State College NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS ESTABLISHED BY THE CLASS OF 1918 Vol. VIII No. 18 SPRING CONCERT OF MUSIC ASSOCIATION IN CHANCELLORS HALL ALBANY, N. Y., FEBRUARY 29, 1924 Will nil entering students and those who hnve not yet paid their student tax for the year please see one of the following as soon ns possible and make the necessary payment. Miss Bach. Miss Dutcher. Miss Hummers'ey. Miss Sherman, Harry Godfrey. $3.00 per year STATE MEETS COLGATE TO-MORROW NIGHT WITH PLANS TO SURPRISE OVER-CONFIDENT TEAM WITH HARD FIGHTING OPPOSITION St. Michael's Game Proved Unluclcy For State Ball Tossers Just how Maroon will blond with Purple and Gold from a basketball standpoint will bo witnessed tomorrow night, when State College resumes athletic relationships with Colgate after a lapse of two years. The tradiSTUDENT TAX ADMISSION tional court contest between tho two Up-State Now York college fives will Saturday night! Chancellor's take place in tho Colgate college gymnasium at Hamilton. Hall! Annual Spring Concert! In the opinion of several Albany Colgate alumni, the Maroon has been Tho concert for which the Music looking forward to tomorrow night's affray with State as merely a practice Association provided to be given each game to give the varsity a little rest from tho gruelling schedule it has exSpring will be held Saturday, March "The Boor," a sparkling Russian 15, at 8:15 o'clock in Chancellor's written by Anton Tchkoff, perienced so far this season. Hall. Tho Women's Chorus, the Men's Comedy, For Stato College, however, the Colgate game is marked with an asterisk will ho presented by tho Advanced Chorus, and the Orchestra are mak- Dramatics class early in March, under on its schedule as tho most important conflict of tho year. The men havo ing every effort to attain and if pos- the direction of Mrs. Kaymer. ljeon looking forward to tho game with eagerness and they will leave Albany sible exceed the success already acThe story offers some practical quired in the previous programs. hints which may bo applied to bill- today with the burning desire to show the Maroon they arc not to bo collecting. Perhaps your finances will looked upon as an "easy mark." be impoverished if your room-mate _ _ — c During tho last half of tho current attends tho play, or vice-versa. At r A M M A I f A P P A P H I 'basketball season State has proven any rate, como and seo Helen Orr as U/tlHlTl/t f n I 111 to the satisfaction of many followers the Russian widow "Mrs. Michalothat it has the stamina and sportsmanvitch, Edward Vines as the "Boor," ship to go up agaisnt a superior team Referendum will last until March a modern Russian gentleman, and and put up a great battle until tne Margaret Eaton in the role of 15th, although special request final whistle is blown. Tomorrow "Luka," a servant. is made to have votes in night tho Purple and Gold jerseyed Girls in Constant Fear Of Having sphere tossers will prove their metal. wherever possible by House Condemned By March first In Jack Dolan and Dick WasserHealth Officers man, State's forwards, most likely A week from today chosen repreAt tho corner of Park Avenue and Hornung and Caton, will be pitted sentatives of tho two lower classes Quail Street, a gas main sprung a up against the stellar guards of tho will clash in debate on the Bok leak. As the result, one man be- Eastern college area. Tho Colgate Peace plan at chapel. This week, all came asphyxiated and others were squad comprises a grand array of over tho country, citizens have been overcome but were revived. Tins forwards, and it has not yet been deregistering their opinions on tho plan happening is of great importance to cided which pair will start. In any by mailing their votes to tho Peace State because four houses from this Edwin Juckett Causes Great Commo- spot eleven State College students event, however, it is hoped by Stato Plan Committee. fans that Captain Juckett will be able tion by "First Appearance." live in one home. To thorn, as well The total number of votes received to match up with Davies against tho up to February 15th is 614,818, of Tho pangs of publicity have sud- as other neighbors, tho matter was Maroon sharpshooters. as which 440,5(18 are for it. This is denly disrupted all the finely laid serious. Tho throe houses near them usual, will take care of Gainor, the tip-off 18 per cent against the plan and 87 plans for a stylo revolution at Statu and nearest the tragic spot were for State. per cent for it. College, The cnidocils of the tenta- closed and tho inhabitants wore told Time was the predominant element The tabulation as yet is by states cles of public opinion have burst and not to occupy them until further notice, unless they wished to deliberate- attributing to State's most recent deand not by organizations. A number pierced tho pride of State's men. ly risk their lives. The fourth house feat last Friday night at the hands or organizations, however, have col"Lumberjacks' Shirts Become New seemed doomed also. For several of St. Michael's. The Purple and lected their ballots locally and are Stylo For Men At State College" nights some of tho girls took turns sending them in in packages. Tho said a headline on an article in an watching while a man patrolled tho Gold outplayed the visitors in every Policy Committee is announcing tho Albany newspaper a week or so ago. street ready to bo called at the least branch of the game, except basket total number of votes from some of article told how certain students sign of danger. The danger is not shooting. It seemed almost imposthose, but in accordance with its Tho donned green plaid shirts (shirt yet passed, for although one leak haw sible during the last ten minutes of agreement with all tho co-operating had would bo more correct) and how tho been found, others are suspected to tho game for State to score. organizations, the committee is not stylo When the whistle was sounded for had become so popular and at exist. Tho three houses are still publishing tho number of "yes" and samo time practical that it was closed. Gamma Kappa Phi is yet in the end of the game, St. Michael's •'no" votes separately in any one of the led seven points, the score being unanimously decreed as the official clanger of being temporarily sans 24 toby17, those packages. but it was only by a sudden male garb. house, sans home. change of form that the opposing five Returns from colleges and univerNow, as far as this newspaper arnetted the winning baskets. It was sities to date include: game up until five minutes Yale University, 1,615; University ticle was concerned, it told the truth. BEAT ST. STEPHENS! anybody's before the end of play, St. Michael's of North Carolina, 109; Mount Hol- But the truth is sometimes like the weapon of the beo. It stings. Tho took a spurt in the last few minutes voke College, 863; Trinity College, The St. Stephen's game is to be and won the race. Durham, N. C , 578; Winthrop Col- sting in this particular instance was played in the College gymnasium fatal—for the style, at least. lege, Rock Hill, S. C , 1,179. Tho summary of the game follows: 7. The team is exerting every And so, fundamentalism, or in March Pennsylvania State College sends State College effort to bo ready to carry off a vic1,611 (both students and faculty)* plainer words, the white collar uni- tory, and St. Stephens is anticipating FB FP TP University of Minnesota, 399; Uni- form, is again victorious over mo- an exciting game as well as a victory. Hornung, rf. 3 1 7 versity of Arizona, 115; Southern dernism or radicalism, as exemplified The college as a whole is ready to Carrolan, If. 1 0 2 Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, by tho striking green plaid shirt worn back tho team to the limit. Friday Gainor, c. 0 1 1 for the first time in public by "Jim- night, March 7, the door tender in Davies, rg. 471. 0 1 1 In response to many requests from my" Carrolan of K. D. R. fame, but tho RV'mnasium is planning to look at Caton, lg. 3 0 (? communities throughout the country I'eputcd to bo owned by someone else EVERY Tax Ticket, which all goes Gilchrist, lg. 0 0 0 tho referendum will not close until of less notoi'iety. to show .that State is going to win the March 15th, although it is hoped to Totals 3 17 7 A deep-laid investigation, such as game! • get in as many as possible of the bal- would be conducted by the CongresSt. Michael's lots by March 1st. sional committee on tho whereabouts LOCKE ADDRESS TO BE FB FP TP The letters accompanying the bal- of things without the personal assistGIVEN TUESDAY Quinn, rf, 5 2 12 lots returned in bulk show that the ance of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, has Reverend Locke, of one of the Re- Wood, If. 2 0 4 balloting in every case has boon done failed to reveal the resting place of formed Churches in the city, will ad- Delaney, c, 1 1 3 with very groat care. the ill-fated North Woods regalia. It dress the Y. W. C A. on Tuesday, McAlpino, rg. 0 1 1 A few weeks ago ballots were dis- was last seen worn by one, Edwin March 4, in the college auditorium. Garwin, lg, 2 0 4 tributed to State College students and Juckett, alias "Juck", alias "The Ar- Reverend Locke was to have spoken Pcrrota, lg. 0 0 0 Professor Hutchison explained the row Collar Boy" of the wide open last week, but the "deferred" speech plan in detail. Complete figures from spaces of South Allen street. will probably prove all the more inTotals 10 24 (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Two) teresting. (Continued on Page Three) Dr. Thompson Promises Excellent Projji'am of New Music "THE BOOR" NEXT DRAMATIC PRODUCTION REFERENDUM RETURNS BY STATES | HOUSE IMPERILED BY GAS MAIN LEAKS LUMBER'JACKS RIVAL IRENE CASTLE AS THE INSPIRERS OF NEW STYLE Page Two STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FEB. 29, 1924 result of too feeble attempts at pre- "LOAN YOUR OWN" venting discord by the stuclent organizations, the fact remains that we are SLOGAN OF NEW BOOKVol VIII February 29, 1924, No. 18 a long way from an efficiently funcSHELF IN L I B R A R Y Eta Phi welcomes Helen Munk, '26, tioning organization. There is a great danger in confusas a pledge member. Published weekly during the college Tho Misses Floris, Doris, and Helen year by the Student Body of the New ing the bustle and stir and enthusi- New Method of Encouraging Altruistic Tendencies Austin spent a few days at the house York State College for Teachers at asms of a well-developed class spirit with its sister in name only, College Albany, New York. as the guests of their sister Phoebe. A kind of student loan of books Louise Austin, '25, had as her The subscription rate is three dol- Spirit. There is precious little con- is suggested by Miss Potter by means lars per year. Advertising rates may nection, if any, between the two. Lot of which altruistic people who posses vveok-end guest, Miss Zilpha, a kin of be had on application to the business us define class spirit as the organized reading they think might interest Poughkoopsie. and collected interests of the people manager. Agnes Donovan of Fredonia was others may share their literary trea(Articles, manuscripts, etc., must of one particular class entering to- sures. Tho idea was suggested to the guest of Florence Lawsoh at the gether. Class spirit thrives on tho be in the hands of the editors before Miss Potter when several persons of- Beta Zcta house last week-end. Monday of the week of publication.) excelling of this organization along fered Miss Marion Wallace, sister of to place at the^ disposal of tho social, scholastic, and athletic linos. Aileno Wallace, was a guest at Eta Class spirit seems more to be judged college for a short time books from Phi House over the vvceic-end. Editor-in-Chief by the things put over on tho other I heir personal libraries. Watch the Dorothy V. Bennit, '24 Among tho Alumni who spent their classes than on tho standard of tho small collection on the library desk brief Managing Editor recess in Albany the past weekclass itself. In other words, it very for books which particularly interest end were: Mildred Kuhn. '24 Florence Dorsey, Viola rapidly becomes intorclass antagon- you, and if you have a copy or so in Holmes; Martha B u i i n e n Manager Bay ley, Erva Litell. isms. Theoretically this is unneces- which you particularly delight and Dorothy Jones, '24 sary, but actually it is quite inevit- you would like to see others inter- Grace Fox; Martha Perry, Estello Subscription Manager Seymour, Marjory Mathewson, Marable. It is only an extension of the ested in, take it to Miss Potter. Ruth Ellis, '24 jory Smith, Alice O'Connor, Mary same personally-selfish spirit that p'roAssistant Business Managers Mao Wood; Agues Hayes; Ruth Toft, vades our modern system. SENIORS SCORED EASY Hildegarde Liebich, '24 Flint; Emily Archibald, Fannie Kill', VICTORY OVER Lois More, '25 It is not at all the thing to hobnob Marjorie Mathewson, FRESHMEN andEdwin Associate Editors with members of other classes— A. Juckett, '25, represented Kathleen Furman, '26 The seniors scored an easy victory Gamma Chapter of Kappa Delta Uho everything for the glory of tho class, Florence Platner, '25 over the freshmen in the first girls' fraternity last week at tho initiation and lot it end there. Margaret Demarest, '25 midyears, banquet of Delta Chapter at Colgate Class spirit as such is necessarily basketball game after Reporters dependent on artificial incubation and played Thursday, February 21. Thoy University, Helen Elliott, '26 nurture. When tho miscellaneous showed splendid teamwork, and also Formal installation of tho most reMargaret Benjamin, '26 group enters there is no such thing as good Individua 1 playing. Tho score cent chapter of Kappa Delta Rho fraJoyce Persons, '26 class spirit. It must be whipped into was 22—9, ternity took place last Thursday evenHarry Godfrey, '26 shape by violent measures, _ aug- Tho line-up was: ing when a new branch was installed Jerome Walker, '25 mented by every known sensational- S e n i o r s F r e s h m e n in the University of California. ism, and strengthened by appeal to Heineman r.f. Svvettmann "When I was in kindergarten," the desire to crow over others rather Miller 1.1 Du Bo is says Professor Conwell, "I had a can the desire to crow with others. Ap- Liobeeh c. Hartman of soaked poas and some toothpicks parently we have not gotten away Belding r.g. Most h o n o r a b l e lady E d i t r e s s ; — Fa lie given mo. I put them together and I have to say some words descrip- from tho attitude that we are holier Bach Maar made triangles and squares out of 1* tive of arrangements being made on than thou; wo are the people, knowlSubstitute— Tompkins for Hart- them. If a child in kindergarten can tho dome of your most esteemed or- edge ends with us; and such. nan, do that, I can't understand why a dortorium. Tho arrangements are AH this struggle for the best place college student can't do trigonometry. most noisy to the eyes and oars, es- is supposed to develop an overwhelm- ONION-INSPIRED TEARS It's the same thing," "Connie" forpecially when thoy expound upon ing love for our Alma Mater. You HELP SOLEMNIZE H. E. gets that not all of us are math them with indolence. Why, thereupon hear it earnestly declared that class CLUB INITIATION sharks. do they continue to do? I wish to spirit develops school spirit. It is like All the mysteries of home-making Dean Pierce, one of tho officials of understand. First tho estimable saying that a fanatical love for my disclosed Tuesday evening, Feb- tho national dean's association, was paint appliotvi climb the rope to tho state, in which I am only happy when were top door, then thoy put on brown I SQO it winning over all the rest, ruary 19, when twenty-three tremb- in Chicago over the week-end to atpaint to tho coiling until thoy contem- will engender a deep patriotic love ling underclassmen wore initiated by tend a mooting of the Association. plate dislike for it then thoy eradicate for tho United States, Thoy are not Home Kconomics Club. Two fresh- On her way she expected to ho the it with yellow. What for is this the outgrowths one of the other, but men, apparently greatly afflicted with guest of Frances Wood Hayden, '14, the solemnity of the occasion, stood done? I do not digest. the opposite extremes of thought and with tears streaming down their of Buffalo, and moot several other Buffalo alumni for luncheon. Miss Also tho boards exempt tho slats action. choeks while thoy peeled onions, and Pierce will ho back in time to attend from safety for pedestrians who are Surely we aren't missing tho subt- explained just what thoy wore doing the banquet of the New York Alumseated there within. I have ex- ler thing which is real College Spirit. why thoy wore doing it. Two ni Association to be held Saturday panded under the flight of a paint- If it is anything at all it is a real and others, blindfolded, gave a demon- February 1, at the hotel "Majestic," brush which elaborated my hair to LOVE and RESPECT for the college, stration of the proper way to feed New York. yellow most inconveniently. How for what it stands for, its inspiration long? I want to be instructed. Might and development in our own lives. Do cereal to a child. Many other domestic problems were solved by this CALENDAR I interrogative also why these so- you expect to look back with pleacalled reparations could not be more sure at the potty quarrels that ob- capable group. Friday. F e h r u a r y 2 9 But H. E. Club does not believe commodious in tho summer time structed your way back in college Chemistry Club — Room 250— 4:10 when nine hundred juvenile school days? Are you going to remember that woman's place is always in tho G. A. A. Gym. Frolic—Gym— 8:00 keepers are not within the expanse with most pleasure the day when you kitchen. The initiates also provided a Saturday—March 1 of solo dancing, chorus sing- State vs. Colgate at Colgate. of these most authoritative halls? two irroconcilibles got together and program ing and story-telling which proved Monday—March 3 Where to, oh most noble editress, told each other just what you am I to sing a chorus and absorb an thought, or the time when you open- very entertaining. "Speak the speech, Menorah Society—R. 100—4:00 I pray you," was given in a way that Tuesday—March 4 oration? My vocal piano suffers ed your heart in honesty and frankmostly. ness to another ar.d discussed some would surely have made Miss Futter- Y.W.C.A. — Auditorium—3:00 er turn green with envy. A singing French Club— R. 100 — 4:00 Kind and gracious lady, who in- of the things that were close to your dulges the publik's opinion, will you heart as important, vital needs of lesson proved the ability of the inl- Joseph Henry Society— R 150- 7:30 Wednesday—March 5 your life and ideals? Bickerings, tiatcs to teach anything—even things continue it not and why? Newman Club — R. 2LI—4:10 petty quarrels, fine shows of author- they do not know themselves. Humbly your friendship, After the stunts, tho meeting was Friday—March 7 ity—these never produce harmony or Yoko Ino. called to order, and the constitution Political Science Club—R. 201— 1:10 essential well being. was read to tho initiates, who signed CLASS SPIRIT AND COLLEGE SPIRIT Can't wo got away from this strug- it, and thus became full-fledged REFERENDUM BY STATES To the writer much of the present gle for place in State College? We members of tho club. In the business (Continued from page 1) difficulty of adjustment in the college are supposedly here with the highest mooting that followed, it was decided the forty-eight states show that moreseems to be the result of a rather ideals and motives, tho finest typo of to change the time of the club-meet- New Yorkers voted than did citizens "mistaken notion concerning the rela- altruism, are wo going to murder it ings from Tuesday evening to Tues- of any other state. Interesting tabution between class spirit and college by scraps for the fight's sake? Is day afternoon at four o'clock. lations from the returns follow: spirit. The essential duty of manage- our attitude to bo essentially selfish New York ment is to make for smoothness in or unselfish? Let us learn to say SYDDUM HALL No Yes T o t a l Vote operation of any organization. There "State for State's sake" and stop 1.5,568 S8,C30 104,098 saying "Twenty-blank for twentyFROLICKED IN SNOW is a deplorable lack of smoothness 4 Pennsylvania A dinner, a sleigh-ride, and a No and harmony in State College. No blank's sake." Yes Total V o t e dance—all figured to make Thursday, matter whether the fault is that of '27. 58,914 65,648 February 21, an eventful evening for 6,734 the general student attitude, or the "THE FOOL" EXPLAINED Massachusetts Syddum Hall girls. Jingling bells BY DR. THOMPSON the No Yes Total Vote At Y. W. C. A. meeting Tuesday, and sparkling snow; crisp air provok- 4,954 A special vesper service 33,640 38,594 February 19, Dr. Thompson gave an ing an appetite; a warm dinner; Sunday, March 2, in the ColT e x a s illustrated lecture on "The Fool," by lighted halls and good dance music— No lege rotunda. Dean Metzler Yes Total V o t e Channing Pollock. This play deals what other pleasures could be added? 1,290 will speak. Come and discover 10,094 11,384 with the life of a young man who A congenial company and "kindlywhat the "special" feature is to Alaska tried to live like Christ, and to carry disposed" chaperons, of course; nor No be! Yes Total Vote were either lacking. Ask those who His teachings into his every day life. 5 91 96 attended. ftate <DnU*0t Sfawn STUDENT OPINION^ BROADCAST STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FEB. 29. 1924 Page' Three DR. ELIZABETH NO YES VISITS STATE ON WAY TO VASSAR Dr. Elizabeth Noycs, Profossor o£ Hygiene of the North Carolina State Women's College, spent Tuesday of last week visiting' tho department of Hygiene and Physical Education at State College. Dr. Noyos had previously visited Smith College, Wcllosly CollcKc, and a few smaller ones in Virginia and was on her way to Vassal' College. Her visits were a part of work assigned to her under a Fellowship granted under the Child Health Association, STATE MEETS' COLGATE TOMORROW NIGHT (Continued from page 1) Score at half time—State, !); St. Michael's, (i. Fouls committed—By State, !); by St. Michael's, 5; Referee —Humphries; What's the use of it?" MICHAEL FARADAY 1791-1807 Apprentice toan English bookbinder. Attracted tho attention of Sir Humphrey Davy, becoming his assistant. "The greatest experimentalist of all times," says one biographer. The electrical unit Farad was named for him. In 1880 the Edison Electric Illuminating Company, of Now York City, installed a generator of 1200 lamps capacity, then considered a giant. By continuous experimentation and research tho General Electric Company has developed generators 900 times as powerful as this wonder of forty years ago. Michael Faraday saw the real beginning of the age of electricity nearly a century ago when he thrust a bar magnet into a coil of wire connected with a galvanometer and made the needle swing. Albany Auto Supply Co., Inc. SPORTING" GOODS RADIO SUPPLY-Open livening West 161ft 145 CENTRAL AVE. Gladstone, watching Faraday at work in his laboratory, asked, "What's the use of it?" The experimenter jestingly replied, "There is every probability that you will soon be able to tax it." The world-wide use of electricity that has followed the Faraday discovery abundantly justifies the retort to Gladstone. John J. Conkey NEWS DEALER Cigars, Candy and Stationery Developing & Printing Camera Films lilectric Supplies Da y " p*err,i,y 205 CENTRAL AVE. Compliments of COLLEGE CANDY SHOP Faraday's theory of lines of force is constantly applied in the Research Laboratories of the General Electric Company in devising new electrical apparatus of" which Faraday never dreamed. Every generator and motor is an elaboration of the simple instruments with which he first discovered and explained induction. C. P. L O W R Y UP-TOWN JEWELER 171 CENTRAL AVENUE Below Robin Street". Easter Cards and Gifts can obtained at be WASHINGTON GIFT SHOP 244 WASHINGTON AVE. Phone West 1338-W Hi B. HARBINGER GENERAL ELECTRIC Cotrell & Leonard Albany, N. Y; Caps---Gowns—Hoods FOR ALL DEGREES KIMBALL'S RESTAURANT H. R. KIMBALL, Prop. SPECIAL DINNERS40 and50 Cents A LA CARTE SERVICE MEAL TICKETS 206 Washington Ave. 4 doors above Lark St. ALWAYS OPEN Telephone West 3464 Ideal Service Special Rates to Students Sea Foods IDEAL RESTAURANT GEORGE F. HAMP, Prop. Regular Dinner 40c.—11 a. m. to 3 p. m. Supper 40c— 5 p. m. t o o p . m Special Chicken Dinner Sundays, 60c, 12 M. to 8 P. M. Phone West 4472 208 WASHINGTON AVENUE ALBANY, N. Y. 6 DOORS ABOVE LARK STREET Page Four STATE COLLEGE NEWS, G K P HELD ANNUAL RE- m BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT UNION FEBRUARY 22-23 PROVIDES DIVERSE THRILLS Theatre Parties, Card Party and Banquet Lifted Among Many Activities Gumma Kappa Phi held its reunion February 22-23. Friday afternoon u theatre party at the Capital was hold, followed by dinners and a whist party at the sorority House on Quail Street. A second theatre party was given Saturday afternoon at the Strand. Saturday evening', beginning 7:30, a banquet at the Hampton was given. The speakers at the banquet were: Tdastmisfcress—Marcella Kyan. Retiring President—Mildred Moserve. For the Faculty—Hazel Rowley For the Alumni—Mary Smith For the Sirority—Eleanor Gill'en. Greetings from the incoming President. —Vera Comstock. FRENCH CLUB MAKES PLANS FOR AN ALLCOLLEGE PROGRAM At the French Club meeting held on Tuesday, February 19, plans were discussed as to what affairs could bo worked up by the members l'or the participation of all the College students. A cotn'mitoo was appointed with Marion Miller, '24, as chairman, to make more definite plans. During this semester the Club will present some interesting speakers in its programs. THE OLD AND THE NEW COMBINED IN CLASSICAL CLUB PROGRAMS Dr. Richardson to Talk Tho value of tho classics, seasoned with amusing anecdotes of college clays of the past; a little of the old world mixed with a little of the new, that is what comprised an informal talk, delivered by Dr. Richardson at the regular meeting of the Classical Club, Wednesday, February 20. College days in Trinity; College days at Oxford; College days in Leipsig — what could be more interesting? Don't miss these programs, members of the Classical Club! Come every third Wednesday of the month and see what is in store for you. CHEMISTRY CLUB LEARNS USE OF DANGEROUS WEAPONS At the bi-monthly meeting of the Chemistry Club several interesting papers were given on modern topics. Eleanor GrifFcn spoke on the discovery of a new cave in Mexico, Sophie Cohen gave a paper entitled "New Elements," and John Cassavant discussed the use of Lethal gas as a means of execution of convicts. The next meeting will be held today at four o'clock. The various topics taken up at these meetings are of practical: value especially to those interested in the sciences. Come out and learn about the new advances that are being made in tho scientific world. 29,1924 Albany Hardware & Iron Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR "Isnt that horrid, girls?" "Imagine picking up that slimy creature!" COMPLETE SPORT EQUIPMENT "Oh, don't you dare!" "Gee, that's awful!" One must stop quoting or 39-43 State Street Albany, N. Y. State College will not credit its freshmen with the possession of a scientific sense. Biology 1 Laboratory hours have been offering little tests of endurance lately. Grasshoppers have been chosen for those entering into the Land of /oology, rather than the Whipped Cream or Marshmallow Served Here Land of Nod. Professor Woodard YOUR CHOICE assures us that Summer School courses will bo given not only for tho TRY A TEDDY BEAR OR JUNIOR SPECIAL genuine admirers of Biology 1, but tdso for those who still utilize the HOME MADE CANDIES A SPECIALTY "Frosh'fl Lament"; CANDY, SODA. STATIONERY and SCHOOL SUPPLIES—HAIR NETS "Bottled bugs and chloroformed BOX CANDY FROM 39 CENTS A POUND UP frogs, Ant's antennae and skulls of dogs, PHONE WEST 39S9 Crayfish thorax and earth worm's 297 CENTRAL AVENUE eye!. Pig's proboscis and scapulae, G. Wiley & Bro. Are some of the things 1 hate to see, Dealers in All Kinds of Oh, why must J take Biology?" Try A Parker Fresh and Salt Meat (Rancikin) HE 25-year pen and Poultry CANTERBURY CLUB WANTS that looks like 348 State Street, Corner Lark BIG ATTENDANCE Chinese lacquer. Canterbury Club again wishes to Telephones 544 and 543 make an announcement. Members We'll see that you and visitors remember Canterbury's IF YOU get the point fitted last meeting before Christmas. Again to your hand. CO-OPERATE wo are settled to routine work and again Canterbury steps forward to efts PEN CORNER, WITH THE promote friendship and social meetings. Thursday, February 28, at St. Andrew's Church on Maine and Westt5TABUSHEO-IBB7 ern Avenues, the first meeting of this We will supply all your CORNER-HUDSON AVE»"> SQ.PEARL. now year will be held. College Needs Dr. Thompson will deliver a talk to the members and all those who wish to come. You all know Dr. Thompson and what he can do. Canterbury feels privileged to be able to have Dr. Thompson. Let everyone 394-396 BROADWAY ALBANY, N. Y. come, Special Attention Given W o r k BASKET BALL SCHEDULE for Student Societies SHOWS NEW DEVELOPMENTS P R I N T E R S OF T H E S T A T E C O L L E G E NEWS For the first time in recent history of State's athletic relations with Union College the annual basketball clash between the two institutions will take place in Albany. This announcement has been made by tho athletic management, following correspondence between tho officials of General Printers the two schools. Another change from this year's 36-38 Beaver Street ALBANY, N. Y. schedule is made by the arrangement A pleasant ^~~T~~^1JA 91 Steps East of Pearl Street for the game with Cooper Union. This and agreeable contest will probably be played m sweet and a New York, whereas, this year, it took 1-a-s-t-I-n-g place in the local gym. Hamilton, benefit as Middlobury, Colgate, Pratt and Wilwell. liams are on the list which is being Good lor considered by the basketball manageteeth, breath ment. Games are also pending with and digestion. Rochester Institute of Optometry, St. FRENCH PASTRIES John's and Colgate. M a k e s the CAKES LIKE MOTHER MAKES next cigar LUMBER J A C K s l u V A L taste better IRENE CASTLE AS THE 235 Central Ave. INSPIRERS OF NEW STYLE (Continued from page 1) Sealed in It is understood from reliable sources that Paul Poiret of Paris and its Purity London will soon come to America to investigate the appearance of the Package violet green plaid jacket, which threatened so to startle the fashion critics of the world. KETCHUMS AND SNYDER T "CO-OP" ALBANY PRINT SHOP, Inc. WRKLEYS FRANK H. EVORY & CO. Jlfter every meal / Yum Yum Bakery State College Cafeteria STAHLER'S Central Avenue's Leading Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor PURE WHIPPED CREAM SERVED ON SPECIALS NO EXTRA CHARGE All prices of box chocolates fresh from the factory at 39 cents pound box and up Phone W 869 J FEB. 299 CENTRAL AVENUE ^SPEARMINT Luncheon or dinner 12:00—1:00 LAST (BUT WOT LEAST Quality SILKS The Gateway Press And Dreaa Goods At HEWITTS SILK SHOP O v n Kresges S and 10c. Stores 15-17 No. Petri St. Al QUALITY 'PRINTERS YOUR ELBOW—WEST 336 Central Avenue 2037