Minutes of Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
February 10, 2009
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards
Student Representative: Mr. Siegel
Student Representative: Ms. Fields
Mr. Bawden noted School Board members, student representatives, the Superintendent and the
Assistant Superintendent attended the WSSDA Legislative Conference in Olympia on Sunday and met with the legislators on Monday.
Mr. Pflugrath said tomorrow he will attend the CTE Engineering Advisory Council meeting being held at the Microsoft Home of the Future.
Ms. Oviatt thanked Mrs. Van Noy for setting up all the legislator appointments for Monday’s visits. She noted fifteen wrestlers qualified for Regionals. As Board representative to the
WIAA, Ms. Oviatt said a Call to Action has been requested to help monitor sports activities because of some recent incidents. She also asked the Board to review the proposed amendments to the WIAA rules and regulations and get back to her with any comments or concerns. Ms.
Oviatt mentioned that Fast Break is now online and will no longer be printed. She has put a link on the SharePoint site.
Mrs. Van Noy mentioned that she and Dr. Smith attended the opening of the King County
Carnation Library on January 31. She noted the Carnation Library has scheduled Study Zone hours for free homework help from volunteer tutors every Wednesday from 3:30-5:30 PM.
Mr. Robertson thanked the Board for attending the Legislative Conference. He said the new
Counseling Center at the Cedarcrest High School is now available and staff is anxious to move in.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 09-08 : To amend the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, to reflect recent changes.
(Pflugrath and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Hearing of Public
Mr. Perry Garrison, REA President, spoke about Senate Bill 5444 and House Bill 1410, both enacting the recommendations of the Basic Education Finance Task Force. His major concern with the bills is the new programs and requirements for schools with nothing about funding costs or sources. Other areas of concern include the changes in the certification process for teachers; using NBCT staff for training workshops; and the new salary schedule with emphasis on
National Board Certified Teachers only, eliminating many teachers and most ESAs for the highest tier of the salary range. Some of the areas in the bills we can support, if there is funding, include the definition of Basic Education, all-day kindergarten, technology, formulas for specialists, and reduction in class sizes.
The Board thanked Mr. Garrison for his comments and asked him to email the Board with specific issues that have inadequate funding.
Motion 09-09 : To approve the February 10, 2009, Consent Agenda as amended. (Edwards and
Van Noy) Mr. Bawden abstained from voting due to a conflict with his spouse on the Personnel
Actions. Motion passes with four yes votes and one abstention.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for January 27, 2009, Board Work Study
Minutes for January 27, 2009, and Board Breakfast Meeting for February 3, 2009
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 169260 through 169395 in the amount of $184,779.12 and No.
169521 in the amount of $33,684.32; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 169396 through 169404 in the amount of $589,587.62; ASB Fund Warrant No. 169405 through 169421 in the amount of
$2,765.96; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 169422 through 169427 in the amount of $9,024.57. Total payroll for January 30, 2009 was $1,886,613.62, which includes General
Fund Warrant No. 169428 through 169520 in the amount of $625,833.87, and direct deposits of
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Donations
The Board acknowledged the generous donation from Cherry Valley PTSA.
Approval of Vehicle Surplus for 1992 Dodge Dynasty
Foreign Language, Japanese, Textbook Adoption
Dr. Smith introduced Satoe Takebayashi, CHS Japanese teacher for 12 years, who explained the process in determining the recommended textbook “Adventures in Japanese.” She also recommended the supplemental textbook “Mirai” which is more visually appealing with activities and pictures. One classroom set of the supplemental textbook will be procured.
Foreign Language, Japanese, Textbook Adoption, Cont.
Motion 09-10 : To approve “Adventures in Japanese” for use in the Foreign Language curriculum for the Japanese courses. (Oviatt and Bawden) Unanimous.
WSSDA Legislative Conference
Mr. Bawden suggested discussing Sunday’s conference first. He felt the day was very productive, with informative presentations considering the budget and redefining education issues. The equity lawsuit is still alive and proceeding with the State’s appeal.
Mr. Edwards said his favorite part of the conference was the speaker on funding education.
Mr. Pflugrath said the Small Schools Committee met with State Superintendent. Randy Dorn and his Chief of Staff. He said Supt. Dorn would like to take levy equalization off the table; he disagrees using National Board Certified Teachers as a category; and he would like to have objective measurements of quality of teachers during his service. The Small Schools Committee also discussed consolidation of small districts for transportation savings.
Mrs. Van Noy reported on the Legislative Committee she attended. Three main areas were education finance bills, definition of basic education, and protect the funds for basic education.
The elimination of several special education dates were discussed around keeping the April date and not the May in order to work with district staffing allocations. The Open Public Meeting Act was discussed about requiring recording of executive sessions and required training of all elected officials in OPMA regulations. The WASL testing was brought agreement that it needs to be simpler and have sooner feedback, but most were still impressed with the current higher standards. The Federal Relations Network (FRN) speaker talked about cutting schools out of the stimulus package. Washington State representatives are pushing that schools are one of the largest employers; and they have construction projects that provide jobs for many.
Mr. Robertson was impressed with the panel of legislators who were very articulate and passionate about education.
On Monday the Board members met with the legislators: Representative Larry Springer, Senator
Eric Oemig, Representative Marcie Maxwell, and Senator Rosemary McAuliffe.
Mr. Bawden pointed out that all were fairly to extremely knowledgeable on the issues but their message was clear: no new spending on education. However, they gave a strong message that
Capital Facilities funding is probably safe.
Mrs. Van Noy was impressed with the legislators trying to identify the unfunded mandates.
They asked for some specifics from Riverview on education-related unfunded mandates. She also enjoyed visiting the Secretary of State, Sam Reed’s office.
Mr. Bawden then discussed what needs to be done next.
Look at survey of unfunded mandates from WSSDA or anything else compiled.
Follow up with thank you’s.
Provide Senator Oemig with Riverview’s statistics on homeless students.
Read Dan Steele’s WSSDA daily legislative updates, staying aware of any issues that may impact Riverview.
WSSDA Legislative Conference, Cont.
Mr. Pflugrath commended Mrs. Van Noy for setting up all the meetings. He noted that every one of those legislators agreed with us on education. He thought perhaps the Board could meet with some legislators not supporting education issues next year to be sure they have all the information.
Ms. Oviatt, Mrs. Van Noy and Mr. Pflugrath attended Mr. Gore’s session on the Washington
Lighthouse Project, which is based on the Iowa Lighthouse Project. In 1998 the Iowa state school board association began a survey to study if there is a correlation between high performing school boards and high student achievement. They found there definitely is a correlation. They have a curriculum that Mr. Gore is hoping to bring to Washington State. The
Project would be a five-year commitment. Mr. Pflugrath recommended checking with Mr. Gore to see if we could review the training materials and also find out how they measure board achievement.
Board Agenda Topics
The Board added a legislative update to the next meeting’s agenda and all meetings through
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson reported February’s enrollment grew by almost two FTE. From September’s count until now, Riverview has grown by 31.52 FTE students. The budget was built on 2,914
FTE and enrollment is up 54.94 FTE from budget. There are three more monthly counts, which typically decline in students.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson reported he attended a Carnation After Action Review meeting to discuss the
January flood and what had gone well and what areas needed improvement. Participants included the City of Carnation, Eastside Fire District, Carnation-Duvall Law Enforcement, King
County Road Services and other county staff members. Mr. Robertson shared his notes on what went well from the district’s standpoint. One item was the quick repairs on Carnation Farm
Road and the County’s permission for school buses and emergency vehicles to use the road while it was being repaired. He also noted the Snoqualmie Trail was used to bring supplies and services into Carnation from Fall City.
On Wednesday, Mr. Robertson will attend the Skills Center meeting at Lake Washington School
District to finalize the Skills Center/Districts’ agreement.
On Thursday, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Adamo will attend the Duvall City Council meeting to answer questions on the District’s Six Year Capital Facilities Plan and the corresponding impact fees for developers.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
On Friday, Dr. Smith, Dr, Heikkila, Mr. Adamo and Mr. Robertson will meet with representatives of the Snoqualmie Valley School District and the Snoqualmie Valley Community
Network to discuss a potential joint grant application.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the February 10, 2009 School Board meeting at 8:38 PM.
Board President
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.