NAME: TEACHER: Building Name Principal's Name, Principal STUDENT ID: Trimester CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL LEARNER 1 2 3 YEAR: GRADE: Trimester 1 2 3 2015-2016 05 Trimester 1 2 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS MATHEMATICS Follows directions Foundation Skills Numbers and Operations/ Seeks help when appropriate Knows and applies grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when Applies place value concepts to understand operations and rounding Focuses attention for the appropriate time period decoding words of whole numbers and decimals Accepts responsibility for behavior Reads on-level text accurately to support comprehension Extends understanding of operations with whole numbers to decimals Quality Producer Reads on-level text fluently (appropriate rate and expression) to support Uses the understanding of equivalency to add and subtract fractions X X Puts forth effort comprehension Extends understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and X X Organizes work space and materials Reading Informational Text/Literature divide fractions Writes legibly Determines the main idea/central theme and provides key details from Algebraic Concepts Use technology tools and software productively text Interprets and evaluates numerical expressions using order of Completes and returns assignments on time Summarizes text and recognizes story elements in literature and text operations Collaborative Worker structure in non-fiction Analyzes pattern and relationship using two rules Accepts constructive suggestions from others Makes inferences citing evidence and quoting accurately from text Geometry Works cooperatively in groups of various sizes Compares and contrasts specific aspects of text in different forms or Graphs points in the first quadrant on the coordinate plane to solve Respectful Citizen genres problems Follows school and class rules Determines meaning of words/phrases in texts using grade level skills Classifies 2-dimensional figures into categories based on their Demonstrates respect for property, self, and others and content, including interpretation of figure language properties Demonstrates self-control Acquires and applies new vocabulary when responding to text Measurement, Data, and Probability Reads and comprehends independently Solves problems using conversions within a given measurement Self-Directed Learner SOCIAL STUDIES X X X X X X X X X X Represents and interprets data using appropriate scale X X Solves problems involving computation of fractions using information X X X X systems Writing Defines and applies vocabulary Demonstrates understanding of concepts in written or oral form Writes routinely over varied time frames Analyzes information to draw conclusions and communicate Composes narratives that describe real or imagined experiences or understanding events SCIENCE X in a line plot X X X Understands concepts of volume and relates volume to multiplication and addition Composes opinion pieces on a topic with related reasons and details X X X Standards of Mathematical Practice Composes informative pieces to examine a topic and convey ideas X X X Applies knowledge of math concepts to make sense of problems and and information perseveres in solving them Defines and applies vocabulary Demonstrates a clear focus in writing Provides a clear and correct explanation that tells how and why in Demonstrates understanding of concepts in written or oral form Develops content using key details math problems Performs investigations and analyzes data to draw conclusions Writes in an organized manner Displays style in writing HEALTH CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL LEARNER Demonstrates a command of grade appropriate conventions (grammar, capitalization, punctuation and spelling) Defines and applies vocabulary Listening and Speaking Demonstrates understanding of concepts in written or oral form Demonstrates active listening in group discussions Applies information to value and plan for a healthy lifestyle Engages effectively in collaborative conversations building on others' ideas and expresses own ideas clearly Clearly expresses ideas in a variety of settings M: Meeting Expectations The student consistently demonstrates grade level expectations for learning behaviors. A: Approaching Expectations The student sometimes demonstrates grade level expectations for learning behaviors. X B: Beginning Expectations The student is not yet demonstrating grade level expectations for learning behaviors.