Skaha Lake Middle School Prescribed Learning Outcomes 2010-2011 Name: Date: Subject: Science 6 Division: 6 Current Level of Performance reading level Unit of Study : Science Unit Objectives 1. Processes and Skills of Science manipulate and control a number of variables in an experiment apply solutions to a technical problem (e.g., malfunctioning electrical circuit) Assessment Tools and Strategies Assessments will be provided by teacher to the special education teacher at the end of each unit. Hands-on demonstrations of knowledge Observations, checklist, and anecdotal notes CEA Support? Yes No Name: Supports, Instructional Strategies, and Accommodations to be used: Review Date ____________________________ Mastered Not yet Reader 2. Life Science: Diversity demonstrate the appropriate use of tools to examine living things that cannot be seen with the naked eye analyze how different organisms adapt to their environments distinguish between life forms as single or multi-celled organisms and belonging to one of the five kingdoms: Plantae, Animalia, Monera, Protista, Fungi Scribe Review and rehearse material Photocopied notes Mnemonics Posters, reports, art based activities Review Date ____________________________ Mastered Not yet Use of technology Visuals 3. Physical Science: Electricity evaluate various methods for producing small electrical charges test a variety of electrical pathways using direct current circuits demonstrate that electricity can be transformed into light, heat, sound, motion, and magnetic effects differentiate between renewable and non-renewable methods of producing electrical energy Review Date ____________________________ Mastered Not yet Comments __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Final Review Date ___________________________________ Mastered Not yet Signature______________________ Skaha Lake Middle School Prescribed Learning Outcomes 2010-2011 Name: Date: Subject: Science 6 Division: 6 Current Level of Performance reading level Unit of Study : Science Unit Objectives: 4. Earth and Space Science: Exploration of Extreme Environments explain obstacles unique to exploration of specific extreme environment assess technologies used for extreme environment describe contributions of Canadians to exploration technologies Review Date ____________________________ Mastered Not yet Assessment Tools and Strategies Hands-on demonstrations of knowledge Assessments will be provided by teacher to the special education teacher at the end of each unit. CEA Support? Yes No Name: Supports, Instructional Strategies, and Accommodations to be used: Reader Scribe Review and rehearse material Photocopied notes Comments __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Final Review Date ___________________________________ Mastered Not yet Signature______________________