Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan

Course Title: Graphic Design & Illustration

Session Title: Powerful Words

Lesson Duration: Approximately 1-2 weeks

[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor]

Performance Objective:

Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to select powerful words for advertising projects.

Specific Objectives:

Discuss the power of words.

List common power words.

Analyze common power words.

Create power word slogans for specific items.

Evaluate slogans.


TEKS Correlations:

130.88 (c)(1)

The student applies academic knowledge and skills in art and design projects. The student is expected to:

(A) apply English language arts knowledge and skills by demonstrating use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary; using correct grammar, punctuation, and terminology to write and edit documents; and composing and editing copy for a variety of written documents such as brochures, programs, posters, flyers, and magazine covers;

130.88 (c)(2)

The student understands professional communications strategies. The student is expected to:

(A) adapt language for audience, purpose, situation, and intent such as structure and style;

(C) interpret and communicate information, data and observations;

(E) apply active listening skills; and

(F) listen to and speak with diverse individuals.

130.88 (c)(8)

The student applies ethical decision making and understands and complies with laws regarding use of technology in graphic design and illustration. The student is expected to:

(E) analyze the impact of the advertising and visual communications design industry on society, including concepts related to persuasiveness, marketing, and point of view.



 http://www.stanford.edu/class/linguist34/Unit_09/words.htm

 http://www.stanford.edu/class/linguist34/Unit_07/words.htm

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Powerful Words

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.


Instructional Aids:

Powerful Words Slide Presentation

Powerful Words Worksheet

Powerful Words Rubric

Materials Needed:


Pre-selected ads

Movie advertisements





Equipment Needed:

Slide show projection equipment


Awareness of effectiveness of powerful words in his or her life.


MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):

Show the following video from http://purplefeather.co.uk/ or one similar and discuss these talking points:

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Words may encourage, incite, anger, motivate, and offer joy, peace, and numerous other tie ins.

Words may be truthful.

Words may be lies.

Words are powerful tools.

It is important to use words wisely.


MI Outline (LSI Quadrant II):

I. List common power words.

A. Persuasive words:

1. suddenly, now, introducing, sensational, bargain, miracle, magic, quick, easy

B. Words directed toward children:

1. free, new, now, remarkable, magic, offer, quick, challenge, hurry, last chance

C. Adjectives used most often in advertising:

1. new, good, free, fresh, delicious, full, sure, clean , special, big, easy, bright,

Instructor Notes:

This is a great opportunity to discuss ethics and the ethical use of persuasive words, phrases, or even “small print.” (i.e. FREE PHONE with two year contract


AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Powerful Words

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.


MI extra, safe, rich

D. Verbs used most often:

1. make, get, give, have, see, buy, come, go, know, keep, look, need, love, use, feel, like, take, taste

II. Analyze common power words.

A. What senses are involved with these words?

B. What feelings do these words evoke?

C. Do feelings change with the age of the viewer?

III. Create power word slogans for specific items.

A. Consider the audience

B. Consider the message

IV. Evaluate slogans.

A. Age appropriate

B. Ethical

C. Motivating effect


Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

This is also a great time to discuss the use of creating urgency through time limits

(the next five minutes), or limited number of opportunities (the next 20 people).

Using one item, allow the class to create slogans for all ages.

This is a classroom interactive experience.

MI Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

Using a list of objects given to you, create 20 slogans using powerful words.

Direct 10 of these toward children under 10, 5 toward teens, and 5 toward adults.

Understand that adults of varying age groups have different demands as well.

Take one item and address ages 20-35, 40-55, and 60 and older, using words directed toward their specific place in life.

These slogans will be presented to the class.


MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):

Words can hit like a hammer.

Words can soothe like a balm.

Words can encourage and entice, and offer truth or fiction.

Awareness of word choice and use can make a difference in product presentation and sales.

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Powerful Words

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.





Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):

The teacher monitors individual/group progress as students work on activities, and provides individual help/redirection as needed.

1. Ongoing evaluation by the instructor (the instructor may wish to develop a rubric on this)

2. Classroom critique

3. Information repeated, restated as needed

Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):

Teacher evaluation of the list of slogans created by the student.

Teacher evaluation of the presentation by the student.

Class critique and discussion.


MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):

Create other slogan creations.

Create a database of powerful words to use in future advertising projects.

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Powerful Words

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.



Powerful Words Worksheet

Words I like: Words I don’t like:

___________________________ ___________________________











___________________________ ___________________________

Words that create excitement: Words that seem boring:















AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Powerful Words

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.



Uses 10










Adjectives in


No attempt

No attempt

No attempt

Rubric for Powerful Words

No attempt

Attempts task

Meets standards

Exceeds standards

0 1-9 10-19 20-25

No attempt

Minimal attempt






Defined some



Minimal attempt

Used basic definitions

Used explicit definitions

Most are appropriate

Very appropriate for each age group

Complete but needs work

Excellent descriptions

Total Score_________________

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Powerful Words

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.

