
In the second game, the Whiz Kids
been a win for Siena, but the State
defeated Chi Sig 13-9. The teams
fans saw just what they came to
were tied 4-4, until the third quarter
see — their team putting up a real
when the Whiz Kids took a 10-6 lead.
fight against a team that had one
Daley was high scorer for the Wbia
more thing in Its favor—more time
Kids and Moberg played a notable defor practice. If State had had more
fensive game.
time to work out their plays and
Phi Delt Wins
practice as a . team, It would
have been a win. Since there is anTuesday night's games got off to
other game coming up Thursday of
a fast start when Phi Delt downed the
next week, and .several more schedPowerful Psi Gam squad to the tune
of 13-19. It was a fairly close game
uled for the following weeks, how
with Psi Gam rallying periodically
about speeding up the WAA basketto keep the game interesting. There
ball games a little more to leave the
were quite a number of fouls on both
gym free for the team. The irregusides. Lengyel, Collier, and O'Neil
lar practice hours are one of the
made 4 points each for the loosers,
big disadvantages to the team. If
while Tilden paced the victors with 6.
the team can get in a lot more time
for practicing and working out a few
Newman Loss
more plays, then the return game
The most thrilling game of the
with Siena which is scheduled for
evening was the Gamma Kap-NewMarch 6 may show the same squad
man game. Gamma Kap had won
piling up the score over Siena's head.
every game they played, and Newman had only one loss. However,
Sports are beginning to mean a
Newman was considered to be a heavy
more around State than they used to
for the title. Gamma Kap
—or hadn't you noticed? It must be
opened the game when Young scored
that people are beginning to take
twice in succession. It was fast movthose vitamin capsules instead of Just
ing all the way through, but from
looking at them. Well the shot in
the beginning it was Gamma Kap's
the arm is certainly helping to bring
game. The Newman forwards couldout a little of the spirit that we
n't seem to get started. At the half
knew' was around here, anyway—it
the score was 14-3 in favor of Gamma
was' just hiding.
Kap. They kept piling up points
throughout the remainder of the
Would you believe that we were
threatened right after the MyskaniaSpeigle, on the floor, attempts a last throw to Laeuyer, 16, of Siena. Feeney, 12, Captain of State's team and game, to win by a final score of 23-6.
Soph game. Wednesday night. Well Mullen, 10, try to intercept It.
Photo Courtesy Times-Union.
The third game of the evening was
after the game, Berbri— oops sorry
between Sayles and BZ. It was a slow
we really can't mention names, well
Wednesday night saw the return of inter-collegiate basketball to the game for the most part with the BZ
anyway, she dashed madly up and
Page Hall Gym when State was defeated by Siena College 45-29 in a fast squad outplaying the Sayles six.
said,. ''Remember—we beat the frosh
playing and hard fought encounter.
last week! Be sure to mention thatl"
Baker starred for BZ and got in
State got the jump on Siena
Well when we recovered from the
as the game Opened when Mullen Combs tallied on a long shot and some amazing shots. The final score
shock, j we merely. batted our eyetapped the ball to Red Evans. o n a n i c e P la y Mullen added two was 18-4.
lashes, and said that we would menDavidson pushed through a basket Points. Speigle made a long shot and
tion it. So you see—that's how some
hews gets into print!
Psi Gam, A E Phi Teams and followed with a foul point. Mullen made two foul shots. Evans
Marsland scored States first basket and Laeuyer scored a point apiece
. Put down that hatchet Ber ,
Turn Back BZ, Stokes
and Mullen and Feeney added foul for their respective teams. With four
Washington's birthday isn't until
goals. Combs made a shot from un- minutes to play, Siena started to
next week.
der the basket and put State ahead take long shots. Ryan scored the last
in the WAA bowling league as AEPhi 8-6 at the end of the quarter.
basket of the game as State was
beat BZ, and Psi Gam topped Stokes. Siena Spurt
desperately trying to cut down SieThere are still ten games to be played
The WAA ping Pong Tournament
S.ena started its second team, na's lead. The final score was 45-29
before the completion of the first composed of new students, as the with Siena winning.
has reached the final stages of the
round of the tournament.
State's next game will be with Al- play offs. In games held this week,
State team came forth to protect its
In the AEPhi-BZ match, AEPhi lead. The ball was passed back and bany Law school February 21 on Alice Fisher defeated H. ZeilengoW,
B. J. Jones topped M. Hollis in a
took the first two games with team forth and changed hands frequently the Page Hall Court.
highly contested game and Fran
scores of 588 and 562. Schwedock of until Speigle tossed one in and was
The lineups:
Sowa won over Ad. Fisher.
AEPhi had the highest individual followed by a foul shot made by
score and she rolled 174. BZ's high Krambhole. Marsland put up his best
With only two more games to be
scorer was Ruth Bentley bowling 125 fight in this quarter, but Siena pulled Bortnick
0 played until the finals are reached,
slowly ahead. Krambhole scored two Bowen
The Sophomore team had its first in both games.
predictions from all parts are being
7 received as to whom will become the
workout when they trounced the
Psi Gam beat Stokes in the second more foul shots before Combs tal- Combs
7 ultimate victor.
hard fighting Myskania six in the game of the day, winning the first lied for State with a basket and a Evans
Ray Weiss, last
4 year's champ, seems to have the edge
preliminary contest at Wednesday match 574-444. The second set-up foul shot. Marsland matched baskets Feeney
nights State-Siena game. Winning was conceeded to Psi Gam even with Lacuver and Phillips scored Marsland ..
over Fran Sowa although the game
7 will probably be one of the toughest
by the convincing score of 43-16, the though Sweeney didn't bowl. The Siena's last basket making it 18-13 in Mullen
0 played games of the tournament.
Sophomore team displayed a great Psi Gam's needed 25 points to win,
0 In the other game which will put
deal of skill on the court and proved and it was assumed that Sweeney Evans Scores
0 Alice Fisher over B. J. Jones, a very
itself a team that will be hard to would have bowled at least this num0
State again got the Jump and Zanchclli ..
close game is expected with Fisher
Evans scored on a long shot. Speigle
having a slight advantage over Jonee.
2 Tl. Av. tossed one in, Laeuyer added three
The Sophomores skyrocketed Into AEPhi
If Fisher should win her match and
the lead in the first quarter when A, Fischer
121 142 263 132 points, and then Speigle again talFB PP T P
Weiss wins, the game between the
the Myskania guards were unable to S. Fischer
127 102 231 116 lied. Evans added a basket and Barlto
two should be filled with surprises
and Mullln traded foul shots.
stop the fast pace set by Tilden, Schwedock
174 144 318 159 Walte
and a display of very good playing.
Laeuyer and Krambhole added points Colle
Cooper, and Quinn, outstanding Soph Coplon
80 78 158 79 to Siena's score. Then Feeney tossed Davidson
forwards. Leading 14-2 at the end Hoffman
86 94 180 90 a basket in from the half-way mark. Laeuyer
of the first period, the Sophomores
Walte made a shot from the foul Krambhole
continued their onward advance Total
line and Evans intercepted unci Phillips
having netted a score of 24-4 when BZ
2 Tl. AV. scored in a lay-up shot through the Rafus
the half mark was reached. The Palmatier
94 101 195 98 center.
and Speigle Ryan
Western & Quail
second half found the plucky Mys- Bush
93 109 202 101 again scored to bring the score to Spelglo
kania basketoers hard at work In a
for school leagues
122 115 237 119 37-22 with Siena leading.
vain attempt to gain aglnst the Mordaunt
from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
The last quarter opened with
Sophs. It was Seymour that starred
85 94 179 90 Waite scoring a goal and foul shot.
here with placement shots from mid 'Dunn
court and Slack, who did a great
deal of excellent passwork and cut- Total
2 Tl. Av.
G E O R G E D. J E O N E V . PROP.
ting, However, it was the Sophs Psi GAM
DIAL 3-1013
game all the way as Tilden sank Sweeney
shots from all parts of the court
134 286 143
Duplicate Prints may be secured
108 120 2,'M 117
aided by the excellent team work Yerdon
at all times
which supported her, The final
221 111
Discount prices in effect till May
n i 95 200 103
score found It a Sophomore victory Regan
as the scoreboard read 43-16.
Films retained for at least
The most of the Best
5 years
The Myskania team beat? the
2 Tl. Av.
Freshman basketeers 17-16 in a hard Sittig
93 08 101 06
for the Least
fought game on Friday. However, Coporale
38 74 112 50
the Frosh proved that they have a Hervey
108 78 11)0 03
good deal of basketball material and Kasper
08 12(1 221 111
51 3rd Street
when they have had more practice, Sweger
n o 139 240 125
Troy, N. Y.
19B 2 0 0 C E N T R A L A V E N U E
Troy 1068
will prove a challenge to the thus
A L B A N Y , N. Y.
far superior Sophomore team.
Bowling Tourney
Nears Quarter
Nears Final Play
Sophomore Team
Trips Myskania
In Fast Game
The Lloyd Studio
i i s . . r ...,
State College News
Dr. Sidney Lovett
Will Address
Assembly Today
Yale University Chaplain
To Speak On Needs
Of College Students
Student Christian Association will
present Dr. Sidney Lovett, Chaplain of Yale University, as guest
speaker in assembly today. Dr. Lovett will hold an interview period in
the office of Dr. Louis C. Jones, Assistant Professor of English, from 10
to 11 this morning and will be entertained at a noon-day luncheon
at Wagar's today.
Dr. Lovett, who will speak on
"Student Needs Around the World,"
is Chairman of the World Student
Service Fund General Committees.
The World Student Service Fund,
to which a part of State's Campus
Chest proceeds is contributed, studies the relief needs of college students for book, clothing and other
such Items.
Cinderella Slips Into Slipper
As Prince Bows To Day
Prince Charming's courtiers
have come to State. Last Friday two gentlemen appeared in
the lower hall of Draper, armed with a glass slipper and a
shoe horn, in search of Cinderella—All part of a publicity
campaign sponsored by Warner Bros. Strand Theater for
the movie "Cinderella Jones."
Three fair co-eds rrom ^tate
were eligible. Peggy Bostwick,
Ginny Day and Helen Kilborn
squeezed into the size four slipper. After an exciting hour at
the Strand Wednesday night,
Ginny Day emerged . . . the
Tonight Cinderella goes to
the ball. She will check in at
the DeWitt Clinton this evenning, with the Princess Suite
ready for her. Tomorrow she
will meet the mayor, receive a
new spring outfit from Whitney's, and . . . hold on to your
boots, girls . . . spend the evening with Prince Charming.
This includes dinner at the DeWitt, and champagne at the
Towne House. At twelve o'clock
Cinderella goes home.
FEBRUARY 2 2 , 1046
VOL. XXX N O . 1 6
Sixteen Campus Organizations
Sponsor College-Wide Dance
Strictly From Formaldehyde
With Caspar Milquetoastish boldness we attempt to introduce State College to the wide world
—taking our life in our hands we understand full
well. If this be heresy, make the most of it—but
we do feel that current affairs should play some
part in the life of—shall we call you future pedagogues? And a good place to start would be to
take a stand against the Anti-Vivisestion Bill before the State Assembly Committee. And it does
Casey, Seymour
Head Committee
Entertainment To Include
Skit O n Washington
Sixteen campus organizations will
present a college-wide dance tonight
at 8:30 o'clock in the Page Hall gym
and Lounge. Mary Louise Casey
and Mary Seymour, Seniors, are
co-chairmen of the affair.
The purpose of the dance is to
maintain a close spirit of co-operation between the different groups,
and two members have been appointed from each of the organizations to serve on the planning committee.
Washington Theme
Decorations and entertainment
concern you, zoology major or not.
will be based on a George Washington theme. The event is strictly InTravels In Europe
formal, and music will be provided
Dr. Lovett has recently returned
by the victrola. There will be card
from an inspection trip in Europe
playing facilities in the Lounge, and
refreshments, cookies and punch,
will be served there from 10 to
10:30 p.m.
He will continue his leave of ah
The entertainment will consist of
sence from Yale University to tra
two parts, one at 9:30 p. m. and
vel and study student needs in
the second at 11 p.m. A short skit,
American colleges.
After a iapse of tnree years t h e
The tournament will consist of:
starring Gloria Jaffer, '48, and Alex1—Regional eliminations which
ander Monro, '49, and satirizing the
Dr. Lovett, born in Boston, pre- fourth annual Intercollege Bridge
cherry tree incident of George
will be played on the participared for college at Brown and Tournament will be held this
Washington's childhood, will be the
pant's own campus and scored
Nichols School in Cambridge. He spring. Plans are being made for
9:30 presentation. At eleven, there
entirely by mail, each college
was graduated from Yale University the participation of State College
will be another parody on Washbeing represented by their
in 1913 and received his degree from students in this event in which
Conference Delegates
ington in the form of a poem, and
eight best players and a game
the Union Theological Seminary In more than a dozen Eastern Colleges
The votes for Vice-President ol a trio, made up of Dorine Holland,
1917. After holding two pastorates and Universities are taking port,
2--A final, two-session event in the Senior Class and delegates to '48, and Ellen Sargent and Joan
in Boston churches from 1917 This tournament, which is open
Now York City in which the t h e c o n v e n t l o n s t o b e h e l d a t N e w Wurzler freshmen, will sing. Muriel
through 1932, he accepted his pres- to undergraduates in nil accredited
15 winning pairs in the re- „ . _ . . .
Rubin, '47, will be soloist,
ent position at Yale.
men's, women's, and co-educationgional eliminations will com- *ork ° l W a n d Geneseo have been committees
Any student who wishes to ques- al colleges in the Northeastern and
pete in a regular, over-the- tabulated.
The committees are: Entertaintion Dr. Lovett may talk to him in Middle Atlantic States, was first
table par tournament.
j th
j u
ment Alice Williams '48, chairman,
Dr Jones' office from 10 to 11 this organized in 1940. Its purpose is to
State will bo included in Region
and Betty Rose Hilt, '47, Betty
arouse interest in contract bridge
in college and to promote it as a
which is composed of all New President to replace Eileen Shoup, cavanaugh, and Helen Kisiel, SopSCA Luncheon
popular social recreation for both York State. The eight participants '46, who graduated in January, homores; Decorations, Alice Knapp,
who will take part in the regional Gloria McPerran, '46, won on the chairman, Evelyn Dorr, '47, Bernice
SCA will hold a luncheon for men and wraen.
eliminations will be chosen by s e c o n d d i s t r i b u t l o n w i t h 4 5 v o t e s Shapiro and Patricia Tilden SophoDr. Lovett at Wagar's Restaurant
means of a campus brdge tournamores; Refreshments, Cecilia Colethis noon. Those who will attend
ment. On one night during the week o v e r t n e JU v o t e s c a s t l o r J o a n man, '48, chairman, Florence Mace
the luncheon are Dr. Margaret
beginning Monday, March 25, these Mather, '46.
and Rita Shapiro, Sophomores;
Hayes, Assistant Professor of Edueight players will complete a series
Posters, Dorothy Sturzenberger and
cation; Dr. Charles L. Andrews,
of bridge hands which will be , f
" S >s "eld to choose a J o a n Alverson, Juniors, Marian
Professor of Physics; Harriet Brlnkspecially .selected and prepared delegate from the Senior Class and M l e r n s ,4B n n d M a r y cheathom,
niun, President of SCA; find Alice
by the'American Contract Bridge one from the Junior Class to repre- >49; olean-up, Richard Smith, '47,
McGowan, Seniors; Alice Knapp
League. These eighteen hands will s e " * the°feZ
" C o n , f e r e " C e chairman, Alice Beckers, '47, and
Amerand Joan Alverson, Juniors; and
March. The n , m a R o s e n , 4 8 ; T l c k e t s , W ilma
Justine Maloney,'48.
Women will hold a general meeting vclope beforo the game. Following *
S ^ S ^ S V ° £ P ' 6 ' ' 48' cllnil™™' A v l s C h n m The assembly program next Fri- Wednesday in the Lounge at 8:15 the game the scores will be sent to ^ ^ \ e ^ ^ J ^ J ? '
TQ ™ » ' Mary Ellon Dlener, Kathday will continue the discussion of P.M. Tho Chora) Speaking
Speaking Group
1 p.ucnUtive liom t e r y n H agerty and Mary Tessler, J u n Group the Committee in New York where «"*en
distribuannouncement for
the new Constitution. Plans are be- of Schuyler High School, u n d e r the tho fifteen p a i r s with t h e highest
ing made to install a loud-speaking direction of Miss Melanie G r a n t , scores will be selected for t h e finals Hon, wllh 360 votes-a clean sweep February 22, Agnes Mclntyre, '49
system for this assembly In order will present 11 p r o g r a m of five seT h e final r o u n d s of this t o u r n a - over all opponents, and Betty Rose Representatlvcs
Hilt, '47, was elected the delegate
to make it. easier for everyone to lections.
m e n t will bo played a t tho Ritzfrom the Junior Class on the fourth
Members from Student Christian
hear the discussion clearly.
Miss Zoraldu W e e k s , S e c r e t a r y of
distribution with 363 votes—her Association are Alice Knapp, '47,
At Student Council meeting Wed- the New York S t a t e T e a c h e r s ' Asnearest competitor being Alice
Marian Mieras, '48; Newman
nesday plans were discussed for an- sociation a m i editor of New York first to he played F r i d a y evening, Knapp, '47, Who polled 209 votes on Ghl13 ' Betty Rose Hilt, '47, and Agnes
other Activities Day which will be Hlat< hlduruthm,
will give a brief
the fourth distribution.
Mclntyre, '49; Hillel, Arline and
held in I he Commons Tuesday, talk on "A CVntruy of Service to afternoon, April 27. C u e pair repreHortense
s e n t i n g tin' defending c h a m p i o n s
March 5, from 2:30 to r>:(H) P. M. Public Education,"
The subject of the Geneseo Con- Prim( r, Evelyn Dorr, '47 and Berwill
Till;; will enable all veterans and
fprence which Is also planned for nice Shapiro, '48; Pedagogue, D01T h e five .selections of Hie choral
other February students to sign up speaking g r o u p a r e as follows: an All expenses of the players piirtlei- Morch Is student government and olhv Sturzenberger, 17; STATU Comfor the activities In which they are original n i n i n g o i n e n t by Miss ( h a u l puting in tho finals will be paid by o t h c r p r m s e a o t student activities, I.HUU NKWH, Kathryn Hagerty and
Interested Louise Slryker and Ei- anil the group, " T h e Youth of 1 lie Committee. This will Include Teachers' colleges from all over the Mary Tessler, Juniors; Campus
leen Moody, Seniors, lire In chiirue America S p e a k s ; " "Nancy H a n k s train fares, hotel rooms, mollis a n d stale are sending delegates to this Commission, Rita Shapiro and
of I ho evt'lil.
conference. Robert Sullivan, '40, Alice Williams, Sophomores; Music
Her S o n . " "High
Eui'lher details about the m i n [''light," a recitation by J o h n Mo- ims t o u r n a m e n t which will be held was chosen the representative from Council, Cecilia Coleman and Florth,];
" T h e Bonnie C r a v a t " ;
and to select p a r t i c i p a n t s for thu re- ilie Senior class to attend this con- ence Mace, Sophomores; Debate
e s gional eliminations will lie a n n o u n c - IVrcnce; Sullivan polled 350 votes Council, Mary Ellen Dlener, '47 and
SI<olsl<y, W o o d w o r th Wi'ldon.
on the first distribution, far out- Inna Rosen, '48; Press Bureau, Alice
ed at 11 later date. CVleno. Axulrod,
Miss G r a n t , an a l u m n u s of S t a t e '47, a n d Alice Prindle a n d Rita distancing liis nearest competitor, Beckers and Richard Smith, Juniors; Inter-Group Council, Mary
1'allege, h a s studied d r a m a t i c s and Coleman, Sophomores, are In c h a r g e Eileen Moody, '4(i.
Cheatham, '40; Dramatics and Arts
at of plans for tho event.
The representative of the Junior Council, Joan Alverson and Avis
T h e NfciWri HnAiiii lllllloillloeH tile
schools t h r o u g h o u t thu country.
class will be Rulh Bentley, '47, who Chamberlain,
addition ol Iwu m e n tu t h e staff of
While ul S l a t e she was a pupil of
won on the fifth distribution with Athletic Association, Wilma Diehl
tin-' STATU CUI.I.NUH NBWH. B e r n a r d
Miss Agnes 10. E u t t o r e r , Assistant SPRING PLAY CHOSEN
33H votes; her nearest competitor and Patricia Tilden, Sophomores;
Skolsky, '47, w a s nuineil Associate I'lTiifessor oi English. S u p p l e m e n t At 11 mooting of the executive
Editor, and Frank Woodworth, '17, ing h e r .study, sho h a s been active council, Wednesday, the final se- was Philip Lashinsky, '47, who polled and Men's Athletic Association,,
3211 votes on the fifth distribution.
was appointed Men's Sports Colum- in summer stock, spending several lection
for tho spring play was Alice Williams, '411, was chosen tho .John Bolles, '43, and Harold Weber,
seasons at the Mohawk Drama Fes- made. It will bo Antonio and Old delegate from the Sophomore class '47. Commuters Club Is also represented,
Skolsky was an Associate Editor tival and us a member of tho Bork- Laao and will be directed by Mur- with 350 votes on the first distribuof tho STATU COI.MOUH NBWH prior to shire Playhouse.
Iiiniiu Davis, '48,
Dr, Ralph Beaver, Professor of
his enlistment in tho Armed Forces
All Seniors who wish to attend
Anyone who is Interested in tho
Mathematics, Dr, Harvey Rice,
In 1043. By virtue of this reap- tho mooting may sign up beforo production of this play has boon
Numerical tabulations can bo Professor of History and Dr. Theopolntmont, Skolsky becomes u Monday on tho bulletin board In urged to contact tho committee found on page 3 of this Lssuo. AU dore Standing, Professor of Ecomember of tho present Nuws Huestod or with Mrs. Agnes Under- chairmen or Mary Harvoy, '47, voting was done In last Friday's As nomics and Sociology, will act as
wood In the Alumni Office.
President of College Playhouse.
H A l S ^ S f f i ? ! State Students Will Participate McFerran Wins
In Inter-college BridgeTournament Class Of 1946
Alumni Group
To Hold Meeting
Join NEWS Staff