Minutes of Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 26, 2009
District Office – Conference room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:15 PM and immediately entered
into Executive Session to discuss one personnel item for approximately 45 minutes.
Mr. Bawden closed the Executive Session at 6:55 PM.
Mr. Bawden called the meeting back to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Fields, Mr. Siegel
Mr. Bawden announced the Board held a Work Study prior to the meeting from 5:00-6:00 PM on
Student Fees.
Mr. Bawden clarified that Danny Edwards, Lori Oviatt and he are up for re-election in
November, noting the filing period ends June 5.
Mr. Bawden, on a personal note, mentioned two students from Cedarcrest High School were
among the nine finalists in The Seattle Times 2009 3-Minute Digital Film Contest, showcased at
the Seattle International Film Festival yesterday. Glynnis Bawden and Sophia Marchetti made a
33 second video entitled “Cirque d’Swine.”
Mr. Pflugrath attended the Friends of Youth open house in Duvall last week. He met Ed Belleba,
President and CEO, along with Julie Perry, Donna Imler and Janett Flodstrom who work closely
with our students at Tolt and Cedarcrest.
Mrs. Van Noy mentioned that Representative Roger Goodman will be attending the Senior
Project presentations on June 5 and would like to meet with Board Members and Mr. Robertson
following the panels. Three Board members said they would be available and a work study was
Motion 09-28: To approve the May 26, 2009, Consent Agenda as presented. (Pflugrath and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2009 and Board Work Study
Minutes for May 12, 2009
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 171242 through 171243 in the amount of $305.00; Capital Projects
Fund Warrant No. 171244 through 171249 in the amount of $564,350.09; and ASB Fund
Warrant No. 171250 through 171251 in the amount of $1,050.00. Total payroll for May 15, 2009
was $44,345.91, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 171218 through 171241 in the
amount of $7,057.85, and direct deposits of $26,221.66.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts
Approval of Budget Status Report
Approval of Donations
The Board acknowledged a $4,000 donation from Cherry Valley PTSA for emergency
Approval of Letter of Agreement with Riverview Education Association on Learning
Improvement Days for the 2009-2010 School Year
Visual Arts Curriculum Adoption
Carol Gould, Art Coordinator, gave an overview of the adoption process for Visual Arts. This is
the end of the second year of meetings, resulting in the first elementary visual arts curriculum in
Riverview. A lot of options were turned down; however, the Lake Washington School District’s
curriculum, created with the Redmond Arts Commission, was the best concept-based, sequential
art learning, with a built-in CBPA assessment format. There are two sections, K-2 and 3-6 with
10 lessons each, but the Committee decided to add more lessons, up to 15 per grade level. Each
teacher will also get a disc on the essential elements. As some staff will need professional
development, Mrs. Gould applied for and received an Arts Impact Grant at $23,000 per year for
two years. Part of the grant will go toward the Riverview Arts Teacher Training Institute this
summer for 25 K-8 teachers. Next year, staff will be focusing on theater CBPA’s.
Dr. Smith praised Carol Gould for the excellent job in coordinating the art docents and getting
the curriculum aligned.
Motion 09-29: To adopt the Lake Washington School District’s “A Picture and a Thousand
Words – Art and Literacy Lessons” for K-6 elementary as the Visual Arts curriculum. (Van Noy
and Oviatt) Unanimous.
Visual Arts Curriculum Adoption, Cont.
Mrs. Gould invited the Board to an “open park” celebration of the PARADE middle and high
school Earth Science students who have been working on the Coe Clemens Creek area of Taylor
Park in Duvall. This will be on June 3rd from 10:30-11:30 AM at Taylor Park.
Senior Project Revisions
Dr. Smith introduced Cedarcrest administrators Clarence Lavarias, Principal; Ray LaBate,
Assistant Principal; Perry Garrison, Senior Project Coordinator; and Social Studies staff: Scott
Goldsberry, Scott Henry, Dan Armstrong, Zach Pittis, and Marilee Bosshart, who presented on
the proposed changes to the Senior Project class.
Mr. Goldsberry explained that RCW 28A.230.095 states that Classroom Based Assessments in
Social Studies should tie in with Civics. The state also strongly recommends that all seniors take
a Civics course. OSPI states that Social Studies curriculum should: 1) motivate citizens to
safeguard their rights, to fulfill their responsibilities as citizens, and to honor the dignity of all
people; 2) encourage students to inform themselves about public affairs and to become active
participants in civic life rather than passive bystanders; and 3) equip students to improve their
communities and to realize the civic virtue of serving through activities such as service learning
and political action.
With this in mind, Mr. Goldsberry said the Social Studies staff worked on the best way to
incorporate Civics into the senior year curriculum. Changes were made in the Senior Seminar
(Senior Project) class which will help create a more relevant and meaningful project, align
curriculum with state requirements and develop responsible citizens. Students will begin the
semester by researching and developing an essential question and choosing an area of
volunteerism/community service and then completing the service; they will create a portfolio
documenting their experience; and they will present their experiences and the essential question
in a formal community presentation, showing their research and knowledge of the subject. This
will all take place while covering key Civics concepts in class, including citizenship &
government, roots of democracy, citizens and community, national, state & local government,
dealing with community issues, and legal rights and responsibilities.
Mr. Henry explained further the Senior Project modifications. Students will still be required to
complete 20 hours minimum of service; produce a Portfolio documenting their time and
experience; produce an 8-12 minute presentation; and present in front of a community panel.
Students will still have the freedom to choose their area of focus as long as it is communityservice based. The paper has been removed from the requirements which will allow more
emphasis on experience and presentation. The presentation will address a central guiding
question with support to answer that guiding question. The grading breakdown for Senior
Seminar will be 25% presentation, 25% portfolio, 20% homework/daily work, 20% exams and
10% participation.
The Board asked many clarifying questions on running start students, volunteer service
opportunities, community reaction to changes, loss of paper requirement, mentors, and limits of
topics. The Board thanked all the staff and administrators for all their efforts in developing the
Civics curriculum and incorporating the Senior Project element.
Construction Update
Tim Ausink, Heery International, updated the various construction projects.
Tolt Middle School Remodel
Building A addition is being used for the school counseling center but not the attendance
office yet. Minor punch list items remain.
Building B multi-purpose room has undergone demolition of the ceiling tiles and is
undergoing installation of new electrical systems. Allied Construction has also
performed demolition activities at the faculty lounge and staff restrooms. The old
exterior canopy on the west side has been demolished and construction of a new steel
canopy is in progress.
Building C gym foyer is nearing completion. All gym equipment has been removed and
the gymnasium ceiling has been painted and new lighting installed. Electrical system
installation is ongoing.
Building D locker rooms have been gutted and new concrete slabs have been poured for
locker blocs and restrooms/showers. Electrical work is in progress as well as installation
of new heating and air conditioning systems.
Building K is dried-in to avoid leaks. Allied has completed framing the roof overbuild
and band/choir room addition. Installation of the roofing shingles is in progress as well
as components for the heating and air condition system. Windows have been installed.
Building L interior remodel and additions are nearly complete; installation of all flooring
and interior finishes is complete; paint and drywall touch-up work remains.
The north parking lot drywell #1 and #2 back fill activities are nearing completion.
The City of Carnation is completing the pedestrian path and frontage improvements along
Tolt Avenue.
Tolt Middle School Field Improvements
The final track surface installation is completed, with striping of the new rubber track
expected to be completed by the middle of June.
Cedarcrest High School Remodel
CDK and subcontractors continue to work on the minor punch list items as the project
nears completion.
Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements
Erickson McGovern submitted for the building permit to the City of Duvall on May 5th.
The SEPA comment period closed on April 6th with one formal appeal submitted by The
North Ridge Development, concerning storm water design.
There will be a mandatory public hearing in front of the hearing examiner for approval of
the Site Plan Review and, if necessary, resolution of the SEPA appeal. The hearing will
be on June 9th at 6:30 PM in the Rose Room of the Duvall Library. The project schedule
has been delayed due to issues raised by the City of Duvall.
The baseball field schedule was built around a seeded field. The planners are thinking
about switching to sod over seed, taking less time to root. They will be talking to a
Landscape Architect on costs and feasibility.
There is also the possibility of phasing the project so clearing and grading can begin.
Construction Update, Cont.
Riverview Learning Center
This project is in the design development phase.
Erickson McGovern will present completed plans to the City of Carnation for approval
when the design work concludes.
Heery is coordinating the completion of the SEPA checklist with the District’s
Carnation Elementary Remodel
Erickson McGovern completed their schematic design drawings and submitted their
schematic design estimate on May 12th. Preliminary analysis indicates that the project is
currently under budget.
The district is reviewing solicited proposals from local consulting firms to aid in the
design process.
Cherry Valley Elementary Remodel
Erickson McGovern completed the schematic design drawings the first week of May and
is expected to submit their schematic design estimate the end of May.
Mr. Adamo added that the Cedarcrest Hydronic Pipe Lining project is successfully concluded
and the retainage released.
Mrs. Van Noy asked if Tolt Middle School Remodel Project would be done before school starts.
Mr. Ausink felt all areas should be able to be occupied, except perhaps the latest music addition;
however, Allied will still have punch list items to finalize.
Strategic Plan Status
Dr. Smith reported there were no Strategic Plan objectives and tasks due at this time, and he
addressed the June 16th Strategic Plan Work Study with Mike Vidos leading the process. He
asked the Board “what data do you need that night?” and to let him know in advance. Dr. Smith
also mentioned that next spring will be the 5-year Plan review with a community forum. He
suggested a date be planned so that information can be provided on the district calendar. The
Board agreed to hold a Community Forum on the 5-Year Strategic Plan on Saturday, March 27,
2009-10 Budget Development
Mr. Robertson provided a few new budget items since last month. The Governor decided against
calling a special session which could have provided Riverview with approximately $125,000 in
additional revenue. Other revenue changes included the additional enrollment in all-day
kindergarten and pre-school, as well as increased funding from special education stimulus funds
and regular special education allocation. Expenditures changed due to costs of increased
education in our certificated staff; a 0.5% decrease in transportation funding; costs for a sports
trainer due to a change from stipend to .4 FTE classified position; and decreased expenses due to
the classified staff attending the Welcome Back as a make-up day.
2009-10 Budget Development, Cont.
Mr. Robertson added that the district anticipates having the same number of certificated staff
FTE as this year, with two additional .5 FTE all-day kindergarten teachers and the reduction of a
1.0 FTE teacher at Stillwater due to the current large 5th grade class moving up. One unknown
budget factor is any reductions due to the cost of the current PSE negotiations.
Community Service Award Nomination
Mr. Pflugrath nominated Friends of Youth and Ms. Oviatt nominated Cascade Community
Theatre. The Board discussed the great benefits both have brought to our community and
Motion 09-30: To select the Cascade Community Theatre to receive the 2009 Community
Service Award, presented at the June 23, 2009 Board Meeting. (Oviatt and Edwards)
Student Representative Report
Courtney Fields and Josh Siegel shared the report from Cedarcrest High School.
New ASB executive officers were elected for 2009-10: Sophia LaBate, Austin Koons,
Jake Lowry, and Brie Wattier. One more ASB assembly is being planned and prom was
a huge hit at Inglewood Golf and Country Club.
DECA’s officers were appointed for next year with Courtney Fields as Executive
President. DECA is planning in helping with the annual Duvall Days Car Show put on
by the Duvall Safeway.
FBLA’s new officers include Nhuchia Xiong and Ulyber Mangune, both FBLA state
officers too. June 1st is FBLA Mariner night fundraiser.
National Honor Society’s end of the year field trip to Marymoor Park has been cancelled
due to registration conflicts and costs.
ConnectedEDU students are finishing up their PowerPoints and practicing their industry
Four CHS girl golfers are headed to state, playing in Yakima on May 26, 27, and 28.
The CHS baseball team is in the final four state tournament, playing in Yakima on May
29th and 30th.
Track and Field have 11 athletes participating at state in Tacoma.
CHS drama plays are currently in progress.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson followed up on the student representative applications for next year. Interviews
will be the week after school is out. Mr. Pflugrath and Mrs. Van Noy volunteered to be on the
interview team.
The REA and PSE presidents have signed Memorandums of Understanding on the school
closures due to windstorms and flooding emergencies. PSE members will make up a day on
August 27th for the Welcome Back, so all employees will again attend this event.
REA leadership signed the Letter of Agreement on the loss of one learning improvement day due
to the action by the legislature.
Mr. Robertson congratulated members of the CHS track teams, baseball team and girls’ golf for
qualifying for the state competitions this weekend. He attended the baseball playoffs this past
weekend in Bellingham.
This weekend, Mr. Robertson will be presenting to the Superintendent’s Credentialing Class at
Seattle University. Dr. Rich McCullough is the course instructor and Dr. Anthony Smith and
Amy Wright are students.
Recently, he attended a WANIC meeting on the new skills center program and building addition
at the Lake Washington Technical College. The WANIC program will allow students to attend
classes in three-hour sessions versus the NEVAC two-hour sessions.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the May 26, 2009 School Board
Meeting at 9:50 PM.
Board President
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.