Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
December 8, 2009
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mrs. Van Noy, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance, led by students from Carnation Elementary. The students also presented
the Pledge of Allegiance in sign language.
Mr. Bawden, President, arrived at 7:08 PM and presided over the meeting.
Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Ms. Fields
Mrs. Ward’s 3rd and 4th grade students demonstrated some of their technology projects. Mrs.
Ward explained she has a Gates classroom, with an active board and a ratio of 2:1 computer.
Brianna Johnson and Haylie Scott showed how they use a flip chart on the interactive board for
math. Andrew Evans produced his own math video on Cups, Quarts and Gallons. Tessa
Graham and Amy Chandler presented a photo story video, combining social studies and science,
by researching volcanoes and earthquakes, collecting pictures, writing a script and acting as
newscasters. Ashley Vega and Julissa Tamayo shared their blog to show what they learned
about watersheds and comments they received. They also included links to other websites. Nick
Brier, Isabella Mata, and Owen Stoutt shared their thoughts on being Tech Kids and helping
others in the computer lab. They enjoyed teaching students and also learning from them. The
students thanked Mrs. Mayfield, Technology Instructional Specialist, for all she does in their
class and school. The Board thanked the students, teachers, and parents for the presentation.
Mrs. Van Noy, Vice President, swore in the newly elected Board Members: Mr. Bawden,
Director District #5; Ms. Oviatt, Director District #1; and Mr. Edwards, Director District #4. Mr.
Bawden and Ms. Oviatt were elected for 4-year terms, and Mr. Edwards will fill out an
unexpired 2-year term.
Mr. Bawden announced “the normal order of business would be modified for the annual
reorganization by calling for nominations and election of a President and Vice President for the
ensuing year.” Prior to nominations, the Board minutes from the previous meeting were
Motion 09-77: To Approve the of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for November 24,
2009, Work Study Minutes for November 19, 2009, and Work Study Minutes for December 3,
2009. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous.
Mr. Bawden called for nominations for President to serve the ensuing year. Mrs. Van Noy
nominated Mr. Bawden, seconded by Mr. Edwards. A roll call vote was taken.
Mrs. Van Noy
Mr. Pflugrath
Ms. Oviatt
Mr. Edwards
Mr. Bawden
Mr. Bawden then called for nominations for Vice President to serve the ensuing year.
Noy nominated Ms. Oviatt. A roll call vote was taken.
Mrs. Van Noy
Mr. Pflugrath
Mr. Bawden
Mr. Edwards
Ms. Oviatt
Mrs. Van
Mr. Bawden apologized for arriving late as he had been at the Lakewood Memorial Service in
Tacoma. He said he was very proud to be a member of the public safety community.
Mr. Bawden noted last Thursday the Board held a Work Study on their Board Goals and
yesterday he met with Dr. Smith on the Customer Service part of the Strategic Plan. He asked
Mr. Pflugrath to discuss the Customer Service further with Dr. Smith. Next Monday, the Board
will hold a Work Study at Monroe School District on the Washington Lighthouse Project,
visiting Monroe’s presentation by Mr. Phil Gore from WSSDA. Tuesday, December 15, the
Board will hold another Work Study at 5:30 PM at the District Office with Dr. Smith on public
input for the Strategic Plan process.
Ms. Oviatt announced that tomorrow night at Cedarcrest High School from 7:00-9:00 PM,
Austin Jenckes will perform in concert with benefits going to the Foodball Drive. Winter sports
started with girls’ and boys’ basketball and wrestling. Wrestlers are selling pies to raise money
for the tournament. She also noted “A Christmas Carol” by Cascade Community Theatre will be
playing at Cedarcrest this weekend, Friday through Sunday.
Mrs. Van Noy will be meeting on Thursday with Craig Schumaker, who will mentor her in her
new position on the WSSDA Board. She shared the book on generational poverty by Dr. Donna
Beegle with the United Way Community Services Team and they are very interested in finding
out more about Dr. Beegle. She also met for breakfast with Representative Marcie Maxwell
who wants to pull together the legislative representatives in WSSDA District #2 prior to the
legislative session starting.
Mr. Van Noy thanked Tolt Middle School for the beautiful artwork in the Board room.
Mr. Edwards mentioned the editorial opinion in the Bellingham Herald by David Iseminger on
his basic education finance plan. Mr. Edwards will email a link to Board Members.
Ms. Fields noted that senior class sweatshirts have been ordered, and DECA students went to
Westlake Center in Seattle to learn about advertising.
Mr. Robertson said he met with Jim Jordan from the Tolt Historical Society this morning, along
with Dr. Smith, Mr. Censullo, Ms. Gavigan, Mr. Poage, and Mrs. Wright. Mr. Jordan explained
the Snoqualmie Valley Senior Center is being remodeled and the Tolt Historical Society museum
collection will have to be moved. He approached the District to have several showcases in the
schools and perhaps some in the Board Room and rotate the museum pieces around the District.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 09-78: To amend the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, and Service Contracts, to
reflect current changes. (Van Noy and Bawden) Unanimous.
Motion 09-79: To approve the December 8, 2009 Consent Agenda as amended. (Bawden and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 173962 through 174106 in the amount of $187,278.60, and direct
deposits of $1,948.41; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 174107 through 174113 in the amount
of $69,569.60, and direct deposits of $111.54; ASB Fund Warrant No. 174114 through 174137
in the amount of $15,472.90, and direct deposits of $36.12; and Private Purpose Trust Fund
Warrant No. 174138 through 174144 in the amount of $2,541.73, and direct deposits of
$7,047.27. Total payroll for November 30, 2009 was $1,990,835.75, which includes General
Fund Warrant No. 174145 through 174224 in the amount of $654,706.30, and direct deposits of
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Mr. Bawden noted a former Drill Coach was hired to fill out the season.
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Donations
The Board thanked the CHS PTSA for their generous donation of graphing and scientific
Voter Pamphlet Pro-Con Committee Nominees
The Board has advertised and requested applicants for the Pro and Con Committees for the
February 9, 2010 Voters’ Pamphlet.
Motion 09-80: To appoint Wendy Tumbleson and Pam Werner to the Committee Advocating
Approval for Proposition No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. No one applied for the Committee
Advocating Rejection for Proposition No. 1, No. 2, or No. 3. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Second Reading, New Policy 2038, Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Motion 09-81:
To approve Policy 2038 for Second Reading.
(Pflugrath and Edwards)
Board Agenda Topics
Mr. Bawden suggested and the Board agreed to hold breakfast work studies on the first Thursday
of each month on board goals and board leadership meetings with the Superintendent on the third
Thursday of each month, each at 7:00 AM. In January the dates will be January 7 and January
21, respectively. In February, the dates will be February 8 at the WSSDA Legislative
Conference and February 18th. Mr. Bawden asked for an Executive Session at the end of the
January 12 Board meeting to discuss the superintendent’s contract extension. The Board also set
a Work Study for January 12 at 5:00 PM to discuss legislative issues that need to be addressed at
the WSSDA Legislative Conference on February 7 and 8, 2010.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson noted the December enrollment was down 4.3 FTE students, but still above
budget by 54.82 FTE. January through June, the enrollment usually declines.
Superintendent Report
1. On December 4th we were informed by Moody’s Investors Services that the Riverview
School District would continue to have an A1 bond rating for our $11.6 million bond sale.
They stated that the A1 rating primarily reflects the district’s moderately sized tax base and
strong wealth indicators. The rating also accounts for the district’s solid financial operations
and manageable debt levels.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
2. On December 7th I signed the documents for the $11.6 million Qualified School Construction
Bond sale. As a reminder, the Board approved the resolution prepared by D.A. Davidson and
K & L Gates for two bond sale options – the traditional tax exempt bonds and the Qualified
School Construction Bonds, made available as a result of the federal stimulus funds. We
were successful in marketing the QSCB bonds at a 1.33% interest rate and a savings of over
$3 million for our taxpayers compared to a traditional bond sale.
3. On December 4th Paul Censullo and I were trained on the School Messenger Emergency
Notification System for informing students, parents and staff on emergency issues. An
emergency example would be last January’s early dismissal and evacuation when the Tolt
River breached causing water to enter the Tolt Middle School Campus. Last year we used
SchoolReport.org, television and radio stations, Constant Contact and telephone trees
attempting to inform parents of the situation. Unfortunately, not all parents were informed
through e-mails and news broadcasts. The School Messenger will permit us to send voice
messages to all telephone numbers in our system provided by parents and staff. This will
include land lines, cell phones and computers with speaker systems.
4. Last week we received word that the Highland School District in eastern Washington will be
adding a student representative to their school board. Their superintendent said that their
board members were impressed with our presentation at WSSDA and supportive of having
student representation on the school board.
5. Last week I began a series of about twenty presentations on the February 9 Levy Elections.
The vast majority of the presentations are scheduled in January.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the December 8, 2009 Board meeting at
8:20 PM.
Board President
Board Secretary
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.