RIVERVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 407 CARNATION, WA 98014 Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting August 25, 2009 District Office – Conference Room A/B CALL TO ORDER Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Bawden, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards MEMBERS ABSENT Mrs. Van Noy PUBLIC HEARING The President asked if anyone wished to speak to the I-728 Plan for 2009-10. No one spoke. Next, the President asked if anyone wished to speak to the 2009-10 Budget. No one spoke. COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS, AND HEARING OF PUBLIC Mr. Bawden reminded the Board this is Welcome Back week for all staff. Mr. Pflugrath and Ms. Oviatt will be at the New Teacher Orientation on Wednesday. Mr. Bawden will speak at the AllStaff gathering on Thursday, to be attended by all Board Members except Mrs. Van Noy who is on vacation this week. Mr. Bawden reminded the Board of the WSSDA Regional Meeting in Tukwila on October 15, in which Mr. Pflugrath and he plan to attend. Mr. Bawden received an ESD 121 call of election notice for their Board of Directors. There was confusion as to the director districts’ boundaries involved. Ms. Oviatt asked if the WSSDA Standards memo was received? The Board felt it should be carefully reviewed. Mr. Bawden received an anonymous letter from a concerned citizen on a business in Duvall, similar to an email received earlier. Mr. Bawden referred them to law enforcement. Ms. Oviatt participated in the WSSDA Technology Advisory Council, looking at how WSSDA can improve their technology. They will be coming out with a report on the Advisory Council’s recommendations for WSSDA’s membership. -1- COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA ADJUSTMENTS, AND HEARING OF THE PUBLIC, Cont., Mr. Pflugrath spoke about the Health and Human Services Roundtable and a possible date of Wednesday, October 28. The Sno-Valley Community Network will host the Roundtable at their regular meeting, starting at 5:00 PM at the District Office. Some of the attendee agencies are Friends of Youth, Encompass, Hopelink, and Special Care Agency, which all serve our students. He noted Hopelink in Duvall is having an Open House on September 15 from 3-6 PM and he’ll forward more information to the Board. Ms. Oviatt mentioned that the Josh Ward Memorial Fun Run is on Saturday, with registration at 8:30 AM. Agenda Adjustment Motion 09-42: To amend the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, to reflect current changes. (Edwards and Bawden) Unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA Motion 09-43: To approve the August 25, 2009, Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and Oviatt) Discussion followed on Resolution 09-03 and Mr. Adamo explained the process. Unanimous. Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for August 11, 2009, and Board Work Study for August 11, 2009 Approval of Warrants General Fund Warrant No. 172586 through 172648 in the amount of $91,512.25, and direct deposits of $962.07; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 172649 through 172668 in the amount of $1,113,269.20; ASB Fund Warrant No. 172669 in the amount of $3,535.56; and Private Purpose Trust Fund Warrant No. 172670 through 172673 in the amount of $1,045.84, and direct deposits of $7,485.89. Total payroll for August 14, 2009 was $16,739.42, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 172582 through 172585 in the amount of $2,427.68, and direct deposits of $10,157.04. Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended Approval of Service Contracts Approval of Budget Status Report Approval of Resolution 09-03 applying to OSPI for allocation and approval of the issuance by the District of Qualified School Construction Bonds Approval of Out-of-State Travel for Dr. Ken Heikkila -2- OLD BUSINESS Construction Update Tim Ausink of Heery International updated the Construction Projects. Tolt Middle School Remodel The B Building multi-purpose room remodeling is nearing completion; new kitchen equipment installation is ongoing and will be complete prior to September 1; and the faculty lounge restroom remodeling is complete. The C Building gymnasium’s new acoustical wall panels, bleachers and gym equipment have been installed. The D Building boys’ and girls’ locker rooms have new epoxy floor coatings, restroom and shower areas, new lockers, lighting and acoustical ceiling panels. The K Building band and choir room addition flooring installation has been completed, as well as the acoustical wall panels. The L Building classroom interiors have been repainted and new carpeting installed. The northeast parking lot has been paved and paint striping is complete. The northwest play court outside of the multi-purpose room and gymnasium has been paved, new basketball hoops are installed, and the painting of court lines is expected to be complete by Friday. Landscape plantings are in progress and hydroseeding of all remaining lawn areas is expected to be complete by Friday. All concrete walkways have been completed. Tolt Middle School Field Improvements The contractor is performing ongoing field maintenance per the contract documents until final project acceptance by the school district. Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements Geotechnical investigations conclude that soil characteristics and topographic conditions are unsuitable for storm water management via dispersal trenches. Tightline over district property to Cherry Valley Road is seemingly the most viable option for storm water management at this time. Tightline is above ground piping which will drain into another structure on county property and then naturally seep into the ground. The piping will have to traverse the adjacent property owner’s land and this is being addressed. Cedarcrest High School Remodel Football storage room shelving installation is complete. Gymnasium floor restriping and court logos are completed. Riverview Learning Center The public comment period for City of Carnation NOA (Notice of Application) closed August 20, 2009 without any comments submitted to the City. Next, the City staff will provide a report on comments and considerations of the site plan approval. Cherry Valley Elementary Remodel Design development is ongoing. A “Pre-Application” meeting was held with the City of Duvall, RSD, and the design team to clarify application submittal requirements. One concern is the planned driveway from the CV parking lot to 3rd Street. -3- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. Construction Update, Cont. Carnation Elementary Remodel Design development is ongoing. Planning for construction phasing is in progress. 2009-10 Budget Adoption by Resolution 09-02 Mr. Adamo addressed the 2009-10 budget for adoption. First, he spoke to the 20% reduction in assessed valuation of the district and the resulting tax rates for 2010. For example, if your home was valued at $500,000 in 2009, the tax rate was $2.82/$1000 or $1410/year. If your home devalued (20%) to $400,000 in 2010, the tax rate would increase to $3.65/$1000 but the tax would equal only $1460 (or approximately a 4% increase). The budgeted General Fund Ending Fund Balance for 2009-10 is estimated at 6.91%. Mr. Adamo highlighted expenses and revenue changes from the 2008-09 budget. The budget is based on 2,977 FTE enrollment. Pie charts were presented on revenues by source and expenditures by category. Motion 09-44: To approve Resolution 09-02 adopting the 2009-2010 Budget and setting the excess levies for the calendar year 2010 as follows: General Fund $28,775,258 Transportation Vehicle Fund $ 360,000 Capital Projects Fund $28,961,103 Debt Service Fund $ 4,392,935 ASB Fund $ 929,019 Excess levies for calendar year 2010 Maintenance & Operations $ 5,702,950 Debt Service Fund $ 3,834,286 Capital Projects Fund $ 660,000 (Oviatt and Edwards) Unanimous. 2009-10 I-728 Plan Adoption Dr. Smith noted the ESD has informed us that the I-728 funds will be federal stimulus funds, changing the accounting structure. This is yet to be confirmed in writing by the state. This year I-728 has been reduced by 71%, moving from a budget of $1,351,395 last year to $394,089 for the 2009-2010 budget year. Dr. Smith presented the financial particulars of the proposed I-728 plan. These funds are targeted for one purpose that aligns specifically with one strategic planning goal: “Increase the academic achievement of all students.” Motion 09-45: Unanimous. To approve the 2009-10 I-728 Plan as presented. (Bawden and Oviatt) -4- OLD BUSINESS, Cont. 2009-10 Strategic Plan Adoption Mr. Bawden asked for Board clarification on Objective 2D: Develop and implement an annual district policy review process. The Board felt it was a compliance review, a risk assessment, and a general review of applicable or non-applicable policies. The Board asked that a change be made in the wording of Goal 2, Objective 2C, Task 3: Conduct an inventory of contents (supplies) and devise a plan for yearly inventory. The change would be to add “school disaster” prior to the word “supplies.” The other area under Objective 2C would be under Resources, changing the cost to $1,500; and under Responsibilities, changing “Specialist” to “Staffing”. Under Objective 2A, Responsibilities, the last word should be “Task 3” not Task 4. Motion 09-46: To approve the 2009-10 Strategic Plan as amended, under Goal 2A, and 2C. (Pflugrath and Edwards) Unanimous. Second Reading, Revised Policy 1000, Legal Status and Organization; Revised Policy 2045, Transitional Bilingual Instruction; Revised Policy 3080, Student Health; New Policy 3082, Anaphylaxis Prevention; and Revised Policy 5080, Military Leave Motion 09-47: To approve Policies 1000, 2045, 3080, 3082 and 5080 for Second Reading. (Oviatt and Pflugrath) Unanimous. NEW BUSINESS REPORTS Superintendent Report 1. Orientation for Glynis Bawden, our new student representative, is scheduled for Thursday, September 3, at 5:00 PM. Mr. Bawden, Board President, will be joining the orientation. 2. On Saturday, August 22, Mr. Robertson attended the Stillwater Elementary School’s 20 th anniversary event. Former principal, Jim Jordan, organized the event which was attended by approximately seventy former and present staff members. 3. Mr. Robertson handed out a list of new certificated staff and their location. 4. He thanked Mr. Bawden for agreeing to provide the board welcome at the All Staff Welcome Back on August 27, and to Ms. Oviatt and Mr. Pflugrath for welcoming the new certificated staff on August 26. 5. The enrollment numbers are looking strong especially due to the large increase in PARADE and the closure of the Duvall Christian School. He will update the Board on the first day of school, as well as the fourth day of school which is the actual date that counts for September. -5- REPORTS, Cont. Superintendent Report, Cont. 6. The district used the 1.0 FTE certificated contingency position in the budget to add a 3rd grade teacher at Cherry Valley Elementary to address their large class sizes of 30, 32 and 32. With four teachers, the class sizes will now be 23, 23, 24 and 24. The district advertised for a .2 FTE Spanish teacher to no avail, so Mr. Lawrence, CHS Spanish Teacher, has agreed to teach the .2 FTE during his prep time. A variance between the district and the REA will be signed. 7. Mr. Robertson shared a letter from Christine and Gentry Valley expressing their gratitude to the extremely dedicated and caring teachers and staff in the Riverview School District. They moved to Yakima, yet took the time to write to the district. 8. This afternoon, Mr. Robertson received a letter from the ESD Superintendent on the proposal of a transfer of property from Riverview to Lake Washington. The district has 90 days to make a joint decision with Lake Washington. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the August 25, 2009 Board meeting at 9:05 PM. ____________________________________ Board President ____________________________________ Superintendent MINUTES PREPARED BY Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors. -6-