* teife "©©'ittejt* mm i: WMK sirtflttE Co?Y loT grarag 16. 1525 GOEWEY WINS TENUIS TOURNAMENT* DEEEATS ST-JffiEY IN.STRAIGHT SETS "Biff" Goewey; S t a t e C o l l e g e ; ' 2 7 ; defeated Rajjph S t a n l e y ; State College; ' 2 9 , Tuesday i n the f i n a l s of the men's t e n n i s tournament i n two s t r a i g h t s e t s t y the scores of 6 - 2 and 6 - 1. Ho did t h i s a f t e r dofoating Goorgo Taylor; State Coll e g e ; ' 2 9 ; on Monday i n tho semiSESSION WILL END f i n a l s by scores of 6 - 3 and 6-0," SATURDAY AT NOON again i n s t r a i g h t s e t s . His only Tho summor session of tho State match to go i n t o tho f u l l three s e t s Collo&o for Teachers, w i l l end Sat- was with Trumbull. Eo l o s t the f i c a t s o t ; 10 - 8 ; but won tho noxt two urday a t noon;whon tho laiit exame a s i l y ; 6 - i ; 6 - 1 . Ho won h i s i n a t i o n w i l l bo over. Moro than f i r s t gamo with Pago by scores of 800 t e a c h e r s ; p r i n c i p a l s ; s u p e r i n 6 - 0; 9 - 7 . tendent s; and undorgroduatoa; who Stanloy roachod the f i n a l s by dohave been together for s i : : weeks; f o a t i n g Schoor 6 - i ; 6 - 1; and w i l l diEband then to go to t h e i r then winning from S u l l i v a n ; who had rospoctivo homos. The collogo h a l l s w i l l bo d e s e r t e d for four weeks; un- dofcatod Layman and Groon; a f t e r t i l Soptombor 16, when tho f i r s t of drawing a bye in the sodond round* the rogular session stu.do.its e n r o l l . Ho won from Sullivan by 6 - 4 ; 8 6„ Saturday; Taylor played hie match MR. 3TARK3Y SPE.iKS with Thomas; winning from him by ON MUSIC AND ENGLISH 6 - 4 ; 8 - 6. On Monday; Taylor l o s t to Goowoy; and on Tuesday; Goowey Mr. Morris St'crkoy; s u p e r v i s clinchod tho summer sossion champor of musio in tho Cohoos High i o n s h i p by defeating Stanloy* School; spoke Wednesday bjforo an There uorc fourteen e n t r a n t s in audience of majors and minors i n English i n Milna Hall on tho c o r r - tho tournament; who played a t o t a l e l a t i o n of music with tho teaching of t h i r t e e n gatohoo beforo tho t o u r of E n g l i s h . Tho c l a s s i n aothods of nament was complotod. Tho e n t r a n t s wore: Taylor; Allon; Thomas; SchoJttij. teaching English l i t o r a t u r e was G i l l o t t o ; Goowoy; Trumbull; Pago; oxcuscd to l i s t e n to h i s loctu.ro. Schoor; Stanley; Layman; Sullivan;Green; cr.6 Maslana. Thoy played 7 IEAVE EiJVELO. matchos in tho f i r c t round and 3 i n TO OJBTAIM ILJ'LS tho soooL.d boei&os the somi-finals and finalst Studontr who wish to have tho There was to havo boon a tourna^ r.arks they receive in eummor DOL-Smont for g i r l s , a l s o , but thoy j u s t ion work mailod t o thorn a f t e r the c o u l d n ' t soo.a to got togothor. Tho oloso of tho session are roquosted to loavo a stampod; solf-addrosood' four ontranta havo not playod t h o i r oiiirolnpo in tho r e g i s t r a r ' s o f f i c o . f i r s t round y o t . AU ITEVOIR Many of the people of the sunner session leave for hone today; most of the rest go tomorrow. All of us, in the nidsfc of the strained tine of examinations, have no tine for the farewells we would like to nakc, end therefore the SUI'aXTTIIIES takes this opportunity to say coodbyo to you fron everybody in college, and to return your good-byes to then. The sunner has been a nost pleasant one. The six weeks have flown away all too soon for one "'ho likes to nake fri-mds. There has not been quite enough tine for cc.nenting thoso friendships that last forever, bu we have h d six weeks of heppy conpanionship, of Joyous probings into a whole scries of new personalities. For those of us who v/ill neet again in reguler session or next sunner, this r.iutual exploration ocn be continued. For you who will not cone back, wo e n only say, for you and tc you, au rovoir, and r,ry wo neet agcin# For everybody, the SUMT^TTB'ES s.ys /~ood-byc. lie y the few weeks beforo the grind begins again be pie; .r nt, A.D.B. BOARD OF EDITORS Alfred David Basch MANAGING SDITQI? Frederick V.r-.lte Crunb ART : DITCH George P, L"Ucc M-rgarotho Schroedor JUNIOR AS600IAT3S EDITOR DESK EDIETOR Alexander Schoor John Kennedy PAGE 3 SHOULD TEACHERS SMOKE? CERTAINLY; SAYS BOSTON TRANSCRIPT? IF OTHERS MAY (Prom Boston Transcript) • "Applications for teachers in the town of Lynn will not be considered if it is known that the candidates smoke cigarettes. This; at least, is the way matters stand at present; following a vote of the school committee. At an earlier meeting; the committoe declined to adopt a recommendation offered by the mayor that teachers who smoked should bo dismissed. It is an intorosting situation^ Apparently; teachers who smoke; if they arc already holding positions; may continue to indulge in cigarottos; but no toachor who smokes will train the young idea in Lynn if tho school committee knows the awful truth, "There arises tho question of supply and demand. If tho Lynn rulo were to bo of wide application; would thore bo onoygh of the non-smoking teachers to meet tho demand? The habit of cigarette smoking among young people may be highly deplorable. Thore are a good many pooplo who think that it is. But the indications aro that it is wide spread. How many of tho studonts that aro in attondanco at the State Normal Schools are cigarette smokers in thoir own homos? To forbid smoking on the school premises is one thing. To try to prevent it olsowhoro is quite another, ". , J."--.-' :.:i>-,./ : . 7 ; . • " I t may also be said of the a c t i o n i n Lyn.i that i t p u t s a premium on d e c e p t i o n , Tho honest teacher, w i l l i n g to admit a fondness for c i g a r e t t e s; i s barrod, Tho unscrupulous g e t s tho job and smokes when not w i t h i n the range of v i g i l a n t oyos of Lynn schhol committeemen, or whero c h i l d r e n may bo turned i n t o t a t t l e r s , Thore i s , of course; new opportun i t y for the a c t i v i t i e s of Paul Pry of l a r g e r s t a t u t e . And probably the sale of c i g a r e t t e s in the c i t y of Lynn, w i l l not bo diminished. I t may be addod that t h i s a r t i c l o i s not a defence of c i g a r o t t o smoking by school-ma'ams. I t morcly suggests t h a t with a multitude of young people i n tho ranks of the smokers i t i s not tho o a s i o s t task i n the world to put tho school teachers i n a c l a s s by thcmsolvos." DEM M3TZLER HOPES TO START COLLEGE TO TRAIN CHARACTER According to a rocoht s t o r y in the Albany Evening Nows, Dr. Williar H, Llotzlor, dean of non of State College, orpoots that the Abraham Lincoln Foundation, of which ho i s a mor.bor, w i l l h.?vo a v a i l a b l e by 193B $60,000;000 which i 3 noco3sary so that preliminary steps toward tho o r g a n i z a t i o n of a collogo to de/olop oharaoto* r a t h e r than scholarship can be taken. The student body of t'v'.s c'oxJogo w i l l bo a carofully solectod group, culled from a l l par tig of t i e world, One studont s h a l l bo picked from each s t a t e of tho u.'iiiu r..:i<. ':'••) remaining mothers of oac! e n t e r i n g oi?ss w i l l he selected from Lurcrx., i-jjn; and the United S t a t e r e g a r d l e s s cl vaco, m o o l ; or c o l o r . In sc.icrulrn o ? s t u d e n t s ; character w i l l cou'il; f i r s t ; a b j i i t / second; i ' i ec holer aiilp t h i r d ; a rovorsal of tho usual crdor Tbono acv.aonte w i l l ho 3J\'on a six yoar course instoad of tho usual ioiur„ Upen being gradua'-cd; t i c students w i l l have boon f i t t o d to become world ol.i) zona' and w i l l l o t a r n to t h o i r native countr i e s equip^od tu be dynamic fjroes i\tt eenstractive world poaco and p r o g r e s s , according te Dr* luckier* The oo&Isgo w i l l acoomodato 1200 s t u d e n t 3 , but w i l l bogin with an o.itering c l a s s of about 200, PAGE 4 HOT EVERYTHING THAT'S NEW IS PROGRESS; PROPER CHOICE TESTS EDUCATION; SAYS E.L. Thoro i s ono who s t a n d s squaroly i n the way of p r o g r e s s ; woaring tho t h i c k coat of doubt and f o a r ; while around hin i s tho spring of now thought and now l i f o ; r o f u s i n g t o fool tho warmth and meaning o u t s i d e becauso; f o r s o o t h ; t o change w i l l noan buying a now coat. That can be put off u n t i l tho permanence of change from winter t o spring i s f u l l y established. t Wo are prone to forgot in our day that we aro still in tho spring—" time of human progress. Wo aro still awaking; growing.' stretching upward. Wo compare our own tine with #ae past and say; "How wo have progrossedi How much bottor our social customs; our roiigious beliefs; our economic situation; our moral codosi Surely; since they aro the best so far; thoy must be perfect; or at least as nearly perfect as is humanly possiblo," It is as ouch as saying tinos have changed in tho pa*i;j but thoy will not change in tho futuro. Laws that have applied in tho past apply no more. Shall our laws govorn all future ages? We have set aside tho divino right of kingsJ a ouston that seemed absolutely unshakable in tho middle ages. What about tho divino right of money? Believe it or not; it is a thing in which most Americans bolievo. There is something horoio and daring in changing one's mind; in replacing a musty; timo worn idoa for a new ono. Do not lovo tho new bocauso it is now; but do not lovo the old bocauso it is oasy and familiar. When you can chooso between that which is merely new and that which is progress; you arc truly educated. E.L. BREAKFAST WILL BE SERVED TODAY AND TOMORROW FROM 8 TO 9 LUNCH WILL BE SERVED IN WAGAR'S FLAVORS YOU HAVE"THE BEST For oxamole; Wagar's maple nut i s made of pure maplo syrup and pocans, because t h a t r e p r e s e n t s the Wagar idoa of g i v i n g folks tho b o s t . T0D...Y AND TOuORROW ALWAYS ORDER WAGUR'S PROM 11 TO 1 SUPPER T0D.1Y FROM 5:30 TO 6:30 J>fcfe Coltepe REAL HOME? MADB ICE CRE/J,f "EAT IN THE COLLEGE" PAGE 5 ARTICLE BY DR. SOUTH TO BE PUBLISHED An article titled "the use of psychological tests in nurses training institutions", written by Dr. Earl B, South, professor of education and psychology in State College, and Mrs, Genevieve Y. Clark, instructor'at the Albany General Hospital and at the St, Peters Hospital of Albany, has recently been accepted for publication by the .Ancricen Journal of Nursing, Mrs. Clark is a graduate student at State College, Dr, South recently concluded a series of tests at the Albany General Hospital end the St, Peters Hospital, assisted by his class in tests and Measurements. The results of those tests were used in determining ontr^nco qualifications of student nurses, and intelligence of nurses already in training. , , ^ ., . Among the other institutions which were tested by the class in tests and norsuremonts under the supervision of Dr. South were: the congers Public Schools, Unadilla Public Schools, St. Agnes School for Girls, Albany Public Schools, Milne High School, Roossolvillo Public Schools, Colonie District 2, rnd the Albany Orphan Asylum. Dr, South administered r test ",'cdnosday, July 31, to about 150 graduate students who are candidates for the masters degree. This test was similar in nature, according to Dr. South, to the test administered to freshmen entering State College, The tost measures guner'.l intelligence and fitness for a te; ching position. Results of the test have not yet been tabulated and so cannot be published. Superintendents or principals wishing to avail themselves of Dr. South's toating service aro requested to apply to him in loom 121 of Milne Hell. Applications will be filled^in order of receipt. COO L OF? at the LUCILLE ALTOPEDA 208 Quail St.(Rico Bldg) • D i d 6-5767 PERMANENT WAVING Nestle Circuline - 10 Steam Oil ''15 SHALTOOING and WAVJIG f o r Long Hair tl.To Bobbed H a i r $1.50 [•ir.nlouring 50tf F a c i a l Message $1 College Pho^ocy 0 O^ntoTrti Western & Lake Ave. (One Block Wcs$ TASTY SANDWICHES SAIAD PLATTERS Only f r e s h , c l e a n food of c h o i c e s t q u a l i t y u s e d . Quick c o u r t o u u s s e r v i c e , of c o u r s e , PAGE * "Was your saw ne kiss "Oh, no just ono of mother annoyod when she you?" she thought you woro tho boys I'm ongagod to," "CLEANLINESS AND HEALTH ARE INSEPARABLE" Lcdy Customer:- "ere those good hoso?" Clark:- "Sure, ne'am. They'll stand up under wear." The governess complained that she; couldn't stop the childrons* crying, : "Soticl then to no," srid their mother,"end I will sing t* than," "Yes, na'am," the governess roplicd "I've already threatened then with that, but it doosn't seen to do any good." "My father's death wr.s caused by c falling spade." "You iioan to say someone dropped a shovel on his heed?" "Oh,nol Tho ace dropped out of his sleeve in a poker game," PRINTING OP ALL KIHDS StudentG and Groups at the State College for Teachers Will be Given Special Attontion DELIVERY SERVICE 6-1207 289 C e n t r a l Ave, COILMGIE CA(MQ)y 5MOP 203 Central Avenue near Robin Street mu m $mr TOASTED SANDWICHES 394-396 Broadwcy 4-2287 Every Sandwich Made Up Fresh Printers of Stato Collego Nows to Individual Order 1