Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
September 8, 2009
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Bawden, Ms. Fields
Mr. Bawden administered the Oath of Office to the new student representative, Glynis Bawden,
and second year representative, Courtney Fields, who will serve on the Board during the 2009-10
school year.
Mr. Bawden and Ms. Oviatt assisted in the Josh Ward Memorial Run, noting the tremendous
turnout and support. Mr. Bawden attended the student representative orientation last week. He
plans to attend the Cedarcrest High School Remodel dedication on Wednesday at 6:45 PM, but
will be unable to attend Tolt Middle School’s Remodel dedication on Thursday, at 6:30 PM. He
noted the dedication of the Tolt Middle School Fields will be on Thursday, September 24 at 3:15
Mr. Bawden noted Toby Nixon has been chosen to work with the Attorney General on the Open
Government Task Force, regarding the Open Public Meetings Act and the Public Records Act.
Mr. Bawden also noted that President Obama’s speech was well-received with a few emails
coming from both sides of the spectrum.
Mrs. Van Noy said three Board members will be attending the WSSDA Legislative Assembly in
Vancouver, Washington, on September 25 and 26. A special meeting has been added to the
Assembly program to allow attendees to provide feedback to the State Board of Education on K12 System Performance Accountability.
Mr. Pflugrath will again join the CTE Advisory Committee for engineering and design, with the
first meeting on September 16. Ms. Oviatt mentioned she would be attending the Technology
Steering Committee meetings, beginning on September 14.
Ms. Fields noted the Cedarcrest football team won their first game last Friday. ASB is working
on having a rooter bus to this week’s game against Seattle Prep. DECA donated to the Josh
Ward Memorial Fund Run and TSA won 2nd place at the national conference in Denver. She
also mentioned that Homecoming Dance on October 3rd will be held at the Union Station in
Seattle, with a theme of “Aboard the Midnight Express.”
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 09-48: To amend the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes.
(Pflugrath and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Motion 09-49: To approve the September 8, 2009, Consent Agenda as amended. (Edwards and
Bawden) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for August 25, 2009
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 172719 through 172734 in the amount of $47,403.79, No. 172737
through 172784 in the amount of $326,096.15, No. 172795 in the amount of $1,275.36, No.
172823 through 172856 in the amount of $51,983.10, and direct deposits of $810.45; Capital
Projects Fund Warrant No. 172796 in the amount of $711.86 and No. 172857 through 172871 in
the amount of $273,675.11; and ASB Fund Warrant No. 172735 through 172736 in the amount
of $586.88, No. 172785 through 172794 in the amount of $25,153.36, No. 172797 in the amount
of $779.57, and No. 172872 through 172876 in the amount of 12,742.72. Total payroll for
August 31, 2009 was $1,912,398.09, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 172612 through
172619 and No. 172798 through 172822 in the amount of $55,284.55, and No. 172682 through
172718 in the amount of $640,231.21, and direct deposits of $893,489.99.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
The Board noted the wealth of experience and credentials for the new hires.
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Donna Bielstein
Obesity Prevention School Committee Report
Kathy Lambert, King County Councilmember and Chair of the County’s Board of Health School
Obesity Prevention Committee, and Donna Oberg, Board of Health Administrator and
Committee member, presented a PowerPoint on promoting healthier school environments.
Obesity in students over the last three decades has increased from approximately 5% to 17%.
Nineteen school districts in King County had their wellness policies evaluated, using a nationally
standardized method of assessment to determine the comprehensiveness and strength of school
policies. Riverview’s nutrition guidelines did quite well in comparison and one of the really
positive things was Riverview’s salad bars at every school.
Mrs. Lambert congratulated Riverview on 2 of 3 elementary schools having recess before lunch.
In a recent Montana study, children who ate lunch after being physically active had a higher
nutritional intake, improved attention and behavior, and lower disciplinary rates. Another area
she presented was a school garden, which could provide hands-on learning, increase knowledge
of fruits and vegetables, and offer life skills.
Obesity Prevention School Committee Report, Cont.
The Committee also advocates school nutrition to the legislature, this year promoting increased
reimbursement for school meals. A website under Public Health will soon be available on school
nutrition resources, a place for teachers and schools to go for the best information.
Ms. Lambert injected information on the Howard Hanson dam in south King County which is in
jeopardy and may cause a mass evacuation of 4-5 cities. She felt there would be a need for help
in schooling children if this disaster happened and wanted Riverview to be aware.
Ms. Lambert thanked the Riverview School Board for the opportunity to present this
information. The Board asked a few questions on contributing factors to the increase in obesity.
2009-10 Board Goals
The Board reviewed their goals for 2009-10 again and agreed upon the six goals. Some task
changes may be made in the future.
Motion 09-50: To adopt the 2009-10 Board Goals. (Van Noy and Pflugrath) Unanimous.
2009-10 Board Roundtables
Dates have been set for the Board Roundtables. Mrs. Van Noy provided the “Purpose, Process,
and Payoff” for the sessions. The Board felt further review was needed and will bring this item
back to the September 22 meeting.
Proposed Transfer of Territory Negotiation Committee (Appendix A)
The ESD requires that the board discuss the negotiations of the proposed territory transfer with
the Lake Washington School District Board. Two board members should be selected to
participate in negotiating a recommendation to be acted upon by both school boards.
Motion 09-51: To appoint Greg Bawden and Carol Van Noy to represent the Board on the
Proposed Transfer of Territory Negotiations with Lake Washington School District Board. (Van
Noy and Pflugrath) Unanimous.
First Reading, Policy 4040, Use of School Facilities
Changes to Policy 4040 come from implemented law on Concussion and Head Injuries and on
the non-discrimination of sex in community athletic programs.
Motion 09-52: To approve Policy 4040 for First Reading. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Board Agenda Topics
The Board agreed to hold a work study on Board Goals on October 8, at 7:00 AM, at the Raging
River Café in Fall City.
Mr. Bawden recessed the Board Meeting at 8:20 PM for a 15-minute break to greet the guest
presenters and called the meeting back to order at 8:35 PM.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson announced the September enrollment head count is the highest in Riverview’s
history at 3,192 students. This number is 101 over last year’s September count. He also noted
that the FTE is 44.87 above budget but the tendency over the last five years was to lose an
average of 32 FTE per year. This year’s increase represents a 3.3% increase and our third
consecutive year of increased enrollment.
Mr. Robertson explained that the overall enrollment increase is mainly due to higher enrollment
in the PARADE program and the number of students transferring due to the closure of the Duvall
Christian School. The PARADE program has grown to 135 students compared to 104 last year.
Cedarcrest High School is up 13 students and Tolt Middle School is up 27 due to the large 6th
grade class.
Superintendent Report
At the Ad Team meeting this morning, principals and program mangers reported a great
start to the first week of school. The Technology Department also noted an easy
beginning this year. After the meeting, the administrative team toured the remodeled
facilities at Tolt Middle School.
Mr. Robertson highlighted the ribbon cutting ceremony dates again.
He noted that on September 10 and 16, he will be attending school levy election
workshops at Shoreline Center and the Puget Sound ESD in preparation for the levy
election next February.
The Riverview Education Foundation Golf Tournament is Saturday, September 26, at the
Trilogy Golf Course.
On Wednesday, September 23, he will give a presentation to the Rotary of Duvall on the
successful construction projects at Tolt Middle School and Cedarcrest High School.
Mr. Robertson commended the Tolt Middle School custodians and the District
maintenance staff and summer crew for the late hours and weekends spent preparing Tolt
for the first day of school. They all went well above their duties.
While it was unfortunate that the Duvall Christian School closed, our district was able to
purchase needed desks, tables, instructional and emergency supplies during their closing
Mr. Robertson noted President Obama’s message was aired live over the television sets at
Cedarcrest but Tolt Middle School did not have that capability. Also, the elementary
schools were not in session at 9:00 AM.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the September 8, 2009 Board meeting at
9:00 PM.
Board President
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.