Scalable and Robust Internetwork Routing for Mobile Hosts B. Johnson of

Scalable and Robust
Internetwork Routing for Mobile Hosts
David B. Johnson
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-389 1
new address must be edited into various configuration
and currently running network applications must usually be
restarted. The use of hierarchical addressing and routing
schemes in internetworking protocols reduces the size of
the routing tables that must be maintained at each router
and exchanged between routers, and simplifies the routing
decisions at each router, but prevents packets addressed to
a mobile host from reaching that host when it is currently
away from its “home” location.
For example, IP addresses are composed of a network
number, identifying the network to which the host is attached, and a host number, identifying the particular host
within that network. IP expects to be able to route a packet
to a host based on the network number contained in the
host’s IP address. If a host changes its point of connection
to the Internet and moves to a new network, IP packets
destined for it will no longer reach it correctly.
This paper describes the Mobile Host Routing Protocol
(MHRP) [5], a protocol for transparently supporting the
routing of packets to mobile hosts operating in a large internetwork. The protocol requires no changes to non-mobile
hosts or to backbone routers, and requires no changes to
mobile hosts above the network level. MHRP is designed
to provide efficient and robust operation and to scale well
to very large numbers of mobile hosts. The protocol allows
any host to become a “mobile host” simply by moving
away from its home network. A mobile host is assigned a
permanent network address in the same way as any other
host, and always uses only its home address. There is no
penalty for a host being “mobile capable,” since the protocol
automatically uses only the standard internetwork routing
mechanisms and adds no overhead when a host is currently
connected to its home network.
This paper concentrates on the design of MHRP as it
applies to the Internet using IP [lo]. Section 2 describes
the MHRP infrastructure. Section 3 describes the protocol used when a mobile host moves to a new network, and
Section 4 describes the mechanism used for IP packet routing and delivery to mobile hosts. The features introduced in
MHRP for robustness are discussed in Section 5. Section 6
describes several examples of the use of MHRP. Section 7
compares MHRP with previous mobile host protocols, and
Section 8 presents conclusions.
This paper describes a new protocol for transparently routing packets to mobile hosts operating in a large internetwork. The protocol, called the Mobile Host Routing Protocol (MHRP), allows any host to become mobile at any time,
yet there is no penalty for a host being “mobile capable,”
since the protocol automatically uses only the standard internetwork routing mechanisms and adds no overhead when
a mobile host is currently connected to its home network.
The paper concentrates on the design of MHRP as it applies to the Internet using IP. Mobile hosts use only their
“home’’ IP addresses, regardless of their current location
in the Internet. No changes are required in stationary hosts
that communicate with mobile hosts, and no changes are
required in mobile hosts above the IP level. MHRP introduces several new features to provide better robustnessfor
routing to mobile hosts, and provides better scalability to
very large numbers of mobile hosts than previous mobile
host protocols.
1. Introduction
Mobile hosts such as notebook and palmtop computers and
portable workstations are now widely available and affordable, and the distinction between desktop workstations and
portable computers is beginning to disappear in terms of
both features and computational power. A mobile host may
be in use continuously,through a wireless network interface,
as the host is carried from one location to another; or it may
simply be disconnected from the network at its current location, temporarily moved to a new location, and reconnected
to the network through either a wireless or conventional
wired network interface.
However, current internetworking protocols, including IP [lo], I S 0 CLNP [14], NetWare IPX [20], and
AppleTalk [15], require mobile hosts to change their
network addresses when moving to a new network, making host movement inconvenient and error prone. The
This research was supported in part by the Advanced Research Projects
Agency under Contract DABT63-93-C-0054. The views and conclusions
contained in this document are those of the author and should not be
interpretedas representingthe official policies, either expressed or implied,
of the U.S.govemment.
1063-6927/94$03.00 0 1994 IEEE
Each mobile host owned by some organization is assigned a
permanent IP address by that organization within one of the
IP networks belonging to that organization. This network
is called the “home” network for the mobile host, and the
mobile host will use this IP address whether attached to
this home network or currently attached to some “foreign”
In order for mobile hosts to be able to visit some foreign
network, a foreign agent must be present on that network
that is willing to allow mobile hosts to connect to it. The foreign agent maintains a list recording the IP address of each
visiting mobile host currently connected to that network (for
which it has agreed to serve as the foreign agent), and forwards arriving IP packets addressed to one of those mobile
hosts directly to the mobile host. The “location” of a mobile
host is represented by the IP address of its current foreign
agent. The foreign agent is normally the router that connects this network to the rest of the Internet, but may also
be a separate support host on that network. The connection
of a mobile host to its current foreign agent may be either
wired or wireless.
In order for hosts on some network to become mobile
hosts (to leave their home network and connect to some foreign network), a home agenr must be present on their home
network. The home agent maintains a database recording
the IP address of the foreign agent currently serving each
mobile host for which this is the home network. When a
mobile host moves to a new network and connects to a new
foreign agent, it must notify its home agent. For mobile
hosts not currently connected to their home network, the
home agent must also arrange to intercept any packets arriving on the home network addressed to those hosts. Each
packet intercepted by the home agent is forwarded to the
foreign agent currently serving the destination mobile host,
which then delivers the packet locally to that host.
For example, consider the sample internetwork illustrated in Figure 1. Host M is a mobile host, with an IP
address within network B. Network B is thus called M’s
“home” network. However, M is currently connected to
network D,a wireless network connected to network C
through router R4. Routers RI, R2, and R3 connect networks A, B, and C , respectively, to a backbone network.
Suppose R2 is the home agent for mobile host M , and R4
is the current foreign agent serving M. If host S sends an
IP packet to M using M’s IP address, the standard IP routing algorithms will deliver the packet to M’s home network,
where it will be intercepted by R2. Using the address of M’s
current foreign agent recorded in its location database, R2
forwards the packet to R4, which then delivers the packet
locally to M.
Any host or router may also function as a cache agenr by
caching the location of one or more mobile hosts. Caching
the location of a mobile host enables a host or router to
forward packets for that mobile host directly to its foreign
agent, without going through the host’s home network and
home agent. For example, in Figure 1, if S implements the
MHRP protocol and chooses to function as a cache agent,
it could optimize its own communication to M.
Network B
(Home network for M )
I ’
Network C
Network D
(wireless network)
Figure 1 An example section of an intemetwork
The cache maintained by a cache agent is only an optimization to improve routing of subsequent packets to a
mobile host, and the contents of the (finite) cache space
provided by any cache agent may be maintained by any
local cache replacement policy. The consistency of each
cache entry with respect to the true location of that mobile
host as recorded by its home agent is maintained as needed
by MHRP. In particular, when a mobile host moves to a
new foreign agent, the location for that mobile host currently
cached by any cache agents becomes out-of-date, since these
cache entries still point to the old foreign agent. However,
if out-of-date location information from some cache agent
is used to forward a packet, MHRP will in turn forward the
packet to the correct new foreign agent for that mobile host,
and all out-of-date cache entries used in forwarding that
packet will automatically be updated for use in forwarding
subsequent packets to the mobile host.
The functionality of a foreign agent, home agent, and
cache agent may be provided by separate hosts or routers on
a network, or may be combined in different ways on one or
more hosts or routers. For example, any node functioning as
a home agent, foreign agent, or mobile host should generally
also function as a cache agent. A single router on some
network providing the functionality of both a home agent
and a foreign agent would allow hosts with that network
as their home network to become mobile and to connect to
the Internet on other networks, as well as allowing hosts
from other networks to connect to that network as visiting
mobile hosts. Although not required, all other Internet hosts
should also support functioning as a cache agent, in order
to optimize their own communication with mobile hosts.
In case no foreign agent is available on some foreign
network, a mobile host may also be able to serve as its
own foreign agent, if it is able to obtain a temporary IP
address within that foreign network. The temporary IP address would be used only as the address of that mobile host’s
foreign agent, and all packets intended for the mobile host
would be tunneled to that address in the same way as for
other mobile hosts’ foreign agents; the mobile host itself
would continue to use only its home IP address. Providing
this support for a mobile host serving as its own foreign
agent is optional, and any methods for obtaining such a
temporary IP address are beyond the scope of this paper.
Each organization manages its own home agent (or
agents) to support the routing of IP packets to the mobile
hosts owned by that organization. For example, if that organization requires increased reliability of service for its own
mobile hosts, it can replicate the home agent function on
several support hosts on its own network, although these
hosts must cooperate to provide a consistent view of the
database recording the current location of each of that home
network’s mobile hosts. Likewise, additional links connecting the home network to the Internet may be installed
to provide continuous connectivity to the home agent in case
one of the links to the Internet is temporarily down. Such
decisions can be made independently by each organization,
and directly benefit that organization’smobile hosts.
At the home agent, the notifications of a mobile host
disconnecting from or reconnecting to the network are used
to maintain a record of the current location of the mobile
host. The record is maintained in a database giving, for
each mobile host for which this is the home network, the
IP address of the current foreign agent for that mobile host.
The database may be maintained in the memory of the home
agent, but for reliability, should also be recorded on disk to
survive any crashes and subsequent reboots of the home
When the old foreign agent receives notification that a
mobile host is disconnecting from it, it removes the mobile
host from its list of locally visiting mobile hosts. The old
foreign agent may optionally also cache the IP address of
the new foreign agent for this mobile host, if it is capable
of also functioning as a cache agent. This cache entry thus
becomes a “forwarding pointer” to the new location for
the mobile host, although this cache entry and is treated
in the same way as any other cache entry maintained by a
cache agent. Such a “forwarding pointer” may be useful
in maintaining connectivity to a frequently moving mobile
host during periods in which that host’s home agent may be
temporarily inaccessible.
When the new foreign agent receives notification that a
mobile host has connected to it, it creates an entry for that
host in its list of locally visiting mobile hosts. When the
foreign agent receives an IP packet addressed to one of the
hosts in this list, the foreign agent transmits the packet over
its local network to that mobile host. The method used by
the foreign agent to learn the local physical network address
corresponding to the visiting mobile host is specific to the
particular type of local network involved. For example, the
physical network address may be saved from the connection
notification message when the mobile host connected to
this foreign agent, or a dynamic address resolution protocol
such as ARP [7] may be used to learn the physical network
address when needed.
When the home agent receives notification that a mobile
host is disconnectingfrom its home network, the home agent
must arrange to intercept all subsequent packets transmitted
on this network to the mobile host. For example, the home
agent may broadcast an ARP “reply” message [7] on the
local network (perhaps retransmitted a few times for reliability), in order to update the address resolution cache of any
other hosts on that network so that they now believe that the
physical network address corresponding to the disconnecting mobile host is the physical network address of the home
agent itself. When the mobile host subsequently reconnects
to its home network, the mobile host broadcasts a similar
ARP “reply” message to the local network, in order to cause
other hosts on the same network to update their ARP cache
with the real physical network address for the mobile host,
rather than the physical address of the home agent that they
may still have in their caches. While a mobile host is disconnected from its home network, the home agent also answers
ARP requests for the mobile host with “proxy” ARP [ 121.
As described above, a home agent must be present on
each IP network (or subnet) having hosts that may become
mobile, and a foreign agent must likewise be present on each
3. Moving a Mobile Host
A mobile host may move from one network to another at
any time. Mobile hosts notice their own movement and
identify a new foreign agent (or their own home agent)
through an agent discovery protocol, similar to theInternet’s
ICMP router discovery protocol [2]. Foreign agents and
home agents periodically multicast an agent advertisement
message on their local networks; mobile hosts may wait
to hear the next periodic advertisement message, or may
optionally multicast an agent solicitation message when attempting to find a new agent. Mobile hosts realize that
they have returned to their home network when they hear
an advertisement from their own home agent.
A mobile host may explicitly disconnect from its current
foreign agent (or from its home agent) before moving, in
cases of planned disconnection. In many cases, though,
such as for continuously moving hosts connected through a
wireless interface, it may not be possible for a mobile host
to explicitly disconnect before moving. For example, such a
mobile host might be moved out of range of the transceiver
at its old foreign agent at any time simply by being carried
physically too far from it. Once it is within range of a new
foreign agent, it may reconnect to the network through this
new foreign agent and implicitly disconnect from its old
foreign agent at the same time.
When a mobile host disconnects from its current
network, it first notifies its home agent, and then notifies
its old foreign agent from which it is disconnecting. As
a special case, if the host is disconnecting from its home
network, only its home agent is notified. When a mobile
host reconnects to a new network, it must first notify its
new foreign agent, and then notify it’s home home agent
(and its old foreign agent if the host did not explicitly disconnect from its old network earlier). As a special case, if
the mobile host is reconnecting to its home network, only
its home agent is notified. The mobile host registers a special foreign agent address of zero with its home agent when
reconnecting to its home network.
IP network (or subnet) to which mobile hosts may connect.
The home agent can then intercept IP packets for a mobile
host being transmitted over that network, and the foreign
agent can transmit packets directly over that network to
locally visiting mobile hosts.
It may also be possible to support an entire routing domain with one (or more) home agents or foreign agents by
selectively using host-specific IP routes. When a mobile
host disconnects from its home network, its home agent
could begin advertising network reachability to that specific host. Such host-specific routes would be advertised
only while the mobile host was disconnected from its home
network, and would not be propagated outside that routing
domain. Likewise, when a mobile host connects to some
foreign network, the mobile host could begin advertising a
host-specific route for itself, allowing a foreign agent (in
that same routing domain) to deliver arriving packets to it.
This routing would be advertised only while the mobile host
was connected to this foreign network, and would not be
propagated outside that routing domain.
modifies the necessary fields in the existing IP header; this
results in a significant savings in space overhead in the
packet, and avoids complications in deciding whether or
not to copy various parts of the existing IP header such as
any IP options to the new header.
Adding the MHRP Header to a Packet
The MHRP header is illustrated in Figure 3. To add the
MHRP header to a packet, the home agent or initial cache
agent handling the packet performs the following steps:
0 The original IP protocol number is copied from the IP
header into the MHRP header, and is replaced in the IP
header by the IP protocol number indicating MHRP.
0 The original IP destination address (the mobile host)
is copied from the IP header into the MHRP header,
and is replaced in the IP header by the address of the
foreign agent.
Finally, unless the MHRP header is being built by the
original sender of the packet, the original IP source
address is copied from the IP header into the MHRP
header, and is replaced in the IP header by the address
of the cache agent or home agent building the MHRP
The shaded portions of the packet in Figure 3 are not modified in adding the MHPR header to the packet.
The MHRP header may be built by the original sending
host itself, if it is currently also functioning as a cache agent
and has a cache entry for the location of the mobile host.
In this case, the list of previous IP source addresses in the
MHRP header is empty, and the length of the constructed
MHRP header is only 8 octets.
The MHRP header may also be built by the sender’s firsthop router or by any other router that forwards the packet,
if this router is currently functioning as a cache agent and
has a cache entry for the destination IP address. If no cache
agents are encountered, the packet will be routed at each
hop according to the normal IP routing algorithms and will
eventually reach the mobile host’s home network, where
the packet will be intercepted by the mobile host’s home
agent. The home agent will then build the MHRP header
and tunnel the packet to the foreign agent. If the MHRP
header is built by any host or router other than the original
sender, the list of previous IP source addresses in the MHRP
header contains a single entry (the address of the original
sender), and the length of the constructed MHRP header is
12 octets.
4. Forwarding Packets to a Mobile Host
4.1. The MHRP Encapsulation Protocol
In order to forward IP packets destined for a mobile host
to the foreign agent currently serving that host, MHRP introduces a new encapsulation protocol. The home agent or
initial cache agent handling the packet transforms it into a
new IP packet, addressed to the foreign agent, by adding
a new header (the MHRP header) to the packet between
the IP header and any existing transport-level header such
as TCP [ 1 1 3 or UDP [8], as illustrated in Figure 2. Once
the MHRP header is added, the packet uses only normal
IP routing for delivery to the foreign agent. This use of
encapsulation is known as tunneling.
Once received by the foreign agent, the MHRP header
is removed from the packet, the original IP header is reconstructed, and the packet is transmitted by the foreign agent
directly to the locally visiting mobile host. Unlike typical
encapsulation protocols, MHRP does not add a complete
new IP (or link-level) header to the packet, but rather only
IP Header
Modified IP Header
4.3. The “Location Update” Message
MHRP sends a “location update” message to report the current location of a mobile host to specific hosts or routers
that appear to need this information. A location update
message is sent only when a specific need to update some
host or router is identified. The recipient of a location update message, if it is capable of functioning as a cache agent,
may cache the IP address of the foreign agent reported in
the message.
Any intermediate router that forwards a location update message may also cache the address contained in the
Transport Header
Transport Data
Figure 2 Building the MHRP header in a
packet for tunneling to a mobile host
IP Identlfication
Total Lenglh
Fragment Offset
IP Header Checksum
Source IP Address
IP Address of Foreign Agent
MHRP Header Checksum
Orig Protocol
IP Address of Mobile Host
Llst of Previous IP Source AddressBsfor this Packet
In an implementation,any host or router acting as a cache
agent for a mobile host may record the IP address of that
mobile host’s foreign agent in the same table that it uses
already to handle the existing host-specific ICMP redirect
message type [9]. Before transmitting an IP packet, a host
or router must currently search this table to find the correct
first-hoprouter address to use for this destination IP address.
By saving the IP address of a mobile host’s foreign agent
in this same table (with a different type field on the table
entry), the correct foreign agent address for sending to a
mobile host can be found in the cache with little or no
additional cost. This table can also be used by a foreign
agent to store a table entry for each locally visiting mobile
host currently connected to that foreign agent, and to thus
recognize that a packet that it is routing must be transmitted
locally to a visiting mobile host.
4.4. Foreign Agent Processing of ’lhnneled Packets
Once received by the foreign agent, the packet is processed
by the MHRP protocol module on the foreign agent. If
the destination mobile host IP address is found i n the foreign agent’s list of locally visiting mobile hosts, the MHRP
header is removed from the packet and the original IP header
is reconstructed. The foreign agent then transmits the packet
over the last hop to the directly connected mobile host.
If the mobile host has moved to a new foreign agent
(or returned to its home network) since last connected to
this foreign agent, the mobile host will not be found in
the foreign agent’s list of locally visiting mobile hosts. If
this foreign agent is also functioning as a cache agent and
has cached the location for this mobile host, the packet is
tunneled by this (old) foreign agent to the new foreign agent
by modifying the IP header and MHRP header to transform
the packet into a new IP packet, addressed from the old
foreign agent (the cache agent) to the new foreign agent.
If, instead, the old foreign agent has no cached location
information for this mobile host (either because the new
location was not cached when the mobile host moved, or
because that cache entry has subsequently been reused for
some other mobile host) the packet is tunneled instead by
the old foreign agent to the mobile host’s home IP address,
where it will be intercepted by the mobile host’s home agent.
In re-tunneling the packet to the new foreign agent or to
the mobile host’s home agent, the old foreign agent modifies
the IP header and MHRP header by the following steps:
The current IP source address from the IP header is
appended to a list of previous IP source addresses for
this packet, maintained in the MHRP header. The size
of the MHRP header in the packet thus is increased by
4 bytes.
The IP source address in the IP header is replaced by
the current IP destination address from the IP header
(the foreign agent’s own address).
If tunneling to the new foreign agent, the IP destination
address in the IP header is set to the address of the new
foreign agent; otherwise, the packet is tunneled to the
mobile host’s home agent by setting the IP destination
address in the IP header to the IP address of the mobile
host, obtained from the MHRP header.
Figure 3 The MHRP header in an IP packet
message, if the router is capable of functioning as a cache
agent. For example, a network of hosts that do not implement MHRP could be supported by a common first-hop
router that is willing to function as a cache agent and caches
the location of any mobile hosts with which these hosts correspond. However, in order to function as a cache agent, a
router must examine each packet that it forwards, checking
for location update messages and updating or adding to its
cache. Routers should thus support a configuration option
to enable or disable the capability to become a cache agent,
avoiding the overhead of examining each packet forwarded
except when needed. Routers that do not support MHRP, of
course, also would experience no overhead from forwarding
location update messages.
In the Internet, the location update message is defined
as a new type of ICMP message [9]. The location update
message includes the IP address of the mobile host and the
IP address of the foreign agent currently serving the mobile
host. The location update message is sent as an ICMP
message due to its similarity with the existing ICMPredirect
message type, and also to aid in backwards compatibility
with hosts that do not implement MHRP. Any such host
receiving a location update message will simply ignore the
message, since any ICMP messages of unknown type must
be silently discarded by all hosts [ 11.
Since not all hosts will support MHRP, any host or router
that sends location update messages must provide some
mechanism for limiting the rate at which it sends these
messages to any single IP address. For example, a list
could be maintained giving the IP addresses to which updates have been sent and the time a? which an update was
last sent to each address. This stored time on each list entry could also be used to implement LRU replacement of
the entries within the list. This requirement to avoid location update message flooding is similar to the mechanism
already required by hosts to limit the rate at which ARP
requests are sent to any single IP address [I].
The packet is then forwarded to its new IP destination address using only normal IP routing. For tunneling to the
mobile host’s home address, the packet is interceptedby the
mobile host’s home agent in the same way as other packets
transmitted on the home network addressed to the mobile
host, as described in Section 3.
Any finite maximum length of the list of previous IP
source addresses in the MHRP header may be imposed.
When a host or router that is tunneling a packet to a mobile
host attempts to add a new address to the list, if the list is
already at the maximum length allowed by this implementation and there is thus no room in the list to add this new
address, the following steps are performed:
A location update message is sent to each address currently in the list. The current foreign agent address
cached by this node (to which it will tunnel the packet
itself) is reported in the update message as the address
to which future packets for this mobile host are to be
The list is of previous IP source addresses in the MHRP
header is truncated and reset to empty.
The new address is added to the list as the single entry
in the list.
The new address being added to the list in the MHRP header
(copied from the IP source address in the IP header) identifies the node that tunneled this packet to the current host
or router. Each address from the list of previous IP source
addresses in the MHRP header identifies the source of a
previous tunnel used in forwarding this packet, and thus
identifies an out-of-date location cache. By sending a location update message to each of these nodes, each of these
cache agents will then point more directly to the current
foreign agent for this mobile host.
4.5. Handling of Returned ICMP Error Messages
In the Internet, an ICMP error message is returned to the
sender of a packet to indicate any error (such as “destination unreachable”)encountered in forwardingthe packet [9].
Correctly handling returned ICMP error messages is difficult with any IP encapsulation protocol. With MHRP, any
ICMP error messages returned in response to an IP packet
sent to a mobile host must be reported back to the original
sender of the packet causing the error. Furthermore, ICMP
error messages include a portion of the original IP packet in
error, and this returned packet must also be returned to the
original sender in a form that makes sense to this sender.
When a packet is tunneled using MHRP, the addresses in
the IP header are rewritten so that the IP destination address
of the packet is the endpoint of the tunnel, and the IP source
address of packet is the head of the tunnel (the home agent
or cache agent tunneling the packet). If the mobile host
has moved since being connected to the foreign agent at the
endpoint of this tunnel, the packet will be tunneled again,
either to the next foreign agent or to the mobile host’s home
agent. MHRP achieves the correct handling of returned
ICMP error messages by causing the ICMP error message
to travel back to the sender along the same set of tunnels that
the original packet followed, and by reversing any changes
made by MHRP to the original packet in the returned packet
carried by the ICMP error message.
When initially sent by some host or router, an ICMP error message will be transmitted to the cache agent or home
agent at the head of the most recent tunnel through which
the packet was traveling when it encountered the error. This
agent then reverses the changes it made to the original packet
in the returned copy of the packet included in the ICMP
message, and resends the modified ICMP message to the
home agent or cache agent (or the original sending host)
that sent the original message to this agent. The list of
previous IP source addresses for a packet maintained in the
packet’s MHRP header is used to determine the address to
which to resend the modified ICMP message.
This procedure also allows each cache agent or home
agent along the path to process the error message locally.
For example, if a “destination unreachable” message is returned, it might indicate that some router along this path to
the the cached location for the destination mobile host is
unreachable, not that the mobile host itself is unreachable;
in this case, the cache agent may also delete its cache entry
for this mobile host before resending the modified ICMP
error message.
A returned ICMP error message may contain a copy of
the entire original message [ 11, but might instead contain
only the IP header and first 8 bytes of the the transportlevel header and data of the original message [9, I]. If the
returned message contains at least the entire MHRP header
and 8 bytes beyond the MHRP header (the first 8 bytes of
the original transport-levelheader and data), the ICMP error
message can be correctly forwarded back to the original
sender. If, however, less of the original packet is returned
in the ICMP message, little can be done by a cache agent
beyond deleting its cache entry for this mobile host. The
next packet from this sender to the same mobile host will
then not be tunneled by this cache agent, and may thus
follow a different path to its destination.
On the other hand, returned ICMP reply messages [91
such as “echo reply” cause no similar problems. Since the
original IP packet containing the ICMP request message is
reconstructedby the foreign agent before the packet is transmitted to the visiting mobile host, any ICMP reply message
generated by the mobile host will be returned directly to the
original sender.
Protocol Robustness
5.1. Cache Agent Consistency Maintenance
The list of previous IP source addresses for a packet maintained in the packet’s MHRP header is used primarily for
updating any out-of-date cache agents that were used in
routing the packet.
When a packet reaches the correct foreign agent (a foreign agent for which the mobile host’s IP address is found
in the foreign agent’s list of locally visiting mobile hosts),
the IP header and MHRP header contain the following addresses:
0 The IP destination address in the IP header is the address of this foreign agent.
The IP source address in the IP header is the address
of the last cache agent (or the home agent) used in
routing the packet to that foreign agent. This cache
agent points directly to the correct foreign agent and is
not out-of-date.
If the list of previous IP source addresses for this packet
in the packet’s MHRP header is not empty, the first
address in this list is the address of the original sender
of the packet. This sender either has no cache entry for
this mobile host, or has a cache entry for this mobile
host that is out-of-date.
Each other address in the list of previous IP source
addresses for this packet in the packet’s MHRP header
is the address of an out-of-date cache agent for this
mobile host.
as described in Section 5.1. The home agent then sends
a location update message to each address in the list of
previous IP source addresses present in the packet’s MHRP
header, as well as to the current IP source address in the
packet’s IP header. Each of these addresses identifies a host
or router that has already handled this packet in routing it to
the mobile host. The home agent compares these addresses
to the current foreign agent address for the mobile host, as
recorded in the home agent’s database.
If a match is found in this comparison, the home agent
discards the original packet, and the foreign agent will receive a location update message for this mobile host. identifying itself as the current foreign agent for the mobile host.
The foreign agent could then simply add the mobile host
back to its list of locally visiting mobile hosts, believing the
home agent. Alternatively, the foreign agent could send a
“query” message onto its local network to verify that the
mobile host is actually connected to its network. For example, an ARP query message [7] could be used to elicit a
reply from the mobile host indicating its presence.
To speed the state recovery of a foreign agent after it reboots, the foreign agent could also broadcast over its local
network a query for all mobile hosts to initiate reconnection
to it. Since such a broadcast cannot in general be guaranteed
to reliably reach all locally visiting mobile hosts, the procedure described above based on the location update message
and the list of previous IP source addresses in a packet’s
MHRP header is also necessary.
This foreign agent sends a location update message to each
address in the list of previous IP source addresses in the
MHRP header, causing each of them to update their cache
entry to point to this foreign agent.
Likewise, if the packet is tunneled to the home agent,
because the old foreign agent did not have a “forwarding
pointer” cached for the new foreign agent, the IP header and
MHRP header will contain the following addresses:
0 The IP destination address in the IP header is the mobile
host’s IP address.
0 The IP source address in the IP header is the address
of the old foreign agent that tunneled this packet to the
home agent.
0 The first address in the list of previous IP source addresses for this packet in the packet’s MHRP header is
the address of the original sender of the packet. (The
list cannot be empty in this case.) This sender either
has no cache entry for this mobile host, or has a cache
entry for this mobile host that is out-of-date.
0 Each other address in the list of previous IP source
addresses for this packet in the packet’s MHRP header
is the address of an out-of-date cache agent for this
mobile host.
Once the packet is intercepted by the home agent on the
mobile host’s home network, the home agent sends a location update message to each address in the list of previous
IP source addresses in the MHRP header, causing each to
update its cache entry to point to the correct (new) foreign
agent, as recorded in the home agent’s database. The home
agent also sends a location update message to the old foreign
agent that tunneled the packet to the home agent (identified
in the IP source address field in the IP header), allowing it to
become a cache agent for this mobile host so that any subsequent packets arriving for this mobile host can be tunneled
directly to its correct new foreign agent.
5.3. Robustness Against Routing Loops
No routing loops can be created by a correct implementation of this protocol. However, in a large internetwork
such as the Internet, with many independent interoperating
implementations of each protocol, some incorrect implementation could accidentally create a loop of cache agents.
Such a loop would cause an arriving packet to be forwarded
continuously around this loop until its IP “time-to-live” expired, potentially creating considerable congestion in the
portion of the network involved in the loop.
The list of previous IP source addresses for a packet
maintained in the packet’s MHRP header may be used to
easily detect any such loop that may be formed. When
initiating the tunneling of a packet, the previous address in
the IP source address field of the IP header is copied into
the list in the packet’s MHRP header, before being replaced
in the IP header with the IP address of the host or router
forwarding the packet. If the IP address of this node is
already present in the list in the packet’s MHRP header,
then a forwarding loop exists involving the nodes identified
in the list in the MHRP header; one pass around the loop
has just been completed with the return of the packet to
this node.
Any such loop detected can also easily be corrected using
the list in the MHRP header. When a loop is detected by
some node, that node sends a location update message to
each address in the list, causing each of these cache agents
to delete its cache entry for this mobile host. This, in effect,
dissolves the loop. The original packet may then be discarded, or may be tunneled to the mobile host’s IP address,
5.2. Foreign Agent State Recovery
If a foreign agent “forgets” about a locally visiting mobile
host, such as may happen when the foreign agent reboots,
the mobile host will not be found in its list of locally visiting
mobile hosts when a packet arrives for the host. In this case,
the foreign agent will tunnel the packet to the home agent,
where it will be intercepted by the mobile host’s home agent,
as described in Section 4.
If the list in the MHRP header has been truncated because
it reached its maximum allowable length (as described in
Section 4.4), a loop may not be detected within a single
cycle if the size of the loop is larger than the number of
addresses allowed in the list. However, the size of the loop
will contract during each cycle by a factor of the maximum
list size. If the packet is still looping by the time the loop
size contracts to be small enough to be recorded in the list
in the MHRP header, the loop will then be detected and
corrected. If the packet has been discarded by this time
because its “time-to-live” field in its IP header has expired,
the next packet will continue the loop contraction and detection procedure.
R4 still has cached the new location of M, it will tunnel the
packet to R5, where it will be delivered locally to M . R5
will also send a location update message to S, reporting the
new location of M at R5. On the other hand, if R4 no longer
has the cache entry giving the new location of M, it instead
tunnels the packet to M’s home agent, which tunnels the
packet on to the correct new foreign agent, R5, and returns
a location update message to both S and R4.
Suppose instead that mobile host M moves from R4 to
return to its home network. M informs its home agent, R2,
of this move and registers with it a special foreign agent
address of zero. M also tells its old foreign agent, R4, that
it has returned to its home network, causing R4 to delete
M from its list of locally visiting mobile hosts; R4 does
not create a “forwarding pointer” cache entry for A4 in this
case. The next packet that S sends to M will be tunneled
to R4 (from S’s cache entry), and then by R4 to M’s home
agent, as described above. Once received there by M, M
will return a location update message to S, indicating that
it is currently connected to its home network and that S’s
cache entry for M should be deleted. Subsequent packets
from S to M will thus be sent directly to M on its home
network without involving MHRP.
6. Examples
6.1. The Initial Packet to a Mobile Host
Suppose some host S is sending an IP packet to a mobile
host M, as shown in Figure 1. S may not know (or need
not know) that M is mobile. The packet is sent and routed
in exactly the same way as any other IP packet, and thus
reaches M’s home network. If M were currently connected
to its home network, the packet would be delivered there
directly to M with no extra overhead.
Figure 1 instead shows M connected to foreign network D
through foreign agent R4. In this case, the packet is intercepted by M’s home agent, R2, which then tunnels the packet
to R4. R2 also returns a location update message to S.S or
any router such as RI that sees this location update message
may cache M’s location as a cache agent.
7. Comparison to Previous Protocols
The problems of addressing and routing packets to mobile
hosts on the Internet were first described by Sunshine and
Poste1 [ 161. They introduced the notion of a “forwarder” to
which other hosts could send IP packets to be forwarded locally to a visiting mobile host, which is similar to MHRP’s
foreign agent. However, they described only a simple
protocol requiring a global database, in which all mobile
hosts would register the address of their current forwarder.
Senders would query the global database for the correct
forwarder host and use source routing to deliver the packet
to the forwarder. After a mobile host has moved to a new
location, the old forwarder will return a “host unreachable”
message to the sender in response to any new packet arriving for the mobile host, and the sender must then consult
the global database again to learn the new location of the
mobile host and retransmit the packet.
An IP protocol for mobile hosts has been implemented
by Ioannidis et al at Columbia University [3,4] using an
“IP-within-1P” (or IPIP) protocol to tunnel IP packets to
the network to which a mobile host is currently connected.
Their protocol is optimized for mobile host movement
within its home “campus” and makes no provision for optimizing routing of packets to a mobile host when it moves
outside its home campus. A set of Mobile Support Routers
(or MSRs) on the home network advertise network reachability to all hosts on the home network, whether or not
currently connected instead to some foreign network. If the
mobile host is still within its home campus, the packet is
delivered to one of the home MSRs, which then tunnels the
packet to the correct MSR using IPIP. However, MSRs are
required to cache the correct MSRs for other mobile hosts,
and if not present in its cache, the original MSR must use
a broadcast or multicast protocol among the other MSRs to
find the one serving the destination mobile host. When a
6.2. Subsequent Packets to a Mobile Host
Once a sending host such as S has cached the location of
a mobile host to which it is sending packets, it may tunnel its own packets directly to that mobile host’s foreign
agent. This is expected to be the common case once MHPR
becomes widely implemented in host software. A local
network of hosts that do not yet support MHRP may also
be supported by a single cache agent functioning in the IP
router that connects that local network to the rest of the Internet. In this case, this router, such as RI, simply examines
the packets that it forwards and tunnels any packets that are
destined to addresses for which it has cached location information. This type of caching in intermediate routers may
also be useful in supporting any hosts on a local network
for which, for any reason, the protocol software running on
those hosts cannot be modified to support MHRP.
6.3. When a Mobile Host Has Moved
When a mobile host moves to a new network, packets sent
to that host must still reach it, and any cache agents that
become out-of-date due to the host’s movement must eventually be updated. Suppose mobile host M moves from R4
to some new foreign agent, say R5. M notifies its home
agent, R2, and its previous foreign agent, R4, of the move.
The next packet that S sends to M will be tunneled first to
R4. since this is the location for M that S has cached. If
mobile host connects to some foreign network, it must first
obtain a temporary IP address within that network, and its
MSR in its home network then tunnels its packets to this
temporary address. All packets to a mobile host outside its
home network must be routed first to its home MSR. Their
protocol adds 24 bytes of overhaed to each packet sent to
a mobile host, whereas MHRP normally adds only 8 bytes
(or 12 bytes) to each packet.
Teraoka et a1 at Sony [19, 17, 181 have implemented a
mobile host IP protocol in which all hosts have two addresses: a “Virtual IF”’ (or VIP) address that never changes,
and a normal IP address that specifies the the host’s current
physical location and must be obtained as a temporary address when connecting to a new foreign network. All IP
packets are modified to contain a VIP header, containing
a host’s VIP address, as well as a normal IP header, containing its temporary IP address, which is used for routing.
The sender uses a cache to translate the destination VIP
address to its current physical IP address. If it has no entry
in its cache for this host, the packet is sent with the IP address initially set the same as the VIP address, which may
cause the packet to travel as far as the mobile host’s home
network router, where the correct IP address is filled in and
the packet is resent to the correct destination. Other routers
in the Internet also cache the location of mobile hosts by remembering the source IP and VIP addresses of packets that
they forward. When a mobile host moves to a new network,
a flooding protocol is used to remove most of these cache
entries for the host in other routers, but some may remain
due to the way in which the flooding is propagated. Such an
obsolete cache entry might cause a packet to be delivered to
an incorrect host. An incorrect receiver discards the packet
and returns an error message to the sender, which will then
retransmit the original packet. The error message will also
cause the cache entries at the routers through which it passes
to be removed. The overhead added to each packet for the
VIP header is 28 bytes.
Another mobile IP proposal has been made by Wada
et a1 at Matsushita [21]. Each mobile host operates in one
of two modes. As with the Columbia and Sony proposals,
each mobile host must obtain a temporary IP address in the
foreign network that it is visiting. In “forwarding mode,”
all packets to that mobile host are routed through a Packet
Forwarding Server (or PFS) on that mobile host’s home
network, and are then tunneled to the mobile host’s temporary IP address, using a protocol that they call the Internet
Packet Transmission Protocol (or IPTP). Optimization of
the routing to avoid going through the home network is
not possible in forwarding mode. In “autonomous mode,”
though, senders can cache the temporary IP address of the
mobile host and tunnel their own packets directly there.
The overhead added to each packet with their protocol is
40 bytes, since a new 1P header must be added, as well as a
separate IPTP header.
Perkins and Rekhter at IBM [ 13,6] have produced several proposals for mobile IP using the IP “loose source route
and record’’ (LSRR) option [ 101. Their proposals depend
on the specific defined semantics of the LSRR option. Each
mobile host registers with a “base station” in the foreign
network being visited, similar to Sunshine and Postel’s forwarders [ 161 and MHRP’s foreign agents. All packets sent
by a mobile host are sent through the mobile host’s base
station and include an LSRR option, such that when received at the packet’s destination, the recorded route will
indicate the correct path back to the mobile host through its
base station. Hosts receiving a packet containing an LSRR
option are supposed to save and reverse the recorded route
for use in sending return packets. However, many existing
implementations of the LSRR option either do not record
the route correctly in the packet, or do not correctly reverse
or save the recorded route when receiving a packet. Also,
after moving, packets for a mobile host continue to go to
the host’s old location until some application on that host
needs to send a normal IP packet to that destination. Their
protocol normally adds only 8 bytes to each packet sent to
a mobile host, although 8 bytes must also be added to each
packet sentfrom a mobile host.
MHRP introduced a number of new features to provide
better robustness for routing packets to mobile hosts [5], as
described in Section 5 . Previous protocols either did not
address these issues, or had much less effective methods
of handling them. For example, relying on the IP “timeto-live” to break any routing loops created can still cause
considerable congestion in the network when a loop does
occur. Existing routing protocols (for non-mobile hosts)
attempt to ensure that no routing loops can occur, but when
tunneling is used to reroute packets, many new possibilities
for routing loops are created. If the rate at which new
packets are being generated and sent into the loop exceeds
the rate at which packets expire within the loop as the timeto-live of each packet counts down to zero, the number of
packets in the loop will continue to rise. If the loop persists
for any length of time, this congestion could cause routers
within the loop to crash and could lead to the collapse of
a portion of the Internet. Similarly, previous protocols had
only limited provision for cache consistency maintenance,
and did not support the recovery of a failed foreign agent
(or base station or forwarder).
Another important factor to consider in the design of
an internetworking protocol for mobile hosts is the ability
of the protocol to efficiently support very large numbers
of mobile hosts. As the popularity of portable computers continues to increase, the number of mobile hosts that
must be handled will grow rapidly. MHRP can support
this rapid growth in the number of mobile hosts, for example, because no global database or global communication
is required, each home agent only manages the location of
its own mobile hosts, and the amount of state information
that must be saved or cached by other hosts or routers is
small. The ability of Sunshine and Postel’s protocol [161
to scale to large numbers of mobile hosts is limited, since
it relies on a global database; and the Sony [19, 171 and
Columbia [3] protocols require forms of broadcasting or
multicasting. In addition, the requirement of their protocols
and Matsushita’s protocol [21] for mobile hosts to obtain a
new temporary IP address when visiting a foreign network
places a limit on their scalability, since the available IP
address space within any foreign network number is lim-
ited. The IBM proposals using the IP LSRR option 113,
61, appear to have the best scalability of these previous protocols, but are limited in scalability due to problems with the
use of IP options in general: any IP packet containing an IP
option requires extra processing at each router that forwards
[5] David B. Johnson. TransparentIntemet routing for IP mobile
hosts. Intemet Draft, School of ComputerScience, Camegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,July 1993.
[6] Charles Perkins and Yakov Rekhter. Support for mobility
with connectionlessnetwork layer protocols (transport layer
transparency). Intemet Draft, IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, January 1993.
[7] David C. Plummer. An Ethemet address resolution protocol:
Or converting network protocol addresses to 48.bit Ethemet
addresses for transmission on Ethemet hardware. Intemet
Request For Comments RFC 826, November 1982.
[8] J. B. Postel. User Datagram Protocol. Intemet Request For
Comments RFC 768, August 1980.
[9] J. B. Postel, editor. Intemet Control Message Protocol. Intemet Request For Comments RFC 792, September 1981.
[IO] J. B. Postel, editor. Intemet Protocol. Intemet Request For
Comments RFC 79 1, September 1981 .
[I 11 J. B. Postel, editor. TransmissionControl Protocol. Intemet
Request For Comments RFC 793, September 1981.
[ 121 J. B. Postel. Multi-LAN addressresolution. Intemet Request
For Comments RFC 925, October 1984.
[13] Yakov Rekhter and Charles Perkins. Short-cut routing for
mobile hosts. Intemet Draft, IBM T.J. Watson Research
Center, Yorktown Heights, New York, July 1992.
[I41 Marshall T. Rose. The Open Book: A Practical Perspective
on OSI. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990.
[ 151 Gursharan S . Sidhu, Richard F. Andrews, and Alan B. Oppenheimer. Inside AppleTalk. Addison Wesley, Reading,
Massachusetts, 1990.
[I61 C. Sunshine and J. Postel. Addressing mobile hosts in
the ARPA Intemet environment. Intemet Engineering Note
IEN 135, March 1980.
[I71 Fumio Teraoka, Kim Claffy, and Mario Tokoro. Design,
implementation,and evaluation of Virtual Intemet Protocol.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pages 170-177, June 1992.
[I81 Fumio Teraoka and Keisuke Uehara. The virtual network
protocol for host mobility. Intemet Draft, Sony Computer Science Laboratory and University of ElectroCommunications,April 1993.
[19] Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote, and Mario lbkoro. A
network architectureproviding host migration transparency.
In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM ’91 Conference: Communications Architectures & Protocols, pages 209-220,
September 1991.
[20] Paul Tumer. NetWare communicationsprocesses. NetWare
Application Notes, Novel1 Research, pages 25-8 1, September 1990.
[21] Hiromi Wada,TatsuyaOhnishi,and Brian Marsh. Packetforwarding for mobile hosts. Intemet Draft, MatsushitaElectric
Industrial Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan, November 1992.
the packet and cannot use the “fast path” optimized code
in the router, since each option must be examined by the
router to determine if it affects its handling of the packet.
If large numbers of mobile hosts begin using the IP LSRR
option, many existing routers may not be able to handle the
significantly increased load. The use of the LSRR option
also limits the scalability of these protocols, due to the large
number of incorrect implementations of this option already
deployed within the Internet.
8. Conclusion
This paper has described the design of the Mobile Host
Routing Protocol (MHRP) as it applies to the Internet using
IP. A mobile host may move from one network to another
at any time, while always using only its “home” IP address.
By always using the home IP address for a mobile host, the
current location of a mobile host-and even the fact that
the host is mobile-remains transparent above the IP level.
Any host may be configured to be a “mobile host” by simply
running the appropriate software on it. There is no penalty
for this configuration, since the protocol automatically uses
only the standard IP routing mechanisms, adding no overhead to IP, when a mobile host is currently connected to its
home network. MHRP introduces several new features to
provide better robustness for routing to mobile hosts, and
provides better scalability to very large numbers of mobile
hosts than previous mobile host protocols. An implementation of MHRP within the Berkeley networking code is
currently in progress.
The protocol presented in this paper has benefited from
the helpful comments and criticisms of the author’s fellow
members of the Internet Engineering Task Force “Mobile
IP” working group. The Working Group is currently
developing a complete protocol specification for IP routing to mobile hosts.
[I] Robert T. Braden, editor. Requirementsfor Intemet hostscommunication layers. Intemet Request For Comments
RFC 1 122, October 1989.
[2] S . Deering. ICMP router discovery messages. Intemet Request For Comments RFC 1256, September 1991.
[3] John Ioannidis, Dan Duchamp, and Gerald Q. Maguire Jr.
IP-based protocols for mobile intemetworking. In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM ‘91 Conference: Communications
Architectures & Protocols, pages 235-245, September1991.
[4] John Ioannidis, Gerald Q. Maquire Jr, and Steve Deering.
Protocols for supporting mobile IP hosts. Intemet Draft,
Columbia University and Xerox PARC, June 1992.