Reading vs. Delivering: Marking up your Manuscript Anyone can read a manuscript. Your goal is to deliver a speech-- not simply read it. There is a big difference. Delivery is for entertaining and engaging your reader; reading is merely for relaying information. Which type would you rather listen to? Deliver the examples aloud using the target areas and manuscript markings to guide you. Mark all manuscripts accordingly. Target Area Elongation Manuscript Marking Repeated letters Rising intonation Arrow up ( ) (up) OR italicize Example No waaaaaaaaaaaay! There are three things to remember. Falling intonation Arrow down ( ) OR In a world where black is white and white is (down) Bold & underline black... Punch Capital letters I have NO idea. Pregnant pause/// Sentence fragments And I never. /// Saw her./// Again. Gestures and Brackets facial expressions We all [spread arms apart] must join together [smile]... Crescendo << << <<It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.<< Decrescendo >> >> >>It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.>> Try it yourself: Your Sentences Elongation Repeated letters 1. Intonation (up) Italicize 1. Intonation (down) Bold & underline 1. Punch Capital letters 1. Pregnant pause Sentence fragments 1. Gestures and facial expressions Brackets 1. Crescendo << << 1. Decrescendo >> << 1.