RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting November 10, 2009 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards Student Representative: Ms. Fields MEMBERS ABSENT Student Representative: Ms. Bawden COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Bawden mentioned that Student Representative, Glynis Bawden, was at the Cross Country Banquet tonight. Last week, the Board held the Math Curriculum Team Roundtable, which was especially good. After that, members of the Board attended the PTA Drug and Alcohol Prevention Seminar at Cedarcrest High School. Mr. Bawden also attended the Cascade Community Theater’s production of Edgar Allen Poe’s work. Next week, the Board will be attending the WSSDA Conference in Seattle on Thursday through Saturday. The Board’s workshop on Student Representatives on Your Board will be held on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Van Noy noted the Board held a Work Study on the WSSDA Presentation this evening at 6:00 PM. Mr. Pflugrath recognized the members representing Hopelink, Encompass NW, Special Care Agency, Friends of Youth, and Sno-Valley Community Network, at the Roundtable on October 28. They were Debra Strusser, Nela Cummings, Sally Comer, Paul Frederick, and Steve Bates, respectively. Ms. Oviatt also attended the drug prevention presentation. She hoped more community could attend next year as the information was very good. Ms. Oviatt thanked the veterans in the Riverview schools and community for their service. Mr. Edwards noted Cedarcrest lost to Blaine in the football playoffs. He was proud of the team and the coaches for a great year. Ms. Fields said that Blaine was the last game of the season, and also the last game for seniors who were acknowledged that evening. The Cedarcrest High School drama production of “Our Town” will be this weekend and next weekend. FBLA attended a conference this weekend. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS, AND HEARING OF PUBLIC, Cont. Mr. Robertson mentioned the Cedarcrest Cross Country girls’ team took third place in the State; the boys’ Cross Country team received the academic state championship; and the girls’ soccer team is in the playoffs. Agenda Adjustments Motion 09-65: To amend the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous. Hearing of Public Dustin Green, who ran for District #1 in the November election, publically congratulated Lori Oviatt for her win. He said he would continue to attend Board meetings and hoped to serve the Board through committees. Mr. Bawden thanked him for his commitment to Riverview. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 09-66: To approve the November 10, 2009 Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and Van Noy) Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for October 27, 2009, and Work Study Minutes for October 27, 2009 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 173443 through 173607 in the amount of $264,998.93, and direct deposits of $1,587.63; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 173608 through 173622 in the amount of $100,330.27; ASB Fund Warrant No. 173623 through 173652 in the amount of $14,889.60; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 173653 through 173658 in the amount of $6,338.13 and direct deposits of $7,264.56. Total payroll for October 30, 2009 was $1,970,099.06, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 173659 through 173733 in the amount of $654,902.44 and direct deposits of $972,213.52. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended Approval of Service Contracts OLD BUSINESS Bond Sale Resolution As discussed at the last meeting, the Board will authorize the superintendent to determine the structure of the bonds, approve the interest rates, maturity dates and principal maturities for the bonds under the terms and conditions of Resolution 09-11. Motion 09-67: To adopt Resolution 09-11, authorizing the Superintendent to proceed with the sale of the bonds. (Pflugrath and Edwards) Discussion followed. Unanimous. -2- Levy Ballot Resolutions As authorized at the last meeting, the Board will proceed with the Ballot Resolutions for three levies for the February 9, 2010 election. Motion 09-68: To adopt Resolution 09-08, Replacement Educational Programs Maintenance and Operations Levy; Resolution 09-09, Replacement Technology Capital Projects Levy; and Resolution 09-10, Transportation Vehicle Fund Levy. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous. Petition to Transfer Property to Lake Washington School District Mr. Bawden explained the process. In the spring, Mr. Landis contacted the district to propose a single property on the west side of the district be transferred to Lake Washington School District. Mr. Bawden met with Mr. Landis at that time. Mr. Landis then petitioned the transfer through the Educational Service District and the district received official notice on August 25 of a petition for several parcels of property to be transferred. The Board appointed Greg Bawden and Carol Van Noy to participate in negotiations regarding the proposed transfer of territory in accordance with guidelines for territory transfers. On October 21 a meeting was held at the Lake Washington School District between Riverview School District negotiators and Lake Washington negotiators. Both districts prepared materials based on RCW criteria, as well as other criteria. A summary of the negotiation meeting was presented to the Board, with the recommendation that the Transfer Petition, based on the evidence, rationale, and weight of the facts, be denied. Mr. Bawden said he felt this petition did not seem to be about education but rather property value. Mrs. Van Noy said she appreciated the thorough process and thanked Mr. Robertson for all his work, noting both school districts were very well prepared. Motion 09-69: To adopt Resolution 09-06 denying the territory transfer from Riverview School District into the Lake Washington School District. (Van Noy and Oviatt) Unanimous. Cherry Valley Elementary Modernization Resolution Mr. Adamo explained the need for this resolution. Because we are tearing down the existing Play Shed at Cherry Valley Elementary to build the Cafeteria Addition, we can capture some of the new matchable money under new-in-lieu-of by certifying that the Play Shed space will not be used for instructional purposes. As we are demolishing the play shed, this will not be a problem. This is part of the D-Form process for state matching funds. Motion 09-70: To adopt Resolution 09-12. (Oviatt and Van Noy) Unanimous. F-196 Year-End Fiscal Report for 2008-09 Mr. Adamo provided the F-196 Year End Fiscal Report for 2008-2009. He noted that this was an unaudited report. The State Auditors will begin their field work on November 30 for a full audit of both the 2007-08 and 2008-09 fiscal years. -3- NEW BUSINESS District-Wide Asset Preservation Program Mr. Adamo explained the new Asset Preservation Program. The State recently changed the provisions under WAC 392-347-023, which has commonly been referred to as the 2% Rule. This WAC included requirements for pre-1993 buildings that were requesting state funding for construction to prove that they spent 2% of the assessed value of the building on maintenance of the building for each of the 15 years leading up to modernization of that building. In place of the 2% Rule concept, the State has adopted a requirement for districts to develop an Asset Preservation Program. The program is defined as a system of tasks or projects that are active, reactive, or proactive in maintaining the day-to-day health, safety, and instructional quality of the school facility over its 30-year expected life cycle. The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is currently developing guidelines and rules regarding this program. In order to be eligible for state match funding for modernization, a resolution is required by districts committing to the development of a program to satisfy WAC 392-347-023. Discussion followed. Motion 09-71: To approve Resolution 09-07, which adopts a district-wide Asset Preservation Program to extend the useful life of district-owned facilities and to satisfy OSPI requirements to insure state match funding eligibility for modernization and construction of our schools. (Bawden and Edwards) Unanimous. First Reading, Policy 6800, Operations and Maintenance of School Property As part of the Asset Preservation Program requirements, changes were made to Policy 6800, Operations and Maintenance of School Property, to address infrastructure management of district facilities. Motion 09-72: To approve Policy 6800 for First Reading. (Edwards and Van Noy) Unanimous. Board Agenda Topics The Board agreed to hold a Work Study on December 4, 2009, at 7:00 AM at the Raging River Café in Fall City to work on Board goals and Board evaluation. The Board also added a Work Study during the WSSDA Conference in Seattle on November 19, at 7:00 PM to discuss Board succession. The Board discussed alternating one Board member at each of the Board/Superintendent leadership meetings which take place on the 3rd Thursday of the month. This would begin on January 21, 2010. The Board added the Lighthouse Project to the November 24 agenda. REPORTS Enrollment Report Mr. Robertson reported a drop since October of 5.09 FTE students. The enrollment is still over 55 FTE from budget. -4- REPORTS, Cont. Superintendent Report Mr. Robertson advised the Board that the REF Auction would be held on March 27 at the Columbia Winery. He also added that Cedarcrest Senior Awards Night would be June 1st. Mr. Robertson presented a comparison of absences for students and staff. Normally, we have about 5% absenteeism among students; however, over the past two weeks, we have varied between 12% to 16% due to the flu season. When comparing our staff, we have had fewer employees absent this year than last year during a two-week period. We expect our attendance percentages will continue near the present rate until the flu has cycled through and we certainly don’t anticipate any school closures due to the flu season. Mr. Robertson provided a presentation on the three levy measures at the All-District PTSA meeting last night at Cedarcrest High School. Wendy Tumbleson, Riverview Schools Committee chairperson, also spoke to the PTSA group regarding the levies. Ms. Tumbleson and Mr. Robertson are scheduled to present at future PTSA meetings at individual schools. On November 12, Mr. Robertson will participate in a tour of the Tolt Dam along with other district office administrators and the building principals from Carnation and Tolt. The tour will provide a better understanding of the dam and to help better prepare for our emergency preparedness drill. On November 17, Mr. Adamo and Mr. Robertson will participate in a conference call with Jon Gores, our bond underwriter, and a representative from Moody’s, a bond rating firm in San Francisco. This meeting is part of the process for Riverview to receive its bond rating for the sale of the next bonds in 2010. Mr. Robertson, Board members, and Student Representatives will attend the annual WSSDA Conference in Seattle next week and participate in the Riverview presentation on the benefits of having student representation on the school board. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the November 10, 2009 Board meeting at 8:26 PM. ____________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Board Secretary MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -5-