Office of Institutional & Community Planning Printing Reports using TracDat – Quick Reference You will first need to select the Reports tab on the TracDat screen. It will then give you several options for running your report. The report that is used for college purposes is the Four Column Report with Strategic Goals. Select run next to the report you would like to print. A new screen will appear. On this screen you can filter your report by: Objective Status, Planning Years, Data Sources for Measure, and Status. If you would like to see all your plans for a particular academic year, filter (select) only the year and click Open Report at the bottom of the screen. Once your report has opened you may print your report. **Make sure printer settings on Page Scaling are set to Fit to Printable Area or report will print with edges missing. Vice President of Research & Accountability The El Paso Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.