Lesson Plan Course Title: Principles of Manufacturing Session Title: Teamwork in Manufacturing Performance Objective: After completing this lesson, the students will be able to describe the importance of teamwork, team roles, leadership and team performance and perform on a team by completing a team assignment to the satisfaction of the teacher. Specific Objectives: The students will be able to: Describe what makes a good team Describe basic qualities of a leader Describe how to measure and reward team performance Perform on a team by completing the team assignment Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. Principles of Manufacturing: 130.322(c)(1)(A)(B)(C)(D)(H)(I) …describe how teams function; …use teamwork to solve problems; …distinguish team roles such as team leaders and team members; …identify characteristics of good leaders; …describe how teams measure results; and …develop a method to reward team performance. Interdisciplinary Correlations: Career Preparation I: 127.13(c)(6)(A)(B) …identify and practice effective interpersonal and team-building skills with coworkers, managers, and customers; …develop effective leadership skills through participation in activities such as career and technical student organizations. English Language Arts and Reading, English I: 110.31(b)(26) - Listening and Speaking/Teamwork. Students work productively with others in teams. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 1 greater complexity. Students are expected to participate productively in teams, building on the ideas of others, contributing relevant information, developing a plan for consensus-building, and setting ground rules for decision-making. United States History Studies: 113.32(c)(19)(A) …describe qualities of effective leadership; 113.32(c)(26)(A)(B) …use a problem-solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution; …use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to implement a decision. Teacher Preparation: The teacher should review the Teamwork in Manufacturing PowerPoint presentation and the internet links and notes. The teacher should review the teamwork activities links in the reference section for other activities to use with their students. The Georgia Cookbooks are activities for use in Engineering and Technology classes. The teacher should select a challenge for the team from the two on the Teamwork Activity handout or any other one on the internet. Collect the materials listed in the activity sheet and assign students into teams. References: 1. Teamwork in the Classroom: a. http://www.ndt-ed.org/TeachingResources/ClassroomTips/Teamwork.htm 2. Team members: a. http://hubpages.com/hub/Team-Member b. http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Str-Ti/Teams-and-Teamwork.html c. http://www.act-ms.co.uk/jobs/manufacturing-team-leader-899.htm 3. Team building activities: a. http://www.workshopexercises.com/Team_Building_exercises.htm b. http://wilderdom.com/games/ c. http://www.buildingyourteam.com/tips.html 4. Georgia Cookbooks (group or team activities for Engineering and Technology Education classes): a. http://www.getea.org/lessons.html Instructional Aids: 1. Teamwork in Manufacturing PowerPoint presentation Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved 2 Mate erials Neede ed: 1 1. Pencil 2 2. Notebook 3 3. Teamwork Assignme ents handout 4 4. Materials s listed in assignment se elected Equipment Nee eded: 1 1. Compute er 2 2. Data projjector and sc creen Learrner Preparration: None e Required Intrroduction Intro oduction (LS SI Quadrant I): ASK K: Have you u ever been on o a team th hat did not get anything done? ANSWER R: Accept all a reasonab ble answers. SAY Y: The members acted as a individualls, not players. ASK K: Have you u seen a spo orts team tha at had great players, but could not w win? ANSWER R: Accept all a reasonab ble answers. SAY Y: The playe ers did not want w to share e the ball or play as a gro oup. SAY Y: A good le eader can ch hange the grroup into a te eam. ASK K: What mak kes a good leader? What make a good team m member? ANSWER R: Let the class c explain n a good lead der, then a g good team m member. SAY Y: Today we e are going to o see what iti takes to be e a good tea am and a good leader. Show w: Teamwo ork in Manuffacturing Pow werPoint Pre esentation Outline O Outlline (LSI Qu uadrant II): Instrructors can use u the PowerPoint pres sentation, slides, handou uts, and note e pages in cconjunction w with the follow wing outline. Outline O Notes to Insttructor MI I. In ntroduction to Teamwork k A. A Title (slide e 1) B. B Teambuild ding quote (slide ( 2) C. C Definition (slide 3) D. D Explanatio on of group work (slide 4 4) Beg gin the Team mwork in Ma anufacturing Pow werPoint pre esentation. H Have students make com mments on tthe quo ote. Ask stu udents if the ey have workked on a tea am that ende ed up as ag group instead d. II. Functions and d Characteristics A. A Functions s (slides 5-6)) B. B Characterristics (slide 7) Rea ad the functions of a te eam to the sstudents. The e students n need to Copyright © Texas Educatiion Agency, 20012. All rights reserved 3 C. C Developm ment (slides 8-9) D. D Teambuild ding quote (slide ( 10) writte the cha aracteristics in their nottes. Use the slides for stages of te eam devvelopment a and exp plain the notes on the e presentatio on. Ask the e students what they thin nk of the quo ote from Mr.. Blanchard. Members M and d Leadership p A. A Types of members (slide 11) B. B Leadership characterristics (slide 12) C. C Teambuild ding quote (slide ( 13) D. D Job requirements for a team lead der (slides 14 4-18) Tea acher discussses the tea ams that he/sshe is on at school, church or asssociations he e/she is am member of. T Talk abo out memberss and the eir responsib bilities. The e students sshould list the characte eristics in ttheir notes. The students should d be give en the time to disccuss the quo ote. The e teacher sh hould rea ad the Job quirements Req des 14-18) a (slid and havve the stude ents disccuss the imp portance of e each. . III. IV. Team m performance measurement and re eward A. Team results (slide 19) B. Rewards R (slid de 20) C. Teamwork qu uote (slide 21) D. Resources R (s slides 22-23)) E. Have H studentts do assignment of you r se election. Th he groups sh hould be sma all at firrst. Vie ew the slidess on ressults and rew wards. Havve the stude ents exp plain their thoughts on how to mea asure and d reward tea am effo orts. Afte er the prese entation is o over have the students do the e sele ected assign nment from m the Teamw work Asssignment ha andout or ffrom the refe erences (3.)) provided w with this lessson. Copyright © Texas Educatiion Agency, 20012. All rights reserved 4 Verb bal Ling guistic Logical Mathe ematical Visual Spattial Musica al Rhythm mic Bodily Kinesthe etic Intrapersonal Interpersonal Naturalist Ex xistentialist Applicattion Guid ded Practice e (LSI Quad drant III): The teacher will lead In the discussion d on o teamwork k. The stude ents will have a chance tto explain so ome of the team ms they have e been on. Inde ependent Prractice (LSI Quadrant III): The student will be able to perform p in a team t by com mpleting the team assign nment. Summa ary Reviiew (LSI Qu uadrants I and IV): Have e each team m tell how the ey accomplis shed the ass signment. T The discussio on should in nclude what w worked as well as what did not work. (Be careful and a do not le et students la ay blame on individual sstudents or ssay hurtful thing gs.) Evaluattion Inforrmal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): The teacher will watch the students whille they work in groups a attempting to o solve the assigned problem. Form mal Assessment (LSI Quadrant Q III, IV): The teacher will evaluate the e teams’ solution to the problem. Th his will be do one in the fo orm of a contest. The h the assigned weightt or the stron ngest set on pillars will b be the winne er. tallesst tower to hold Ex xtension Exte ension/Enric chment (LS SI Quadrant IV): The teambuilding activities can c be used as a contes st day. This would allow w more chances to try diffferent activvities taken from f the inte ernet teambu uilding activitties sites. T The same fun nctions can be incorpora ated into the m mass produc ction projects s in the class. Copyright © Texas Educatiion Agency, 20012. All rights reserved 5 Strongest Tower Students use newspaper and masking tape to build the tallest tower that will hold a golf ball. Divide the class into groups of three people. The teams will have 15 minutes to design and build the tower. They may test their design during the build time, and redesign if necessary. The teacher will do the final test after the allotted time is over. Materials: 2 sheets of newspaper 12” of masking tape 1 golf ball Directions: Each team will have materials given to them. The teams will be given 15 minutes to construct their towers. The golf ball will be placed on the top of the tower. The highest tower that holds the weight of the ball will be the winner. Options: use different balls (ping pong, tennis, baseball or softball) use different building materials (note cards, notebook paper, spaghetti pipe cleaners) Pillars of Strength Student use materials to construct the tallest and strongest supports for a platform. Material: 3 sheets of paper 12” of masking tape 1 text book per team Set of textbooks Directions: Each team will design three pillars or columns to hold up their textbooks. The teams will be given 15 minutes to design and construct their pillars. The contest will be judged by stacking more textbooks on the pillars. The set that holds the most books wins. Options: use note cards, newspaper paper or pieces of poster board Awards: The team that wins can be bragged on. The team could receive a snack or treat for winning. The teacher could bring an assorted bag or small candy for all and a candy bar for the winners. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved