NAME: TEACHER: Building Name Principal's Name, Principal STUDENT ID: Trimester CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL LEARNER 1 2 3 YEAR: GRADE: Trimester 1 2 3 2015-2016 06 Trimester ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS MATHEMATICS Reading Informational Text/Literature Numbers and Operations Determines the theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through key details Cites textual evidence to support analysis of text Determines an author's purpose or point of view and how it is conveyed in a text Compares and contrasts specific aspects of text in different forms or genres Determines meaning of words/phrases in texts using grade-level skills and content, including interpretation of figurative language Acquires and applies new vocabulary when responding to text Reads and comprehends independently Understands ratio concepts and ratio reasoning to solve problems Extends understanding of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions Identify and choose appropriate processes to compute fluently with multi-digit numbers Develop and/or apply number theory concepts to find common factors and multiples Apply and extend understanding of numbers to the system of rational numbers 1 2 3 Self-Directed Learner Follows directions Seeks help when appropriate Focuses attention for the appropriate time period Accepts responsibility for behavior Quality Producer Puts forth effort Organizes work space and materials Writes legibly Uses technology tools and software productively Completes and returns assignments on time Collaborative Worker Accepts constructive suggestions from others Works cooperatively in groups of various sizes Respectful Citizen WRITING SOCIAL STUDIES Understands and applies knowledge of time lines, vocabulary, and concepts Describes the importance and significance of historical events Analyzes the geography, culture, government, technology, and accomplishments of civilizations SCIENCE Analyzes data using evidence to support generalizations with scientific vocabulary Conducts, formulates, modifies, and draws conclusions from hypotheses and investigations Synthesizes information and reflects on scientific practices Writes routinely over varied time frames Composes narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events Composes arguments to support claims using reasons and relevant evidence Composes informative pieces to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts and information Demonstrates a clear focus in writing Develops and analyzes content using grade-appropriate techniques in writing Creates an organizational structure to support purpose Demonstrates a command of grade appropriate conventions (grammar, capitalization, punctuation and spelling) X X Extend understanding of arithmetic to algebraic expressions Solve one-variable equations and inequalities and apply to real-world and mathematical problems X X Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent X and independent variables Geometry X X X X X X Measurement, Data, and Probability X X X Demonstrates an understanding of statistical variability by displaying, analyzing, and summarizing distributions Solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume Standards of Mathematical Practice Applies knowledge of math concepts to make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them Provides a clear and correct explanation that tells how and why in math problems Listening and Speaking Demonstrates active listening in group discussions Engages effectively in collaborative conversations building on others' ideas and expresses own ideas clearly Clearly expresses ideas in a variety of settings X Algebraic Concepts Follows school and class rules Demonstrates respect for property, self, and others Demonstrates self-control X X X CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUCCESSFUL LEARNER M: Meeting Expectations HEALTH A: Approaching Expectations Demonstrates an understanding of healthy lifestyle practices Identifies, explains, and reflects on health lifestyle practices Analyzes, self-monitors, and implements healthy lifestyle practices B: Beginning Expectations The student consistently demonstrates grade level expectations for learning behaviors. The student sometimes demonstrates grade level expectations for learning behaviors. The student is not yet demonstrating grade level expectations for learning behaviors. X X X X