RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting August 11, 2009 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Mrs. Van Noy, Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards MEMBERS ABSENT Mr. Bawden COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS, AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mrs. Van Noy announced the Board held a Work Study prior to the meeting on finalizing the Strategic Plan for next year. She also noted that Mr. Bawden was on vacation, as well as Mr. Robertson. Dr. Anthony Smith, Assistant Superintendent, would be acting Board Secretary. Mr. Pflugrath said he would like to attend an upcoming WSSDA Regional meeting on October 15, in Tukwila and encouraged other Board Members to join him. The primary agenda is to discuss core national standards and education finance. Mr. Pflugrath noted he addressed a question to the administration on district preparation for a possible heavy flu season. The pandemic flu policy and procedures have been reviewed and the district is working closely with King County Public Health for current information. Mr. Edwards spoke highly of the very successful Board/Administrative staff dinner at Lori and Jim Oviatt’s home after the Administrative Retreat. He also noted that Mr. Pflugrath and he would be attending the WSSDA Legislative Assembly in Vancouver, WA, at the end of September along with Mrs. Van Noy. Mr. Edwards asked if anyone from the district would be attending the NSBA Technology & Learning Conference in Denver at the end of October. Mrs. Oviatt congratulated Dr. Smith on his recent completion of the Superintendent’s Certificate Program. She mentioned she would be absent from the October 13 Board Meeting. Mrs. Van Noy said she would be absent from the August 25 Board meeting. She thanked the administrators for the best admin/board event ever. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 09-40: To approve the August 11, 2009, Consent Agenda as presented. (Oviatt and Edwards) Unanimous. -1- CONSENT AGENDA, Cont. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for July 21, 2009, and Board Work Study for August 4, 2009 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 172289 through 172402 in the amount of $145,491.59, No. 172506 through 172574 in the amount of $67,554.49, and direct deposits of $2,178.63; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 172403 through 172412 in the amount of $27,090.83, and No. 172575 through 172576 in the amount of $25,303.60; ASB Fund Warrant No. 172413 through 172427 in the amount of $12,797.44, and No. 172577 through 172581 in the amount of $15,229.94; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 172428 through 172437 in the amount of $14,947.63, and direct deposits of $7,178.35. Total payroll for July 31, 2009 was $1,840,358.10, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 172438 through 172505 in the amount of $635,892.17, and direct deposits of $889,009.89. Approval of Personnel Actions Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Donations The Board acknowledged the generous donation of Microsoft software from Denise Robinson. Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Darcy Becker and Doug Poage OLD BUSINESS 2009-10 Roundtable Planning The Board held a Work Study on August 4 to plan the specific roundtables for 2009-10. Five major areas were chosen: Math Curriculum Adoption Team; Social Services Community; Middle and High School Students; Maintenance and Facilities; and High School Athletics. The dates available are October 6, 13, 20, 27 and November 3 from 5:00-6:45 PM. Mrs. Van Noy volunteered to provide the “Purpose, Process & Payoff” for the roundtables. The Board will discuss further the dates and particular roundtables. 2009-10 Board Goals and Evaluation After reviewing notes from last year’s goals’ accomplishments, the Board felt it best to wait for Mr. Bawden’s input to finalize this year’s goals. Review Procedures P6700-1, Nutrition and Physical Fitness American Beverage Association guidelines, which cap calories from beverages, reduce portion sizes and remove full-calorie soft drinks, were recommended at the high school level for drinks sold. The Board felt the change in wording in the Procedures P6700-1, Nutrition and Physical Fitness, reflected the guidelines. -2- NEW BUSINESS Board Agenda Topics The Board added a presentation on WASL Results to the November 10th agenda and Innovative Programs to both the May 11th and June 8th agendas. The Board set a Work Study on September 29 at 5:00 PM to prepare for their presentation at the WSSDA Annual Conference in November. They also added Student Threats Assessment to the “parking lot” for future discussion. First Reading, Revised Policy 1000, Legal Status and Organization; Revised Policy 2045, Transitional Bilingual Instruction; Revised Policy 3080, Student Health; New Policy 3082, Anaphylaxis Prevention; and Revised Policy 5080, Military Leave The Board discussed the revisions and the new policy. Motion 09-41: To approve Policy 1000, Policy 2045, Policy 3080, Policy 3082, and Policy 5080 for First Reading. (Edwards and Oviatt) Unanimous REPORTS Superintendent Report Dr. Smith presented the Superintendent’s Report prepared by Mr. Robertson. 1. The agenda for the Administrative meetings, held on August 5 and 6, was handed out. 2. Mr. Robertson thanked the School Board for hosting the wonderful dinner, prepared by Jim Oviatt last week. The administrative team truly enjoyed and appreciated the special event. 3. On August 10, Dr. Smith, Dr. Heikkila, Mr. Lavarias, Mrs. Wright, Ms. Zoet, Mrs. Marshall and Mr. Robertson attended the 4th Annual Key Leaders Summit in North Bend. They were joined by students, parents, business leaders, youth organizations, health care professionals and city/county officials to promote better health in our communities and leverage our strengths for better outcomes. 4. On July 23, Mr. Robertson and others met with the Carnation-Duvall Medical Reserve Corp on planning for a future pandemic flu epidemic and the use of a school building for mass vaccinations up to 15,000 people in the area. The Reserve Corp requested Tolt Middle School as the site for approximately a three-day, 24 hours per day vaccination process. Further communication will occur. 5. Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies have been set for Cedarcrest High School on September 9 at 6:45 PM prior to their Open House; Tolt Middle School on September 10 at 6:30 PM prior to their Curriculum Night; and the Tolt Athletic Fields on September 24 at 3:15 PM prior to their first home football game with Chief Kanim. 6. Mr. Robertson reviewed the five proposed roundtables with the administrative team at last week’s meeting. The administrators were very appreciative of having a one-year break in building roundtables since they’ve had them annually for the past nine years. -3- ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mrs. Van Noy adjourned the August 11, 2009 Board meeting at 7:52 PM __________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Superintendent MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -4-