Document 13910660

Turn-Taking and Coordination in Human-Machine Interaction: Papers from the 2015 AAAI Spring Symposium
The Sound Makes the Greeting: Interpersonal Functions
of Intonation in Human-Robot Interaction
Maria Ibh Crone Aarestrup, Lars C. Jensen, and Kerstin Fischer
Institute for Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark
appreciate robots that employ different intonation contours
in greetings in human-robot interaction and which kinds of
intonation contours people prefer.
In this paper, we study the effects of different ways of
producing greetings in human-robot interaction. We first
generated computer utterances of verbal greetings, whose
intonation contours, we then manipulated using Praat. Each
utterance was matched with a video of a robot waving a
greeting at the observer. Altogether, the experiment uses
two lexical items (hello vs. hi), three robots and four
different intonation contours. The videos were distributed
over different questionnaires so that each participant only
got to see each robot once. The results reveal that native
speakers of English rate the robots significantly different
concerning friendliness, assertiveness, and engagement
depending on the intonation contours. However, these
effects differ for the different lexical items, and the
apparently non-conventional hi with rising intonation
contour was in fact rated as most engaging.
2 Previous Work
Previous work concerns greetings in human
communication, the functions of intonation in greetings,
and the role of greetings in human-robot interaction.
2.1 Human Greetings
In interactions between humans, greetings are important
because they often have consequences for the interaction
that follows and they fulfill several functions. Krivonos
and Knapp (1975) describe three different functions of
First, greetings are a means of signaling accessibility to
other people. Second, greetings can reveal information
about the exact state of the relationship between two
people, depending on which kind of greeting people
engage in and how well they know each other. Third, they
also have a maintaining function, regulating interpersonal
relationships; for instance, one would want to design a
greeting for a close friend differently than for a new
colleague, and for that close friend differently whether it’s
been a year or two hours since our last encounter (PilletShore 2012).
Kendon (1990) distinguishes between three stages of
greetings: the distance salutation, the approach, and the
close salutation. These stages might be accompanied by
different nonverbal acts such as head tosses, head lowers,
nodding and waves. In this paper, we concentrate on close
1 Introduction
Greetings are social exchanges (Kendon 1990) and involve
both nonverbal, such as proxemics (e.g. Kendon 1990), and
verbal features. Verbal features comprise the length, height
and loudness of an utterance as well as its realization in
terms of speech melody, or intonation contour, which
speakers make use of when designing greetings for their
respective addressees (Pillet-Shore 2012).
Several studies in human-robot interaction have focused
on nonverbal properties of greetings, such as proximity,
gesture and facial expression (e.g. Heenan et al 2013,
Trovato et al. 2013, and Scheeff et al. 2002). In contrast,
this paper focuses on verbal greetings in human-robot
interaction, more precisely on the use of different
intonation contours to fulfill interpersonal functions, for
instance regarding formality, politeness and friendliness in
greetings. It is examined how people perceive and
2.2 Greetings and Intonation Contours
Copyright © 2015, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
People design their greetings prosodically, adapting the
intonation contours of the greetings to the addressee, and
by doing this, people express stance toward their addressee
and their current relationship (Pillet-Shore 2012). On the
one hand, there are suggestions about the functions of
intonation contours in general. For instance, Tench
(1996:105) suggests that
thus different predictions regarding the effects of speech
melody on the perception of the speaker.
In sum, intonation is an important feature of spoken
interaction to convey both linguistic and pragmatic
meanings. In the case of greetings, intonation contours
have been suggested to indicate, for instance, formality or
informality and interest in the addressee, yet the exact
function is unclear.
- a fall indicates the speaker’s dominance in knowing
and telling something, in telling someone what to
do, and in expressing their own feelings;
- a rise indicate a speaker’s deference to the
addressee’s knowledge, their right to decide, and
their feelings.
2.3 Greetings and Intonation Contours
Several studies in human-robot interaction have addressed
how robots should initiate conversation. Many have looked
at nonverbal behavior including proximity (e.g. Heenan et
al. 2013 and Satake et al. 2009), gestures (e.g. Trovato et
al. 2013), and facial expressions (e.g. Breazeal &
Scassellati 1999 and Scheeff et al. 2002). Cockley et al.
(2005) argue that greetings should be used in human-robot
interaction to foster long-term interactions. The greetings
should make the robot friendly and engaging and help
shape expectations for humans on how to communicate
with robots. Furthermore, Pitsch et al. (2009) demonstrate
that the first 5 seconds matter in human-robot interaction
and Bar et al. (2006) suggest that first impressions can be
formed already after the first 39ms; thus, verbal greetings
may have an effect on creating certain robot personalities.
However, other authors suggest other functions for
rising and falling intonation contours. For instance, Lakoff
(1972) suggests that rising intonation contours are
associated with politeness and insecurity. In contrast,
Fishman (1978) holds that a rising intonation contour is
associated with more involvement of, and openness to, the
addressee, whereas a falling intonation contour is
associated with more factual information and less
involvement of the addressee.
Moreover, utterances do not necessarily only have either
a falling or rising nuclear tone, but they can also exhibit a
so-called fall/rise intonation contour (Wells 2006); a
fall/rise contour has been suggested to attract attention to
what is said (Tench 1996).
Using ethnomethodological conversation analysis (Sacks
et al. 1974), some authors have also identified interactional
effects of such intonation contours. For instance, Gardner
(2001) analyzes the functions of intonation contours of the
backchannel mm and finds that a falling speech melody
signals the end of a topic whereas a rising melody elicits
further information from the communication partner. These
studies suggest that a greeting with rising intonation should
be perceived as more open and engaging than a greeting
with falling intonation contour.
On the other hand, some studies make concrete
predictions regarding intonation contours in greetings. For
instance, Wells (2006) argues that there are default tones
for the greetings hello and hi. The greeting hello can either
have a falling or a rising intonation contour. The falling
intonation contour is the default tone and is assumed to be
more formal. The rising intonation contour makes the
greeting hello more personal and expresses an added
interest in the addressee. According to Wells (2006), the
greeting hi in English can only take a falling intonation
In contrast, Pillet-Shore (2012), who uses as
conversation analytic approach, finds only either slightly
falling or falling-to-low intonation contours in her data.
She argues that longer fall-to-low greetings are used with
friends while shorter greetings with slight falls are used for
strangers. These two studies, Wells and Pillet-Shore, make
3 Method and Procedure
Figure 1: ‘Hello’ with falling and rising contour
We created videos of three different robots greeting the
observer using different intonation contours as stimuli by
matching video scenes of robots waving at the observer
with one of two utterances in order to study the effect of
different greetings and their intonation contours. Thus, the
same robot would be heard in one condition with one
intonation contour and in the second condition with
another. These videos were then played to participants in a
questionnaire study. Participants were asked about their
impressions of each robot based on its greeting, which
meant that they could only see each robot once and three in
total. The effects of the intonation contours were thus
tested in pairs (see the section on stimuli creation below).
3.3 Analysis
The analysis of the results of the questionnaire was carried
out by means of a one-way ANOVA using the statistical
software package SPSS.
4 Results
In total, 200 participants completed the questionnaire on
Crowdflower, yet we eliminated the data of those
participants who completed the questionnaire faster than
the total length of the videos in the questionnaire, leaving
us with 120 participants. The majority of these participants
are non-native speakers of English and between 20 and 40
years old. The linguistic background of this group is very
heterogeneous; the participants report more than 30
different languages as their native languages. Of the 120
participants, 24 participants are native speakers of English.
The statistical analysis shows that there are no
significant results for the conditions for the non-native
speakers of English. However, if we consider only the
evaluations made by the group of native speakers of
English, the results are very different:
First, concerning the Care-O-bot, when asked to rate the
robot that uses hello with a falling intonation contour, the
robot is rated significantly more friendly (M = 2.83, SD =
0,91) than the robot that uses the rising intonation contour
(M = 3.67. SD = 1.03), [F(1,28) = 5.46, p = .027].
Furthermore, the Care-O-bot that uses hello with a falling
intonation contour is rated significantly more certain
(M = 3.00, SD = 1.04) than the Care-O-bot that uses the
rising intonation contour (M = 3.89, SD = 1.23), [F(1,28) =
5.35, p = .028]. Moreover, the Care-O-bot that uses hello
with a falling intonation contour is rated significantly
better at getting attention (M = 3.00, SD = 1.41) than the
Care-O-bot that uses the rising intonation contour
(M = 4.00, SD = 0.91) [F(1,28) = 5.60, p = .025].
Second, we find that concerning the Nao that uses hello
with a falling-rising intonation contour is rated
significantly more engaging (M = 2.64, SD = 0.92) than
the Nao that uses hello with the flat intonation contour (M
= 3.44, SD = 0.98) [F(1,27) = 4.82, p = .037].
Third, the Robosapien that uses hi with a rising
intonation contour (M = 2,36, SD = 1,21) is rated more
engaging on a near-significant level than the Robosapien
that uses hi with the falling intonation contour (M = 3.17.
SD = 1.04) [F(1,27) = 4.40, p = .069]. Further, the robot
that uses hi with a rising intonation contour (M = 2.27,
SD = 1.19) is rated as significantly better at getting
attention in a positive way than the robot that uses the
falling intonation contour (M = 3.39. SD = 1.20) [F(1,27) =
5.97, p = .021].
Figure 2: ‘Hello’ with fall/rise and flat intonation contour.
3.1 Stimuli
Each greeting (hello and hi) was first produced using a
text-to-speech synthesizer and then imported into Praat,
where the intonation contours were manually manipulated
to create the chosen intonation contours for each greeting.
We then matched each greeting with a video of a robot
waving a greeting at the observer. The robots used are:
Care-O-bot, developed by Frauenhofer IPA; the video of
the Care-O-bot was matched with hello with a falling and
with hello with a rising intonation contour.
Nao, developed by Aldebaran Robotics; the video of the
Nao was matched with hello with a fall-rise and with hello
with a flat intonation contour.
Robosapien, developed by WowWee; the video of the
Robosapien was matched with hi with a falling and with hi
with a rising intonation contour.
Figure 3: ‘Hi’ with a falling and rising intonation contour
3.2 Questionnaire
We used a self-administered online questionnaire using the
distribution platform Crowdflower. The first part of the
questionnaire consists of demographic questions. In the
second part, participants were asked to rate the robot they
have seen in the video on a semantic differential scale from
1-7 regarding the following aspects: formality, politeness,
friendliness, certainty, and engagement. These questions
concern the functions hypothesized to hold for the
intonation contours suggested in the literature. The videos
were distributed across different questionnaires so that
each participant only got to see each robot once.
unfolding (see Pitsch et al. 2009). The effects identified
occurred with all three robots, suggesting that the findings
may apply to social robots in general. The details of
linguistic production should thus be taken into account in
robot utterance design.
5 Discussion
First, we find that the different intonation contours do not
influence the interpretation of the robots by nonnative
speakers of English. This is understandable since the
intonation systems differ considerably between languages,
yet they are hardly ever covered in language teaching.
Non-native speakers thus seem to simply ignore this cue in
their evaluation of the greeting. Second, we observed that
native speakers of English rate the robots significantly
different depending on the intonation contours used. The
robot that uses hello with a falling intonation contour was
rated as more friendly, more certain, and better at getting
attention. This is in line with the literature on the effects of
falling versus rising intonation in general, where falling
intonation is associated with assertiveness. Moreover,
people preferred the robot that uses a fall/rise intonation
contour over a robot that uses a flat intonation contour in
terms of engagement. This is in accordance with PilletShore (2012) since a falling-rising intonation contour
signals more interactional effort than a flat contour and
should thus signal more engagement. Finally, the robot that
uses hi with a rising intonation contour was rated as more
engaging and as better at getting attention.
Particularly interesting is the finding that hello with
rising contour is rated as less attention getting than hi with
rising intonation, which corresponds to Wells’ observation
that hi is not conventionally used with rising intonation.
Thus, the unusual combination of lexical item and
intonation contour creates an attention-getting effect.
The results have implications for the design of robot
greetings such that at least for native speakers of the
respective language intonation seems to provide important
social cues.
A possible limitation of this study is the use of
Crowdflower to elicit responses; online questionnaires may
simply not be reliable enough. Another possible problem is
that the results have been obtained using video interactions
and thus may not be applicable to real interactions with
‘live’ robots. However, the results obtained here are in line
with recent results by Fischer et al. (2014), where similar
effects were observed for robots with falling and rising
intonation in beep sequences. Thus, we believe that we can
safely assume that the results also apply to real-life humanrobot interactions.
To conclude, while much previous work on human-robot
interaction has concentrated on nonverbal aspects of
human-robot interaction, our results suggest that the highly
multifunctional, social system of verbal communication
needs to be adjusted carefully to interactions with robots in
order to produce the desired effects. Our results show that
for native speakers of English, intonation contours carry
meanings that influence the first impression the robot
makes, which in turn may be defining for the interaction
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